I know a secret place where no man goes
A shrine where I and my lover re-unite
And here where none can trespass no man knows
The bliss which she and I will share this night.
Her shrine is placed beyond the reach of those
Of worldly fortune, conquest, and of fame
And should you lift a finger to oppose her will
You search for sight of her in vain.
She is not bought, not bribed, not planned
But waits for every-man if he would rise
Innocence and wisdom walk hand in hand
And they alone escort you to her side.
The plains and hills which beckon to a child
The stream whispering to the sleeping stones
The plumed ocean in her ways grown wild
The lonely grave embracing whitened bones.
Each gives testimony of this endless search
With purer eloquence than book or church
As stars to a child's untutored eyes
Are lamps in heaven shining from paradise.
(From Sunrise magazine, February/March 1997. Copyright © 1997 by Theosophical University Press)