The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett

Letter No. 33

Received through M{ary?}; shown to A.B{esant}.

{Likely written in 1890 per Sinnett's Autobiography, pp. 51, 56. This letter's authenticity has been questioned. See Daniel Caldwell, Mary Unveiled.}

I am sincerely afraid that you may have been perplexed by the apparent contradiction between the notes received by you from my Brother M⸫ — and myself. Know my friend that in our world though we may differ in methods we can never be opposed in principles of action and the broadest and most practical application of the idea of the Brotherhood of Humanity is not incompatible with your dream of establishing a nucleus of honest scientific enquirers of good repute, who would give weight to the T.S. organization in the eyes of the multitude, and serve as a shield against the ferocious and idiotic attacks of skeptics and materialists.

There are — even among English men of Science — those who are already prepared to find our teachings in harmony with the results and progress of their own researches, and who are not indifferent to their application to the spiritual needs of humanity at large. Amongst these it may be your task to throw the seeds of Truth and point out the path. Yet as my brother reminded you, not one of those who have only tried to help on the work of the Society, however imperfect and faulty their ways and means, will have done so in vain. The situation shall be more fully explained to you by and by.

Meanwhile use every effort to develop such relations with A. Besant that your work may run on parallel lines and in full sympathy; an easier request than some of mine with which you have ever loyally complied. You may, if you see fit — show this note to her, only. In travelling your own thorny path I say again courage and hope. This is not an answer to your letter.

Ever truly,

Theosophical University Press Online Edition