Index to The Secret Doctrine — prepared by John P. Van Mater

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Appendix of


In this alphabetical listing of the foreign language quotations and phrases found in The Secret Doctrine, each entry is followed by the page(s) where it appears in the SD and a language designation in parentheses. An English translation is then given, followed when applicable by the source of the foreign phrase. Where the Greek or other foreign words in theSD are in obvious error, corrections have been made. Words and phrases not included in this appendix may be found either in the Index or in foreign language dictionaries.

Achath-Ruach-Elohim-Chiim ['Ahath ruah 'elohim hayyim] I 130n (Heb) "One, the spirit of the living god(s)" (Westcott trans.) or "First, the spirit of the god(s) of the living" (Stenring trans.) — Sepher Yetzirah I.9 & nn.

Actio in distans I 487, 488, 491, etc. (Lat) "Action over (at) a distance."

Addit Cedrenus (Salem I.3): Stella Martis ab Egyptiis vocatur Ertosi (plantare, generare). Significat autem hoc omnis generis procreationem et vivificationem, omnisque substantiae et materiae naturam et vim ordinantem atque procreantem II 143-4n (Lat) "Cedrenus says (Salmasius I.c): The planet Mars was called by the Egyptians Ertosi (to plant, generate). This implies the creating and generating of everything, the creating and determining of the nature and powers of all substance and matter."

agathai kai kakai dunameis II 497, 515 (Gk) "Good and evil forces."

'Ahiye asher ahiye ['Ehyeh 'asher 'ehyeh] II 539 (Heb) "I am that I am."

An lumen sit corpus, nec non? I 483 (Lat) "Is light a body, or is it not?"

Antimimon Pneumatos II 604, 604-5n (Gk) "Modeled after the spirit."

aoidon hoide dustenoi logoi II 764 (Gk) "Those miserable stories of the poets." — Euripides, Hercules Mad 1.1346

aprepes an eie theoi II 159 (Gk) "Still less becoming for a god." — Aristotle, De Mundo (On the Cosmos) 6.398b.7

Au spectacle de tant de grandeur oppose a celui de tant de misere, l'esprit qui se met a observer ce vaste ensemble, se represente je ne sais quelle grande divinite qu'une divinite, plus grande et plus pressante encore, aurait comme brisee et mise en pieces en dispersant les debris dans tout l'Univers II 554-5n (Fr) "At the sight of such immensity on the one hand, and so much misery on the other, the spirit which undertakes to study this great whole envisions who knows what great divinity that a still vaster and more exacting divinity had shattered, broken to pieces, and scattered the fragments throughout the whole universe." — de Montlosier, Mysteres de la vie humaine 1.2.126, 1829 ed., Paris

autournein [autourgein] hapanta II 159 (Gk) "To execute everything himself." — Aristotle, De Mundo 6.398b.5

B'raisheeth barah elohim ath hash ama yem v'ath haa'retz [B're'shith bara' 'elohim 'eth hash-shamayim v'eth ha'arets] I 374 (Heb) "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." (Gen 1:1, King James version); alternatively, "In a host the gods (elohim) formed themselves into the heavens and the earth" (G. de Purucker, Fundamentals of the Esoteric Philosophy, 2nd ed., pp. 98-9).

Cadebat ut fulgar II 230 (Lat) "Fell like lightning."

Casta fove [fave] Lucina: tuus iam regnat Apollo I 401 (Lat) "Pure Lucina, be gracious: thine own Apollo now is king." — Virgil, Eclogues 4.10

Ce qui manque a tous les deux, c'est l'intuition du mystique I 496 (Fr) "What both lack is the intuition of the mystic."

Certus sum, scio quod credidi II 451 (Lat) "I am certain, I know what I have believed."

chrusophaes Hermes II 28 (Gk) "Golden-colored Hermes."

Cogito ergo sum II 242 (Lat) "I think, therefore I am." — Descartes, Principes . . . 1.7

Credat Judaeus Apella II 451 (Lat) "Apella the Jew may believe that . . ." — Horace, Satires 1.5.100

De minimis non curat lex I viii (Lat) "The law does not concern itself with trifles."

Deliciae humani generis I 604 (Lat) "Delightful human creations."

Demon est Deus inversus I 411 (Lat) "The Devil is God inverted."

Deorsum fluens II 230 (Lat) "Flowing downwards."

Deus enim et circulus est II 552 (Lat) "And certainly Deity is circular." — Pherecydes' hymn to Jupiter.

Deus non fecit mortem II 422 (Lat) "God did not make death." — Wisdom of Solomon or Sapientiae (Apocrypha) 1:13

Dieu est devenu une hypothese inutile I 498 (Fr) "God has become a useless hypothesis." — Laplace

Diva triformis, tergemina, triceps I 387 (Lat) "Goddess three-formed, threefold at birth, three-headed."

engus gar nuktos te kai ematos eisi keleuthoi II 7 (Gk) "for the outgoings of the night and of the day are close together." — Homer, Odyssey 10.86

Eis Zets [Zeus] Sarapi II 474 (Gk) "Sarapis is the one Zeus"; see King, Gnostics & Their Remains, pp. 326-7

en ouraniois semeiois I 652 (Gk) "In signs from heaven." — Xenophon, Cyropaedia 8.7.3

E pur se [si] muove! II 451 (It) "But it does move!" — Galileo

Hermeneuein de to oion ton kosmon I 360 (Gk) "And the egg represents (symbolizes, interprets) the cosmos." — Porphyry

Etoi men protista chaos genet' I 425n (Gk) "Chaos of all things was the first generated." — Hesiod, Theogony, line 116

Ex connexione autem ejus spiritus prodidit [prodiit] Mot I 451 (Lat) "Out of the union with that spirit has proceeded Mot."

Ex oriente lux II 42 (Lat) "Out of the East, light."

Facies totius Universi, quamvis infinitis modis variet, manet tamen semper eadem II 1 (Lat) "The face of the whole universe, though it varies in infinite modes, yet remains always the same." — Spinoza, Correspondence of Spinoza, Letter 64

Genitum, non factum I 399 (Lat) "Born, not made."

Il est impossible de decouvrir le moindre trait de ressemblance entre les parties du ciel et les figures que les astronomes y ontarbitrairement tracees, et de l'autre cote, le hasard est impossible I 652 (Fr) "It is impossible to find the least trace of similarity between the segments of sky and the figures astronomers have arbitrarily assigned to them, while, on the other hand, chance is impossible." — C. F. Dupuis, "Zodiaque," Origine de tous les cultes

Il fallait eviter de paraitre autoriser le dogme du double principe en faisant de ce Satan createur une puissance reelle, et pour expliquer le mal originel, on profere contre Manes l'hypothese d'une permission de l'unique tout Puissant II 509 (Fr) "It was necessary to avoid seeming to sanction the dogma of a dual principle by making this creative Satan into an actual power and, in order to explain the origin of evil, the theory of a divine authorization given by the Almighty One was adduced in opposition to Mani." — Jules Baissac, Satan ou le Diable . . . , p. 9

Il manque quelque chose aux geologues pour faire la geologie de la Lune, c'est d'etre astronomes. A la verite il manque aussi quelque chose aux astronomes pour aborder avec fruit cette etude, c'est d'etre geologues I 496 (Fr) "The geologists are lacking what is needed to study the geology of the moon, and that is: they are not astronomers. Truly what astronomers lack for a fruitful pursuit of this study is to be geologists." — Herve E. Faye (in Winchell, World Life, p. 379)

Il n'est plus possible aujourd'hui, de soutenir comme Newton, que les corps celestes se mouvent au milieu du vide immense des espaces. . . . Parmi les consequences de la theorie du vide etablie par ce grand homme, il ne reste plus debout que le mot `attraction,' et nous verrons le jour ou ce dernier mot disparaitra du vocabulaire scientifique I 494n (Fr) "Today it is no longer possible to maintain, as Newton did, that the heavenly bodies move in EMPTY space. . . . Among the consequences of the theory of vacuum established by that great man, all that remains unrefuted is the word 'attraction' and we expect to see the day when that last word will disappear from the vocabulary of science." — C. H. Le Couturier, Panorama des mondes . . . , pp. 47, 53

In adversum flumen I 169 (Lat) "Against the current."

In pluribus unum I 461 (Lat) "In many, one" or "one in many."

IO Ioh, AEgyptiis Lunam significat neque habent illi in communi sermonis usu, aliud nomen quo Lunam, designent praeter IO II 463 (Lat) "IO, Ioh, to the Egyptians signifies the MOON. They don't have in their everyday language any other word with which to denote the Moon except IO." — P. E. Jablonsky, Pantheon aegyptiorum,, 1752 ed.

Judaea gens, radix stultorum II 358 (Lat) "The Jewish people, a root of foolishness." — Rutilius Namatianus, De Reditu Suo, bk. I, lines 383, 389

Kallista polu parthenon I 395 (Gk) "Loveliest by far of the maidens." — Euripides, Hippolytos, line 66

Koion te, Kroion te melan [megan], Phorkun te krataion, / Kai Kronon, Okeanon d', Huperioa [Huperion] te, Iapetonte II 143 (Gk) "Coeus, the great Croeus, the strong Phorcys, / Also Cronos [Saturn], Ocean, Hyperion, and Iapetus." — Cf. Proclus, On the Timaeus of Plato, 2.5.324 (Thomas Taylor trans.)

Lateras coctiles I 357 (Lat) "Burned tiles (tablets of clay)."

Le Jour de "Viens a nous" . . . c'est le jour ou Osiris a dit au Soleil: Viens! Je le vois rencontrant le Soleil dans l'Amenti I 134n (Fr) "The Day 'Be With Us' . . . that is the day when Osiris said to the Sun: Come! I see him meeting the Sun in Amenti." — Paul Pierret, Le livre des morts (The Book of the Dead) 17.61

Leontoid ophiomorphos II 481 (Lat & Gk) "The lion-like serpent."

Liquor Amnii II 188 (Lat) "Amniotic fluid."

Malum in se I 413 (Lat) "Evil in itself."

megaloi dunatoi II 363 (Gk) "Great and powerful."

Menses in quinos dies descriperunt [denos descripserunt] dies II 620 (Lat) "They have divided the months into periods of fifteen days." — Quintius Curtius, History of Alexander 8.9.35-6

Monstra quaedam de genere giganteo. II 375 (Lat) "Monsters that gave birth to giants."

Natura Elementorum obtinet revelationem Dei I 125n (Lat) "The nature of the elements contained the revelation of God." — Clement of Alexandria, Stromata (Miscellanies) 5.6, 2nd para.

Natura naturans I 412 (Lat) "nature begetting" (nature as a creative principle).

Natura non facit saltum II 287, 696 (Lat) "Nature makes no leaps."

Ni fallat fatum, Scoti quocumque locatum / Invenient lapidem, regnasse tenentur ibidem II 342 (Lat) "Unless the oracle fails, wherever the Scots find / This stone placed, they will hold sway." — J. de Cambry, Monuments Celtiques, p. 107 (1805 ed.)

Nous [estin] ho diakosmonte kai panton aitios I 451 (Gk) "An ordering and disposing mind, which was the cause of all things." — Plato, Phaedo 97c

Oh, ma pensee, que s'ensuit il? car je desire grandement ce propos. Pimandre dict, ceci est un mystere cele, jusques a ce jour d'hui. Car nature, soit mestant avec l'home, a produict le miracle tres merveilleux, aiant celluy qui ie t'ay dict, la nature de l'harmonie des sept du pere, et de l'esprit. Nature ne s'arresta pas la, mais incontinent a produict sept homes, selon les natures des sept gouverneurs en puissance des deux sexes et esleuez. . . . La generation de ces sept s'est donnee en ceste maniere . . . II 491n (Fr) "Oh, my thought, what is it pursuing? For I greatly desire to know. Pymander says, this is a sealed mystery until today. For nature, in man has produced a marvelous miracle, having that which I have told you, a nature in harmony with the seven of the father, and of spirit. Nature did not stop there, but unsatisfied, produced and reared seven men, according to the natures of the seven governors with power of the two sexes. . . . The generation of these seven happened in this wise . . ." — The Divine Pymander 1.16; see also Walter Scott, Hermetica 1:123

Oi d'en Aiguptoi [Hoi d'oun Aiguptioi] muthologousi kata ten Isidos helikian gegonenai tinas polusomatous II 344n (Gk) "Furthermore, the Egyptians relate in their myths that in the time of Isis there were certain creatures of many bodies [who are called by the Greeks giants]". — Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheka 1.26.6

Omnis enim per se divom natura necesse est [necessest] / inmortali aevo summa cum pace fruatur I 7n (Lat) "For the very nature of divinity must necessarily / enjoy immortal life in the deepest peace." — Lucretius, De Rerum Natura 2.646-7

Pareshu [yah] guhyeshu, vrateshu II 622n (Skt) "remote and secret realms." — Rig-Veda 10.114.2, 3.54.5

Pater (omnipotens) AEther I 10n, 331, 488n (Lat) "Omnipotent Father Aether."

Peri apoches empsuchon I 425 (Gk) "On Abstinence from Animal Food" (a work by Porphyry; in Latin, De Abstinentia).

Peri [ton proton] archon I 425 (Gk) "On First Principles" (a work by Damascius).

Peri chumeias argurou kai chrusou II 763n (Gk) "Concerning the mingling of silver and gold."

pneumata ton stoicheion I 395 (Gk) "Spirit of the elements."

Princeps aeris hujus [principem potestatis aeris hujus] II 485, 515 (Lat) "Prince [of the power] of the air" — Ephesians 2:2.

protogonon diphue trigonon Bakcheion Anakta / Agrion arreton kruphion dikerota dimorphon I 335 (Gk) "O firstborn, dual in nature, thrice begotten, Bacchic king / Rural, ineffable, cryptic, two-horned, two-formed." — "To Bacchus," Mystical Hymns of Orpheus, Hymn 30

Qui circumambulat terram II 485, 515 (Lat) "who circles the earth."

Qui fruges excantassent [excantasset] segetem pellicentes incantando I 469 (Lat) "Who draws away by incantations the fruits of one field to another." — Servius Maurus Honoratus on Virgil'sEclogues 8.99

Satis eloquentiae, sapientiae parvum I 349 (Lat) "Eloquence enough, too little wisdom." — Sallust, Cataline V

Semelen tremousi daimones I 400 (Gk) "Semele made the spirits tremble."

Senior occultatus est et absconditus; Microprosopus manifestus est, et non manifestus I 214-15 (Lat) "The Ancient One is hidden and concealed; the Microprosopus is manifested, and is not manifested." — Rosenroth, Kabbala Denudata, Liber Mysterii (Siphra' di Tseniutha, "Book of Concealed Mystery"); see Mathers, Kabbalah Unveiled, p. 91 (4.1)

Sicanus deificavit Aretiam, et nominavit eam lingua Janigena Horchiam II 144 (Lat) "Sicanus deified Aretia and named her Horchia of the lineage of Janus."

Solaris luminis particeps II 28 (Lat) "Participating in solar light."

Spiritualia nequitiae [in] coelestibus I 331n (Lat) "Spiritual wickedness in heavenly regions." — Ephesians 6:12

Spiritus intus alit, totamque infusa per artus, / Mens agitat molem, et magno se corpore miscet I 451n, II 594 (Lat) "A spirit within sustains, and mind, pervading its members, / Sways the whole mass and mingles with its mighty frame." — Virgil, Aeneid 6.726-7

Taurus Draconem genuit, et Taurum Draco II 133 (Lat) "A bull has begotten a dragon, and a dragon a bull" (see A. Wilder, "The Primeval Race Double-Sexed," Theosophist (4:112-14, Feb 1883).

Tibi sunt Malchut [Malkuth] et Geburah [Geburah] et Chassed [Hesedh] per Aeonas II 562 (Lat) "For thine is the Kingdom, the Justice, and the Mercy throughout the Aeons."

Totum corpus circumagimur II 552 (Lat) "All bodies move in a circle."

Tum virgam capit, hac animas ille evocat Orco [pallentis] II 28 (Lat) "Then he takes his wand; with this he calls pale ghosts from Orcus." — Virgil, Aeneid 4.242

Tu vestis solem et te sol vestit I 393 (Lat) "You clothe the Sun and the Sun clothes you."

Unum intra alterum, et alterum super alterum II 25 (Lat) "[Three Heads have been formed] one within the other, and the other above the other" — The Lesser Holy Assembly (Idra Zuta Qadisha) 2.59 (Mathers, Kabbalah Unveiled, p. 265)

Verbum sat sapienti I 349 (Lat) "A word to the wise is sufficient."

Vinculum substantiale I 631 (Lat) "Substantial bond."

Virgo pariet I 399 (Lat) "Virgin brings forth."

Vis viva I 670 (Lat) "Living force."

Vox populi Vox Dei II 298 (Lat) "The voice of the people is the voice of God."

Theosophical University Press Online Edition