Index to The Secret Doctrine — prepared by John P. Van Mater

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Scandinavia(n). See also Eddas, Norse, Wagner, W.

America settled by I 297
Ases, oracles, runes of II 97, 346 &n
cosmogony before Vedas (Muller) I 367
dragon, swastika in II 486, 557
legends begin w time & life I 427
Loki, falling god of II 486
mythology of II 754, 774
Odin of, one of 35 buddhas II 423
skull size of II 523
wars in heaven among I 202


Azazel, of Israel II 387, 389n, 409
Jewish, for the Fall II 510
Satan as the I 412


symbol II 552
winged, symbol of devachan I 365

Schamo. See Shamo

Schelling, Friedrich W. J. von II 461

Absolute of, & Vedanta I 50
accepted periodical avataras I 52n
believed many worlds inhabited II 706
derivation of word Osiris II 114
nature divinities of ancients I 463-4
serpent is evil II 209

——— Ideen zu einer Philosophie der Natur
illusion of matter I 510

Schemel. See Shemal

Scheo (Egy). See Shoo

Scherer, C., saw a dragon II 207n

Schesoo-Hor [Shesu-Heru] (Egy) "Sons of Horus," settled & built Egypt II 432

Schibb. See Ragon

Schiller, Johann Cristoph Friedrich

skull of II 523

——— "The Veiled Image at Sais"
poem re veil of Isis II 654-5

Schilling. See Schelling, F. W. J. von

Schindler, V., Lexicon Pentaglotton, defines Sod as Mysteries II 212n

Schlagintweit, Emil

——— Buddhism in Tibet
commentators justify dogmas I xxvii
Nagas II 26-7n

Schlegel, Dr Gustaf, Uranographie Chinoise, Chinese astronomy 18,000 years old I 658

Schliemann, Dr Heinrich

proved Troy existed II 236

——— Ilios
found prehistoric idols II 723
inscriptions in unknown languages II 440
swastika discs at Troy II 101, 586

Schmidt, Edward Oskar

——— The Doctrine of Descent & Darwinism . . .
American & African fauna alike II 792
ape grown more bestial II 646
Darwin & our human ancestors II 667n
difficulties of Darwinism II 734n
Gerland on Australians II 779 &n
hermaphrodite man II 172n, 184
language & Darwinism II 662
on Lemurian continent II 789 &n
man grows more human II 646
man's kinship w apes II 666n
North Africa peninsula of Spain II 8-9n
Paleolithic man not Pithecoid II 716n
root of ungulates unknown II 735-6
various types of reproduction II 166

Schmidt, J. F. J., discovered star in Cygnus I 596

Scholia in Apollonium Rhodium, on Kabiri II 362

Scholia in Aristotelem. See Simplicius

Scholia in Euripides "Orestes" (Dindorf). See Euripides

Scholia Vaticanum ad Euripides Troades. See Euripides


Buddhist: Mahayana, Hinayana I 39, 47-9 &nn
catechism of inner II 281-2
esoteric I xx n, xxiii, xliv, 94, 306
secret Buddhist, trans-Himalayan I xx n, xxi, xxiii
six Indian I 47n, 269, 278
war between initiates of two II 497-8

Schopenhauer, Arthur I 96n

agnostic I 19n
echoes Zohar II 528
pessimism of II 156n, 304n

Schopfungsgeschichte. See Haeckel, History of Creation

Schott, Wilhelm, Entwurf einer Beschreibung . . . , Confucius a transmitter I xxxvii &n

Schottgen, Christian, Horae Hebraicae . . . , Adam not living soul II 162

Schwartze, Moritz Gotthilf, discovered & translated Pistis Sophia II 566n

Schwegler, Albert, A History of Philosophy, self-consciousness & Absolute I 51 &n

Schweinfurth, G. A.

——— In the Heart of Africa
African giants, dwarfs II 754
chasm between man & beast II 655n

Science(s). See also Chemistry, Physics, Scientific, Scientists

adepts solved problems of II 451
aether, akasa, cannot analyze I 487
ancient, anticipated modern II 253
ancient nations pursued II 334
antagonism betw metaphysics & I 485n
approaches occult I 124, 548-9, 551-4, 600, 625-8
Atlantean II 49
Bible, Puranas & II 251-63
in Brahmanical chronology II 66-70, 73
calls Atlantis Lemuria II 314-15
can't answer what a man is I 636
compelled to accept ether I 485
conceit of our age I 133
contradictions in I 482-3
corroborates physical only I 164
could profit fr ancients I 586-7
denies violent axial changes, Atlantis II 314
dicta not necessarily proven I 279
dogmatic assertions of II 349
Donnelly put aside by II 334
esoteric & orthodox, on life II 711-15
esoteric figures & II 156
esoteric, profane, & astral body II 149
ever becoming like universe I 516
evolution thru blind force I 139
exoteric II 124
faithful to its ape ancestor II 329
fallibility of theories II 316n
fears to make man ancient II 347-8
force-matter unknown god of I 509-10
forces of, effects of elements I 342
foundation of, Grecian, Indian I 579
Genesis &, (Gladstone) II 252n
geology & evolution not exact II 656
Grove demanded reform of I 495
honeycombed w metaphysics I 485, 544
inductive I 298
inertia in I 511
infallibility of I 520
Kabiri taught man II 364
on Keely's work I 555-6
laws of, self-guiding I 506-7
laya zero point of I 148-9
Lemuro-Atlantean II 285
life an aspect of matter in I 602-3
ludicrous mistakes of II 439
on man as first mammal II 155
man's size & II 277
materialism of, & divine spirits I 276
materialism often miscalled I 279
mathematical abstraction basis of I 670
may ignore first 2-1/2 races II 685-6
men of true, defined I 514
metaphysics &, (Slack) I 588
modern, fr ancient I 507, 579
must study causes II 592
mystery is the fatality of I 670
mystified by fire I 121
mythology man's most ancient I 304
nature purposive & I 640-1
needs the spiritual & psychic I 588
new, hidden in old gods II 130
nothingness of, is a plenum I 148
occult & modern II 322n, 348, 449
occult, changeless traditions of I 516
occultism & I 477-81, 496, 636-7
occult, key to world problems I 341
occult teachings & I 506-7
one name for all substance I 510
"organized common sense" I 477
real, not materialistic I 518-19
recognizes only physical man II 315
rejects special creation II 731
relation betw mind & matter in I 124 &n
religion &, on Earth's age II 796
ridicules intelligent universe I 287
secure only in solar system I 601
seven liberal, & seven accursed II 641
sophisms of I 279
space, force, matter I 615
Stonehenge "explained" by II 344
studies effects, not causes I 262, 464-5
studies four elements only II 592
takes nothing on trust I 669
taught to man by gods II 366
theories of rotation I 500-6
theosophist realizes value of I 296
traces proximate causes I 515
true, described II 663-4
truth should be sole aim of I 509
turned fr theology to matter II 689
universal life & I 49
uses many things it does not know II 655
Vishnu as Kapila taught man II 572
walls of modern Jericho I 298-9

"Science and the Emotions." See Clodd, E.

Science occulte. See Salverte, E.

Science of Lang., Lectures on. See Muller

Science of Language, The. See Hovelacque, A.

Science of Rel., Intro. to. See Muller, F. M.

Science of Serpents (Upanishads) science of occult knowledge II 26n

Science of Thought. See Muller, F. M.

Scientific. See also Science, Scientists

conclusions fallible II 316n
confirmation of Lemuria II 324-34
data taken on faith II 438
discoveries & occult teaching I 546, 623
fictions on life on other worlds II 701
hypotheses unverifiable phantoms I 617
imagination of Tyndall I 483
must follow Hermetists I 625
teachings & occult compared II 348

Scientific American, USS Dolphin's findings II 793

Scientific Arena, A. W. Hall on force & energy I 146n

Scientific Letters. See Butlerof, A. M.

Scientific Religion. See Oliphant, L.

Scientist(s). See also Science, Scientific

anticlerical enthusiasm of II 645
attack spiritual beliefs II 664
blind force, mechanical nature of II 298
blind theories of, "miraculous" II 664
confirm periodic submergences II 325-6
deride metaphysics II 664
do not believe in Atlantis II 429
do not know Earth's ages II 66
failure of, due to materialism I 600
fallacies of I 487-8
future, will discover marvels I 297
know matter only skin deep I 147
modes of motion confuse I 491
mysterious help given a few I 612
often as bigoted as clergy I 509
restate ancient ideas I 117-18
see only what they wish II 752
75% evolutionists II 645
some great, referred to I 517-20
unable to understand Svabhavikas I 3-4
will be driven out of materialism I 620
will not become anti-Cartesian I 627
worship force-matter I 509-10

Scinde. See Sind

Scintillas. See also Sparks

souls of gods, monads, atoms I 619
sparks, worlds or I 98-9
of three upper & four lower worlds I 618
worlds that came & died II 704

Sclater, Philip Lutley

invented name Lemuria II 7, 171
opposed by Wallace II 8n


Aries, Mars &, (Skinner) II 392
desert rains &, (Job) I 648
heart of, & beginning of kali-yuga I 663
reproductive organs, sign of II 129
Virgo becomes II 129
Virgo-, or Dan I 651
Virgo-, separated II 502n

Scorpion, reference in Egyptian Book of Dead II 588n


cup-like markings on stones in II 346n
sinking II 787n


lipika means I 103-4, 128-9n
Thot is sacred, of Amenti I 385


all allegorical II 77, 409-10
astronomy, cosmolatry & II 77
Chaldean, mutilated by Eusebius I xxvi &n
chanted, rationale of I 94
double origin of Hebrew II 202-3
every, has seven aspects II 496
exoteric I 165, 278, 306-7
great, convey truth II 409-10
impudence of modern translators II 537
man once luminous, incorporeal in II 112
man's parent-gods in every II 358
national, for exoteric use I 229
no, contains the whole I 318
numbers, figures in every I 320-1
old, constantly altered II 657-8
prove antiquity of teachings II 449
seven primeval races in all I 248
sevens in biblical II 747-8
tree, sacred knowledge, or I 128n

Scrolls of Wisdom (Norse) II 100

Scythia(ns) II 7

of Herodotus II 416
Hyperborea beyond II 11
one-eyed race of II 769n


descend fr Atlantean subrace II 774
Mongolians should be called II 203

Sea(s). See also Ocean, Space

chalk deposits on, bottom II 325
dragon of, (Tiamat) I 357; II 503
of fire or noumenal light I 75
glacial, gloomy in tradition II 398
inland, of Gobi II 5, 220, 502-3, 637
of milk & Lakshmi I 380
North Asian, called Saturnine II 777n
Polar II 12
of sorrow or Earth life II 505
of Space, Akkadians, Babylonians II 477
Thalatth, Thalassa & II 65n
Venus-Aphrodite personifies I 458n
of wine, butter, curds II 321
Zohar on serpent of II 504

Sea Anemone, reproduces by budding II 166

Seang of Wai [Hsiang of Wei] (Chin), Bamboo Books & II 302

"Sea of Knowledge," once on Gobi Desert II 502-3

Sea Serpent II 207, 477


angle of pole causes II 356
Arab year of six II 621
eternal spring in third race II 201, 356
on Jupiter & Venus II 706-7
Kabiri & the I 642n
no changes greater than I 441
procreation & II 412nn
Titan-Kabirim regulate II 363

Seb (Egy). See Keb

Sebakh or Sevekh (Egy) seventh

defunct man, crocodile, dragon I 219-20
Kronos or I 408

Sebti (Egy), Kep, Kepti & I 408

Secchi, Father Pietro Angelo

——— Le soleil
estimates Sun's heat I 484n
on sunspot activity I 541 &n

Second Adam, septenary, seven races II 1-2n

Secondary Age (geology). See also Primordial-, Primary-, Tertiary-, & Quaternary Age

age of reptiles II 713
animals bisexual at end of II 594n
cataclysms destroyed third race in II 714
civilization back to II 266n
mammalia of II 684
man in II 10, 157, 219, 288, 687n, 714n, 734
reptiles preponderated in II 254
rocks of, 15,000 feet thick II 709
science denies man in II 713
strata of, twice the Tertiary II 715n
table II 710
third race appeared in II 713
third race Titan of II 9
Wealden river bed Lemurian II 333

Secondary Creation

atoms issue fr laya-center in I 453
begins I 449-50
cataclysms of II 312 &n
of darkness, matter I 450
dhyani-chohans, rishis in I 453
Earth grew opaque in II 312 &n
every cosmogony begins w II 59
first elemental differentiation I 452
Hindu I 452-3
manifested universe emanates I 446
mineral, vegetable in II 312
Primary & II 53n, 107, 113, 312n, 446, 447
second hierarchy of manus in I 453

Second Birth (Skt). See also Dvija

janna signifies I xx n

Second Continent. See also Hyperborean Continent

destruction of II 138
eternal spring of, became Hades II 138

Second Logos. See also Adam-Kadmon

Ampsiu-Ouraan (Gnostic) or II 569n
androgyne dual force I 437
creative subordinate powers II 544
demiurge II 22, 478
First &, or Avalokitesvara I 72n
first begotten ogdoad I 448
First Cause manifests thru I 214
manifested Logos I 448; II 25
Microprosopus I 240
purusha-prakriti I 16
role of II 478
Sephiroth, Adam Kadmon II 544
spirit-matter I 16
Sun, Marttanda, eigth son of Aditi I 448
Tetraktys of Greeks II 599
Vajrasattva I 571

Second Race. See Root-Race — 2nd

Second Round. See Round, Second

Secrecy. See also Secret

about life & death II 451
re certain symbols I 306, 363
Egyptian priests pledged to II 763
esoteric catechism on I 299
except to pledged chelas I 164
fear of desecration II 124
of initiates II 586
millenniums of, re Secret Doctrine I xxii
re mysteries of nature II 518
Neoplatonists bound by oaths of II 763
Plato pledged to II 266, 763
reasons for I xxxiii-v; II 451
reticence in giving truth I 167; II 571
rules on, strict I 163-4, 168, 170
Sepher-Jezirah I 299
since Plato's Atlantis sank II 124


Asuramaya confirmed in, records II 50
Atlantean, cycles II 49
books about man II 444
books in temple libraries II 529
catechism of Druses II 27
complete, record of Lemurians II 334-5
data fr generations of adepts II 700
description of, Lemurian records II 334-5
documents hidden, knowledge not I xxxv
dual power of, wisdom II 364
figures kept I 163-4, 168, 170; II 251
Kabbala's secret of II 282n
knowledge confined to temples II 532-3
"Mirror of Futurity" one of, records II 49
of nature II 319
records & seven keys to man's genesis I 323
sciences, history of II 503
teachings, portion only given I 480
works & esoteric cycles II 70
works unknown in Europe II 439

Secret Doctrine. See also Esoteric, Occultism

accumulated wisdom of ages I xxii, 272-3
avoids miraculous, materialistic II 153
basis & source of all things I 46
Buddhism, Upanishads rest on I 47
choice betw, & Darwinism, Bible II 157
Church Fathers tried to destroy I xl
common property of mankind II 794
on cosmogenesis (Isis Unveiled) I 4
dates incompatible w science II 794
defined & described I 272-3
difficulties in describing II 794-8
of the East II 127
esoteric Zoroastrianism same as II 356
found in thousands of Sanskrit manuscripts I xxiii
generations of seers checked I 272
Hermetic fragments part of I 287
Hindu philosophy older than Egy I 387
intelligent powers rule universe I 287
interprets archaic symbols II 96-7
key to theogonies & sciences II 767
looked upon as hoax II 441-2
loses caste II 275
manus, races, etc II 307
millions of beings around, in us I 604-5
more given each century I xxxvii-viii n
Nabathean Agriculture & II 455
New World, before Buddhism II 424n
preserved in Vatican I xliv
proofs of its diffusion I xxxiv, 307
Rosicrucian pelican symbol fr I 19-20
state the, & bear consequences I 323
synonyms of Hindu gods in I 92
teaches no atheism I 279
teaches progressive development I 43
teaches reliable history I 267
three fundamental propositions I 14-18
three fund prop re evolution II 1, 274-5
universally diffused religion of mankind I xxxiv
Word: one number fr no number I 94

Secret Doctrine, The. See Blavatsky, H. P.


fr divine bodies & atoms I 568
spiritual, of alchemists I 509

"Secret of Satan." See Kingsford, The Perfect Way

Secret Science. See also Gupta-Vidya

dual power of II 364
Gandharvas instructors in II 584
known to initiates, adepts I 611-12
new teacher of, in twentieth century I xxxviii
not a fairy tale II 795
portions of, concealed I xxxv
works on, destroyed I xxiii-iv

Secret Work (of Chiram or King Hiram) perfect man culmination of II 113

Sedimentation (ary)

animal evolution & II 325n
carbonic acid & II 157
first, 320 million years ago II 710, 715n
preparation for, fouth round II 715n
various scientists on beginning of II 694

Sedu (Sadu in tx) Chaldean class of spirits II 248n


becomes a golden egg I 333, 350
brought by first "Seven" II 590
design of future evolution in II 653-4
every, a potential god I 201
force which informs I 291
ideal prototype within I 63
Incomprehensible drops a I 350
latent potentialities of II 653
lotus, symbol of II 472
man storehouse of all II 289-90 &n
must die to live as a plant I 459n
Mysteria Specialia, of anything I 283n
preserved in an ark II 307n
racial II 444
self-existent Lord cast a I 333
serpent's, & woman II 411
of undying wisdom II 282
world germ or I 200-1 &n


divine sishta II 164, 308
each round closes w II 308
Noah symbol of root- & II 597
table of II 309
twenty-one manus explained I 235n
Vaivasvata, root-manus & II 321

Seeman, Prof B.

——— "Australia & Europe . . ."
Australian race & Eocene man II 779
confirms horseshoe continent II 333
floral evidence of Atlantis II 781
relegated man to Eocene II 288

Seer(s). See also Adepts, Initiates

Apollo god of II 770
can commune w higher beings II 281n
catastrophe predicted by I 646
cosmic forces seen by I 633-4
Dangma or I 46n
data fr generations of II 700
eye of, sees pregenetic protyle I 46n, 617-18
flashing eye of I 272
generations of, checked Secret Doctrine I 272
generic names of II 361-75, 529-35
life on other stars & II 703
observe interstellar shoals I 633-4
of the open eye, Enoichion or II 530
perceive mysteries of motion I 116n
physiological purity of II 295
recorded the soul of things I 272
Siva eye of II 284
spiritual eagle eye of I 605; II 67
sushumna ray & trance of I 515
trace sound beyond matter I 633
vision limited to solar system II 700n
visions of, checked I 273

Seer of Patmos. See also John, St.

sought to improve Book of Enoch II 510

Sefekh Abu (Egy) I 408

Seiffarth. See Seyffarth, G.

Seket (Egy, Sokhit in tx) cat sacred to II 552n

Sekhem (Egy)

devachan or I 220-1, 237
mysterious face concealed in I 220

Seldenus [John Selden], De Diis Syriis, divination by the teraphim I 394

Select Specimens of the Hindu Theater. See Wilson, H. H.

Selenic, Selenognosis, Selenography I 305, 396

Seleucus of Seleucia, taught heliocentic theory I 117 &n

Self. See also Atman, Egos, Higher Self

divine, perceived by human I 471
divine, wisdom of II 569
-guidance longed for II 484
higher I 266, 445, 610n, 638-9; II 95, 103, 109-10
higher, & dreamless sleep I 266
higher, crucified by man II 36
higher, goaded by personal II 109
humanizing the II 246
memory generates notion of I 292
merging the, w the II 639 &n
must emancipate, fr seven senses I 87, 534
paralyzing the lower I 276
parent-source of ego I 129
passions of terrestrial II 268
sacrifice of II 94n, 243
seat abiding in the, (Anugita) II 495
voice of, within II 640
which is & is not I 333-4
-worship leads to phallicism II 273
yoga inhalation & higher I 96

Self-born I 203, 450

beings born thru will II 120-1
chhayas II 120, 138, 164, 198
first race called II 198
Kasyapa the I 366; II 382n
Logos I 363; II 355
materialists reject II 151
Sons of Wisdom rejected, (boneless) II 171
Svayambhuva or II 311

Self-conscious(ness). See also Agnishvattas, Asuras, Kumaras, Lucifer, Man, Prometheus, Root-Race--3rd

absolute, not the Unconscious I 50-1
ahamkara or I 335 &n
animals lack I 234
atoms are potentially I 107
becomes egoism, selfishness II 639n
buddhi plus, is Christos II 231n
development of, in mindless II 79-81, 103, 167
dhyani-chohans endow man w II 233n
efforts toward divinity II 93
evolution I 416
Fallen Angels key to II 274
instinct & I 210, 234
lunar men had to become II 45
Mahat, manas & I 75
Mahat root of II 58-9
makes human evolution different I 175
manas springs fr I 334
man is a brute without II 163
no, in early races I 210, 539n
no, in pure spirit II 80
organizing principle or ego II 654
paramartha or I 48n
spirit becomes, explained I 192-3
tortures of, (Prometheus) II 421
unconscious becomes, (Hegel) I 106
voice of self within II 640
won thru experience I 106

Self-existent. See also Svayambhuva

absolute divine essence I 56
angelic spiritual essence II 242 &n
Atma-bhu or the II 176, 578
eternal in essence only I 88
Heavenly Man & II 128
Ibn Gebirol on the I 439n
Lord I 52, 85, 333
not the universal One I 88
One, Reality I 2, 18
projected their shadows II 242-3
Svayambhuva or I 80-1


intellect &, dangerous II 163
moves lower man II 422
of personality II 110
pride chief prompter of II 237

Semele (Gk)

ascends to heaven I 400
had Bacchus by Jupiter II 362-3

Semite(s), Semitic. See also Arabs, Jews

Adam of, fr Aryans II 452
age of, empire II 691
ancient, language II 755
Aryan &, cosmogony II 241
Aryan &, on initiation II 470-4
belong to fifth race II 266
borrowed their theology II 203
branchlet of fouth & fifth subraces I 319
chasm betw Aryan &, religion I 383
common religion before separation I xxix
creation not emanation II 54
creation story sinful II 53
descend fr red Adam II 426
exalt God over all others II 507-8
family race II 147n
-Hebrews 8,000 years old II 470-1
introduced phallicism II 54
invented temptation of flesh I 383
Kabbala &, on God & man I 444-5
language fr Sanskrit II 200
later Aryans II 200
Moon once masculine & Sun feminine w I 397
obsessed w procreation II 543
original unity of, & Aryans (Bunsen) I 115n
paradox of the, mind I 383
Seth primitive god of II 82n
sin, esoteric & exoteric view of I 383
triadic deities of II 54
womb Holy of Holies w II 457n

Sena (Skt) [spear, army], fem/male aspect of Karttikeya II 619

Senary (six) II 580

discussed II 582-3
hieroglyphical (Ragon) II 591


——— Epistles
Earth shall return to chaos II 757

——— Hercules Oetaeus
dissolution, birth of worlds II 757

——— Quaestiones Naturales
Berosus on cataclysms I 649-50
dissolution of worlds II 757

Senectute, De (On Old Age). See Cicero

"Senior occultatus est . . ." I 214-15


animal lives life of II 525n
every atom has, (Haeckel) II 673
mind ultimately rests upon I 2n
nerve molecules & 134n
space & I 555n

Sense(s). See also Hearing, Sight, Smell, Taste, Touch

Aindri personified evolution of II 614
barrier to spiritual development II 296
beings w more or less I 608n
buddhi is seventh II 639
came in third creation I 453
characteristics of matter & I 251
developed w physical man II 298
die before the body I 459n
evolution of outer II 294
evolved fr astral prototypes II 295
fire (self) burns lower five, away II 639
five, & illusion I 329-30
five, born fr elements II 106-7
five, six, seven, explained I 535n
freedom fr thralldom of I 329-30
inner, atrophied in early races II 294
jnanasakti & I 292
knowledge fr five, & four elements I 462
laborious knowledge of I 279
loss of physical II 370n
organs of, originate fr elements I 284-5
pentacle symbol of five I 125
physical, of a lower creation II 106
rudimentary, produced 1st I 447
Self beyond perception of II 568
seven, & causes of action I 535 &n
seven, & seven priests I 87, 96; II 630
seven, in older Upanishads I 268 &n
seven spiritual & physical I 534
sixth, & permeability I 251, 258
Vedic Aryans & double set of I 534

Sensitives, hallucinations & II 370n

Senzar (secret sacerdotal language)

catechism on Space I 9
early, hieroglyphic cipher II 439
origin & universality of I xliii
used betw master & chelas I 23

Separation of Sexes. See also Root-Race — Third, Sexes

animals separated first II 184
began in egg stage II 197
in Bronze Age (of myth) II 520n
circle w vertical line or I 5
Daksha allegorized II 275
diagram II 688
early mankind & II 2-3
gradual II 84, 132, 197, 201
history begins w II 312
in mammals before man II 736 &n
man astral before II 736
man generated sexually after II 173
monosyllabic speech after II 198
Naudin on II 119-20, 181
Noah story & I 444n
part of natural evolution II 217, 275
"polar cells" & II 117
Pymander on II 96
rib of Adam legend & II 193
Schmidt on II 172n, 184
Tahitian myth of II 193-4
in third root-race II 132, 135, 147, 177, 248, 715n
third round Indra & II 615n
Virgo-Scorpio separated w II 502n

Sephar (Heb, Saphar, S'phor in tx). See also Sepharim

one of three seraphim [sepharim] I 92

Sepharim (Heb, sephrim in tx) ciphers, numbers, letters I 361n; II 39-40, 234

Sepher (Heb). See also Sepharim

implies numeration II 39
one of three seraphim [sepharim] I 92

Sepher Jezirah. See Sepher Yetsirah

Sepher M'bo Sha-arim [Sepher M'ro Shearim], Superior emanates into inferior II 116

Sepher Yetsirah (Heb, Jezirah orJetzirah in tx)

air, water, fire I 447
alhim, sephrim II 39-40
compiled fr "very old book" I xliii
cosmic elements I 338 &n
cosmogenesis I 337
Divine is eternal Boundless I 447
dual light II 36-7
incomplete now II 536-7
miracles performed w I xliii n
occult work (Levi) II 536
q by Rabbi [Halevi] in Al-Chazari II 234
rules of secrecy in I 299
sacred animals, Holy Four I 92 &n
spirit of the elohim I 130n
Word of I 94

Sephira[h] (Heb, sing). See also Sephiroth

Adam Kadmon & I 98, 137, 215-16n, 337, 430-2
Adi-Sanat, Brahma I 98 &n
Aditi I 53n, 357; II 43
becomes androgyne I 246n, 354-5
Chaldean I 357
emergence of I 354-5
-Eve or Aditi-Vach I 355-6
first, the Crown I 215n; II 39
Hindu Vach anticipated I 137
Hokhmah, Binah & I 98n
Kether or I 215n
light or I 337
mother in all religions I 215-16 &n
mother of sephiroth I 53n, 355
Point or II 111
sephiroth & I 89-90
sephiroth later II 111
Shekinah or I 53n, 355, 430
shown as a woman I 352
Tiamat, Aditi or I 357
universal soul I 352-3
Vach, Kwan Yin, etc I 431n
wife, daughter, mother I 430

Sephirah Djenioutha. See Siphra di-Tseni`utha'

Sephiroth. See also Sephirah

Adam Kadmon synthesis of I 427, 432; II 2n, 544, 704n
Alhim created six I 342
architect generic name for I 579n
become creators, patriarchs I 355
builders of physical universe I 375
circle w diameter is ten I 391
creative secondary powers II 544
dbrim [debarim] or the ten I 432
deity manifests thru ten I 239
dhyani-chohans or I 339, 579n
elements stand for I 339
elohim or I 230; II 388
fourth in descent I 614
heavenly man synthesis of I 337; II 704n
host of, first Adam II 46n
Jehovah one of lower I 197-8, 438
Jehovah third of, or Binah I 6n
Kabbala rests on II 37
later than Sephirah II 111
led on by Adam Kadmon II 129
man created by II 44
metaphysical, not Jehovah I 438-9
not abstractions I 632n
Osiris as chief I 437
prajapatis or I 355
Pythagorean Tetraktys symb II 111
relation of, to man (Kabbala) I 230
second & third of, or Microprosopus II 626
Sepher Yetsirah on II 39-40
sephrim [sepharim] & I 361n; II 39-40, 234
seven & upper triad I 98n, 128, 130; II 97
seven centers of energy II 604n
seven, channels of intelligence I 239
seven creative hosts I 72
seven limbs or I 239, 352
seven lower, or second Adam II 1-2n, 595
seven, or builders I 128
seven, or pillars II 293
seven, or prajapati I 89-90
seven splendors or II 603
six, of construction (builders) I 375
ten, & kingdoms I 176
ten & seven classes of I 90, 215, 239, 352, 355, 361n, 391, 432; II 111
ten, limbs of heavenly man I 215, 239
Tetragrammaton head of seven lower I 344
three II 39-40
three attributes of II 234
three orders of I 438
various names for I 375
Zohar on I 241

Sephirothal Tree II 25

Adam Kadmon is I 352; II 4, 293, 625n
Brahma or universe I 352
four unities, three binaries of I 237n
seven, ten & twelve parts II 36
Tetragrammaton, IHVH or II 625n
Tree of Life I 619; II 97
two triads & quaternary form II 595
universe sprang fr II 625n

Sephirothal Triad, Triangle I 619

emanates quaternary II 595
Fiery Breaths same as upper I 213
first II 269n
Sephirah, Hokhmah, Binah or I 98n

Sephra Dzenioutha. SeeSiphra di-Tseni`utha'

Sephrim. See Sepharim

Sepolture dei Giganti, prehistoric Sardinian tombs II 752

Sepp, Dr J. N.

——— Vie de Notre-Seigneur . . .
dwarfing of Hindu yugas I 655; II 619-20
Hindus borrowed fr Christians I 655
Messiah born in lunar year 4320 I 654
plagiarized Wilford I 655
satanic origin of pagan saviors II 482

Septarshis. See Saptarshis

Septempartite, Earth is, explained II 758

Septenary. See also Hebdomad, Septenate(s), Seven(s)

anima mundi is a II 562
arrangement infallible I 586n
cosmic & human principle II 616
cycle a law of nature II 623
diagram of kosmos I 200
discussed II 582-3, 622-30
division of solar forces I 290
division of stars, men, once esoteric I 168
division preceded fourfold I 408 &n
Earth must become II 312n
evolution I 267-8
highest triad, quaternary & II 595
Jah-Noah lowest II 596
law governs sound II 628
law of periodicity II 627
man clue to, powers I xxxv
man's principles II 79, 592-3, 604, 627
matter, in esotericism I 10n
meaning of dragon II 208
nature of life, disease II 622-3 &n
Oeaohoo six in one I 68
pre-, manvantara II 308n
principle universal I 241; II 628-30
refers to our world only I 333
system best for occultism II 592-3n
teaching ancient II 604, 640
teaching in Egypt I 236n; II 632-3

"Septenary Division in Different Indian Systems." See Subba Row

"Septenary Principle in Esotericism." See Blavatsky, H. P.

Septenate(s). See also Septenary, Seven(s)

abstract nature a II 595-6
Bartlett on, in nature II 595
every man a II 29, 603-4
Second Adam as a II 2n
sidereal II 551
stands for physical realm II 603
the universal II 598-9
various II 616-18
in Vedas II 605-6

Sept leccons de physique generale. See Cauchy

Septuagint (Gk version Old Testament)

disagrees w Protestant Bible I 576
Jewish law in Greek II 200n
rendering of Joshua (8:29) II 558

"Sepulture des Tartares." See Tooke, Wm.

Theosophical University Press Online Edition