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Sraddha (Skt) [faith], Kama son of Dharma & II 176
Sramana (Skt) [religious ascetic], Akbar & the I xxiv n
Sravah (Pers)
seven bright, or Amshaspends II 516
spirits of manifested powers II 385
Sri (Skt)
is Lakshmi, Sarasvati II 76n
Moon, water & II 77
rising fr waters (Williams) I 380
wife of Narayana, Siva II 76n
Sri Antara (yantra) (Skt), double triangle or I 118-19
Sridhara (Skt) commentator
on hiranyagarbha I 406
Ulupi daughter of Naga king II 214 &n
Sringa-giri (Skt), monastery of Smarta-Brahmans I 272
Srip (Skt) [to creep], sarpa or serpent fr II 182n
Sri-Yantra (Skt), double triangle or I 118
Srotapanna, Srotapatti (Skt), degree of initiation I 206
Sruti (Skt), revealed knowledge I 269
Ssabier und der Ssabismus, Die. See Chwolsohn, D. A.
St. See Saint
Stadlein, magic arts of Hoppo & I 469
Stained Glass, tints of II 430
Stallo, John B.
——— Concepts & Theories . . .
actio in distans I 487-8
antagonism betw science & metaphysics I 485n
contradictions in science I 482-3, 485, 487-9
critique of vortical theory I 488-9
defines Avogadro's Law I 512n
disagrees w Spiller I 493n, 507-8
errors of ontology I 544
ether discussed I 486-7, 488n
force & mass I 510-11
force an independent entity I 512
gravitation & ether I 490-1
on idealism I 556n
Kepler on the Sun I 493
mistaken re matter & force I 510
physics & metaphysics I 544
Stanley, Thomas, History of Philosophy [ch IX, Pythagoras], quaternary is female & infernal II 600-1
Stanzas (of Dzyan). See also Book of Dzyan
First I 20-1, 27, 35-52
Second I 21, 28, 53-61
Third I 21, 28-30, 62-85
Fourth I 21-2, 30-1, 86-105
Fifth I 22, 31-2, 106-35
Sixth I 22, 32-3, 136-52, 191-212
Seventh I 22, 33-4, 213-68
First II 15, 23-51
Second II 15-16, 52-74
Third II 16, 75-85
Fourth II 17, 86-108
Fifth II 17-18, 109-30
Sixth II 18, 131-60
Seventh II 18-19, 161-79
Eighth II 19, 180-90
Ninth II 20, 191-226
Tenth II 20, 227-315
Eleventh II 20-1, 316-50
Twelfth II 21, 351-436
anthropogenesis II 15-21
cannot be verified by scholars I xxii, xxxvii
conflict w modern science I 478
cosmic evolution I 27-34
cosmogony only of our planetary system I 13
described I 13, 20-4; II 1, 22n, 23
elucidation requires proofs II 354
Fohat & world germs (VI) I 672
gap betw 7th & 51st I 478
less mythical than Puranas II 23
portions only given I 23; II 15n
sequence of, & Commentaries II 12
speak for themselves II 56
Star(s). See also Five-pointed Star, Six-pointed Star; Great Bear; Pleiades
abodes of archangels II 455n
acting & living bodies (Aristotle) I 493
become suns, planets I 206
of Bethlehem II 619
Church made devils of I 331
condensation of a nebula I 595-6
distances betw, incalculable II 708
dragon's head, called II 505
each man has his I 572-3
each pyramid consecrated to a II 362
each world has a parent II 33
elements of, may not be Earth's I 583, 589
evolve fr ethereal substance I 590
five-pointed I 5, 219; II 464, 576 &n
Flammarion believed, inhabited II 45
genii of I 294
goddess of the seven II 547
history written in the II 438
humanity &, bound together II 352
influence on man I 532
informing spirits of I 128
inhabited II 701-3
intelligences rule the II 352
Kant's view of I 601-2
of Magi in Pisces I 654
manifesting incessantly I 16
materials of, differ I 589
motionless, in motion, self-moving I 500, 670
nebulous (Hindu astronomy) II 253
New Testament Epistles, not known as worlds in II 704
occult influence of I 647
our destiny written in the I 639
Pantomorphos prince of I 672
of salvation I 471
seven, of Great Bear (Rishis) I 407; II 318n
seven, of Revelation II 355, 633
Seven Sons of Light called I 572
six-pointed I 215, 224, 375; II 533, 594
-stuff or curds I 69, 673; II 321
that have disappeared II 486n
triple force in, (Brahe) I 493
Star, Ely (pseudonym of Eugene Jacob)
——— Mysteres de l'horoscope
influence of planets, signs I 79
rationale of horoscopy I 105
Star Angels I 574n
Starkad, Starkadr (Norse), depicted carrying runes II 346n
Star of Bethlehem, "confirmed" by Dr Sepp II 619
Star-Yazatas (Zoroastrian), angels of stars are II 358
Statesmen (Politicus). See Plato
Statius, P. Papinius, Silvae, harp & trident II 390n
Statue(s). See also Bamian, Easter Island
Babylonian, of green diorite II 692
black & white stone, (Egyptian) II 360
four-armed, three-eyed II 294-5 &n
Lemuro-Atlanteans built huge II 316
Mahadeva destroying Tripurasura II 591
of Sulimans (Persian) II 396
340+, of Egyptian kings II 369, 750
two hundred foot Buddha in South India II 224 &n
Statue of Liberty, compared w Bamian Statues II 338 &n
Stauridium (a polyp), sex evolved fr hermaphrodite II 177-8
Stauros Cross & Gnostic Christ II 587
Steenstrup, Johann, on flints II 752n
Stella del Mare (It), Venus, "Star of the Sea" I 392
Stella Matutina (Lat) [morning star], Hathor called I 400
Stella nova . . . , De. See Kepler, J.
Stellars, seven (planets) I 195
Stellar Spirits I 449
genii of seven planets, globes I 198
Stellar Systems, run down? [entropy] I 149
Sterile, Sterility
between animals & men imposed II 192
differentiation &, (Romanes) II 647
karma, cyclic law & II 196, 780
lunar phases & I 229n
nature makes certain unions II 195-6
among women of old races II 779-80
Sterling, J. H. See Stirling
Sterope (Gk, Asterope in tx), daughter of Atlas II 768
Stevenson, Robert Louis, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde I 416; II 317n
Stewart, Prof B. & Tait, P. G.
theosophists respect II 651
——— The Unseen Universe
fr ether have come all things I 462
matter is passive I 485n
Stewart, Dugald, denied Sanskrit as a language II 442
Sthavara (Skt) [standing still], contrasted w jangama, moving I 454
Sthula (Skt) [gross, material], differentiated condition I 522
Sthula-Sarira (Skt) physical body II 242
of akasa II 615
of akasa, manas & I 619
charts w I 153n, 157, 242; II 596
corresponds w globe four, Earth I 153
corresponds w Mt Ararat & Earth II 596
external body I 222
molded over linga-sarira II 593
not grossest principle I 260
visible kosmos is the I 598
Sthulopadhi (Skt), basis of principle I 157
Stirling, J. H.
——— As Regards Protoplasm
believed in vital principle I 634
points up Huxley's admissions I 637n
——— Eclogae
evolution of souls II 137-8
timion honored one II 555
——— Florilegium
idea of God I 286
Stockwell, John N. & Croll, Dr James, "Secular Variations . . ." in Smithsonian Reports, deluges, glacial periods II 141, 144
Stoic(s) I 76-7
catastrophes of two kinds II 784
knew three phases of Hecate I 395
Stoicheia (Gk) elements
Aristotle's principles I 123
elements of Plato, Aristotle I 461
teraphim positioned by I 394
Stoicheiomatikoi (Gk), diviners (astrologers) I 394
Stone(s). See also Baetyl, Dolmen, Rocking
Argonaut, described II 345
in ark phallic JHVH II 473
becomes plant I 107, 197, 246; II 186, 188, 258, 590
betyles (baetyl) II 342
circle at Malabar II 347
circle of Galilee II 755
consciousness in I 274
cup-like markings on II 346n
Dracontia as rocking II 346-7
equipoise of ancient II 343-4
hinging, of Salisbury Plain II 343
huge, universally distributed II 752-4
incandescent celestial I 440
Irish circular, fr Africa II 343
Lemurian cities of, & lava II 317
life energy dormant in II 673n
magic, moving, speaking II 341-2, 342n
men are lively, (1 Peter) II 627
Mona, described II 345
moved by will II 342n
particles of, constantly moving I 507-8n
plants born fr bosom of II 594
in profound lethargy I 626n
rocking, Atlantean relics II 343, 347
science of, fr Atlantis II 426
w sculptured symbols II 790
w seven eyes explained II 626-7
soft, that hardened II 52, 593-4
twelve, "mysteries of the elements" I 395
twelve precious I 649
virtues of precious II 426
Stone Age Man
larger brain capacity than modern II 168n
Miocene civilization upsets II 786n
no, in Egypt II 786n
writing unknown to, (Evans) II 442
Stonehenge II 70, 752
called dance of the giants II 342
form of Dendera planisphere II 344
giants & II 341
gods of, like Delphi, Babylon II 379
pre-Druidic symbolic record II 754
relic of last Atlanteans II 343
stones of, fr Ireland II 344
traveling initiates built II 750, 754
Stonehenge. See Petrie, Flinders
Stone of the Ordeal II 342n
genii & I 294
-gods or maruts II 498, 613
-Hammer or Mjolnir II 99
Stotra (Skt) prayers I 421
——— Geography II 390n, 781
Egypt covered by sea II 368
Euxine overflowed Samothrace II 4-5 &n
Samothrace rites on Brittannia II 760
Strachoff, N. N., Fundamental Conceptions, spirit clothes itself in matter II 654
Straits of Dover, continent fr, to Spitzbergen II 324, 326
Stratification, in fourth round II 715n
Stratton, Dr, cycles in human pulse II 623n
Straws, divining, of Confucius I 356, 441
Strides, Steps
Fohat takes five, explained I 122
Vishnu, Fohat take three I 112-13 &n, 122; II 38, 622n
Strobic Circles II 589
Stromata. See Clement of Alexandria
betw inner man & man of flesh II 269n, 272
betw Sons of God & Darkness II 495
there is no merit without II 95
Struggle for Life, Existence I 154
birds in, turned on reptiles II 254
in cosmic evolution I 201-3
natural selection & II 299n, 648
de Quatrefages accepted II 662
Sub-astral Sphere of Action II 117, 621n
Subba Row, Tallapragada
——— "Brahmanism on the Sevenfold . . ."
dual meaning of Vedas I 270n
primary prakriti is akasa I 256
——— "Constitution of the Microcosm"
sevenfold man & logos II 635-6
——— "Idyll of the White Lotus" (review)
seven classes of adepts I 574
——— Notes on the Bhagavad Gita I 15n
Crookes's birth of elements I 620-1
daiviprakriti, light, Logos I 136 &n
energy behind Fohat I 139
equates atman w Logos I 110 &n
Fohat instrument of Logos I 137n
force & mulaprakriti II 25 &n
four aspects of Vach I 432
gods & devas II 90
infinite number of logoi I 134n
Isvara & Sabda-Brahman I 137-8 &n, 428
Isvara or Logos I 351n
Logos as first center of activity I 130n
manus & root-races II 140n
mulaprakriti I 10n, 349n
on the nature of Krishna II 318n
One Logos & mulaprakriti I 273-4
Parabrahman, Logos I 428; II 310n
purely metaphysical esotericism I 431
——— "Personal & Impersonal God" (Five Years of Theosophy)
on the One II 598
Parabrahman & Unconsciousness II 598
seven aspects of prajna I 139; II 597n
——— "Septenary Division of Different Indian Systems" (Five Years of Theosophy) I 157-8
——— "Twelve Signs of the Zodiac"
history of creation I 269
kriyasakti II 173
Makara (Capricorn) II 576-80
six primary nature forces I 292-3
Sub-elements, numberless I 12-13, 460, 621, 624, 673
Subhava (Skt), svabhavat, yeu (Chinese) or I 61
Sublunary World (or Earth, Syrian), watched over by angels I 435
Submersion(s), Submerge(d). See also Atlantis, Axis (Earth's), Continents, Lemuria, Upheavals
of Atlantis II 124, 140, 141, 250, 265-6, 313-14, 493-5
of Boeotia & Eleusis II 270n
British Isles, four times II 746n
Easter Isles &, continent II 316n, 328
eclipse of spiritual sun & II 250n
fifth continent & II 445-6
Garden of Eden locality now II 494
geologists &, continents II 316
influence of tides upon II 325
Lemuria not, but was sunk II 266
men on, continents II 316-17
north polar lands II 328, 360
periodical II 325n
of Plato's island II 8, 141, 250n, 314
pralayas by II 324-5
successive, of continents I 650
third eye &, of Atlantis II 306
Atlantean, & their descendants II 743, 774
Atlantis destroyed during fourth II 147n
born, mature, die II 443-4
cycling upward, downwards II 301
each, has a manu II 614
each root-race has seven II 198n
Europeans fr early Aryan II 743
every, has seven branches II 434
every, repeats root-race cycles II 301
fifth, or European II 445
first, of fifth race II 351-2
follow footsteps of mother races II 768
fourth, of Atlantis & beauty II 319
fourth, of fifth race II 433
lives 210,000 years II 435
man's size less after Aryan third II 753
most men are of seventh, of fourth root-race II 178
nascent simplicity of first II 784
oldest, at spiritual apex II 301
our history is of fifth, only II 351
our own special I 417
our race has reached its fifth II 471n
of second race II 117
seed-manus of II 308-9, 321, 597, 614
seven daughters of Atlas were II 493, 768
seven, in every root-race II 434
seventh, after 25,000 years II 445
seventh, of Atlanteans Aryanized II 743
sixth, & America II 444-5
subject to cleansing process II 330
third Atlantean, & records II 353
third Atlantean, & third eye II 306
third of fifth root-race & divine dynasties II 436
tropical year & II 446
we are at midpoint of our I 610
"Subsistence and Elevation . . ." See Gardner, J. S.
Substance(s). See also Matter, Prakriti, Protyle
abstract potential in pralaya I 328-9
akasa is the primordial I 326
all, endowed w force I 627
astral light or ether is cosmic I 326
becomes gods, monads, atoms I 624
cause of light, heat I 514-15
correlation of forces or I 566n
cosmic, & Fohat I 16, 328
cosmic, eternally homogeneous I 569
creation out of preexisting II 239n
divine, one w divine spirit I 337n
entirely unknown to us I 607n
eternal boundless space, is II 239n
ether a principle of primal I 326, 339
imponderable, fills space I 587
infinite divisibility of I 519
informed by divine breath I 520
laya as noumenon of cosmic I 148
on many planes I 510
matter &, defined I 329
mulaprakriti is primordial II 24
no inorganic I 280-1, 626n; II 672
not matter in metaphysics I 508
noumenon of matter is primal I 601
of occultist most refined I 514n
Parabrahman w Vedantists I 59n
perpetual motion of I 525-6 &n
pradhana as undifferentiated I 62
precosmic, or mulaprakriti I 15
primordial, & our senses I 330
primordial, evolution of I 58-9
primordial, is divine I 594
same each manvantara I 145
science has but one name for I 510
sevenfold I 289, 624
sixth principle upadhi of I 594
supersensuous but atomic I 82
triune first differentiated I 614
undifferentiated, normal condition I 567
various names of primordial I 330, 510
Substance-Principle I 273
Substantialists(ism) I 194n
American, use wrong terms I 146
views of, on force, substance I 566n
Suchi (Skt) solar fire
called "drinker of waters" I 521 &n
fire of passion, animal instincts II 105
fire of the gods & II 57n
one of three fires II 247
Pavaka &, made animal man II 102
Sudden Leaps. See also Saltation
evolution by, (Naudin) II 120
Suddhasattva (Skt) pure sattva
bodies of gods made of I 522
essence of Isvara's body I 132
Sudyumna (Skt)
becomes Ida II 143, 148
is also goddess Ila II 135
needed to reach nirvana II 81
pain &, value of II 475
ancient zodiac owned by a II 431
initiates preserve Chaldean works I 288
mystics II 244
rohanee [ruhani] of, & Atma-vidya I 199
Suggestion mentale. . . . See Ochorowicz, J.
Suhhab, Babylonian god II 5
——— Greek Lexicon
on animate stones II 342
cited by Dr Sepp I 655n; II 619-20
Hermetic fragment q by I 286
Orpheus taught man zoomancy I 362-3
universe created in 12,000 years I 340 &n
Sukra (Skt). See also Venus
is Earth's primary II 31
male deity, son of Bhrigu II 30, 32n
mother of, killed by Vishnu II 33
third race under II 29, 30
Usanas-, is Lucifer, Satan II 45 &n
Sukshma (Skt) subtle, intangible
latent undifferentiated state I 522
solar system exists in, form I 138
Sukshma-Sarira (Skt) [subtle body], clothes inferior dhyanis I 132 &n
Sukshmopadhi (Skt), mind-desire body I 157
Suliman [Sulayman] (Pers)
ring of II 398
seventy-two wise kings II 396
Sulla, Lucius C. (Sylla in tx), augurs in the day of II 518
Sulla. See Plutarch
Sulphur, in alchemy II 113-14
Sumati (Skt) son of Bharata II 321
legends of II 788
once part of Lemuria II 324
remnant of sunken continent II 222
Summer, seven symbol of Earth in Spring & II 583
Sun(s). See also Central Sun, Solar, Solar Systems, Surya
Adonai or, (Gnostic) I 577; II 538n
all Earth's elements in I 583
Apollo, Phoebus or II 770
born, grows, changes, dies I 609
bright god of light I 479
Brothers of the I 271n
central mass of, gaseous I 530 &n
chief of twelve constellations II 23
-Christ lives in thee (Bernard) I 401
combustion, not in I 149, 541, 591
Commentary on I 289-92
conjunction of, Moon, & Earth II 76, 435
connection w cross II 559
contains many unknown elements I 583
contraction & expansion of I 541-2
creation of, (Chald) II 145
creation of life by I 294
creation of seven new I 290
crocodile & II 577
deviated fr course, (Phaethon) II 535
divine spirit symb by fire or II 113
dragon symbol of II 380
eclipses of, & allegories II 380
eleven year cycle of I 541 &n
evolution of I 101-2
evolved fr primal matter I 625
explosion of, & planets I 500
eye of Odin or I 402
"eye of Osiris" II 25
Father II 462, 540
father of man II 105, 109
father of pneuma, human soul II 113
Father of the seven fathers I 575n
fed on "Mother's refuse & sweat" I 102
feminine to Semites once I 397
fire, air, &, three occult degrees of fire II 114
first race under II 29
-fluids awaken life, motion I 529
focus, lens of primordial light I 580
formation of, & stars I 595n, 602
generation, Moon & I 229
gives life to planets I 386; II 23
glowing, not burning I 149, 541, 591
gods called Archagetos II 463n
guardian of Jupiter I 493
has no nucleus (Williams) II 136n
has no polar compression I 593
heart of solar world I 540-2
heat of I 102, 149, 484n, 528, 591
highest god II 361, 538
incandescent, a fallacy I 149, 591
initiation of II 381
inner man drawn to Parent- I 639
jiva (soul) goes to I 132
Joshua stopped II 535
kama-rupa of akasa I 527n
Kant's theories on I 602
larger than Earth (1300 times) II 708
legend of Rahu & II 381
legend of Sanjna & II 174
as the Logos I 134n, 428
luminosity of, (science) I 528n
as a magnet I 497-9, 501
manas, kama-rupa fr II 241
Mercury & II 28
Mercury Messiah of II 541
Messiah, Christos II 23
Metcalf's caloric flows fr I 524 &n
millions of I 576n
Mithra, Iao & II 474
Moon &, affect man's body I 229
Moon &, cycles discussed II 620-1
Moon &, Son & Father I 229
Moon as eye of I 304-5
neither rises nor sets I 290n; II 155
not a planet but fixed star I 448
not cause of light, heat I 580
noumenon of electricity I 531
occult influence on seven planets I 575n
path of, called serpent II 356
perturbing influence on planets I 503
planets &, time measurers II 621
planets brothers not sons I 101, 449, 588-9
planets did not evolve fr I 101, 588-9
at pralaya I 370, 376; II 69n, 611
rebirth of northern, & Ankh II 547
reflect concealed primaries I 289
regulates manifested life II 595
revolves round Alcyone (Madler) I 501
rises & sets once a year, (Avesta) II 291
rising, setting of, (Vishnu Purana) II 155
rose in the south II 535
rotates w the planets I 100 &n
Sabasius, called II 419
self-moving, queried I 670
seven I 179
sevenfold I 290 &n
seven(fold) ray(s) I 290, 515 &n; II 25, 69n
seventh planet, ancients called I 99-100n
as seventh principle I 527n
in ship on back of crocodile I 409-10
solidity of, repudiated I 591
source of vital force I 531
spectroscope shows outer, only I 528
spectrum of I 143n, 528, 595-6
spheres of action of II 621 &n
spirit of fire resides in, (Kepler) I 493
spirit of light, life giver I 481
spirits oversee, (Kepler) I 499
spiritual, & avataras, saviors I 638
spiritual, enlivens kosmos II 23
spirit under the, (Zohar) II 553
substance of all I 289
substance of, immaterial I 499
substitute for sacred planet I 575 &n
surface described I 530, 531
swallow comets I 204
symbol became phallic II 584
symbolizes resurrection II 459
in Taurus (Druids, Magi) II 759
Thomson on age of I 501; II 10n, 258n
threatened younger brothers I 102
understanding II 639n
unknown rays in spectrum of I 143n
Uranus, Neptune, & I 575
various names for I 463; II 540
vehicle of a god I 479
Venus "the other" II 24, 31
Vishnu becomes II 38
visible, a maya or reflection I 179
vital electricity of, & man II 105
warmed sweat-born egg II 131
zodiacs & II 431
Sun (Fourth World of Syrians), mightiest gods in I 435
Sun-Abrasax, central spiritual sun II 214
Sunda Island II 327
sank w 80,000 Malays II 787n
Sun-day should be Uranus-day (Ragon) I 99-100n
Sunday School, & astrology I 228-9n
Sun Fluids, or emanations I 529
"Sun Force and Earth Force." See Richardson
Sung-Ming-Shu (Chin), Tree of Knowledge, Life II 215
Sun-God(s). See also Avataras, Christ, Saviors
allegories of, agree II 381-3
connected w Taurus I 656
creative powers of II 386
Dragon of Wisdom & II 507
in Egyptian mysteries I 353, 366n, 379n, 385; II 462-4, 466, 633
Horus-Apollo the I 367
Krishna, the bright I xliii
male gods first become II 43-4
many names of II 379
Phta later classed as I 353
supreme deity everywhere II 139n
turned into Satan II 507
-worship fr India to Pharaohs II 379
Sung Period (China), sages of, used circle symbols II 554
Sun-Initiate, crucified II 543
Sunlight, tiny beings visible in I 608
"Sun like blood . . ." [Byron's Childe Harold] I xli
Suns of Life II 239-41
Suns of Righteousness, Sun-gods become II 43
Sun-Sons I 100, 103
ascent of jiva after death & I 132
contraction of solar heart I 541-2
cycle of eleven years I 541 &n
Sun-Wolf, or Mercury II 28
Sunya (Skt) empty, void, nought & Arabic ciphron (cipher) I 361n
Suoyatar [Syojattaren] (Finn), Serpent of Evil born fr II 26
Superhuman Intelligences II 194
adepts living in astral not II 531
Christian theology & II 41
vs dead letter of Bible II 3
early humanity & II 319
rejected by wise men II 631n
term a misnomer I 555n
Superstition(s, ous) I 479
Christian & alleged pagan I 466-70
emotionalism & II 41
many, based on ideas now lost I 466
Upas trees of II 797
used to sway men's minds II 517
"Suppressio veri" (suppression of truth) II 663
Surabhi (Skt)
cow of plenty I 67
parent of cows, buffaloes II 181
Suradhipa (Skt), one of Indra's names II 614
Surarani (Skt), Aditi called II 527
Suras (Skt) gods. See also Asuras
became asuras I 412, 418; II 57n, 59, 86, 93, 227n, 237, 500, 516
Surarani matrix of II 527
various equivalents of I 92
Surasa (Skt), mother of dragons II 381
Surgal. See Suryal
"Sur [De] la distinction des forces." See Jaumes, A.
["Sur l'origine des monuments . . ."] See Henry
Surtur [Surtr] (Norse), fire giant II 99
Survival of the Fittest II 648
blind force, chance & II 475
in cosmic evolution I 202-3
among nations II 330
shows nature is conscious I 277-8
strongest often not fittest II 475
takes place after variations II 299n
taught by ancients I 203; II 254
Surya (Skt). See also Solar System, Sun
Asuramaya pupil of II 67
cures Samba of leprosy II 323
Fohat connected w, & Vishnu I 112
Manu as son of II 141
one of Vedic Trimurti I 90, 100-1
reflection of spiritual sun I 100
Sanjna wife of II 101
seven rays of II 605
Vedic god II 114
visible expression of first principle I 289
Visvakarman & II 559
Suryal (archangel) denounces fallen angels II 382n
Suryamandala (Skt), region of the Sun I 132
Surya-Siddhanta (Skt) I 667
Atlantis & Lemuria in II 326
Meru described II 404
oldest astronomical work II 326
place of no latitude II 401-2n
real names of Atlantis, Lemuria II 323-4n
Suryavansa (Skt) solar dynasty
Chandravamsa I 397
war of, w Indovansas I 397
Sushumna (Skt)
adept under, sees higher states I 515
affects sleeping man I 537
connects heart w Brahmarandhra I 132
furnishes Moon w light I 515n, 516, 537
highest of seven rays I 523n
mystic ray of Sun I 515 &n
vegetation largely affected by I 537
Sushupti (Skt) [deep sleep], human ego latent in I 429
Sutratman (Skt) thread self
discussed I 236
life-thread I 222
personalities of higher ego on II 79-80, 513
thread linking all principles I 610 &n
thread of immortal monad I 16-17n; II 513
Svabhava (Skt) [self-becoming], prakriti or plastic nature I 571
Svabhavat (Skt) self-existent
active condition of essence I 3-4
Buddhistic mulaprakriti I 61
Devamatri & I 53
dual root of all things I 46
emanates noumenon of matter I 84
Father-Mother I 60, 83, 98n
gods generated by I 571; II 115
manifested work of, is karma I 634-5
noumenon of ether I 671
plastic essence of all things I 61, 98 &n
purusha-prakriti I 83
secondary stage I 46
sends Fohat to harden atoms I 85
Svayambhu & I 52
various names for I 98 &n
Svabhavikas (Skt) Buddhist school called atheists I 3-4
Svaha (Skt)
mother by Brahma of Abhimanin II 247
one of Daksha's daughters I 521; II 52
Svapada (Skt) one's own abode II 52
Svara (Skt), intonation of Vedas & light I 270n
Svaraj (Skt), one of seven solar rays I 515n
Svarga (Skt) heaven
Indra's, & Eden II 203
war in II 498
Svar-loka (Skt)
described II 404
inhabitants of, at maha-pralaya I 371
Meru is II 404
one of seven dvipas II 321
in sacred utterance (vyahriti) I 432n
Svarochi or Svarochisha (Skt)
second manu II 765-6
Seed-Manu, Planet G, first round II 309
Svasamvedana (Skt) paramartha or I 44n, 48n, 53-4
Svastika. See Swastika
Svayambhu (Skt) self-produced
Narayana or, penetrates egg I 80-1
universal spirit, svabhavat or I 52
Svayambhu-Narayana (Skt), Manu Svayambhuva sprang fr II 128
Svayambhuva. See also Manus
Adam Kadmon II 128
cosmic monad II 311
dhyani energies or I 452
Earth's calf I 398n
father of Priyavrata II 326
first manu is II 310-11, 321
as fourteenth manu I 375
Manu I 398n
manus create humanities I 248; II 311
Manu, son of II 307
manvantara of II 322
Narayana or I 80
planetary chain energies fr II 311
pre-nebular cosmogony I 452
root-manu, Planet A, first round II 309
synthesis of the prajapatis II 704n
ten sons of II 369n
union w Vach-Satarupa II 148
universal spirit, highest svabhavat I 52
Sveta-Dvipa (Skt)
denizens became black w sin II 408 &n
described II 327
divine instructors fr II 366 &n
early Lemuria II 264, 327, 408
of Mt Meru II 6, 366n
Panchasikha visits I 236
replaced by Sambhala II 319
seven kumaras visit Vishnu at II 584
sons of, became corrupted II 319
Taradaitya, demons & II 404
White Island or II 319, 322, 402n, 404, 408
Wilford mistaken re II 402n, 404
Svetalohita (Skt) white-red Siva as, root kumara II 249
Svetasvatara Upanishad
on Mulaprakriti I 10n
siddhas, nirmanakayas II 636n
Swabhava. See Svabhava
Swan(s). See also Duck, Goose, Kalahansa
air-water symbol I 358
caduceus & wings of I 549
dark, or goose I 20, 79, 80
divine, & Zeus II 122
Egyptian sacred bird I 353
Kalahansa or I 77, 359; II 122 &n
Leda as, bears an egg II 122
of Leda, Jennings on I 358
magical properties of I 362
man-, of later third race II 131
of Myorica II 772n
Seven, Rishis & Great Bear I 357n
symbol explained I 357-8
Swanwick, Mrs Anna
——— The Dramas of Aeschylus
Arrian & Virgil on Alexander II 417
character of Zeus II 419
Io's wanderings inconsistent II 416n
Kuhn on word Prometheus II 413n
man's lower passions II 412-13
role of Prometheus II 411-18
Swastika [or Svastika] II 29
born among early Aryans II 99-101
on brow of Karttikeya II 619
circle & I 433
cross & II 29, 30n, 31, 558
crucifixion, cross I 321n
described II 99-101, 586-7
Eastern symbol universally known II 585-6
emblem of Fohat II 587
figure six symbolizes II 587
found at Troy II 101
four-footed cross II 546
initiation & II 558
kindles the sacred fire II 413n
Mackenzie on II 556n
macrocosmic motion II 99
Masonry & II 98, 100
meant "10,000 truths" II 585
pi number of circle & I 90-1
placed on hearts of initiates II 586
Pramantha, Arani & II 101
seven, on crowns of serpent I 411
tau, Jaina cross & I 657
Thor's hammer or mjolnir II 99
Wan of Buddhist Mongols II 556
within circle I 5
Sweat-Born. See also Root-Race — Second, Root-Race — Third
Commentary II 121, 164-6, 170, 180
corroboration fr Puranas II 174-5
evolution of II 131-4
hermaphrodites of third race fr II 30
manasa spurned the II 171
men born fr pores of parents II 68
most, animals destroyed in fourth race II 349
produced egg-born II 172, 197, 198
in Puranas, Mahabharata II 182-3
second Bamian statue & II 340
second race as II 146, 148, 164, 173
second race fathers of II 116-17
third race was II 67-8, 131, 177, 198, 329
tilting of Earth's axis & II 329
transition fr, to oviparous II 177, 197
Urdhvasrotas were evolvers of I 456
ancient records (runes) of II 346n
dolmens (geanggrifter) of II 752
has risen two hundred to six hundred feet II 787n
part of Lemuria, Atlantis II 402, 775
Plato's Atlantis (Rudbeck) II 402
Swedenborg, Emanuel
Adam a church II 42n
first races of men II 33n
great seer of past century II 797
human beings on other planets II 701-2
intuition re ancient ideas I 118 &n
truths of I 622
——— Principia rerum . . .
vortical theory of I 117, 118n, 623
Swiss Cattle, descended fr fossil oxen II 287
Neolithic lake-dwellers of II 716
reindeer portrait in grotto in II 717-18
Sword, Flaming, symbol of animal passions II 62
Sybil. See Sibyl
Sydyk. See Tsaddiq
Syene, walls of, reflected Sun at summer solstice I 209n
Sylla. See Sulla, Lucius C.
Sylphs (air elementals), salamanders, etc, derided today I 606
Symbol(s). See also Myths, Symbology
ancient, adopted by Christians I 402-3
ancient use of I 466
Church Fathers disfigured II 98, 481-2
Confucian, & esoteric I 440-1
cosmic, astrological, religious I 229, 241
of cosmogenesis I 4-5
cruciform, of Dii Termini II 542
emblems &, compared I 305-6
esoteric meanings of I 443-5
exoteric, & creeds II 194
Fohat key to many I 673
heirloom fr Atlantis II 431
Hindu & Chaldean II 383
history contained in II 437
initiates' knowledge of II 439
Jews killed spirituality of II 459n
levels of I 407
many-faceted diamond I 305
many meanings to every II 359
Massey on importance of I 303-5
most, archaic I 320-1
occult II 335
Ophidian II 355
origin of, older than Egypt II 630 &n
phallicism reigns supreme in II 273
Pythagorean I 618-19
rationale of II 81
religion & esoteric hist in I 272-3, 307
Renan ignorant of pagan II 457
revelation of the godlike, (Carlyle) I 303
serpent a divine, not evil II 505
seven meanings to every I 363; II 22n, 335, 357, 538, 547, 584, 765
sources of error in I 119
of symbols II 547n
Talmudic Jews profaned II 471
of 3rd, 4th races II 30
universal language II 469
years of Patriarchs are II 426
Symbolik. . . . See Creuzer, G. Fr.
Symbology, Symbolism. See also Symbols
Bible, Indian, Chaldean, Egyptian I 320-5
Christian fr Hebrew, Hebrew fr Chaldean II 354
discussed I 303-9
fourth stage of, & generation I 36
Hebrew-Egyptian I 308-9, 364n
Hindu I 667
history of world found in II 438
interpretation of II 335
kabbalistic II 457
of marriage ceremony I 614-15n
of Meru & Patala II 357
Mosaic, became crude under Ezra I 319
Mystery language or I 309; II 124
& origin of evil II 274
of Pentateuch & New Testament I 115n
power of occult I 272
representing abstractions I 615
seven departments of I 305
seven keys to universal I xxxviii, 310-11, 363; II 335
spirit & value of II 469
of temple curtain I 125
Symposium. See Plato (Banquet)
Synagogue, influence in modern Zohar II 462
Syncellus, Georgius calls Eusebius a forger I xxvi
Synchronistic Tables
of Abydos II 367
of Manetho & Eusebius I xxvi; II 368, 392, 692-3
Synesius, initiated into Mysteries I xliv
Synodical Month, Saroses I 655n
Synoptics (first three Gospels), Egyptian & pagan symbols in I 384
Synya. See Sunya
acquainted w Indian figures I 361
egg symbol among I 359
esoteric school in I xxiii
gods of I 435; II 42n, 43
initiates of II 558
Nabatheans came to, fr Basra II 455
seven lower & seven higher worlds of I 435-6
Syrianus, on Plato (q Thomas Taylor) II 599
Systeme nouveau. See Leibniz, G. W.
System of Logic. See Mill, J. S.
Systolic & Diastolic, property of universe II 43