From Our Readers (Jun/Jul 99)
"Small Steps to Joy" (Fall 07)
Oderberg, I. M.
Longtime Sunrise contributor Israel Manuel Oderberg died September 18, 2002. He was born November 30, 1912, in London, England, shortly before his family moved to Melbourne, Australia. By his midteens he had developed a serious interest in ancient Egypt and, skipping an afterschool activity to play truant at the public library, he discovered H. P. Blavatsky's Isis Unveiled. At 18 he joined the Theosophical Society, but resigned at his parents' insistence, to rejoin when he turned 21. In 1930 he entered the University of Melbourne, studying pharmacy before taking an honors course in philosophy. Employed as a pharmacist until World War II, he served in the armed forces in the signal corps. After the war he became a journalist with the Australian Jewish News, and by the early 1950s was its editor. Heavily involved in theosophical work in Australia, he visited the theosophical headquarters in 1962 and was invited to join the staff. He donated most of his large collection of books to the headquarters, and when the Theosophical Library Center opened to the public in 1972, he was appointed Research Librarian, a post he held until the mid-1990s. Manuel will be remembered not only for his encyclopedic knowledge, but for his warmth of heart, playful sense of humor, love of discussion, boundless curiosity, and youthful spirit. — Eds.
"On Aboriginal Tales Retold from Daisy Bates" (Jun/Jul 80)
"The Alexandrian Tradition" (Apr/May 84)
"Alexandria's Beacon Against the Dark" (Aug/Sep 72)
"At a Turning Point" (Apr/May 92)
"Behind the Sheen of Culture" (Dec 71)
"The Bhagavad-Gita... a Symposium" with Sarah Hunt and Ingrid Van Mater (Dec 74)
"Book Review" (The Symbolic Species by Terence W. Deacon, and The Right Mind by Robert Ornstein) (Feb/Mar 98)
"Book Review" (The Web of Life: A New Scientific Understanding of Living Systems by Fritjof Capra) (Dec 97/Jan 98)
"Book Review" (Visions: How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century by Michio Kaku" (Feb/Mar 99)
"Book Review" (The Non-Local Universe by Robert Nadeau and Menas Kafatos) (Aug/Sep 00)
"Book Reviews" (Heaven's Mirror by Graham Hancock; Stairways to the Stars by Anthony Aveni) (Oct/Nov 00)
"Book Review" (The Undiscovered Mind by John Horgan) (Dec 00/Jan 01)
"Book Reviews" (Jun/Jul 01) E=mc2 by David Bodanis
"Book Reviews" (Dec 01/Jan 02) Hidden Unity in Nature's Laws by John C. Taylor
" 'Chaos' A New Science?" (Oct/Nov 87)
"The Cooperative Universe" (Aug/Sep 89)
"The Creative Power" (Oct/Nov 98)
"Creative Power in Orphic Myths" (Feb/Mar 89)
"The Dawn of a New Age?" (Apr/May 91)
"Earth — A Biosphere" (review of The Biosphere by Vladimir I. Vernadsky) (Aug/Sep 98)
"Gateway to the Horizon of Heaven" (Jun/Jul 73)
"The Golden Egg of the Universe" (Feb 75)
"H. P. Blavatsky's Cultural Impact"(Dec 95/Jan 96; Feb/Mar 96)
"Humanity's 'Lost Civilizations'" (Apr/May 97)
"Light from Ancient Egypt" (Apr/May 85)
"Look Beyond Polarity" (Jul 71)
"Meister Eckhart: Friend of God" (Dec 89/Jan 90)
"Mozart's Magic Flute" (Dec 91/Jan 92)
"Music and the Human Soul" (Mar 75)
"Music Born of the Heart" (Dec 85/Jan 86)
"The Music of the Spheres" (Apr/May 90)
"Mysticism and Science: Perspectives" (Jun/Jul 87)
"A New Theory of Cosmic Origins" (Feb/Mar 01) (review article)
"One Is One For Evermore: Theon of Smyrna" (Jan 80)
"On Free Will and Causation" (Apr/May 83)
"The Other Newton" (Oct/Nov/ 86)
"Our Reflection of Divinity" (Apr/May 04)
"Out of the Dreamtime" (Aug/Sep 93)
"A Personal Impact" (Apr/May 98)
"Physicists Uncover Beauty in Nature" (review) (Oct/Nov 87)
"Pounding Rice, Sweeping Leaves" (Oct 75)
"Prophets, Visionaries, Charlatans" (Oct/Nov 82)
"Pythagoras' Contribution" (Apr/May 88)
"Quest, Belief" (Oct 79)
"Quest for Human Identity" (Apr/May 99)
"The Quest: From Simple 'Fool' to Grail Servant" (Nov 78)
"The Radiant Thread of Egyptian Myth" (Nov 76)
"Reincarnation as Taught by Early Christians" (May 73)
"Religion in the Age of Aquarius" (Apr/May 93)
"The Riddle of Ancient Egypt" (Nov 70)
"The Sacred Pilgrim in Greek Thought" (Nov 77)
"Science: Looking Ahead..." (Apr/May 89)
"Searching for Atlantis" (Jan 72)
"A Small Universe" (Apr/May 94)
"A Soul Sang with a Unique Voice" (Feb 79)
"Temple of the Cosmos" (review) (Oct/Nov 97)
"These Also Are Measures of Man" (Mar 74)
"Time: "the deep and placid pool" (Jun/Jul 75)
"To Die, and to Become" (Nov 80)
"To Find the Self..." (Dec 83/Jan 84)
" 'To Live the Life...' " (Apr/May 00)
"Toward the Perfected Man" (Apr/May 82)
"The Twin Halls: Egyptian Myth" (Apr/May 86)
"The Two Faces of Egypt" (Apr 72)
"The View from a Distant Star" (Apr/May 01)
"On the Wings of Imagination" (Dec 02/Jan 03) (Nov 79)
"The World as Einstein Saw It" (Mar 79)
O'Dowd, David
"Silence of Mind" (Apr/May 92)
Ogubunka, A. U.
"Letter From Nigeria" (Nov 70)
Okoaze-Ononye, J. O.
"Theosophy: Wisdom of Things Divine" (Apr/May 84)
Olcott, H. S.
"On Theosophy" (Feb/Mar 97)
Oosterink, Henk
"Eternal Pilgrimage" (Mar 52)
"The Timeless Background" (Oct 51)
Oosterwijk, Hugo
"Gnosticism and Christianity" (Jun/Jul 96)
Opdenberg, H. R.
"By Our Own Bootstraps" (Feb 80)
"From Our Readers" (Dec 00/Jan 01)
"Pathway to Truth" (Dec 86/Jan 87)
"The Timeless Experience" (Dec 85/Jan 86)
"The Two Shores" (Dec 01/Jan 02)
"Universe of Infinite Variety" (Feb/Mar 86, Apr/May 04)
Orbesen, Tom
"Autumn Equinox at the World Quarter Shrine" (Oct/Nov 87)
"House of the Great Kiva: Astronomical Observations" (Jun/Jul 89)
"South Corner Time: Excavations and Sunrise Observations at Indian Racetrack" (Dec 88/Jan 89)
"Through the Wind: Navajo at an Anasazi Shrine" (Aug/Sep 88)
Osterhage, Scott
"The Bhagavad-Gita in Daily Life" (Apr/May 99)
From Our Readers (Spring 07)
"Health and Healing" with Doreen Melbrod (Fall 07)
"I Am Everything" (Apr/May 02)
"Inherent Rhythms of Life" (Apr/May 97)
"Life Is Fragile... Or Is It?" (Aug/Sep 06)
"The Lord's Prayer: An Esoteric Interpretation" (Aug/Sep 96)
"Ourselves, Now" (Apr/May 04)
"Our Thoughts?" (Apr/May 06)
"The Path Within" (Dec 96/Jan 97)
"Prayer and Meditation" (Jun/Jul 06)
"The Seven Jewels of Wisdom and the Seven Stages of Initiation" (Apr/May 00)
"Universal Brotherhood" (Feb/Mar 98)
Padshah, Sorabji, J.
"Shelley, an Indian Thinker" (Oct/Nov 04)
Page, Virginia
"If There is Trust" (Aug 53)
Parsons, Bernard
"The Raja-Yoga Schools of Point Loma" (Apr/May 98)
"The Resolution of Conflict" (Oct/Nov 89)
Patton, Robert
Book Review (Illuminating the Path to Enlightenment" by the Dalai Lama) (Fall 07)
Payne, James S.
"The Power of the Mind" (Feb/Mar 05)
Pelly, E. Everett
"The Limitations of Science" (Dec 53)
Pelt, Gertrude W. van
"Capital Punishment" Gertrude W. van Pelt (Oct/Nov 00)
"Plato's 'Lost Island' " — from Timaeus and Critias (Jan 72)
"The Vision of Er" (Jun/Jul 98)
Postma, Ida
"The Birth of a New Order in 18th-century Europe" (Oct 80)
"The Chain of Life: From Stone to Divinity" (Nov 77)
"A Dream Dreaming Us..." (Nov 76)
"God's Brother" (Nov 79)
"Grandmother Sirius, Brother Vulture" (Oct 76)
"Jesus and His Judas" (Apr 72)
"Martin Buber: Toward a Greater Humaneness" (Dec 75)
"More Than We Can Know" (Feb 74)
"Mozart's Key to Happiness" (Nov 80)
"Mystic Death, Marriage, and Rebirth" (Nov 78)
"The Rain that Follows the Sacrifice" (May 75)
"The Right Question in the Right Spirit" (Jun/Jul 76)
"Voltaire... Cynic, Humanitarian, Esotericist?" (Jan 75)
"Woman on the Threshold" (Oct 75)
Powell, Patrick
"Judge's Life: A Personal Viewpoint" (Apr/May 96)
"Living Together in a World of Differences" (Winter 07)
Pratt, David
"Beyond Materialism" (Apr/May 92)
"Consciousness and Modern Science" (Feb/Mar 96)
"Cosmology and the Big Bang" (Jun/Jul 96; Aug/Sep 96)
"David Bohm and the Implicate Order" (Feb/Mar 93)
"Exploding the Big Bang" (Review Article: Seeing Red: Redshifts, Cosmology, and Academic Science by Halton Arp) (Dec 98/Jan 99)
"Fate or Free Will?" (Aug/Sep 98)
"The Great Dinosaur Extinction Controversy" (review) (Oct/Nov 97)
"The Infinite Divisibility of Matter" (Jun/Jul 96)
"John Eccles on Mind and Brain" (Jun/Jul 95)
"The Rhythms of Life" (Jun/Jul 94)
"Rupert Sheldrake: A Theosophical Appraisal" (Jun/Jul 92; Aug/Sep 92)
"Theosophy and the Systems View of Life" (Apr/May 91)
"Yoga and Enlightenment" (Aug/Sep 96)
Preble, Donna L.
"The Bible and the Zodiac" (Dec 74)
"The Storyteller from Samos" (Mar 75)
"We Are Children of the Sun" (Jun/Jul, Aug-Sep 74)
Prent, Elisabeth
"Exploring the Theosophic Tradition" (Jun/Jul 00)
"From Our Readers" (Jun/Jul 01)
"Sources of Knowledge" (Winter 07)
"Thoughts on the Gayatri" (Apr/May 99)
"Traces of Spiritual Power" (Jun/Jul 05)
"War and Peace" (Jun/Jul 99)
"Winged Thoughts" (Oct/Nov 01)
Prent, Thijs
"Duality in Evolution" (Aug/Sep 97)
"Man: Shaper of His Own Destiny" (Apr/May 01)
Pruett, J. Hugh
"Music of the Spheres" (Feb 54)
Pruyn, Fred A,
"Apollonius of Tyana — An Adept to Remember" (Oct/Nov 03)
"Enigma of the Shifting Earth" (Aug/Sep 04)
"The First Three Hours of a Precious Day on Spaceship Earth" (Feb/Mar 02)
From Our Readers (Jun/Jul 02)
"Impressive Dreams of Liberty" (Feb/Mar 06)
"Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm" (book review) (Aug/Sep 97)
"It Takes Great Compassion to Leave Home" (Jun/Jul 05)
"Sensing the Path" (Apr/May 06)
"Of Skydivers and Visions" (Aug/Sep 02)
"Soaring" (Aug/Sep 01)
"The Theft of Light" (Apr/May 02)
Purucker, G. de
"The Adversary" (Jun 52)
"The Altar of Truth" (Dec 02/Jan 03)
"Altruism" (Oct/Nov 84); also "Altruism: The Ground of Our Hope" (Jun/Jul 06)
"The Approach to Truth" (Oct 51)
"The Auric Egg, Its Nature and Function" (Apr/May 01)
"Balance and Vision" (Mar 52)
"Brotherhood in the Theosophical Movement" (Apr/May 00)
"Causative Nature of Cycles" (Apr/May 97)
"Civilization Builded Upon Thought" (Jul 52)
"Consciousness: The Ultimate Mystery" (Nov 79)
"Eclipses and Earthquakes" (Aug 53)
"The Esoteric Tradition" (Dec 00/Jan 01)
"Forces, Energies, and Consciousness" (Apr/May 03)
"The Four Beasts of the Apocalypse" (Mar 53)
"The Hierarchical Structure of the Universe" (Jun/Jul 00)
" 'I Am the Boundless' " (Apr/May 00)
"The Initiatory Cycle" (Nov 78)
"The Inner God" (Apr/May 94)
"Learn to Forgive" (Dec 99/Jan 00)
"The Lost Chord" (Nov 51)
"Man and the Universe" (Aug 52)
"Man Is His Own Karma" (Apr/May 83)
"Messenger for the Coming Age: H.P.B." (Aug/Sep 85)
"The Mystical Temple of Solomon" (Nov 52)
"The Mysteries of Antiquity" (Dec 89/Jan 90)
"Narada — Agent of Karmic Destiny" (Feb 79)
"The Only Way Out (Nov 53)
"Overcoming Ourselves" (Apr/May 05)
"Passing on the Light" (Nov 75; Apr/May 99)
"Prayer and Aspiration" (Sep 53)
"Prowess of the Ancients" (Apr 54)
"The Rationale of Reincarnation" (Apr/May 85)
"Seers versus Visionaries" (Apr/May 02)
"Sleep and Death Are Brothers" (Nov 80)
"The Still, Small Path" (Apr/May 82)
"On the Sun, Planets, and Meteoric Veils" (Oct 76)
"Theosophy and Sex Problems" (Aug/Sep 87)
"Three Basic Truths of Being: Commentary" (Apr/May 84)
"Virgin Birth" (Jul 53)
"The Weighing of the Heart" (Dec 51)
"What Is Truth" (Oct 52)
"Wind of the Spirit" (Dec 01/Jan 02)
Raine, Kathleen
"Global Unity and the Arts" (Feb/Mar 99)
Reineman, Kurt
"Fanning the Fires of Faith" (Sep 53)
"The Individual and the World Today" (Jul 52)
"Resist Not Evil" (Jun 53)
"Tapestry of Life" (Aug 54)
"To Thine Own Self Be True" (Mar 54)
Reineman, Letha Olson
"All Great Things are Simple" (May 52)
"Beginnings" (Feb 52)
"The Deep Calm Center" (Mar 52)
"Rhythm in Turmoil" (Oct 51)
"Rumi - Poet and Mystic" (Nov 51)
"Strength in Joy" (Jan 53)
Renshaw, W. J.
"Another Change" (Oct 53)
Rensselaer, Robert
"Esoteric Wisdom East and West" by Robert Rensselaer (Jun/Jul 74)
"Renovation Follows Renovation without Cease" (Nov 76)
Riach, Alice
"Remorse And Compensation" (Oct 51)
Riaikkenen, Roza
"Beyond Caterpillar Consciousness" with Andrew Rooke (Aug/Sep 06)
Rijken van Olst, Bas
"Compassion in The Secret Doctrine" (Apr/May 04)
"Esoteric Discipline" (Aug/Sep 98)
"Inspiration from Early Japanese Poetry" (Aug/Sep 90)
"Max Muller and H. P. Blavatsky - Comparative Religion in the 19th Century" (Jun/Jul 06)
"Meditation on Universal Brotherhood" (Apr/May 05)
"Right Views or No Views?" (Feb/Mar 90)
"Thoughts on Religion in the Future" (Aug/Sep 05)
"What Is the Essence of Man?" (Dec 88/Jan 89)
Rinsma, Wim
"Christmas in the 1920s" (Dec00/Jan01)
"Letter on Capital Punishment" (Oct/Nov 86)
"A New Look at the Boundless" (Apr/May 94)
"On the Threshold of the 21st Century" (Dec 99/Jan 00)
"Our Dreams of Today" (Jul 71)
Robb, Richard I.
"Access to Great Ideas" (Nov 75)
Roberts, Catherine
"Cosmic Harmony and Human Conduct: A Vedic Perspective" (Oct/Nov 97)
"Evolution and Science in the Public Schools" (Apr/May 95)
"Our Higher Obligation" (Oct/Nov 89)
"Science, Animal Abuse, and Sacred Things" (Feb/Mar 91)
Roberts, Lyman
"Life's Spiral Pathway" (Jun/Jul 98)
Rooke, Amanda F.
"Lessons from Nature" (Oct/Nov 05)
"The Lotus" (Aug/Sep 00)
Rooke, Andrew
"Beyond Caterpillar Consciousness" with Roza Riaikkenen (Aug/Sep 06)
"A Bus Conductor's Christmas Message" (Dec 02/Jan 03)
"The Daily Karmic Script" (Oct/Nov 02)
"Families Today" (Dec 05/Jan 06)
"Family Tree" (Oct/Nov 03)
From Our Readers (Dec 01/Jan 02)
From Our Readers (Dec 04/Jan 05)
"Ganesha: Overcomer of Obstacles" (Jun/Jul 04)
"The Golden Stairs to the Temple of Wisdom" (Apr/May 05)
"Hierarchies — The Cosmic Ladder of Life" (Apr/May 04)
"Is There Life on Other Worlds?" (Apr/May 03)
"Journey to the Inner God" (Apr/May 02)
"Kaboom! Gifts from the Stars" (Feb/Mar 06)
"Kuomboka: Ancient Wisdom of the Malozi" (Feb 80)
"Light a Single Candle" (Oct/Nov 04)
"Neptune: Celestial Visitor" (Aug/Sep 90)
"Reincarnation in African Traditional Religion" by Andrew Rooke (Nov 80)
"Roadmaps for Spiritual Paths" (Apr/May 06)
"The Sacred Space" (Feb/Mar 01)
"Searching for the Lost Chord: Ancient and Modern Trends" (Dec 85/Jan 86; Feb/Mar 86)
"The Seven Jewels of Wisdom" with Stefan Carey (Aug/Sep 04)
"The Seven Principles of Man" (Apr/May 01)
"The Solar System: Perspectives from Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science" (Oct/Nov 87)
"The Sun: Powerhouse and Father/Mother/Elder Brother" (Aug/Sep 02)
"Taming Our Emotions" with Stefan Carey (Spring 07)
"That Man Might Arise: Maori Creation Myth" (Nov 76)
"What a Tree Taught Me" (Jun/Jul 01)
"What Is Life?" (Dec 03/Jan 04)
Rooke, Paul
"Book Review" (Aug/Sep 01) The Sermon on the Mount according to Vedanta by Swami Prabhavananda
"Theosophy in Business" (Apr/May 05)
Rose, William
"Courage" (Apr 54)
Ross, Lydia
"Blind Man's Buff" (Aug 54)
"Cycles of Opportunity" (Apr/May 97)
"The Higher Internationalism" (Sep 54)
"Human Broadcasting Stations" (Feb 53)
"That Two Per Cent" (Apr 54)
Ross, Robert
Filler (Apr/May 05)
Row, T. Subba
"Consciousness: A Cosmic Perspective" (Apr/May 02)
"What Is Occultism?" (Oct 78)
Roszak, Betty
"The Two Worlds of Magic" (Dec 74)
Rugland, Raymond
"The City" (Sep 52, Oct/Nov 05)
"Confucius and the Family of Man" (Aug/Sep 88)
"Evolution, Inspired from the Highest" (Apr/May 95)
"A Few Facets of Katherine Tingley" (Apr/May 98)
"Helena P. Blavatsky — A Friend to Those Who Love Truth" (Apr/May 91)
"Home for Christmas" (Dec 52)
"An Important Message from the Kogi Elders" (Apr/May 93)
"In Us Await the Gods" (Apr/May 97)
"Job — Story of Initiation" (Jun/Jul 82)
"Putting Theosophy to Work" (Aug/Sep 92)
"The Secret Doctrine, a Friend" (Apr/May 88)
"A Treasury of Great Ideas" (Apr/May 00)
"A Vision of Our Destiny" (Apr/May 85)
"The Universe — Our Home" (Apr/May 84)
Rusk, Howard A.
"A Paraplegic's Legacy" (Feb/Mar 00)
Russell, Douglas A.
"Executive in Passage" (Feb/Mar 91)
"Letters That Have Helped Me: A Personal View" (Apr/May 96)
"The Overriding Factor" (Dec 86/Jan 87)
Ryan, Charles J.
"The Wanderings of Odysseus: An Allegory of the Soul" (Apr/May 82)
Ryder, Ida Perrine
"The Three Noble Teachers of Ancient China" (Aug/Sep 72)
St. James Deville, Heathclyff
"Food for Thought" (Apr/May 05)
Salvata, Tony
"Perennial Philosophy — The Sacred in My Life" (Apr/May 05)
Sample, Steven B.
"The Great Straddlers as Successors to the Renaissance Man" (Oct/Nov 96)
Samson, Peter H.
"Albert Schweitzer, Reverence for Life" (Sep 54)
"Between Atom and Star" (Jun 54)
"Confucius: the Practical Sage" (Feb 74)
"The Free Religious Spirit" (Jul 53)
"How Christ Got Into Christmas" (Dec 70)
"The Inquiring Human Mind" (Sum 07)
"Other Religions" (Jan 53)
"Our Pagan Heritage" (Mar 53)
"The Stoic Way" (Feb 75)
"The Way of the Mystic" (May 75)
Sanchez, Oscar
"Vanguard" (Aug/Sep 06)
Sanders, Rev. J. Frederick
"Ideas" (Feb 53)
"Our Spiritual Universe" (Aug 53)
"O Ye of Little Faith" (Aug 54)
"Universe and Man" (Sep 52)
Savage, William A.
"Atlantis — More Than a Myth" (Aug/Sep 99)
"Quest of the Soul: The Eleusinian Mysteries" (Feb/Mar 06)
"Reincarnation: A Continuation of Consciousness" (Jun/Jul 98)
Schueler, Gerald J.
Book Review: The Universe in a Single Atom by The Dalai Lama (Apr/May 06)
"Divine Descent" with Betty J. Schueler (Feb/Mar 00)
"Letter on Reincarnation" (Jan 72)
"A Look at Dreams" (Feb/Mar 89)
"The Mirror of Tem" (Jun/Jul 89)
"The Papyrus of Ani — Initiation and the After-Life" (Apr/May 82)
"What is Real... What is Dream?" (Jan 74)
Shetler, Lisa
Book Reveiw ("Transition to a Global Society, edited by S. Bushrui, I. Ayman, and E. Laszlo) (Feb/Mar 99)
Simis, Anneke
"A New Season" (Oct/Nov 98)
Simons, John
"Mind Behind Matter" (May 52)
Simpson, Maureen
"Heartaches Build Bridges" (Dec 53)
Siren, Osvald
"The Heroism of Self-Forgetfulness" (Aug 54)
Sisson, Linda
Book Review: Broken Brains or Wounded Hearts by Ty C. Colbert (Jun/Jul 99)
Skrivanek, Jaromir
"The Temple City of the Jains" (Dec 90/Jan 91)
Smith, Maurizio G.
"American Indian Vision Quest" (Oct/Nov 1986)
"Overcoming Fear" (Aug/Sep 99)
Smith, S. D.
"Kahuna: Keeper of the Secret" (Feb/Mar 87)
Spaink, Rienout
"Theosophic Perspective on the Future" (Apr/May 92)
Sperry, Roger
"New Mindset on Consciousness" (Dec 87/Jan 88)
Spurlin, David
"The Two Paths: When Is the Choice Made?" (Feb/Mar 98)
Stevenson, Gertrude
"Katherine Tingley Explains Her Work and Aims" (Apr/May 98)
Stoff, Shelton
"The Currency of Freedom" (Jun/Jul 72)
Stokes, H. N.
"My Personal Impressions of G. de Purucker" (Apr/May 00)
Stover, Allan J.
"The Earth's Beginning" (Sep 52)
"The Fog Sea" (Aug/Sep 02)
"Giordano Bruno (1548-1600)" (Jan 53)
"The Kingdom of the Clouds" (Apr/May 03)
"May and November" (Oct/Nov 00)
"Mountain Sanctuary" (Feb/Mar 03)
"The Rising Tide of a New Age" (Aug/Sep 01)
"Trends in Education" (Nov 51)
"Watch Towers" (Apr/May 06)
Stromqvist, Lennart
"Karma-Nemesis and Man" (May 74)
Sunderland, Laurence
From Our Readers" (Winter 07)
From Our Readers (Spring 07)