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Jabal, Kabir instructor II 390
Jablonski, P. E.
——— Pantheon aegyptiorum . . .
Io signified Moon II 463
sons of rebellion II 386
Jachin (Heb) [1 Kings 7:21 & 2 Chronicles 3:17], Boaz &, Christianity rests on II 497
Jack the Ripper II 507n
covenant of, w tribal deity II 470
Ephraim elect of I 653
Esau &, like Cain & Abel II 135
God of, not Father of Jesus II 509
ladder of II 281n, 357
"lot of Jehovah's inheritance" II 537-8
pillar of, phallic II 471-2, 473
sons of, allegory of black, white II 211-12
sons of, & Arabs II 200n
twelve sons of, & zodiac I 649, 651; II 200n
Jacob, Major G. A., The Vedantasara, Parabrahman, etc I 7 &n
Jacolliot, Louis I 636
much truth in Bible in India II 442
——— Les Fils de Dieu
q Vamadeva Mudaliyar I 376-7
——— Histoire des Vierges
evidence of Pacific cataclysms II 788n
Pacific continent & submergence II 222-4
prehistoric civilization existed II 786n
Jadoo [Jadu] (Hindu & Pers), sorcery II 232n
Jagaddhatri (Skt) conveyed six embryos to Devaki II 527
Jagadyoni (Skt) womb of the world
gods & men proceed fr II 108
ideal karana or cause I 46
material womb of world I 582
not Parabrahman II 108
Jagannatha (Skt) Lord of the World
bigotry & materialism cars of I xli
Rawlinson on II 130
Jagat (Skt) [the universe], "This" refers to I 7
Jah [Yah] (Heb), Lord II 39, 467. See also Yah, Yaho
divine name of Chochmah [Hokhmah] I 355
Hebrew, discussed II 129
same as Yah II 126
Jahangir (Akbar's son), published Bada'uni's book I xxiv n
Jahe, Yahra II 465
Ja-Heva. See Yah-Havvah
Jah-, Jod-Hovah. See Yah-Havvah
Jah(navi) (Skt) Ganges II 130
Jah-Noah [Yah-Noah]
Jehovah of Bible II 596
sishta identical w II 596
Tetragrammaton, quaternary or II 595-6
Jaho-Jah [Yaho-Yah] II 129, 465
Mystery name II 541
Jah-Veh. See Yahweh
settlement in southern India II 224n
Tirthankaras of II 423n
Jaina Cross (Jain, Masonic)
swastika called II 98
tau, Christian, &, same meaning I 657
Thor's hammer or I 5
Jakin. See Jachin
Jalalabad II 338
Jala-rupa (Skt) [water form], name of sign Makara II 577
Jamaica, Voodoos of II 209
Jamblichus. See Iamblichus
Jambu-Dvipa (Skt) rose-apple tree island
Bharata-Varsha best part of II 369
at center of dvipas II 758
described II 320-2, 403-4 &n
divided among nine sons II 320
North & South America & II 182, 403
only terrestrial dvipa II 326
James (Epistle)
God does not tempt man I 414
wisdom, earthly, sensual I 194, 197n; II 134n; 275n
James, Sir Henry, cataclysms due to axis changes II 314
Jamshid, built Persepolis II 398
Janaka (Skt), birth of, (Vayu-Purana) II 524n
Janardana (Skt) [Vishnu or Krishna], Rudra becomes, breathes rain I 370
Janarloka (Skt)
beings in, at maha-pralaya I 371
fifth division (or world) I 116
one of seven lokas II 321
Jangama (Skt), locomotive or fixed I 454
Janna, or Dan [Dhyana, Skt]
reform by meditation & knowledge I xx n
secret portions of, & wisdom religion I xx
Jannaeus, Alexander (of Lyda) II 504n
Jao-Jehovah. See Iao-Jehovah
Japan, Japanese I xxxiv; II 727
birth of seven spirits I 216-18
Buddhism declined in I xx-i
Buddhist ascetics secretive I 67n, 173-4
can read Chinese writing I 307n
cosmogony of I 213-14
cyclopaedia, chart fr II 204
esoteric school in I xxiii
figures for cycles II 566
hierarchy of creative powers I 213-14, 215-18
most learned Taoists among I xxv
Japan. See Kaempfer, E.
Japhet, listed among "Arkite" Titans II 143, 343n
Jared, Jarad [Yarad, Yered] (Heb) II 391n, 597n
Jata (Skt), a kumara II 319
Jatayu (Skt), son of Garuda
cycle of 60,000 years II 565, 570
king of feathered tribe II 570
Jati (Skt), birth I 373
Jaumes, Prof A., "De la distinction . . . ," forces as secondary agents I 506
geologically recent II 789
remnant of sunken continent II 222
Java-Aleim. See Yahweh Elohim
Jave, Javo, Jevo. See also Ievo, Jehovah, Yava, YHVH
Jehovah, Jupiter (numbers) II 466
Sanchoniathon on II 129
Jayas (Skt) twelve creative gods
Adityas or II 182
born each manvantara II 90, 585
identical w manasa, rajasas II 90
Jealousy of the gods II 174, 283
Jebel Djudi [Judi], Arab deluge mountain II 145
Jeho, Jah, Iah (Heb), Jehovah II 129
Jehoshua, Joshua, Christ or I 264; II 539
Jehoshua ben Chananea [Joshua ben-Hananyah], performed miracles I xliii n
Jehovah [Yahweh, Jah-Heva]. See also Tetragrammaton, YHVH
abstract sephiroth not I 438-9
Adonai of later Rabbins II 452, 465
androgynous first, then sexed I 60, 72n; II 125-30, 134, 601
Azazel & I 441-2n; II 376, 387
Binah or I 6n, 99n, 215n, 230, 355, 392, 394; II 134n, 384n, 595
Cain, esoterically I 414, 578; II 269n, 388
chosen people II 538
connected w child-giving I 264
copy of Osiris I 316
curses, then blesses II 410
dark aspects of, will vanish II 420
David brought name to Israel II 541
Deity of Genesis falsely called II 388
demon & deus I 394
descended in pillar of fire I 341
diameter of circle (Parker) I 6n; II 544
double-sexed II 62, 125, 130, 463
Elijah, Elihu & II 531
elohim, host & I 73, 112-13, 129, 197-8, 492-3n; II 509-10
an emanation & one of sephiroth I 230
etymology of name II 129-30
exoteric national faith II 472-3
fiery serpents & I 414; II 387n
a fighting god II 43-4n
forbids reviling the gods II 477
-Frankenstein & devil II 508
Gnostic view of I 197-8; II 389
god among other gods (Psalms) II 508
God not II 388
God of Genesis 1-4 is not II 388
Iacchus, Iao or II 460
Ilda-Baoth [Ialdabaoth] or I 197; II 244
incognizable deity behind II 472
Jah or, is Noah II 467-8
jealous, tribal god II 420, 508, 537-8, 597n
Jesus rebelled against I 576-7
Jve, Jave, Jupiter or, (Skinner) II 466
kingdom of II 245
light of, refers to man II 38
Lord of the Moon II 75
lower, material class II 95n, 96
Lucifer higher & older than I 70-1
lunar, god of generation I 387-94; II 40-1, 139n, 234, 397, 464, 466
lunar, or Dionysos, Bacchus I 335
male aspect Moon, Venus II 462
male-female I 18, 60; II 126, 537
Michael angelic form of II 383
Moon linked w I 198n, 387; II 62, 77, 462, 464, 474, 540
Moses &, permutations II 539
mystic letters of, on "Ark" II 460
name became ineffable II 509
name of, a screen I 438-9
Narada compared w II 48
Noah, Adam &, numerically same I 444
not perfection II 413
not phallic for 1,000 years II 469
not superior to Vishnu I 423
number of, thrice seven II 40
one of the sephiroth I 197-8, 438
the One, yet personal god I 426
Ophites called, Son of Saturn I 577
"personating spirit" II 243, 508-9
phallic symbol I 6n, 316; II 472-3
Prajapati same numbers as I 90 &n
procreative organ & II 574
produces seven stellar spirits I 197-8
resurrection as brazen serpent I 472
St Michael as II 379, 479, 508
Samael &, are identical I 417
Satan adversary of II 243
Satan &, identical II 387n
Satan is, upside down II 510
Saturn &, glyphically same I 417, 578; II 235, 540
sends Satan to tempt Job I 422
sent Sarah to tempt Pharaoh II 174
seraphim symbols of II 387n
serpent in Garden of Eden I 422
as serpent tempted Eve I 73
seven letters of name I 335
Source of Measures explains II 125
spiteful, vengeful god I 439-40n
substitute god, explained II 472-3
tempter, known as II 215-16n, 269n
tempts David to number people I 414
ten the number of II 416n
third rate potency I 349
three sons of, three races II 397
took Israel as his portion I 576
traces of androgyne, in Bible I 6n, 397n
trickery, deceit of, & Vishnu I 421-2
true & perfect serpent I 410
various Jupiters & I 463
various names of I 438, 578
war against the theological I 619n
working forces of I 440
Jehovah-Adam, Brahma-Viraj & II 126
Jehovah-Binah-Arelim, head of the elohim II 608
divine hermaphrodite II 126
explained II 388
Jehovah-Eve, Adam-Kadmon becomes II 128
Jehovah-Sabbaoth [Tsebaoth] (Heb) Baal, Bel, Siva, Saturn & I 459
Jehovah-Satan, man in the moon I 393
Jehovah-Sephiroth (Heb) Brahma-Prajapati & II 126
account of Genesis II 252n
texts 800 years after Moses II 473
Jehovite Creation II 5
Jekyll, Dr & Mr Hyde. See Stevenson, R. L.
Jellalabad [Jalalabad] rock cut temples II 338
Jen-nang, Chinese divine man II 365
Jennings, Hargrave
——— Phallicism . . .
evilly inspired author of II 544
q Gregorie on Adam's body II 467
q McClatchey on Kwan or Yin I 471
q O'Brien on round towers I 472
St George, St Michael, Lucifer II 238n
stone in Ark phallic YHVH II 473
Swan of Leda priapic I 358
yogini a prostitute I 472
——— [The Rosicrucians . . . Rites & Mysteries]
astro-theosophic chart II 461
Jeremiah II 425
children immolated to Moloch I 463n
curse against elohim II 128
evils fr north & west I 123
Jeremiah ben Eliazar, Rabbi, on 139th psalm of David II 134n
Jeruskoven [Jernskoven, Norway], frigid zone in East II 535
Jeshida. See Yehidah
Jesuits (ism)
assisted de Mirville II 481-2
deceit, craft among I 423
turned knowledge into sorcery I 311
Jesu-Maria, story of statue of I 72n
Jesus. See also Avatara, Christ, Messiah
believed in reincarnation II 111n
"Be ye wise as serpents" (Matt) I 74
birth time unknown I 653
called great fish II 313 &n
called "Tree of Life" II 496
clairvoyant powers of II 231n
communed w Father I 578
contempt of, for Sabbath I 240
crucifixion of II 560-2, 586-7
disciples of, of same star I 574
Father of, explained I 574 &nn
Father of, not Jehovah II 509
five words on garment of II 580
Galilean adept II 231
an initiate I 578, 653; II 504, 566
Joshua &, man-fish I 264
Joshua was, kabbalistically II 359
mother of, & Buddha I xxxii
"mysteries" for disciples only II 231n
mystically, man-woman II 134
not to be painted as a lamb II 279n
number of, is 888 II 518
Pharisees cursed II 378
in Pistis Sophia I 132n; II 563-4, 566, 569
on prayer I 280n
rebelled against Christian god I 576-7
rebuked the wind I 468
recognized no Jehovah I 577-8
serpents, wisdom & II 386
in women's clothes I 72n
Jethro (Midian priest) initiated Moses II 465n, 541
Jetzira. See Yetsirah
Jevo. See Ievo
Jevons, William Stanley
use of numbers, figures I 430n
——— Investigations in Currency . . .
on sunspots I 541n
——— The Principles of Science
matter registers all events I 104, 124
Jew(s). See also Hebrews, Holy of Holies, Israel, Jewish, Judaism, Semites
Abraham of, fr A-Bram II 139n, 200
acquainted w sorcery, etc I 230
Adam of, fr Chaldea II 42
Ain-soph now lost to II 540
an Aryan race born in India I 313n; II 200, 471n
Basilides on God of I 350
Bible history of, not Jewish II 203
borrowed fr Chaldea I xxxi, 313, 655; II 3-4
characteristics of II 470
Christian religion fr II 588
chronology of, not their own II 691
creation ideas of, fr Moses II 3-4
creation out of nihil I 233n
cursed by their own prophets I 230
distorted Egyptian wisdom I 312
esoteric worship & Vedanta II 472-3
evolved under Saturn I 576; II 127
exalted their deity over all II 470
four modes of interpretation of I 374
four winds of I 466
Garden of Eden not property of II 203
gilgulim, believed doctrine of I 568 &n
God of I 381; II 412n, 536-8, 543. See also Adonai, Ain-soph, Elohim, Jehova
horns of shittim wood II 418n
ignored higher hierarchies I 390-1
initiated, & Aryan dvijas II 469
Jah-oudi regarded by, as insult II 127
modern, fr David not Moses II 473
monotheism of II 252, 588
monsters, knew of extinct II 713
Moon-god of, Jehovah I 390; II 139n
mystery language known by II 574
North, East, South, West, no names for I 128n
number for elohim fr Chaldea I 90n
occultism, knew little of I 230
origin of I 313n; II 200, 471n, 473
patriarchs of, made of old gods I 655
pre-existence, believed in I 568n; II 618
profane, cling to dead letter I 316
rebels called "deprived" by II 246
reincarnation & I 568 &n
rounds, races borrowed & lost by II 618
St Michael patron angel of I 459
secret books of I 349
seven-headed serpent of space w I 342
seven prominent in religion of I 392
"spoilt" Egyptians of jewels II 481
Talmudic, profaned symbols II 471
Taylor on speculations of I 426
theogony of, pagan II 465
told to hate heathen II 472
twelve tribes of II 130, 200n
zodiac of I 668
Jewish. See also Hebrews, Jews
Aryan &, symbols compared II 469-74
-Christians in IU I 197
chronology confusing II 691
cosmogony I 381; II 657
fire god is "consuming fire" II 114
glyphs & language, origin of I 115n
measurements fr Egypt, India I 316
myths based on truth II 236
religion & Satan, devil II 232, 477
religion follows Babylonian magism I 10
scriptures & Puranas II 251-2
sevens in, thought II 612
system of measures I 312-13
tree & cross worship phallic II 588
Jhana-bhaskara. See Jnana-bhaskara
Jigten-gonpo (Tib). See also Chenresi
Chenresi called II 179
Jinn, Jinni. See Djin
Jishnu (Skt)
Indian prototype of Michael II 498
Indra, Karttikeya called II 382 &n
leader of celestial host II 382, 498, 614
Jiva(s) (Skt) life, living being
complete in man alone I 224
of Earth & man compared II 46
elemental atom or I 567-8
in every particle of matter I 522
functions of, on Earth five-fold I 224
Haeckel's moneron ignores II 185
hangs fr flame I 238
human, animal, same II 81
"Imperishable" I 218-19
is, a myth? I 603n
Lords of the Moon & II 75
monads or I 629-30
Parabrahman pervades every I 522
passes thru all forms I 246-7
personal consciousness of II 241
ray of the Absolute I 247
some, were not ready II 161, 162
souls of atoms I 619
sunspots & ascent of, in death I 132
vijnanamaya &, blood, water I 570n
Jivanmukta (Skt). See also Jivatma
can double his nirvana I 371
freed fr seven principles II 604n
high adept, mahatma or I 46n
Jivatma(n) (Skt). See also Akasa
akasa or I 140
Logos of Greeks II 33
Nous, motion or I 50
prana & I 226n
Jivatmas (Skt) I 132. See also Jivanmukta
Jnana (Skt) wisdom
head, heart, soul, seed of II 282
king of the peris II 394 &n
Mahat first born of I 62
Jnana-bhaskara, re Asuramaya II 67
Jnanadevas (Skt), class of gods II 90
Jnanasakti (Skt), two aspects of I 292
Jnata (Skt), center of energy I 428
Job I 330
antiquity of I 648
Bailly used astronomical references in I 648-9
behemoth & ways of God II 486
"dead things are formed" I 345
he shall have no name (Haeckel) II 651-2
IU ref to Atlanteans in II 496
leviathan in II 206
precedes Moses, Homer, Hesiod I 647-8
Satan a son of God in I 70, 412, 414, 422n; II 375-6, 378
true archaic doctrine in II 537
zodiacal references I 647-8
Jod. See Yod
Jod-Heva. See Jehovah, Yah-Havvah, YHVH
"before me were thieves, robbers" II 229, 482
Devil father of lies I 414
Egyptian & pagan symbols in I 384
God was light II 39
"I & my Father are one" I 265, 574
"I ascend to my Father" I 574
Jesus disputed Pharisees I 578
life was the light of men I 470, 626n
light shineth in darkness I 70
my doctrine is not mine II xv
"my Father is greater than I" I 574n
ophanim of, & dhyan-chohans I 337
plagiarizes Book of Enoch II 229, 482, 531
"wind" should be "spirit" in I 226
1 John [5:6-8], spirit bears witness I 570n
John, St. See also John, Revelation
dragon in Revelation of II 93n, 355-6, 383
eagle, air &, (table) II 114
gnosis of, exoteric II 566
"I am the true vine" I 195n
non-initiated ascetic II 566
seven Gnostic vowels of II 565
John Chrysostom. See Chrysostom, St John
John, Patriarch of Constantinople, excommunicated II 279n
John the Baptist, St
axe laid to root of trees II 496
Bacon & II 443
baptism by water, fire II 566
mystic Christians of I 194
Pymander & II 115n
Joly, Prof Nicolas
——— Man Before Metals
age of man, Egypt, Europe II 750n
agni as akta (anointed) II 101n
on Basques II 790n
isthmus joined Gaul & England II 750-1 &nn
man has evolved fr original stock II 747n
man never an ape II 661-2
reindeer hunters II 749n
Jonas, the sign fr heaven I 653-4
[Jones, H. B.], The Life & Letters of Faraday, q Airy on gravitation I 584n
Jones, Sir William II 442. See also Asiatic Researches
on Divine Mind mirrored in atoms I 623
misled by Brahman forgeries I xxx-i &n
——— "On the Gods of Greece . . ."
called Narada a messenger II 48
on lotus & water lily I 57, 379, 380
Joonagad. See Junagadh
Jordan Valley & River
Neolithic flints of II 755
same mythical use as Nile II 583
source of descent or I 392
Jordon, C., "most adopt, not beget opinions" I 647
Joseph (son of Jacob) I 653
dream of zodiac [Genesis] I 649
Sagittarius or I 651
Joseph, St, same as Tvashtri II 101n
Josephus, Flavius
——— Against Apion
Jews descend fr the Hyksos I 115n, 313n
law forbids cursing Adversary II 477
——— Antiquities of the Jews
bones of giants on Mt Hermon II 409
Elijah & Enoch disappeared II 532
Enoch hides books II 530
Holy of Holies I 462
tabernacle pillars I 125-6, 347n
transfer of law books II 200n
——— History of the Jewish War
souls descend into bodies II 111
Joshua, Joshua
anakim of II 340
crucified King of Ai on a tree II 558
Enoichion kept at Debir II 529
giants of, Israelite fancy II 336, 340
Jesus was, kabbalistically II 359, 539
son of Nun or the Fish I 264
stopped course of Sun II 535
Joshua ben-Hananiah, miracles of I xliii n
Josiah, King, puts down idolatry I 649
Jotun(s) (Scand)
Mimir as thrice-wise I 402
war of, w Asathor II 386
Journal asiatique. See Eckstein, "De quelques . . ."
Journal Chemical Soc of London. See Crookes, Wm., "Elements & . . ."
Journal des colonies, Lavoisier on conscious elements I 468
Journal des savants, q Indicopleustes II 399
Journal of Asiatic Researches. SeeAsiatic . . .
Journal of Microscopical Science. See Quarterly Journal . . .
Journal of Science. See Quarterly Journal . . .
Journal of the Anthropological Inst. See Blake, C., "Notes . . ."
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. . . . See Hodgson, B., Muir, J.
Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. See Romanes, G. J.
Jovah Rabbah II 54. See also Idra Rabba Qaddisha
Jove. See also Jupiter
aerial, or aether I 464
fire, thunder & I 462
Jehovah, or second hebdomad I 449
North Pole throne of II 357
son of Ialdabaoth I 449
Jove-Juno, Tetragrammaton II 601
Jovians, perceive our world I 166
Jowett, Prof, doubted Atlantis II 761n
Jubal, fashioned harp, trident II 390
kings of, worshiped zodiac I 649
Leo or I 651
lion's paw of tribe of II 581
men of, & signum tau II 557
one of two tribes II 130
Judaism. See also Jewish, Jews
basis of Christianity I 264, 384
built on phallic worship II 471-2
contains two of the seven keys I 318
creator in, anthropomorphic II 40
exoteric, is astrolatry II 41
Hinduism & II 472
religion of hate II 471
Judas Iscariot
true character of II 389
twelfth absent apostle I 649
angels in chains II 491
q fr Book of Enoch II 230, 482, 531
Roman Catholics reject II 531
speaking not evil of gods II 477-8
Judges, on dance of Shiloh II 460
Judgment, Day of I 134n; II 617
Jukes, Joseph B.
——— Manual of Geology
Australian flora, fauna II 196-7
flying dragons were real II 219
Julian, Emperor (the Apostate)
initiate II 587n
prayed to occult sun II 28
waged war w the cross II 587
——— Oration to the Mother of the Gods
seven-rayed god II 35
Julien, S., translation of Tao-teh-Ching I xxv
Junagadh (India), Mitford's tomb II 245n
Juno (Roman goddess). See also Jove
gave Jupiter tree w gold fruit I 128-9n
Latona pursued by II 771n
Moon-goddess I 228-9
mother of Mars, no father II 550
numerical equivalents of II 466
Jupiter (god). See also Brihaspati, Jove, Zeus
-Aerios (or Pan), -Amon, & -Bel-Moloch, cosmic nature or I 463
aether & I 331, 423, 464
androgynous originally I 72n
assumes form of swan I 357
Atlantean island sacred to II 408
Bacchus &, symbol of II 362-3
Barnabas confused w II 481
Castor, Pollux & II 121-2
deceived by Prometheus II 525
dethrones his father II 269
Dionysus of Mnaseas & II 393
Dodonean, & Aidoneus I 463
Eloi or, (Gnostic) II 538n
fought w Neptune for Atlantis II 765
fourfold, master of four elements I 464
had female breasts II 135
hurled to Earth by Kronos II 483, 515
hurls Phaeton into Eridan River II 770n
immutable cyclic law II 786
Jve, Jave, Jehovah or, [Skinner] II 466
Mercury son of Maia & II 541
Merodach (Chaldean) became II 456
Minerva as right hand of I 401
Minerva sprang fr brain of II 660
myth of, & Leda II 197n
pursues Io (the cow) II 418n
re-animates human race II 270
Semele wife of I 400
Sun, Mithras, Bacchus & II 419
war w Lucifer-Venus I 202
world re-enters, is reborn (Seneca) II 757
Zeus & II 269-70
Jupiter (planet)
belongs to human Atlantean cycle II 270
Brahmanaspati or II 45n
building of Earth & II 23
conditions on, (Williams) II 136n
conjunction w Mercury began kali-yuga I 662
Eloi genius of I 577; II 538n
eternal Spring of II 135-6
is a planetary chain I 164
on molten state of II 135-6, 707
Moon, Saturn &, high triad II 462
polar compression of, & Earth I 593
rare conjunction of Mars, Saturn & I 656
satellites of, more dense I 593
seasons due to orbit of II 706-7
second race under II 29
Seven Sons of Light & I 575
Sun guardian of, (Pythagoras) I 493
superior globes of, invisible I 153
tonans, the thunderer II 498
Jupiter, or Bel (sixth world of Syrians) I 435
Jupiter Fulgur or Fulgurans, soul of lightning I 467
Jupiter-Jehovah, ritualistic worship II 45n
Jupiter Lapis, swallowed by father, Saturn II 341
Jupiter Mundus, four elements I 463
Jupiter Pluvius I 467, 554
Jupiter-Titan, & Father-Aether I 423
Jurassic (Period)
beds of Rocky Mountains II 218
fossils of Africa, America & Europe II 791-2
fossils of, & Australia II 196-7
man physicalized in II 737
middle of Reptilian Age II 156
third root-race appeared in II 156, 713
Jurbo-Adonai. See Yurbo-Adonai
Justice, Nemesis or immutable II 305-6n
Justin Martyr
——— Dialogue w Trypho
rejected by Pythagorean School I 433n
unknown passive deity of II 489
——— Second Apology
spirit female w Nazarenes I 194n
"Just, though mysterious . . ." I 644
Jyotis (Skt), teacher of astronomy II 766
Jyotisha (Skt) [astronomy], weeks, sevens in, of Vedas II 624 &n
Jyotsna (Skt), morning twilight II 58, 527