The Path – June 1889
JUNE — J. C. T.
Theosophy, thou art the truth
In morning of delightful clay.
Thou art the day itself — thy youth
Knows no declining nor decay.
Survivor of the vast array
Of creeds in every age and clime,
Thou dost the centuries survey
In one eternal June of time.
Thou art the universal love
Which lights and leads men on their way;
Thou art the wisdom from above
No man may idly disobey.
When Earth in distant lives is gray,
Yet wilt thou rule in golden prime,
Maintaining thy majestic sway
In one eternal June of Time.
Where Truth's reviving waters play
And laws of Love and Wisdom chime,
Forever and forever stay
In one eternal June of Time.
The Path
Theosophical University Press Online Edition