
All Great Things are Simple

Letha Reineman

The seeming complexities in manifestation are almost childishly simple when traced back to their beginnings. The elements that build this wonderful universe of ours, with its infinite variety, and countless hosts of living beings in all the different kingdoms, are very few in number.

The most spectacular example of this, brought strongly to our attention at the present time, is the structure of the atom, and what happens when these infinitesimally small particles depart too far from the balance required by Nature. Our leading periodicals are full of articles on the subject, illustrated by diagrams in such a way that even a child can understand the underlying principle of the construction of the atom, and what takes place in atomic fission, and why. Yet it is one of Nature's most profound laws, and one she has carefully guarded through the ages. Now the secret has been given to man; however, he as yet has not discovered what the terrific force is that holds the nucleus of the atom together, and what keeps the electrons in their orbits around it.

Only after force from outside is applied upon the nucleus of certain atoms, disturbing their equilibrium suddenly, do we have the awful phenomenon of the exploding atom bomb. It seems that only atoms that are too complex in their structure, are subject to outside forces working upon them so destructively. It is Nature's way to return all things to stability, and the breaking down of complex atomic structures is for the purpose of returning to a more simple form, and therefore to a more balanced condition. Left to herself Nature takes care of these things more slowly, as in the natural disintegration of radioactive minerals.

It is only in action and manifestation that complexities arise, a necessary part of the growth of all living things. But Nature will allow this to go only so far, and eventually returns all things to the beginning center after the experience has been completed, to go forth again into a new and greater life expression. This is a universal law and applies to all living entities, from the smallest cell form to the most highly organized groups. It is easy to apply the analogy to civilizations. We know from past history what happens when a certain point is reached in specialization, when man is given to indulge in all the soul destroying superficialities that civilization accumulates unto itself: disintegration is the inevitable result.

Religions in the past have suffered the same fate. Creeds, doctrines, beliefs and superstitions have attached themselves, barnacle-like, to the original close relationship between the Divine and man, so that the golden germ of truth with which they started has been all but hidden. If we can bombard these attachments with the light of knowledge and spiritual insight, they will have to break down into their original forms. We would then have replaced old man-made laws with something higher and more powerful, more universal and therefore simpler.

There is a story about Jesus, the Christ, who was met by a delegation of church dignitaries, and questioned about many fine points of their law regarding taxes, what is proper to be done on the Sabbath, personal relationships after the resurrection and other matters, all subjects of endless argument, and with which they hoped to confuse him. Someone finally asked him what was the first commandment of all. His answer, transcending petty differences of opinion about things that do not matter, silenced all further questioning. He said:

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind and with all thy strength, — and

"Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these."

Through the ages man has builded a wonderful and complex organism for his use in contacting and living more completely and self-consciously in a complex material world. The simple, spiritual beginning which is the center of his being, has somehow become buried in too much complexity. It is now man's job to work himself — his true Self — through these obscuring veils, and to function freely once more from his true center. For when this Divine Spark — that lies at the very core of man's being, and illuminates and holds together the whole constitution — is recognized, and its true significance understood, man's possibilities will begin to truly unfold.

The mind of man, wonderful as it is, is not the true center. Its very complexity proves it to be otherwise. In comparison it is like the structure of the uranium atom, its stability in danger of being upset by the bombardment of outside influences. The real force is higher yet, and overcomes and controls all other forces.

It is of vital importance that we understand man's constitution. It explains all of man's vagaries — all of his miseries, dualities, as well as his noble qualities of courage, aspiration, altruism, etc., and why these are all bound up together in one composite bundle of different states of consciousness making one individual, known as man.

If we knew in which parts of our nature to center our consciousness and how to hold it there, using all other parts in their useful and proper place, what might we not accomplish in our own development, and in the regeneration of mankind.

(From Sunrise magazine, May 1952; copyright © 1952 Theosophical University Press)

Let every man remember that the destiny of mankind is incomparable and that it depends greatly on his will to collaborate in the transcendent task. Let him remember that the Law is, and always has been, to struggle and that the fight has lost nothing of its violence by being transposed from the material onto the spiritual plane; let him remember that his own dignity, his nobility as a human being, must emerge from his efforts to liberate himself from his bondage and to obey his deepest aspirations. And let him above all never forget that the divine spark is in him, in him alone, and that he is free to disregard it, to kill it, or to come closer to God by showing his eagerness to work with Him, and for Him. — Lecomte du Nouy

Theosophical University Press Online Edition