71, Broadway, N.Y.,
Augt. 1st,
A. P. Sinnett, Esq.
My dear Sir — and Brother,
I have had great pleasure in reading your Occult World, and in this country so far away from India, it has been for me a source of great profit as well as encouragement. I never have had the pleasure of speaking to you, but hope one day I shall; but there is, for me at least, between us a close bond of sympathy in that we both have been in the same current. Although I never had the name given me I have when Mme. Blavatsky was here had the honor of hearing from him βΈ« viva voce, I mean Koot Hoomi and also from others. And I would give much to see some of the handwriting of those letters to you if it were only one word, because I have a handwriting here in a certain blue material with which I would like to compare it.
You certainly have been exceptionally honored, and why, they must have some reason. While H.P.B. was here, they came many and many a time and spoke with Olcott and myself. But their identity was secure because neither of us at that time could pierce the wall of matter and see the true occupant. We had to depend entirely upon changes of expression.
I thank you for the book; it will be so much on the way, and will aid to establish the counter current now so much needed. For myself it serves to keep vivid and green the facts I once witnessed and which time perhaps might without it, render weak and maybe incredible.
I am, fraternally yours,
because "there is a spirit in man."
William Q. Judge,
N.Y. Rec. Secy. T.S.
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