Edberg, Rolf
"Emerging World Power" (Jan 75)
Ek, Marianne E.
"Action in Inaction" (Dec 00/Jan 01)
Eklund, Dara
"Authority of the Torches" (Aug/Sep 04)
"Divine Discontent" (Dec 05/Jan 06)
"Culture of Concentration" (Jun/Jul 01)
"Duty, the Royal Talisman" (Feb/Mar 99)
"Worlds within Worlds" (Apr/May 04)
Eklund, Gosta
"Mystic Wisdom of Old" (Apr/May 82)
Engelse, J. W.
"Thoughts and Responsibility" (Aug/Sep 96)
Evans, Livija
"The Man in the Mirror""The Man in the Mirror" by Livija Evans (Oct/Nov 01)
Farthing, Ann
"Pretend You Are Someone Else" (Jun 52)
"A Teaspoon of Honey" (Jul 53)
Fazelbhoy, Ahmed
"The Kartik Moon and the Rajput Princess" (Mar 80)
Fekken, W.
"Beyond Words" (Aug 53)
"Harvest Time" (Oct 52)
Felthuis, Willy Ph.
"The Art of Ignoring" (Jun/Jul 04)
"Chasing Our Thoughts" (Apr 72)
"Ebb and Flow (Nov 53)
"Rhythms and Cycles" (May 72)
Fergusson, Toni
Book Review Sacred Mountains by Adrian Cooper (Fall 07)
Fernandez, Gene
"The Maya Creation Story" (Aug/Sep 01)
Ferreira, Paulo F.
From Our Readers (Jun/Jul 99)
Fersch, Hans
"The Three Worlds of Man" (Jun/Jul 89)
Fischer, Gerhard
"The Higher Occultism" (Dec 92/Jan 93)
"Spiritual Enlightenment versus Psychic Illusions" (Jun/Jul 02)
"Training and Disciplining Our Thoughts" (Jun/Jul 99)
Flach, Peter
"The Divine Ethic" (Jun/Jul 82)
"The Eternal Challenge" (Sep 54)
Foley, Timothy
From Our Readers (Spring 07)
Franklin, P.
"Tale of Three Rings" (Feb 54)
Fussell, J. H.
"The School of Antiquity: Its Meaning, Purpose, and Scope" (Apr/May 98)
"The Significance of Easter" (Apr/May 99)
Galanopoulou, Sisi
From Our Readers (Spring 07)
Geer, Hans
"Facing the Sphinx" (Feb 54)
"The Horseman" (Dec 51)
"Sparks of Light" (Feb 52)
George, Virginia V.
"Death of a Duck" (Aug/Sep 99)
"The First Nowell" (Dec 85/Jan 86)
"Horizons Unlimited" (Apr/May 85)
"One Part of the Truth" (Apr/May 89)
"A Tent in which to Pass a Summer Night" (Feb/Mar 87)
Ghahremani, Homa A.
"Simorgh — An Old Persian Fairy Tale" by (Jun/Jul 84)
Glenn, Taylor
"Color the World One" (Oct/Nov 04)
Goldsworthy, Nadine Moore
"One Mysterious Life-Force" (Aug/Sep 97)
Gomes, Michael
"Abner Doubleday and Theosophy in America: 1879-1884" (Apr/May 91)
Gonggrijp, J. G.
"The Chain of Friendship" (May 71)
Goop, Rune E.
"Beauty Yoga" (Apr/May 05)
"Two New Year's Resolutions" (Dec 01/Jan 02)
"Universal Brotherhood — Fact or Fiction?" (Jun/Jul 02)
Green, Elmer and Alyce
"New Age Awareness — A Timely Warning" (Apr 75)
Groot, Herko
"Music and the Child" (Aug 53)
Guest, Lo
"A Brotherhood of Men" (Dec 02/Jan 03)
"Dangers of Dogmatism" (Feb/Mar 03)
"Kabbalah and Theosophy" (Dec 05/Jan 06)
"The Law of the Outback" (Oct/Nov 87)
"The Pulse of Life" (Feb 80)
"Simply Two Women" (Jun/Jul 76; Spring 07)
"The Truth of Myths" (Jun/Jul 98)
Hagelin, B.
"A Life to Spend" (Mar 80)
Hailsham, Lord
"The End of the Search" (Jun/Jul 75)
Hall, Arnold M.
"Far-off Beacon" (Dec 51)
Hall, Caroline
"Patterns of Action" (Mar 53)
Hall, Marjorie
"Distant Scene" (Jan 54)
"Man, A Cosmic Pilgrim" (Oct/Nov 89)
"A Spell of Insight" (Jun/Jul 86)
"There's Something Going On!" (Nov 51)
"'Watchman, What of the Night?'" (May 54)
Hall, Renee
"The DNA of Fairy Tales: Their Origin and Meaning" (Aug/Sep 00)
Halliday, Grant
From Our Readers (Jun/Jul 05)
Hamann, Dorothea
"Winter Solstice: Gift of Illumination" (Dec 93/Jan 94)
Hanken, Frances
"Evening Reverie (Jan 54)
"The Tramp" (Jun 53)
Harley, E.
"Beauty Unperceived" (Sum 07)
Harrison, Hugh H.
"Chaos Reconsidered" (Dec 96/Jan 97)
"Consciousness IS" (Apr/May 95)
"From Our Readers" (Aug/Sep 99)
"From Our Readers" (Dec 99/Jan 00)
"A Time of Transition" (Dec 98/Jan 99)
Harrison, Ruth K.
"Something Special in the Air" (Feb/Mar 97)
Harrison, Vernon
"Replies to Criticism": from H. P. Blavatsky and the SPR (Jun/Jul 97)
Hart, A. Studley
"'Occult' Traps" (Aug 52)
"Peas in a Pod" (Jun 52)
"The Turning of the Wheel" (Jul 52)
"Why Should We Be Just?" (May 52)
Hart, Eloise
"Aesop's Fables, Jataka Tales — Truths Older Than Time" (Jun/Jul 87)
"The Book of God" (Zoroastrianism, pt 1)
Book Review: (Oct/Nov 04) (Open Secrets: The Letters of Reb Yerachimiel ben Yisrael by Rami M. Shapiro)
"Book Review" (Winter 07) (The View from the Center of the Universe by Joel R. Primack and Nancy Ellen Abrams)
Book Review (Fall 07) (Life after Death by Deepak Chopra)
"Coming Forth into the Day" (Dec 03/Jan 04)
"Cupid and Psyche — An Ancient Mystery Tale" (Feb/Mar 86)
"The Day that Has No Night" (Jun 52)
"The Delphic Oracle" (Oct/Nov 85)
"Descents into Hades — Ascents into Heaven" (Apr/May 89)
"The Divine Presence" (Oct/Nov 99)
"The Divine Races of Ancient Ireland" (Nov 79)
"Do You Really Think We Will Live Again?" (Apr/May 94)
"The Dragon's Call" (Dec 78)
"The Emerald Tablet" (Apr/May 06)
"Friends from Afar" (Feb/Mar 05)
"The Gods Await — Just in the Wings" (Apr/May 05)
"Holy Wind, Holy Spirit" (Apr/May 01)
"How Karma Works" (Nov 77)
"Hui-neng — Patriarch of Zen Buddhism" (Jun/Jul 01)
"Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth" (Oct/Nov 02)
"I Never Knew Katherine Tingley" (Apr/May 98)
"Karma — and a Prisoner" (Jun/Jul 88)
"Karma Examined" (Jun/Jul 91)
"Kuan Yin: Goddess of Mercy, Friend of Mankind" (Dec 84/Jan 85)
"A Lamp of the True Light" (Jainism, pt 2) (Jan 76)
"Lighting the Fires of Mind" (Apr/May 93)
"The Logic of Jain Mystical Doctrines" (Jainism, pt 3) (Feb 76)
"The Lotus" (Apr/May 91)
"The Mayan Popol Vuh" (Oct/Nov/ 86)
"Monster Slayer's Quest — The Navaho Way" (Apr/May 82)
"Moses and Those 'Horns' " (May 74)
"The Mysterious Workings of Karma" (Oct/Nov 96)
"Nature's 'Hidden Treasures' " by Eloise Hart (Feb/Mar 04)
"Pages of Medieval Mideastern History" (Apr 73; May 73)
"Path of the Spiritual Warrior" (Oct/Nov 01)
"The Prophet of Light" (Zoroastrianism, pt 3) (Feb 77)
"The Quest and Legacy of Mankind" (Apr/May 88)
"Reincarnation and Karma" (Apr/May 99)
"The Secret Doctrine in Symbol and Glyph" (Jun/Jul 00)
"Servants of God" (Feb 52)
"Sikhism: An Umbrella of Spiritual Majesty" (Jul 71)
"The Story of Beginnings" (Zoroastrianism, pt 2) (Jan 77)
"To Revive the Mysteries of Antiquity" (Apr/May 00)
"Three Awakening Sights: Old Age, Disease, Death" (Jun/Jul 89)
"To Know the Self" (Apr/May 02)
"The Twenty-Four 'Buddhas' of Jainism" (Jainism, pt. 1) (Dec 75)
"The Vast Individual" (Zoroastrianism, pt 4) (Apr 77)
"The Vision of Ardai Viraf" (Zoroastrianism, pt 5) (Jun/Jul 77)
"What Goes Around Comes Around" (Aug/Sep 99)
"Wisdom Teachings of the Hopi" (Oct/Nov 90)
Hasbrouk, John S.
"An Engineer's Approach" (Oct 51)
"Is There Something More" (Jan 52)
"Mental Vacuums" (Nov 53)
"The Propped-up House" (Nov 51)
"Steps to Understanding" (Jan 54)
Havel, Vaclav
"The Miracle of Being: Our Mysterious Interdependence" (Oct/Nov 94)
"A Sense of the Transcendental" (Dec 97/Jan 98)
"Summer Meditations" (Apr/May 92)
"The World in Our Hands" (Oct/Nov 95)
Hawk, Shawn
"Trapped" (Dec 05/Jan 06)
Haynes, George Emerson
"Search for Life's Meaning" (Dec 70)
Head, Trude
"Autumn Reflections" (Jun/Jul 91)
Hejka-Ekins, Jerry
"The Secret Doctrine in the Light of 20th-Century Thought" (Apr/May 89)
Henne, Viola
"On 'The Woman Who Willed a Miracle' " (Oct/Now 86)
Henry, T.
"Fate or Free Will?" (Oct/Nov 02)
"An Allegory" (Nov 73)
Hiltner, Richard E., MD
"Judge's Ideas on Health" (Apr/May 96)
Hockinson, A. G.
"Through the Corridors of Time" by Gertrude W. Hockinson (Jun/Jul 04)
"Wonders All Around" (Oct 74)
Hockinson, Gertrude W.
"The First Christmas" (Dec 53)
"Lord of the Citadel" (Aug/Sep 89)
"The Mockingbird" (Apr/May 88)
"Our Divine Imagination" (Jun/Jul 03)
"To Sleep Is to Awake" (Aug 54)
Hodges, Leonard
"Glamor of Desire" (Dec 53)
Hollister, Warren
"Giordano Bruno and the Infinite Universe" (Mar 75)
Holmes, Enoch A.
"As Old as Time: Welsh Creation Myths" (Nov 76)
"Celts and Druids, Who Were They?" (Aug/Sep 76)
"Druids: Adepts or Savages?" (Aug/Sep 77)
"A Friend Told Me All about It... " (Oct/Nov 05)
"Giants and Floods" (May 76)
"The Law that Moves to Righteousness" (Aug 53)
"The Perennial Story" (Dec 00/Jan 01)
Hopkins, Doris
"Glorious Adventure" (Oct 51)
"No Moving Finger" (Nov 51)
Horton, Barbara Curtis
"From Our Readers" (Dec 99/Jan 00)
"From Our Readers" (Dec 00/Jan 01)
From Our Readers (Dec 01/Jan 02)
"The Host" (Dec 98/Jan 99)
"The Owl" (Jun/Jul 98)
Hostler, Constance
"The Listening Heart" (Aug 53)
Hughes, Dirk
"The Accountability of Karma" (Feb/Mar 01)
Hunt, Sarah
"The Bhagavad-Gita... a Symposium" with I. M. Oderberg and Ingrid Van Mater (Dec 74)
"Our Inner Strength" (Dec 97/Jan 98)
Immink, Phyllis
"The Secret Wisdom of Symbols" (Aug/Sep 96)
Jampolsky, Gerald G.
"Love is Healing, is Freedom from Fear: A Conversation with Gerald G. Jampolsky" (Oct/Nov 81)
Jansma, Rudi
"Ahimsa" (Apr/May 05)
"The Conscious Ecosystem: Ecology from a Theosophic Perspective" (Apr/May 90)
"Cosmic Mind in the Microcosm" (Apr/May 04)
"Evolution in the Vishnu Purana" (Apr/May 99)
"The Fourteenfold Path of the Jains" (Oct/Nov 00)
"From Our Readers" (Dec 00/Jan 01)
"The Function of Spirituality: The Sacred in Our Lives" (Aug/Sep 05)
"Harmony from Another World" (Feb/Mar 01)
"Internet" (Feb/Mar 06)
"Karma and Compassion: Key to Understanding Disease" (Dec 01/Jan 02)
"Karma in the Oglala Indian Traditions" (Jun/Jul 91)
"New Environmental Ethics and Ancient Philosophy" (Oct/Nov 93)
"Opening Our Hearts to Nature" (Apr/May 06)
"Peaceful Ecology for a New Age" (Oct/Nov 98)
"The Power of Ideas: Changing Human Consciousness" (Feb/Mar 91)
"Theosophy and Science" (Feb/Mar 05)
"Thoughts on the Future" (Apr/May 89)
Johnson, Marilinda Taylor
"Thinking Out Loud" (Jul 52)
Johnson, Paul
"The Mysteries of Carnac and Atlantis" (Oct/Nov 87)
"Revival of the Alexandrian Library" (Apr/May 89)
Johnston, Charles
"A Meeting with HPB" (Feb/Mar 93)
Jones, Olive
"Letter from Scotland" (Dec 90/Jan 91)
"No Death — Just Change" (Apr/May 92)
Judge, William Q.
"Cyclic Impression and Return" (Oct/Nov 97)
"The Golden Mean: On Chapter Six of the Bhagavad-Gita" (Apr 77)
"Living in the Now" (Oct/Nov 03)
"On Argument" (Oct/Nov 00)
"Theosophy and Capital Punishment" (Apr/May 96)
"Theosophy Generally Stated" (Apr/May 93)
"Yours till Death and after, H.P.B." (Aug/Sep 85)
Juliana, Queen of The Netherlands
"Forerunners of the Coming Society" (Oct 53)
"Wings to the Spirit" (May 54)
Kaviratna, Harischandra
"The Art of Writing in India" (Feb 72)
"The Heart Sutra: Prajnaparamita-Hridaya-Sutra" (Commentary and trans. of text) (Dec 96/Jan 97)
"Jainism" (Mar 72)
"Unbroken Chain of Oral Tradition" (Nov 71)
"The Vedas: Soil of Buddhism" (Oct 72)
"The Vedic Schism" (Dec 72)
Keller, Helen
"A Wish for Peace" (Oct/Nov 05)
K. H.
"On 'God'" (Oct/Nov 05)
Kingsley, Peter
"The Consciousness We Are" (Dec 04/Jan 05)
Kirby, Louis A.
"Biopsychology: Buyer Beware" (Oct/Nov 03)
Book Review: Before Darwin: Reconciling God and Nature by Keith Thomson (Dec 05/Jan 06)
"Choosing Our Future" (Oct/Nov 01)
"From Our Readers" (Jun/Jul 01)
"Of Snails and Chips" (Feb/Mar 02)
K. L.
"From the Lee Side" (Nov 51)
Klosterman, Audrey
"Earned, Not Bestowed" (Jan 52)
Knoche, Grace F. (1909 - 2006)
Grace F. Knoche died peacefully at her home in Altadena, California, on February 18, 2006. As editorial assistant to James A. Long, founder of Sunrise, Grace was central to the magazine from its inception in 1951 and became editor on Mr. Long's death in 1971. For 55 years Sunrise has been shaped by her intelligence, wide-ranging interests, feeling for language, and desire to promote universal brotherhood as a practical reality in human life. Grace was born February 15, 1909 at the international headquarters of the Theosophical Society, then at Point Loma, California. There she attended the schools founded by Katherine Tingley, receiving a PhD from Theosophical University in 1944. In the 1930s and '40s she worked on the headquarters staff in the Press and in the secretarial and editorial departments. She also taught violin, Greek, Sanskrit, and Hebrew at Theosophical University, and painting and sculpture to younger students at the Lomaland School. After serving as private secretary to two leaders of the Theosophical Society, Colonel Arthur Conger and James A. Long, she became leader herself in 1971. Besides her many magazine articles, she authored three books: The Mystery Schools, To Light a Thousand Lamps, and Theosophy in the Qabbalah.
"Ancestral Wisdom" (Jun/Jul 75) (Public lecture in Nigeria on theosophy)
"As Thou Lovest..." (Feb 79)
"The Awakening Human Spirit" (Jun/Jul 06)
"Bright Space, Son of Dark Space: Creation in the Qabbalah" (Nov 76)
"The Challenge of Being Human" (Apr/May 94)
"A Christmas Letter" (Dec 51)
"Cosmic Atoms, Spores of Gods" (Feb/Mar 01)
"The Daily Initiation" (Apr/May 05)
"Fire from Heaven" (Aug 54)
"The Fourfold Nature of Man" (Aug/Sep 06)
"Foundation of Esotericism" (Oct 52)
"Fundamental Spiritual Concerns" (Apr/May 93)
"Guardian of the Open Door" (Dec 02/Jan 03)
"The Great Task: On H.P.B." (Aug/Sep 85)
"H. P. Blavatsky and The Society for Psychical Research" (Jun/Jul 97)
"HPB: Looking Back after 100 Years" (Nov 75)
"HPB, Theosophy, and The Theosophical Society" (Apr/May 91)
"On the Human Condition" (Apr/May 92)
"Is Life Fair?" (Feb/Mar 82)
"Karma" (Feb/Mar 03)
"Karma: Recorder, Awakener, Friend" (Apr/May 83)
"Katherine Tingley: A Biographical Sketch" (Apr/May 98)
"On the KTMG Papers" (Apr/May 00)
"Legacy of Compassion" (Oct/Nov 97)
"Love is Healing, is Freedom from Fear" conversation with Gerald G. Jampolsky (Oct/Nov 81)
"Miracle of Being and Becoming" (Apr/May 95)
"Network of Compassion" (Jun/Jul 03)
"Not My Will, but Thine" (Dec 81/Jan 82)
"Of One Mind, of One Heart" (Oct 74) (Fall 07)
"Omnia Vincit Amor: Love Conquers All" (Oct/Nov 96)
"One in Essence, Manifold in Form" (Apr/May 90)
"Opener of the Ways" (Mar 75) (review of Fountain-Source of Occultism by G. de Purucker)
"On Plato's Theory of Ideas: Theosophical Perspectives" (Nov 73)
"Potency of the Inner Light" (Feb 80)
"A Process of Becoming" (Apr/May 85)
"Prologue" to HPB Special Issue (Jun/Jul 97)
"The Quality of a Life" (Sep 71)
"A Salute to William Quan Judge" (Apr/May 89)
"The Secret Doctrine of the Ages" (Apr/May 88)
"Seeding Time" (Jun 71)
"Seed of the Kingdom" (Nov 52)
"To Serve the Common Good" (Feb 72)
"On the Shores of Darkness there Is Light" (Oct/Nov 93)
"Signature of Divinity: One in Essence, Unique in Form" (Apr/May 87)
"Some Refelctions on 'Theosophy and Sex Problems'" (Aug/Sep 88)
"Spirits in Chains" (Apr 53)
"Theosophy's Role Today" with Kirby Van Mater (Jun/Jul 98)
"Theosophy Today and Tomorrow" (Apr/May 89)
"A Thinking Reed" (Nov 51)
"Two-Thirds God, One-Third Human: Gilgamesh" (Nov 80)
"The United Nations and Ourselves" (Oct/Nov 95)
"Until a Living Mind I Wrought..." (Nov 79)
"Vision of Cosmic Dimension" (Apr/May 84)
"Warp and Weft" (Apr/May 97)
"What of the Future?" (Oct/Nov 93)
"Why Don't We Remember?" (Oct/Nov 98)
"Within, Not Without" (Jan 74)
"World-Legacy" (Mar 52)
Knoche, Grace Green
"The Princess Libuse: A Czech Legend" (Aug/Sep 97)
Knowles, Lyle L.
"Questions about Reincarnation" (Apr/May 85)
Kozlovsky, Jan M.
"The Way to the Self" (Dec 91/Jan 92)
Krauss, Ernst
"The Scientist and the Fairy Tale" (Dec 90/Jan 91)
Krauss, Heather
"Fire of the Mind" (Nov 79)
Kring, Walter Donald
"The Process of Soul Searching" (Mar 74)
"Reconciled to Men" (Jun/Jul 73; Feb/Mar 06)
"Religion of the Inner Spirit" (Jan 71)