The Theosophical Forum – August 1942

"THE SKIN OF THE EARTH" — Martyn Witter

As one looks back to the theosophical literature of the latter part of the nineteenth century one finds often very stimulating articles. One such appeared in The Path of October, 1889. It was called "The Skin of the Earth." (1) Its author without question must have seen the things he writes of, for his descriptions are too exact and philosophically accurate to be otherwise. In articles of such a character the author often revealed truths of his inner experiences that would never have appeared in such a dramatic form in mere articles on philosophy.

The manner and setting by which the author introduces his subject is unimportant and may be even fictional. However the philosophical implications contained in his description of the Earth are most revealing.

As the story runs, he was gazing upon the revolving mass of the earth as from a distance. This globe in miniature was covered with hosts of small creatures whose encircling movements caused the sphere to revolve. Thus the author was evidently seeing the entities composing the life force of the earth, i. e. the pranic force of the earth. With the eye of a seer he could see that the whole globe was filled with these same creatures who were constantly coming from the surface and moving to the center along well-defined magnetic lines of force. No description of the actual direction and location of these lines was given, for this is reserved for esotericists. The beings which moved in these magnetic lines of force were of every color and form; some were like star-blossoms of the sea while others appeared to be similar to man himself. They all throbbed with an interior pulse of light while their pure tints waxed and waned. Here we see that they were developed entities with well-defined cycles in their auras. In their real essence they were centers of energy around which light condensed. Indeed, they were vehicles for the energy of the sun. There was a constant progression of type and form. Some were very primitive while others were well progressed and on the very verge of self-consciousness. The more progressed ones had larger orbits and many satellites circling about them.

Let us look for analogies in our own solar system. These systems all owed obedience to an interior Power which expressed itself by shedding rays upon all. Each of the systems composed of these little creatures existed for the service of the rest, thus complementing and sustaining each other as they worked in their labors of love and devotion. As mentioned before, they assisted the earth in its revolutions upon its axis, and in addition they guided it in its orbit. Also as they grew they stimulated the latent spark in the metals and assisted all the underworld growth as the flame awakens other flames.

The author goes on to say that the orbit of these docile and beautiful creatures made a passage to and fro through the Mystic Wall of the earth. Thus their duties were upon the earth as well as beneath its surface, and in reward for the faithful fulfilment of their functions they were lifted continually into higher service and form.

Now not all was well with the beautiful workings of these faithful beings. There were other beings on this globe who built cities and waged wars. The thoughts of the two-legged creatures seemed for the most part like a dark mist full of noxious vapor which deadened while it chilled. Verbum sapienti! Many of our faithful beings were paralyzed and some even became servants of this baleful mist formed from the thoughts of men. This created a disturbance that checked the orbital revolutions but still the whole throng held together as some huge iridescent heart that went on throbbing in the gloom.

Certain locations upon the earth were worse than others. Where too many servants of the Law were stamped with the evil of men's minds they were no longer harmonious and became like an avenging host bringing plague and suffering to those responsible. Where whole continents became wicked the effect was so great that the circling globe was disturbed in its movement and moved off its axis. Then great sections of the earth were flooded and cleaned of their burdens. Sweet and fresh lands were left bare for those who were servants of the Law. Turbulent waters and sinking lands were left for those who had struggled, with their magic, to be little rulers of the Universe. This is the reward of those who strive to serve Nature and those who would be little rulers. No puny man can pit his will against the surges of Nature and long endure. Those beautiful rivers of lives, that so faithfully pass from the inner to the outer skin of the earth and back again in their whirling cycles, cannot for long be burdened by man. Let man sow seeds of hatred and strife for a long enough period and the surging lives of the invisible worlds will prove to be faithful guardians whose duties are to devour that which stands in their way. At such times, it is too late for men to fall to their knees and cry to the Gods for aid. Indeed, they who dare sow a whirlwind among the peaceful creatures of the Great Mother must reap the same.


1. One of W. Q. Judge's stories written under the pseudonym Bryan Kinnavan. (return to text)

Theosophical University Press Online Edition