The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett

Letter No. 3

Postcard addressed to A. P. Sinnett Esq.

Tendril, Simla,
Aug. 9. {1882}

Savez-vous quel jour votre article Indo-British India a ete publie? Le Sept. Et savez-vous, que vous avez trouve un ami pour la vie dans Morya? Ces quelques bonnes paroles prononcies pour la premiere fois dans le Pioneer. Vous feront plus de bien que tout ce que vous avez fait jusqu'ici. Je ne comprenais pas pourquoi il montrait tant d'anxiete de vous envoyer son portrait. Je comprends tant maintenant.

{Translation: Do you know what day your Indo-British India article was published? The 7th. And do you know that you have found a friend for life in Morya? These few good words uttered for the first time in the Pioneer. You will do more good than everything you have done so far. I didn't understand why he was so anxious to send you his portrait. I understand so much now.} 

I send you to-day the proofs of the two letters. Please send them back as soon as possible.

Yours in Indo-British India,
H. P. B. Mulligan.

Theosophical University Press Online Edition