Index to The Secret Doctrine — prepared by John P. Van Mater

- Da-Dg -

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Dabar, Debarim (Heb)

ten words or sephiroth I 432; II 37, 39-40
Word, Words, Logos I 350

Dabistan [Dadistan] (Zor)

planetary genii & prophets I 649, 652
twelve to fourteen Zoroasters II 6n, 359

Dacca Muslin (fr India) II 226

Dactyli (Gk). See also Kabiri

elect of third & fourth races II 360
Tiryns, Mycenae &, (Creuzer) II 345n

Daedalus (Gk), Zeus Triopos statue II 294n

Daemon(s) (Gk) I 461

guardian spirits of antiquity II 478
Nagal & Nargal both had a II 213
Plato's elementary I 567n
Seth an evil II 82n
of soul of lightning I 467

Daevas, Devs (Pers). See also Devas (Skt)

Ahriman & II 517
antediluvians of Bible II 394
chained to planet I 577; II 538
compelled to incarnate II 516
devas, dhyanis became I 577
giants or, hid jewels, metals II 396
Peris &, located in north II 398
pre-Adamic race II 394
rebellious angels (Christian) I 577
Tahmurath enemy of II 397
war w Izeds (Peris) confused II 776

Dag, Dagon (Phoen) [Judges 16:23]

Chaldean man-fish I 345, 394, 653; II 54, 190, 495n
corresponds to Matsya avatara II 139
Faber equates, w Adam I 642n
Oannes-, demiurge II 5, 366
Triton Greek counterpart of II 578

Daimon(es) (Gk)

"dwell near immortals" I 288n
genii or, rule Saturn's Age II 373
Greeks & Hebrews believed in II 508-9
of Socrates II 419

Daitya (Pers), river in Airyana-Vaego II 356

Daitya (Skt) island II 740

Atlantean island, sank II 141, 314n, 433, 710
destroyed 270,000 years ago I 651

Daitya(s) (Skt) Giants or Titans

became black w sin II 408
Daksha creates II 183
Danavas, Titans or II 501
defeat gods in first war I 419
destroyed by Mayamoha I 422-3
divine dynasties & II 369 &n
Easter Island statues & II 224
fourth race giants II 31, 183
giants of India II 336
gibborim called, in India II 273-4
-guru II 30
Indra & II 378
name of Atlanteans II 227n
parallel evolution of Vishnu w II 225n
pious yogins I 415
pupils of Siva II 32
Rahu a II 381
fr seventh dvipa II 319
Titans or II 288
tombs of, at Malabar II 752
turned fr the Vedas I 422
various equivalents of I 92
Venus preceptor of II 31
wars between devatas & II 405-6
were the true gods I 423

Daiviprakriti (Skt)

daughter of Logos (Row) I 430n
emanated primordial matter I 602
Light of the Logos I 136, 216, 293, 430 &n, 602; II 38
mother & daughter of Logos I 136
seventh & sum of saktis I 293
universal mind I 602
Unmanifested Logos, seventh principle I 216

Dakini (Skt) female demons

Khado, Liliths, or II 285
offspring of third, fourth races II 271

Daksha (Skt) II 89. See also Prajapatis

Aditi & I 142, 623; II 247n
begets third race females II 275
born in every kalpa I 430; II 247n
born of Marisha, Brahma II 176-7
Chenresi is II 178-9
chief of prajapatis II 82, 163, 182, 247n
column depicting II 178-9
cursed Narada II 47-8, 82, 275n
disappeared II 192
early third race typified by II 183
father, son, husband of Aditi I 623
forty-nine fires & I 521
giant destroyed sacrifice of II 68
Narada & II 47-8, 140n, 171n, 502
progenitor of physical man II 176, 182
prolific creator II 78, 82
reborn as son of Marisha II 177
sacrifice of II 68, 182-3
separated androgynes II 163
separation of sexes & II 275
son of God II 375
sons of, third round, third race II 78
started sexual intercourse II 182, 276, 375, 658
Vach daughter of I 430
Vara & Avara progeny of II 163
Vasishtha-, sons of II 78
Vayu Purana adds, to rishis I 436

Daksha-Savarna (Skt), a manu II 309

Dalai Lama(s) (Tib)

Chenresi incarnates in II 178
incarnation of Kwan-shi-yin I 471
ocean symbolic name of II 502n

Damaghosha, Rajarshi (Skt), Sisupala son of II 225n

Damaru (Skt) [drum], Rudra-Siva's, like hourglass II 502n


---- De principiis rerum
Protogonos called Dis by I 70, 343n
seven cosmocratores I 235
talking stones (Photius) II 342
Unknown Darkness I 425

Damascus Blade II 430

Damavend, Mts of

rock fr, killed Huschenk II 397
Zohac banished to II 398

Dambhobhi, Dambholi (Skt), variants of Dattoli II 232n

Damnation, Damned II 237n

personal god, salvation & I 613

Damti. See Tamtu

Damville, Comte de. See Montmorency

Dan, or Janna [Dhyana, Skt], secret portion of I xx &n

Dan (son of Jacob)

Virgo-Scorpio or I 651
will teach black magic II 211

Dana, Prof James D. ["On the Origin of Continents"] sunken continents II 324 &n

Danava(s) (Skt). See also Giants

born of Kasyapa-Aditya II 382n
Daityas & II 336, 369, 501
descendants of Danu II 381-2 &n
divine dynasties & II 369 &n
other names for I 92
pious yogins I 415
sin of mindless produced II 192
thirty million II 381
Titans, demon magicians II 183, 501
Vaisvanara a II 381-2
Venus leader of II 498
warred against the gods II 381


of daughters of Shiloh II 460
David's circle-, around ark II 460-1
Sabean, denotes planets round Sun II 460

Dangma (Tib)

initiate & I 45
opened eye of I 46n
sees higher atomic principles I 218n

Daniel, great prophet & seer I 230


Michael "like unto a Son of Man" II 481
Michael patron of Jews I 459

Danielo, J. F., ["Le Livre de la Vision d'Enoch"], criticisms of de Sacy re Enoch II 533 &n

Danilevsky, N. Y., Darwinism: a Critical Investigation, book upsets Darwinism II 654

Danish Tumuli, Atlantean survivors & II 352

Dankmoe [Denkmahler]. See Lepsius, K. R.

Danu (Skt), mother of Danavas by Kasyapa II 381 &n

Danube River

Carib-like skulls near II 739
Hyperborea not near II 7

Danville [Damville], Comte de. See Montmorency

d'Anville, J. B. See Bourguignon

Daren. See Darom

Dark Ages, ancient past lost in II 430

Dark Epaphos (Gk) II 415-16, 418


absolute light I 41, 69, 70; II 37-8, 95, 489
of Absolute or Parinishpanna I 53
Ain-soph is I 354
Brahma germ of unknown I 83
breathes over waters I 63-4
comprehends it (light) not I 70
concealed deity (Gnos) I 74
condition during pralaya I 69
Deity is Nothing & I 350
on face of deep I 70, 336-7, 374, 426; II 59
Father-Mother or I 40-1
form of, & generation of light I 41, 110
light &, the same (Fludd) I 70
light comes fr I 40-1, 70, 110; II 485-6, 488, 492
light divided fr I 254
monad returns into I 427
Moses never explained cause of I 426
Mother Space coeval w I 99
not eternal to Zoroastrians II 488
pre-cosmic, divine All I 450n
principle of all things II 485-6
pure spirit I 70
Pymander issues as light fr II 486
self-existent Lord & I 333
Seven Fathers & II 564
Sons of Light fr absolute I 481
spirits of light & II 162
surrounds egg, circle, head I 443
svabhavat radiance of I 635
That, abstract Deity, or I 77
universal light is, to man I 337
Unknown, or Tsi-tsai I 356
voidness, non-ego & I 42

Darmesteter, James

---- Essais Orientaux
Hindu spirit in Hesiod, Orphism I 336n

——— "Introduction" to the Vendidad
Ahura is Asura in Avesta II 500
on Farvarshi II 480
seven worlds, karshvars II 607
Tree of Life, nature II 97 &n
two are born every forty years II 291

——— Ormazd et Ahriman II 480, 607

Darom (Heb), one of the winds I 466

Darsanas (Skt), Buddhism & Gk thought in the six I 47n

Darwin, Charles II 646. See also Darwinism, Evolution

on antiquity of man II 688n

——— The Descent of Man
Bartlett on egg-hatching II 595
effect of tides on organisms II 595
on embryo II 684-5 &n
man once androgynous II 118, 119
man's ancestors II 666, 667n, 669
reversion to ancestral types II 685
septenates in nature II 595
sterility of Tasmanians II 195-6
"those who know little" II 674

——— On the Origin of Species
age of Earth's crust II 10n
age of organic changes II 11
beginning of sedimentation II 694
beings have common ancestors II 190
bred animals tend to revert II 277
law of progressive development II 260
monogenetic origin of man II 169

Darwin, Sir G. H., Scientific Papers . . . , origin of Moon I 155 &n; II 64

Darwinism II 87-8, 185-90, 645-90. See also Darwin, Evolution

acquired faculties of, denied I 219
antiquity of man & II 685-9
ape origins in II 680-9
begins after astral evolution II 649
beyond, is the Unutterable II 190
Bree on fallacies of II 696, 727-8, 729
contradictory II 688
Crookes on I 585
demands great age for man II 686, 729
deserted by many II 647, 711
embryology & II 255-63
Hanoverian [Wiegand] disagrees w I 185n
inadequate but forced on us II 645
insufficient re heredity I 223n
language & II 662
Mivart's critique of II 696-7
Muller attacks II 721-2
natural selection & II 647-8
objections to II 717, 723-4n
occultism &, contrasted I 186-7, 219; II 87, 185, 190, 684
only part of evolution I 600; II 649
physicalization of root types & II 649
polygeneticists opposed II 169
principles on cosmic level I 201-3
de Quatrefages on II 56n, 87n, 315n, 645, 687-8n
Schmidt on II 667n, 734n
secondary laws partly true II 662
Spencer's view on II 730
starts at an open door II 190
theory begins at midpoint II 153

Darwinism. See Fiske, John

Darwinism: A Critical . . . See Danilevsky

Darwin's Philosophy of Language. See Muller, F. M.

Daseyn [Dasein] & Seyn [Sein] (Ger), Fichte on I 281n

D'Assier, Paul

——— Posthumous Humanity
existence of astral body II 149
spirits, etc I 620

Dattali, Dattobhri, Dattoi, Dattoli, Dattotri, Dattotti (Skt) II 232n

Daumling [Tom Thumb] (Ger), principles of I 165

Davamata. See Devamata

David, King

biblical Jews fr II 473
danced "uncovered" I 335; II 459-61
did not recognize Moses or Laws II 541
Jewish phallicism starts w II 469
no giants in days of II 336
numbers Israel II 387n
reestablished worship of Jehovah I 320 &n; II 541
revelation & II 455
verses of, [Psalms] I 493

Davids. See Rhys Davids

Davikina [Davkina] (Chald), Ana, Belita &, female triad II 463

Davis, Dr J. B.

——— "Contributions towards . . ."
on Basques, Guanches II 790n
intellect & brain size II 522-3

Davy, Sir Humphry, "Proteus or Immortality," loathed materialism I 480

Dawkins, W. Boyd,

——— Cave Hunting
Dryopithecus man's ancestor II 675-6
modern sculptor vs Paleolithic II 716n

"Dawn of Creation, The." See Gladstone

Dawns & Twilights. See also Sandhya, Sandhyamsa

Lucifer son of manvantaric I 53, 70-1
Phoebe & Hilasira [Hilaeira] II 122
seven, & fourteen manvantaras II 308

Dawson, Sir John William

——— The Origin of the World . . .
origin of man II 729
unspecialized skeleton of man II 720

Day(s). See also Days of Brahma, Nights of Brahma

Brahma creates, after Night II 59
"of Come to Us" (Egyptian) I 134-5 &n
of gods, one solar year II 620
Great, after seventh round II 491
Initiators & 365 II 529, 597n
length of polar II 292
misshapen, & our karma I 644
& Night, Castor & Pollux II 122
nights &, rest & activity II 545
sevenfold night & II 756
seventh I 240
seventh, is sacred (Hesiod) II 603
six, of Creation I 447; II 252n
six, of Genesis (Wiseman) II 704
twelve hours of, a blind I 450
of week & planets I 652

Day After Death, The. See Figuier, L.

Dayananda Sarasvati

on Arjuna & Ulupi in America II 214 &n
founder of Arya Samaj II 68n
greatest Sanskrit authority II 214n
polemics w Max Muller I 360
on primeval revelation I xxx
on secret Brahmanical works I xxx, xxxiv

Dayanisi (Heb) sun I 397n

Day "Be with Us" I 134-5 &n

endures during mahapralaya I 134n
merging into One Essence I 130-1
Ring "Pass-Not" & I 129
spark re-becomes the flame at I 265

Day(s) of Brahma (planetary manvantara), I 3, 12, 368-78, 442; II 660n. See also Nights of Brahma

Ananta-Sesha sleeps during II 505
fourteen manus in I 63, 245, 375, 450; II 70, 307, 308n
Great Breath & II 6 &n
Great Flood & II 146
law governing Nights & I 62
length of I 36, 232, 240, 340, 419n, 447, 635, 655-6; II 69, 70, 308n, 505
nitya pralaya closes II 69n
one thousand maha yugas I 63, 372; II 308n, 505
pralaya after I 552; II 146
Sacred Land endures for a II 6 &n
spiritual lives mayavic in I 635

Day of Judgment

day "Be-with-us" I 134n
minor pralaya II 617

Days of the Week

characteristics of I 409
names of planets & I 652

Dayus. See Dyaus

Dbrim or Debarim (Heb), ten words or sephiroth I 432


Hel queen of II 99
no, or blind matter I 274, 280-1, 507; II 672
Ptah Egyptian god of I 353
something, was once living I 507-8n

Dead, Book of the. See Book of the Dead

Death. See also Devachan, Kama-loka, Pralaya

adept's, life in astral body II 531-2
adepts solved problem of II 451
after-, journey I 132, 227-8, 577, 673-4
Angel of, & Satan same II 385, 388-9
of body & Rudra-Siva I 526n
came w physical organism II 609n
change of polarity at I 526n
does not liberate fr rebirth I 39
Egy teachings on I 227-8, 367 &n, 674 &n
first two races knew no II 121, 138, 609-10
girdle of II 235
ignorance is II 215
liquor vitae after rigor mortis at I 538
of man & kosmos I 173
man prevented fr foreseeing II 523
man's, & pralayas II 309-10n
man's life-atoms after II 671-2
man's principles after I 122n, 158, 220, 242, 526n, 538 &n
man's soul after II 364
Mara god of, & birth II 579 &n
Mars lord of, & birth II 392
no life possible without I 413, 459n
postmortem separation in II 496
resurrection (initiation) & II 462
Samael Angel of II 111, 385, 388
of secret sciences II 503
third race knew, at close II 610
time of, determines future I 86
Yama god of II 44

Debir or Kirjath-Sepher II 529

Decad (Gk, decade in tx) II 581

brought fr India II 573
contains four unities, three binaries I 239
formation of I 99
found all over world I 321
in interlaced triangles II 591-2
Pythagorean I 321, 616; II 553, 573
recorded the kosmos I 321
twofold meaning of II 573
unified, realm of reality I 333

Deccan (India), dwarfed men of II 411n

Deceiver, found in all cosmogonies I 413

December 25th, & incarnation of solar gods I 656

Decharme, Paul

——— Mythologie de la Grece antique
ash tree & lightning II 519-20
Bailly & Voltaire on Hesiod II 777
Castor & Pollux II 121-2, 123-4n
four ages, races (Hesiod) II 270-1
kabeiron fr Greek "to burn" II 363
Mt Atlas II 763
Nemesis II 305-6n
new period of creation II 269 &n
Pandora II 270 &n
Phoroneus II 519-21
Prometheus II 519, 521-2, 524-5
q Baudry on fire II 524, 526
Rhodes birthplace of Telchines II 391
stealing of fire II 525
swan & golden eggs II 122

Decidua Deciduata, Indeciduata, Haeckel's prosimiae & II 649-50, 668

Decimal System

antiquity of II 37n
Great Pyramid built on I 362
among Hindus, Pythagoreans I 360-2

Deep, Great (or Space). See also Abyss

abode of Ea, wisdom II 53, 139n, 477
Aditi, Chaos, Shekinah or I 460; II 527
chaos I 65, 250, 312, 337, 344, 674; II 65, 145, 313, 384
energy reflected in I 337
Flood stands for II 139, 145
Gaia, Aditi or II 269
Logos, Soul of World or I 353
moist principle (Pymander) II 236
Mother or I 625-6
primordial waters I 80, 431, 460; II 65
Thavatth, Thalassa & II 115

Definitions of Asclepios. See Kingsford, Virgin of the World

Deities. See also Architects, Builders, Gods

beneficent & maleficent II 477
cosmo-psychic powers & I 86
creative I 127-8, 427; II 43
female, more sacred than male I 5
hosts of incarnated beams II 584
lunar, solar I 229, 362, 396
names of, change w each cycle II 90
330 million, in India II 90

Deity I 349-58. See also God

absolute, above space, time II 158
as absolute, abstract "Ens" I xx
absolute, in every atom I 58-9
abstract, as That I 77
abstract, attributes of I 438-9
abstract, sexless I 59, 136n
abstract triangle in occultism I 19
Adi-Budha or Unknown I xix
aether as, pervades all things I 343-4
anthropomorphic, & ether I 332
Architect higher than creative II 43
becomes a whirlwind I 117
body of, seven plus three limbs I 240
boundless, infinite expansion I 120
center of unity (Pythagoras) I 433
chaos-theos-kosmos the triple I 347
circle symbol of I 113-14; II 549
concealed I 75n, 437
creative I 332, 340-1, 346, 427; II 43
degraded by sexual mysteries II 471
Demiurgos no personal I 279-80
dragon symbol of manifested II 386-7
eternal Karana or cause I 93n
four-syllable symbol of I 351
geometrizes (Plato) II 39
given too human-like ways II 555
hidden, or circumference of circle II 536
highest universal, not creator I 439-40, 492-3n
incognizable, & circle I 113
is law I 152
is One in many I 112
Jehovah & kabbalistic I 439-40n
living fire I 2
male, has mother, no father I 59
manifest, or diameter II 553
nameless, or ONE REALITY I 119
Nemesis, karma & I 645; II 304-5n
not God I 350
only Christian, a creator I 439-40
perfect cube w orthodox I 19
personal, aspects of I 280, 332, 427, 629, 638; II 518
Plato on II 554
presides over a constellation I 638
sea fr which wisdom flows I 239
shadow of, vivifies germ I 367
space, parent, etc I 8, 35
Sun original symbol of II 584
supreme, dual II 412n
theos or, expl II 545
time, space & II 382n
tribal, exalted II 507-8
unclean animals once symbols of I 355
universal, eternal in nature I 79, 295n
universal, vs anthropomorphic II 158
universe as I 92n
unknowable, breathes universe I 43
unknown I 327
unknown, passive (Justin) II 489
vacuum or latent I 343
will of, that acts II 528

"De la Croix ansee." See Raoul Rochette

Delambre, Jean Baptiste Joseph, Histoire de l'astronomie . . . , Sun as a magnet I 499 &n

Delgarme [Dalgarno, George,], Ars signorum vulgo . . . , universal language of I 310

Delhi, built on earlier cities II 221, 397

(Delios), or Apollo kills python II 771n


Apollo born on Isle of II 771n
called Basilea, Osericta II 773
original, not in Greece II 773

Delphi(c) I 636

gods of, & Stonehenge II 379
Greeks consult, oracle re Xerxes I 466
oracular vapors & I 338n
temple & the E Delphicum II 580

Delta (Gk letter), Deus, Zeus & II 582

Delta (of the Nile)

inhabited for over 100,000 years II 746
Io guided to II 418
occupied fr northeast II 368
once part of Europe II 8
thickness of, deposits II 750n

Deluge(s). See also Cataclysm, Floods, Noah

Atlantean, an allegory (Massey) II 353
Atlantean, buried sorcerers II 772
Atlantean or Noah's II 69n, 142-6, 313-14, 395, 410, 423, 533-4, 751n, 774
Book of Enoch & II 530-33
builders of Babel after II 375
Cain, Ham &, (Rom Church) II 391
causes of II 144-5, 274, 699
Chaldean & biblical, not Atlantean II 4
changed whole Earth II 533-4
cosmic II 69n
Deucalion, Pyrrha escape II 270
divine, or Tityus II 142
early buddha of fifth race saw II 423
Faber on Atlantean II 264-5
fish &, in ancient symbolism I 653
of fourth round I 444
geological, ended 3rd race II 313
historical events II 335
Ila primeval woman after I 523
inclination of axis caused II 52
inversion of poles & II 360
Jewish, based on Poseidonis II 751n
Kabirim gods of the II 360
little, in Central Asia (Bunsen) II 141
many, compressed into one II 141
meanings of II 139-40, 144, 145-6
moon, planets & II 699
Noachian I 415, 444-5; II 3, 32, 69n, 138, 222, 265, 309, 390, 393, 466
Noah's, not mythical II 774
our, 850,000 years ago II 141, 144
overtook fourth race II 350
periodical, geological II 274, 410, 776 &n
in Popol-Vuh II 35
population explosion after II 453
predicted by zodiac I 649
pyramids, constellations & II 352
in Samothrace & Gobi II 4-5
satya-yuga followed I 67
several, in fifth race II 353
sidereal & geological II 314
skeletons before, tall II 278
story of, & third race II 139-40 &n
of Thessaly II 776
third & fourth, not a curse II 410
third, was Lemurian II 351
Timaeus re occasional II 784
traditions of I 322; II 141, 365, 751 &n, 774
universal II 530
universal, watery abyss (Berosus) II 715n
Vaivasvata's I 369, 523; II 4, 69n, 139, 309, 313
various I 67-8; II 141-6, 270-1, 313-15, 784-5

Demaimieux. See Maimieux, de

Dematerialization of Earth II 250

Demeter (Gk)

feminine aspect of Axieros II 362
sanctuary to, (Pausanias) II 363
Zeus begot Dionysos by II 415

Demigods (Rishis, etc)

gods, heroes, & men II 367, 368
incarnated in man II 373n
of third race II 319

Demions [Dimyon, Heb], personating spirits, daimons II 508-9

Demiurge, Demiourgos (oi). See also Architect, Creator, Logos

aggregate of dhyani-chohans I 279-80
angels rebelled against II 237
anthropomorphized as Deceiver I 413
beings refusing to create & II 93
collective creator, architect I 279-80
collective, or sound I 372
compound of creative builders I 380n
creator I 110; II 5, 25
devoured by Bhutadi I 372
directs Divine Thought II 704n
Egyptian, or solar fire: Ra-Shoo I 311
elohim of Bible I 346
fashions kosmos out of chaos I 346
fiery serpents symbols of II 387n
Horus idea in mind of I 348, 366
Iao called, (Furst) II 541
Logos or I 380n
not perfect, not to be worshiped I 280
not yet architect I 380
numerological confirmation of II 466
Second Logos, Tetraktys II 22, 478, 599
subordinate to highest deity II 541n
synthesis of architects I 346
Universal Mind I 110; II 704n
Universal Soul I 352-3

Democritus (of Abdera)

atomic theory of I 579
atoms & a vacuum of I 64, 343
believed in gods I 518, 611
gyratory atoms of I 117
Leucippus taught I 2
materialistic conceptions of I 50
pupil of the Magi I 117
skeptical but factual II 285-6

Demon(s). See also Adversary, Asuras, Devil

Ahi-vritra, of drought II 384
angels of light turned into II 93
born of Kasyapa-Aditya II 382n
Brahma first creates II 58
Brahmans labeled asuras II 487
Christians call Boreas a I 467
dakini, khado II 271, 285
Danavas or, magicians II 183
fallen angels not II 516
gods by day, demons by night II 59 &n
gods made into I 202; II 232
Hindu, often pious I 415
impure, of matter II 274
"is the lining of God" I 235-6
male & female II 271
material devas are II 58 &n
more powerful by night II 59n
nine classes of II 389n
oppose clergy & ritualism I 415
pitris of the II 89
of pride, lust, hatred II 274
rakshasas as I 415; II 165n, 232n
Satan belongs to fifth class of II 389n
serpents, giants are II 280n
Seth, Typhon become II 32n, 82n
shells (kama-rupas) are II 111 &n
South Pole abode of II 404
"tempting" II 174
tremble at names of Hathor I 400
Venus degraded into II 45
wicked II 20

Demon est Deus inversus (Lat, Kab) I 70, 411-24; II 274, 478, 487, 513

astral light is I 424; II 512-13
asuras & II 487
light, darkness & I 70

Demonologists, Demonology, of Roman Church re Satan II 389n, 510

Demrush, slain Persian giant II 398

Dendera Zodiac

discovered II 431-3
planisphere of, & Stonehenge II 344
preserved by Coptic & Greek adepts II 432
records over 75,000 years II 374n, 432
three Virgos of II 368, 433

Denis. See Dionysius Periegetes


dolmens found in II 752
shores of, have risen 200-600 ft II 787n

Denon, Baron Dominique Vivant, Voyage dans la Basse . . . , age of Egyptian zodiac II 332, 431, 433

Denton, William & Elizabeth, The Soul of Things, psychometrizes meteorite I 201n

De placitus philosophorum. See Plutarch, Moralia


Bythos, Propator or (Gnostic) I 214
seventh, & essence of things I 628
Unfathomable, or Bythos II 214, 569n

Desatir, The, everything shadow of higher spheres II 268

Descartes, Rene

denied soul to animals I 627
pineal gland seat of soul II 298
plenum of I 623
retaught elemental vortices I 117, 206n, 492
on rotation of planets I 206n
Spinoza & I 628-9

——— Principes de la philosophie
"Cogito ergo sum" II 242

Descending Arc. See Arc

Descent of Man. See Darwin, Charles

Description of Greece. See Pausanias

Desert(s). See also Gobi, Sahara

destroy evidence of past II 311
once fertile II 503

Design I 341, 643; II 261

in action of "blindest" forces I 277
of future in seed II 653-4, 731

Designers, builders or II 732

Desire. See also Kama

Anugita on II 637
Boehme on II 634
Brahma & I 110
connects entity, nonentity II 176
cosmic, becomes absolute light I 201
Earth now body of I 260, 572
Eros & II 65, 234
first arose in It II 176, 578
lower aspect of manas II 412-13
pothos or, & creation I 110
Promethean vulture & II 412-13
for sentient life I 44-5
sons of Vedhas without II 78, 176n

Desnoyers, J. P. F. S.

calumnies poured on II 751
man dates fr Miocene II 714n

Destiny I 654. See also Karma, Lipikas, Providence

action of seven agents & I 436
cyclic, & humanity II 446
fate & Moira II 604-5 &n
karma-nemesis & I 642-5; II 304-6
Pleiades connected w II 768
written in the stars I 638-9

Destroyer(s) I 13n

battle betw creators & I 199
creators &, in body I 261-4, 262-3nn
divine fire a II 114
fiery lives both, & builders I 262n
microbes as I 261-3 &n
Rudra as II 69n


constant, or nitya pralaya II 309-10n
fifth root-race saved fr II 310
legends of world, universal II 311
of secret books I xxiii-iv
of worlds, many meanings II 704-6

Deucalion (son of Prometheus)

Adonis-Osiris worship & II 769n
ancestor of man (Boeotians) II 519
created men out of stones II 768-9
escapes deluge in an ark II 270
Greek Noah II 768-9
name, contains story of Deluge II 335
Vaivasvata, Xisuthrus, Noah II 309, 314

Deus (Lat)

fr Aryan Dyaus, the day I 347
four-letter God II 602
Zeus, delta & II 582

Deus enim et circulus est (Lat) II 552

Deus est demon inversus (Lat) II 478. See also Demon est Deus Inversus

Deus explicitus, Deus implicitus (Lat), manvantara & pralaya I 281n

Deus Lunus (Lat) I 381, 386-403

occult potencies of Moon I 396
same as Babylonian Sin I 388
Soma is Hindu II 466

Deus Mundus (Lat), Jupiter Mundus has become I 463

Deus non fecit mortem (Lat) II 422


eating locusts, beetles I 80n
fiery serpents II 206
giant King Og II 336
God hath divided them II 477
Jehovah as tribal god II 537
Kadesh II 460
Lord a consuming fire I 87, 122, 466, 626n
Lord's portion is his people I 576

Deutsche Mythologie. See Grimm, J.

Deuxieme Memoire [de Mirville's Des Esprits vol II] I 506n

Dev(s). See Daevas

Deva(s) (Skt) celestial beings. See also Daevas

act in space, time I 418
arupa II 585
Asvattha boughs are Hiranyagarbha I 406
Brahmins rule II 111
canon of proportion fr I 208-9n
cast no shadows II 112
classes of, given II 90
compelled to incarnate II 516
consciousness & the monad I 619
demons more material than II 58n
dhyani-chohans I 93, 458; II 307
divine dynasties & II 369
divine men or, & primeval age II 712
each, has planet, nation, race II 538
elements stand for I 339
fire angels refuse to join II 243
gods & men II 211
gods in India I 93
Hermetic daimones, genii I 288n
hierarchies of I 92
Hindu, & devil I 73
identical w elohim, cherubs I 92; II 85
incarnate in man II 98, 373n
Indra leads, against rebels II 382
kumaras division of I 458
lords of wisdom II 172
manasa-, or Prometheus II 525
man cannot propitiate I 276
manushis & I xliii
modes of motion (science) I 478
must pass thru human stage II 322
not all gods II 90
progenitors I 606
rebel, were asuras II 162
refused to create II 172
reigns of, (Bailly) II 368
seven primordial sages II 267n
solar, or agnishvatta I 181
sons of Bhumi or I 605
war of asuras &, (Taraka-maya) II 63
Zoroastrian devs I 577

Deva Brahma, title of Narada II 48

Devachan (Tib) heaven world

analogy of, & kosmic nirvana I 173
animal monad has no II 196n
divine teachers spurn II 281
early races had no II 610
egg as, (Egyptian) I 365
Field of Aanroo or I 221
fields of bliss I 386n
higher principles in I 220; II 374n
inner man spurns II 281
manas & I 334; II 57n, 111
man may escape rebirth & I 39
nirmanakayas have no II 615
Sekhem (Egyptian) or I 220
seven successive I 674n
three witnesses & I 570-1
winged scarabaeus symbol of I 365

Devagnanams [Devajnanis] (Skt), beings belonging to, listed II 90

Devaki (Skt)

anthropomorphized Aditi II 527
called Arani II 524n, 527
prayer to II 527-8
seven children of, killed II 604n
Vishnu & eighth child of II 48

Devaloka (Skt)

plane of I 131
sons of, & sons of Bhumi I 605-6

Deva Manu (Skt), Vaivasvata was a II 715n

Devamata (Skt), dialogue w Narada II 566-8

Devamatri (Skt) mother of gods

Aditi or I 53, 99, 356, 527n; II 527
akasa as I 527n
cosmic space I 53n
Sun & planets born fr I 99

Devanagari (Skt alphabet) I xxiii

Kabiri-Titans invented II 364

Devapi (Skt) I 378

Deva-putra Rishayah (Skt) sacrificers, sons of God II 605

Deva Rishi, Devarshi (Skt), title of Narada II 48, 82-3, 502

Devasarga (Skt) divine creation I 454; II 176n

Devasena (Skt), Vach as, & Sarasvati II 199n

Devatas (Skt). See also Sastra-devatas

pitar (pitri)-, or gods II 148, 248
war betw, & Daityas II 405-6

Deva Vardhika (Skt), name for Visvakarma II 559

Devayana (Skt) [path of the gods], way to immaterial worlds I 132

Dev-bend (Pers), name for Tahmurath II 397

Devi Bhagavata Purana. SeeBhagavata Purana

Devi-durga (Skt), Annapurna & Kanya I 91-2

Devil(s). See also Adversary, Dragon, Satan, Serpent, White Devil

Azazel not a II 376
belief in a personal II 377, 475
can reunite w deity (Hindu) II 237n
Chaldeo-Judaean myth II 477
Church called, darkness I 70
Church made, anthropomorphic II 508
creative force, not a person II 510
"doubles" are not I 235
dragon of Revelation made into II 484-5
elohim called I 442n
fallacy of dogma on II 209
father of lies I 414
forced pagans to copy Jews II 472n
"lead us not" addressed to I 414
Leviathan, Saraph meopheph & II 206n
mankind is the II 507 &n
in man's image II 228
"monkey of God" II 476
opposite of creator I 413
pagan deities became II 480-1, 507
prototype of Christian II 246
prototypes of Michael & II 478
Puranic giants called I 415
reality of, (de Mirville) II 341
Samael-Satan made into II 378
serpent made into I 344, 410, 442n; II 98, 528
Simoon, Atabutos, Diabolos II 385
Son of God (Bible) I 70, 412, 414
theology makes man a II 228
there is no II 162, 389
Titans, Kabirs linked w II 354
work of the II 472n
Zoroastrian devs or I 73

Devil-fish, Hugo ridiculed re II 440-1

Deville. See Ste-Claire Deville

Devon, cave of II 722

Devonian Age I 253n; II 712

Devonshire (England), subtropical in Miocene II 726

Devotion, aspiration &, in early man I 210-12

Devourers I 258-9

differentiate fire-atoms I 259
fiery lives or I 250

Dev-sefid [Div-sefid] (Arabic) [White Devil], giant killed by Krishna II 403, 407 &n

Theosophical University Press Online Edition