Index to The Secret Doctrine — prepared by John P. Van Mater

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Nicaea, Council of II 279n

Nidanas (Skt)

desire to exist & I 44
eternal, Oi-Ha-Hou I 93
four truths & I 39
series of, or causes, effects I 509
teachings on, secret I 45
twelve causes of existence I 38-9 &n
various names of I 38n

Nidhogg (Norse), gnawed World Tree I 211, 407

Niflheim (Norse; Nebelheim, Ger)

cold hell of Eddas II 245
Helheim & II 774
world matrix, astral light I 367

Night(s). See also Pralaya(s)

before Day in Creation II 59
Day &, Castor & Pollux II 122
Day &, second Fundamental Proposition I 17
Days &, activity & rest II 545
Homer on I 425
sevenfold Days & II 756-60

Night(s) of Brahma I 3, 55; II 244. See also Days of Brahma, Manvantara, Pralaya

coming of I 371, 376-7; II 579n
Days of Brahma & I 17, 368-78
duration of I 36, 240, 655-6; II 70, 505
Father-Mother one during I 41
Karana alone during I 41
Makara, Mina (Pisces) & II 579n
naimittika pralaya II 309n
one thousand great ages in I 372
pralaya applies to II 307n
primary state of matter in I 103
Secret Doctrine about our kosmos after I 13
That & II 80
Vamadeva Modelyar [Mudaliyar] on I 376-7

Nihil (Lat) nothing, creation out of I 233n

Nihilism, atheism, idealism II 651

Nila, Nil, Neilos. See also Neilos

blue mountain II 403n
Indus River, explained II 417-18 &n
Sun sets at foot of II 407
Wilford mistakes, for Nile R II 405 &n

Nilakantha (Skt)

commentary on Anugita II 496n, 567-8
dead letter commentary of II 637n
on sons of Viraja & Manasa II 89-90
on speech, mind & higher self I 94

Nilalohita (Skt) blue, red complexioned

form of Siva I 457
Ninth or Kumara Creation & II 106
Rudra as a kumara II 192n

Nile River. See also Neilos

delta II 8, 368, 746
Ethiops, Nil, Nila & II 417-18
five crocodiles in celestial, expl II 580
Great Deep, water or I 319
Horus fr lotus of celestial II 472
Indus confused w II 417-18 &n
kabbalistic I 381
Moses rescued fr I 319 &n; II 428
number of, is solar year II 583
Osiris-Isis stopped flooding of II 366
Osiris symbol of I 390
periodical rising of II 429
soundings in valley of II 750n
Wilford mistakes, for Nila Mountains II 405 &n

Nilghiri Hills [Nilgiri] (Skt) Moola Koorumba of II 445

Nilson, elemental bodies of I 547

Nilsson II 749

Nimi (Skt) [son of Ikshvaku], rishis create his successor II 524n

Nimitta (Skt), the efficient cause I 55, 370n

Nimrod(s) (Heb)

Akkad capital of I 319n
Atlanteans prototypes of II 272, 279
Chaldean giant Izdubar [Gilgamesh] II 336
epic of Assyrian tablets II 353
governor of Babylonia (Mas'udi) II 453
not wicked giant II 375


Aryan Hindu explanation of I 114-15 &n
decimal system of I 361
in Egyptian cat symbolism II 552 &n
figures & zero form universe I 99
kabbalistic symbolism II 217
number of male generative energy I 114; II 217
occult value of I 76
sacred number of being II 622 &n
svabhavat is one & nine I 98
various symbols of II 580-1

Nineteenth Century Magazine, The

on the Deluge II 353-4
Gladstone in II 252n, 766-7, 770


library at II 692
Oan or fishman of I 653
Tahmurath founded II 397

Ninth or Kumara creation I 75, 456

Niobe (Gk), story of II 771-2 &n

Nipoor [Nippur] or Niffer (North Babylonian), center of black magic II 139n

Nippang (Chin), liberation I 38n. See also Moksha

Niraksha (Skt), place of no latitude II 401-2n

Nirguna (Skt) without attributes

Parabrahman or I 62
perfection II 95

Nirmanakaya(s) (Skt)

beyond illusion, no devachan II 615
Boehme nursling of I 494
human forms created for II 652
maruts one name given to II 615
may possess mediums I 233n
muktas who help world I 132 &n
fr other manvantaras II 93-4
sacrificed selves for third race II 94, 201
siddhas or II 636n
spiritual-astral remains of II 255n

Nirmathya (Skt), & fire by friction I 521

Nirukta sushumna ray lights up Moon I 515n

Nirupadhi (Skt) without attributes. See also Nirguna

Purusha-prakriti in pralaya I 582

Nirvana (Skt) II 204. See also Devachan, Paranirvana

akasa &, objectively eternal I 635
aspired to by kumaras II 243
devachan & I 173
dreamless sleep & I 266
Enoch, Elijah attained II 532
Epicurean Indolentia & I 577n
five becomes seven in II 580
four paths to I 206
individual pralaya I 371
laya a synonym for I 140, 289 &n
man loses self in I 570
maruts renounce II 615
men can reach II 246
merging w Alaya is not I 48
monads not reaching, fate of II 57 &n
nirmanakayas, elect, renounce II 281-2, 615
no, for men without personal egos II 610
passage of spirit to Be-ness I 193
post-manvantaric I 373; II 491
promised land or I 568 &n
qualifications to enter I xix; II 81
reached by Buddha II 532
reached by suffering II 81
Sabbath or I 240; II 491
scholars misunderstand I xxi, 266
seven paths to I 38-9
thread of radiance dissolves in II 80
turiya samadhi or I 570
vanishing point of matter I 177
various names of I 38 &n

Nirvani(s) (Skt)

highest, start manvantara II 232
returning II 79-80, 232
spirits of men becoming I 240

Nishada (Skt), element of sound I 534

Nissi, Babylonian god II 5

Nitatui [Nitatni] (Skt), a Pleiad II 551

Niti (Skt), parent of harmony II 528

Nitrogen II 158-9, 592-3

air element & I 253-4
correlated w linga-sarira II 593
discovered by "quack" Paracelsus I 297
Earth-born cement I 626
noumena of II 592
oxygen, hydrogen & I 623; II 592
properties of II 593
in protoplasm I 637n

Nitya (Skt) eternal, continuous I 69

Nitya Pralaya (Skt) perpetual dissolution II 69n

applies to all beings II 309-10n
in Bhagavata-Purana I 371

Nitya Sarga (Skt) constant creation II 309-10n

Niza, Marcos de, describes seven cities II 35

Nizir, Chaldean mountain II 145

Noachidae, Hindus perverted, II 142

Noah (Heb). See also Ark, Deluges, Floods, Manus, Vaivasvata, Xisuthrus, Yima

Adam, Jehovah & I 444
American, Humboldt on II 141
Atlantean Titan II 265 &n, 390
Bel &, preceded Adam II 144
black raven of, symbol of pralaya I 443
Chaldean Nuah is II 145, 463
Chinese, or Peiru-un II 365
Cosmas Indicopleustes on II 399
creative law forming Earth II 595
deluge of, late Atlantean II 69n, 774
deluge of, not universal deluge II 4
feared coming catastrophe II 534
female, or Nuah, Ashtoreth II 462-3
flood of, not Central Asian II 141
flood of, zodiacal allegory II 353
Hanokh gave astronomy to II 532
heir to Enoch's wisdom II 532n
Jah- II 595-6
a just man II 392
Kabir or Titan II 390
Melchizedek or II 391
name contains story of II 335
new man of new race I 444
offspring of, saviors & magicians II 222
one w Saturn II 142n
pithecoid, of science & three sons II 655
prayed before Adam's body II 467
Root- & Seed-Manu II 597
sishta, the human seed II 596
sons of, & population II 453
spirit falling into matter II 145
story explained I 444n; II 468
symbol of fifth race II 532, 597n
theogonic key to II 595
three sons &, are quaternary II 597n
three sons of, last three races II 397
took creatures by sevens II 35
Vaivasvata, Xisuthrus as II 222, 265, 306-7, 309, 314, 597, 610
version of Samothracian mystery II 360n
war of gods, giants & II 222
-Xisuthrus is third race separated II 397
Yima same as II 610

Nobeleth' Hokhmah [Noveleth Hokhmah] (Heb) worlds created by delight II 126

Nod [Nodh] (Heb) Land of (Genesis 4:16) Cain goes to, & marries I 324n; II 286, 394


aspects & I 320
dragon, serpent symbol of I 403
Moon's, in Hindu astronomy I 7, 661-3; II 76
term used now in botany I 320

Noetos (Gk), intelligible (deity) I 365, 461

Nofir-Hotpu (Egy) or Khonsoo, Lord of Thebes II 464

Nome, Egyptian city [district], gods of I 675


arguments re motion & God I 3n
medieval, & occult philosophy I 274


Absolute Being & I 16, 53, 54n, 88, 193
dark mystery of I 2
eternal, & the One Being I 45
pure spirit lost in Absolute I 481
state of universe when asleep I 54-5 &n

"The Non-Defined Forces." See Rochas d'Aiglun

"None has ever lifted my veil," Isis inscription at Sais I 393

Nonentity, bond connecting entity w II 176, 579

Nonnus (Gk poet)

——— Dionysiaca
Phlegyae (Atlantis), sinking of II 144
Semele carried to heaven I 400


of all things, active, passive I 68
of divine & human II 568n
of everything fr Absolute All II 384n
of higher self fr One Self I 276
of man's ego fr universal ego I 130-1

Noo. See Nu

Noor Illahee, light of the elohim II 514n

Noot. See Nut

"Nor Aught nor Nought . . ." See Rig-Veda

Norberg, M. See Codex Nazaraeus

Nordenskiold, Nils Adolf Erik, on islands w fossil sheep II 773 &n

Nork, F. N. [pseudonym of Selig Korn], Ararat for Arath ['erets] Earth II 597

Norns, Norse goddesses II 520

ravens of Odin whisper to II 100

Norse. See also Scandinavia

cosmogony I 427
giants, dwarfs in, myths II 754
gods of the II 283n, 754
legends II 97, 100, 283n
mundane tree I 211
mythology on axial changes II 535
mythology on man II 97, 754
prophecy about seventh root-race II 100
three, goddesses II 100

North (direction)

ankh cross & II 547
evil comes fr, & West I 123
gods, myths fr II 774n
Kuvera (Kubera) guards the I 128
Sabean worship & II 362
Toum is, wind & spirit of West I 673
we curse the, wind (Ambrose) I 123
yellow corn depicts, (Zunis) II 629

North America

colossal ruins in II 337-8
egg symbol in I 366
mystery language of I 308
rocking stones in II 342n

North Pole. See also Aurora Borealis

cap of, will never perish II 372n, 401, 403
Capricorn once at II 431
ever green continent at II 12
fohatic forces at I 204-5
fountain of life at II 400n
heaven, mountain or II 357
heaven of Lemurians' progenitors II 274
Hyperborean continent & II 7, 274
legends re, continent II 138n, 398-9, 400n, 401
passing of, to South Pole II 360
pole of ecliptic & II 431
region of, & Meru II 326-9, 357, 403, 785
separated fr continents II 138n
serpent in Vendidad II 356
source of good influences II 400n
Sun dies for six months at II 769n
upper station of gods II 404

Norway, Norwegians

ancient records of, (runes) II 346n
discovered America I 297; II 424n
& Greeks on Hyperborean continent II 11-12
has risen 200-600 ft II 787n
lemmings of II 782
part of early northern continent II 423-4
part of Lemuria, Atlantis II 402, 775
severed part of Arctic land II 399n
sinking of Lemuria began in II 332-3

"Norwegian Lemming . . ." See Crotch, W.

Norwich, Mackey adept of II 362n

Notes, seven of the scale I 534; II 492, 602. See also Keynotes

Notes and Observations . . . See Gregorie, J.

"Notes on Aristotle's Psychology . . ." See Rigg

Notes on the Bhagavad Gita. See Subba Row


Ain-Soph or Absolute, endless I 214
Dabar & I 350
God is I 352
symbol of circle & II 553

"Nothing can come from nothing." See Lucretius

"Nothing is created, only transformed" I 570

Nothingness, Abyss of, is divine Plenum I 148

"Notice on Buddhist Symbols." See Hodgson

"Not Ready," explained II 161, 167, 168, 171

Notre Dame de Paris

dragon on portal of II 207 &n
planets, elements, zodiac & I 395

Nott, J. C., & Gliddon, G. R., Types of Mankind, Agassiz' Introduction re polygenism II 610-11

Nought (zero). See also Circle, Zero

or circle, plane above number II 574
no-thing or infinite & all II 553

Noum. See Khnoom

Noumenon (a, oi, al)

akasa the, of ether I 255
consciousness is pure, of thought I 14-15
of electricity I 531
of the elements I 218n, 522; II 273
of every force intelligent I 493
First world realm of I 119
Fohat as, of cosmic substance I 148
of the four elements II 592
of hydrogen II 105, 112
invisible powers as II 517-18
known to initiates I 535n
of matter, atoms I 57
mulaprakriti, of prakriti II 65
nature's imponderable forces II 273
phenomenon & I 38, 45
Self, of personal ego I 129
spiritual fire & II 113
substance the, of matter I 329
tanmatras, of elements I 572n
of the "Three in One" II 113
unmanifested or II 24

Noun (Egy). See Nut

Nous (Gk, Gnos) spiritual mind

angle of Gnostic square II 573
in close affinity w Good II 25
created by Abraxas I 350
dominates after 3-1/2 races II 110
enters matter & agitates it I 451 &n
higher, divine wisdom I 197n
matter-moving, pervades all I 51-2
mundane intelligence (Anaxagoras) I 50, 451
Plato on II 554
Propator & I 349
Psyche & I 197n; II 134n, 377
Pymander as I 74
quaternary & II 599

Nouter, Nouti [Nutar, Neter] (Egy) [a god] generic name never personal I 675

Nouvelle Recherches . . . See Lartet, E.

Novalis [pseudonym for F. von Hardenberg], on man's body as a temple I 212

Novaya Zemlya, & glacial sea II 398

Nu (Egy) I 353, 437. See also Nut


Chaldean Noah II 145
female Noah or Ashtoreth II 462-3

Nubia, Aryans reached Egypt thru II 746


part of Absolute II 33
of superior world I 213

Nucleus, Nuclei

astral form &, of cell II 117
central, of snow crystals II 594
of cosmic matter in space I 203-4, 609
of future man II 188
speriodical & finite II 33
spheroidal, & third race egg II 166
Sun, of Mother Substance I 290, 540

Nuctemeron. See Apollonius of Tyana

Nuctemeron of the Hebrews, twelve hours in I 450

Numa. See Plutarch, Lives

Numa Pompilius (second Roman king), circular religious prostration & II 552

Number(s). See also Decad, Duad, Four, One, Sacred Numbers, Seven, Three

Arab, fr Hindustan I 361
basis of Pythagoreanism I 433-4
celestial, of China II 35
of creation II 39
five II 575-6
four a sacred number I 88-9 &n
432 & 4320 disc I 655-6; II 73-4, 624
geometrical symbols of II 36
geometric relations & I 639
God is a, endowed w motion I 67
harmony of, in nature II 622
of the hierarchies I 119, 213, 221
how circle becomes a I 99
identical, in Egypt, America, etc I 323
IO first decimal II 463
is an entity (Balzac) I 66-7
Jevons explains thru I 430n
Jewish Deity II 539, 543
Kabbala & II 39-41, 539, 560
key to esoteric system I 164
language older than Egyptian I 322
limited, of monads I 171
mystical, & Masonry I 113n
no, a circle II 574
odd & even, discussed II 574-6, 602
One, & No-Number I 86, 87-8, 94, 98
1065 explained I 89-90
phallic w Jews II 463, 467-8
Proclus & self-moving II 552
Pythagorean, symbolic I 361, 433-4, 460
relation betw gods & II 575
reveal intelligent plan in cosmos II 73-4
sacred, in scriptures I 66-7, 89-91; II 551-3, 580
secrecy re I 170
seven a compound of II 582-4, 598
significance of II 574-6
the ten, in double triangle II 592
31415 discussed I 88-92
unequal, please gods (Virgil) II 602
universe built on I 88-92, 98-9
Word, Logos begets I 67n

Number of Creation, in Book of Al-Chazari II 40. See also Ha-Levi

Numbers (Bible)

Anakim (giants) II 336
brazen, fiery serpents I 364 &nn, 414; II 206n, 387n
crucifying against the Sun II 558
seventy elders or planets I 576

Numerals. See also Numbers

Chinese cosmogony & occult I 440-1
Hebrew I 320
origin of decimal I 361, 427
science of I 89-92
two kinds of I 66


ancient, mysteries II 564
Book of Dzyan, values in I 434
cosmogony &, facts I 170, 206
Hebrew, system fr Phoenicia II 560
interpretation of Genesis I 264
Patriarchs as, symbols II 391
sexual separation &, values I 114n
system of universe I 119
values of biblical names II 536
values of various beings I 89-91, 90n, 114, 131, 213

Nun (Chaldee)

Joshua son of, or Fish I 264
'nun-ah Sabah or I 394

Nuntis [Nuntium] (Lat), or Mercury II 28

Nuraghi[e], prehistoric Sardinian buildings of Atlantean origin II 352


of conscious, spiritual souls I 218, 573
for future human adepts I 207

Nursling of Nirmanakayas (Boehme) I 494

Nut, Noot, Noun, Nout, Nu (Egy)

celestial river, Deep, chaos I 312
defunct crosses, to Tiaou I 228
expanse of heaven I 229
Nu &, cosmic duad I 353, 437
Tum or Fohat born of I 673 &n

Nutation (oscillation of axis) climate &, (Croll) II 314

Nutrition, of foetus II 131

Nux. See Nyx

Nyam-Nyam (African pigmies)

once a mighty race II 445
side by side w "giants" II 754

Nyaya (Skt) school of philosophy

atoms of the I 335
nimitta & upadana defined in I 55, 370n

Nying-po (Tib), Alaya or I 48

Nympaea Lutea (yellow water-lily) II 440

Nymphs II 175, 519, 614. See also Apsarasas

Nyx (Gk, Nox in Lat) Erebos &, give birth to light I 110

Theosophical University Press Online Edition