Available through Theosophical University Press
Theosophical Presentations at the 1993 Parliament of the World's ReligionsCo-produced by the Theosophical Society (Pasadena), Theosophical Society in America, and the United Lodge of Theosophists, these VHS videocassettes focus on the fundamental spiritual concerns of our time: Video CassettesFocusing on the fundamental spiritual concerns of our time, joint theosophic presentations at the 1993 Parliament are available on 5 videocassettes: Theosophical Addresses (1 videocassette — 83 minutes): "On the Shores of Darkness there is Light" — Grace F. Knoche (online text of address) "Self-Transformation and the Future of Religion" — Radha Burnier Theosophic Worldview (4 videocassettes): Panel/Audience Discussion 1. Sacred Wisdom through the Ages (82 min) 2. Reimbodying Universes and the Web of Life (87 min) 3. Bridging Science, Religion, and Philosophy (51 min) 4. Conscious Evolution and the Path of Compassion (89 min) Co-produced by the Theosophical Society (Pasadena), the Theosophical Society America, and the United Lodge of Theosophists. A descriptive program will be enclosed with each order. Information on additional programs available on request.