Index to The Secret Doctrine — prepared by John P. Van Mater

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Chnoubis, Chnumis, Chnouphis (Egy)

Agathodaemon II 210 &n, 518
Christos of Gnostics II 210n
Eichton, Thoth-Hermes II 210-11
Ophite serpent I 472-3
solar, or Agathodaemon-Christos II 377

Chockmah, Chokhmah. See Hokhmah

Chogi Dangpoi Sangye (Tib), Adi-buddha or I 571

Chohan(s). See also Dhyani-chohans

fivefold, & kumaras II 578
informing intelligences II 34

Chokra (Hind), servant I 376

Cholula, Pyramid of (Central America), built by giants II 276n

Chord, odic, magnetic & sound I 555

Chou (Chin), Sun or II 372

Chow [Chou] Kung II 302. See also Chung Ku

Chozzar [Chorzar] (Gnos)

dragon, Messiah of Naaseni II 356
five androgyne ministers of II 577
Gnostic Neptune II 356, 577, 578

Chrests, Chrestos (Gk)

Christos incarnates in II 573
Dionysos, Prometheus or II 420
neophytes II 562
Ophiomorphos- I 413
suffering man, or mankind II 420

Christ. See also Avataras, Christos, Jesus, Logos, Messiah, Savior

Agni suggestive of, (Jolly) II 101n
aleph of Taurus & I 656-7
ascending like cannonball II 708n
Atonement II 497
brazen serpent & I 364 &n
buddhi not II 231n
Catholic teachings re I 612
Church calls itself Bride of II 377
comes like lightning II 485
cornerstone (1 Peter) II 627
crucifixion symbol II 556, 586-7
foretold in Joseph's dream I 649
Gnostic value of 318 (Skinner) I 322-3
Jehoshua, Joshua or II 539
Jehovah II 76
Jesus-, Angel-man II 114
in kid gloves & Kwan-shi-yin I 473
Logos, God in Space, Savior on Earth II 483
Michael or, chief of aeons I 195n
Nazarenes existed long before II 96n
One God & Savior II 497
one of many saviors I 653, 656-7
Pisces does not refer to, alone I 653
Prometheus & II 413
Puranic story of Krishna & I xxxi
race of buddhas & II 415
St Michael Ferouer of II 478-9
serpent, resurrection & I 472
seven stars in hand of II 63
state II 604
stone, -rock II 341
Sun-, lives in thee (Bernard) I 401
teachings of, degraded II 556
teachings of, occult II 231n

Christian(s). See also Fall, Missionaries, Theology

Ain-soph ignored by I 391; II 540
angels & devils of I 287
angels fr Magian devs I 577
animals & birds of I 357, 363, 384, 441-2n; II 210n
anthropomorphic phallic God of I 4; II 472
astronomical ignorance II 708
black magic among, & pagans I 467-8
borrowed sun, tree, serpent I 410
called little fishes II 313n
chronology of II 73
connect Prometheus w Christ II 413
continued pagan superstitions I 466-70
couldn't destroy ancient wisdom I xl-i, xliv
creation out of nothing I 233n
cross an afterthought II 586-8
crucifixion II 560-1
deeds blackened memory of Christ II 514
deity only a creator I 439
denounced Jupiter Fulgur I 467
despoiled Jews of their Bible II 215
destroyed Egyptian lore I xl-i
disfigured Eastern ideas of deity II 38
disfigured Smaragdine Tablet II 113
dogmas I 196, 311-12, 400; II 103, 236n
dogmatized "evil spirits" II 386, 484
dragon, serpent I 73, 410, 657; II 354, 364, 507
early, followers of Christos I 198n
entered cycle of degradation I xxxv
exaggerated man's importance II 708
fire, cross I 384
four angels & Ophite faces I 127n
frog symbol on church lamps I 386
Genesis taken literally by II 95n, 215, 252n
God & Hindu compared II 472
God, archangels, Gnostic view of I 198
God lunar symbol I 390-1
God, Trinity I 113n; II 540
greet Morning Star II 759 &n
Hell of I 372n; II 247, 484, 507n, 774
heretical, sects II 389
hierarchy of powers I 92
Holy of Holies II 466 &n
inherited Semitic paradoxes I 383
initiates among I xxxix, 387; II 60
interpret Sabbath literally I 240
-kabbalists disfigured Pymander II 114-15 &n
lotus became water lily among I 379
medieval I xli, 357
monks die to the world II 532
Moon deity I 386-7, 388, 390-1, 395
Mysteries, early compilers of II 561
mystics tampered w Kabbala II 457
nations burdened w Israel's religion II 470
Nazarenes opponents of later I 198n
new soul every birth taught by II 302-3
one divine incarnation II 555-6
personal trinity of II 236n
"plagiarized" by Hindus I xxxi &n, 654
plagiarized fr pagans II 481-2
pray for wind, rain, calm I 466-9
profane, cling to dead letter I 316
remodel earlier teachings II 61-2
Satan myth & Aryan allegories II 231-2
scriptures mistranslated II 537
spoliation of Pentateuch I 11
Svabhavika Buddhists & I 3-4
symbols at Palenque II 557
temples are phallic symbols II 85
theology II 41, 95n, 497
Vedantic atheism & I 7 &n
War in Heaven I 68, 194, 202; II 497
Zohar altered by I 352

Christian, Paul

——— The History of Magic . . .
power of speech, the Word I 93-4

——— L'Homme rouge . . . I 93

Christian Church. See also Church, Missionaries, Roman Catholics

anathematized other gods II 508
basis of dogmas, rites I 310-11
carnalized Immaculate Conception I 58-60, 382n, 398-400
claims prehistoric plagiarism II 481
Councils II 279n
exalted Jewish tribal god II 507-8
invented eternal torment II 237n
karma of I xli
marriage ceremony of I 614-15n

Christianity. See also Church, Missionaries, Roman Catholics

borrowed wholesale fr pagans I 410
degraded angels into demons II 93
dogmatic dualism of I 196
evil & devil of II 390, 506-9, 528
good, evil &, (de Mirville) II 515
Greek religion &, (Muller) II 764n
Hinduism & I 388
honeycombed w phallicism I 452n
made Kabiri infernal gods II 363
made paganism demoniacal II 60, 93
one-life teaching of II 304
original sin II 304
truth of, disfigured II 60
turned pagan deities into devils I 411-24; II 231-2, 507
viewed millennia hence II 210n
won proselytes w sword I xli

Christianity and Greek Philosophy. See Cocker, B. F.

Christian Kabbalists I 196, 395

vs Eastern occultists II 476
mangle Zohar texts II 476
understood idea of Great Breath I 282

Christian Topography. See Cosmas Indicopleustes

Christology, mummified mythology (Massey) I 393


adept becoming the full II 580
anathematized II 377-8
atman w Gnostics I 132n
Chnouphis of Gnostics II 210n, 377
daiviprakriti light of II 38
divine wisdom I 459; II 231n
esoteric, is sexless I 72n
fire or I 87
formed of buddhi-manas II 230-1 &n
incarnates in Chrestos (Gnos) II 573
incorrectly interpreted as Jesus I 132n
Logos I 130n, 134n; II 230, 231n
Michael is Gnostic Hermes- II 481
names of, in various religions II 704n
Nazarenes followers of I 198n
"sevenfold light" II 540
Sun is, esoterically I 134n; II 23
tenth avatara II 420
universal spirit, Farvarshi or II 478
or Word II 704n
Zoroaster's atman II 480

Christos-Sophia, Kwan-shi-yin & Kwan-yin I 473

Christs & Buddhas I 639; II 415, 483

Christy, Henry

man dates fr Miocene II 714n
re "nallies" [tallies] & early writing II 729


hypothetical element in I 583
not Sun's vital principle I 528

1 Chronicles

Satan stood against Israel II 387n
Satan tempts King of Israel I 414

2 Chronicles

God above all gods I 421
pillars Boaz & Jakin II 461, 497

Chronicon. See Eusebius


calculations II 49
information of science II 66
mysteries studied by occultists II 83
order in Puranas ignored II 320

Chronology (ers, ies). See also Cycles, Yugas

Babylonian (Smith) II 691-3
biblical, dubious II 265, 336, 390, 395n
biblical, 6,000 years II 71, 690
Brahmanical II 66-74
Chaldean, Chinese I 655; II 219, 429, 619-21
Christian II 73
of divine dynasties II 365-9
esoteric among ancients II 395
esoteric geological II 709-30, 778-9
Hindu II 47-51, 66-74, 307n, 395, 551
Jewish II 396, 691
kalpas computed II 307n
numbers keys to II 564
occult I 340, 370-8; II 9-11, 148-9, 155, 320, 435, 437-8
orientalist vs Hindu II 225
in Puranas II 225, 571-2
scientific II 71-3, 155, 288
secret, of Linga Purana II 307n
Smith's, of Chaldeans II 691
Suidas & Dr Sepp II 619-20
Western, borrowed fr India II 620
will change greatly I 318
world, difficult II 796-7

Chronos (Gk) Time. See also Kronos (Saturn)

absolute time I 418
derivation of term II 269n
Kronos & I 417-18
orders phases of evolution II 420
Ormazd, circle or I 113-14
Osiris & Isis children of I 381
Phanes, Chaos &, (Orphism) I 452n, 583
St Michael son of I 459
Saturn or I 417-18
swallows his children II 269, 415-16
will swallow Church of Rome II 341n
Zeus born in & out of I 427

Chroub. See Cherub

Chrysostom, St John, Commentaries on St. Paul's Epistles, existence of many gods I 465n

Chthonia(n) (Gk)

chaotic Earth I 340; II 130
Kabiri belonged to, divinities II 363

Chu. See Khu

Chuang [Tzbu], things known & unknown II 219

Chulpas (burial places), giant, in Peru & Bolivia II 752

Ch'un ch'iu (Chin), stars (monads) fall to Earth II 486

Chung Ku. See also Chow Kung

helped compile Shan-Hai-King II 54n

Chupunika (Skt) Pleiad II 551

Church. See also Christian Church, Christianity, Church Fathers, Roman Church

ancient sources of I xxvi
angelic hosts of I 38, 88
archangels of I 88, 235 &n
"Bride of Christ" II 377
built on human victims I xli
called devil darkness I 70
confused Jehovah w Reality II 508
curses Satan, curses God II 235
distorted Jewish ideas I 312
filioque dogma in II 635
holds Michael Ferouer of Christ II 478-9
inhabited planets blasphemy to II 699
invented devil II 238-9, 508
lamb (Revelation) married to II 231
made ether abode of Satan I 331 &n
made Samael-Satan the Devil II 378
never had inner meaning of cross II 562
opposed Earth's rotundity II 708
personal god & devil of II 475
preserved legends re giants II 271-2
struggle of, w Manicheism II 238-9
unscrupulous, intolerant II 209, 377
Venus sign explained II 30
whitened sepulcher II 231

Church Council(s) II 279 &n

Church Fathers I 73, 383; II 537, 550n

blindly used cruciform couches II 559
claimed to have seen satyrs II 755
disfigured symbols I 196; II 98
failed to destroy Secret Doctrine I xl
Gnostic view of Jehovah & II 96
mutilated Gnostic systems I 350
passed keys to Nazarenes I 310-11
several, knew the old teachings I xliv
some, initiated I xxxix, xliv, 311, 386-7
woman as viewed by II 216n

Churchianity I 479; II 748

Churning of the Ocean

amrita, Rahu & II 381
before Earth's formation I 67-8
fourteen precious things fr I 67
Lakshmi &, (Williams) I 379-80 &n
Mandara (Mt) used for I 385
nagas, asuras employed in I 348
Soma born fr I 398

Chwolsohn, Prof Daniel Avroamovich

——— Die Ssabier und Ssabismus
Maimonides on Nabatheans II 455n

——— Nabathean Agriculture
Adam-Adami II 452-8
Moon idol instructs Qu-tamy I 394-5
pre-Adamic Mysteries II 452-6
Schemal, Samael I 417

Chylification (modification of lymph), cerebration &, (Dr Lewins) I 297 &n

Chyuta (Skt) II 47 &n. See also Achyuta

Cibola Expeditions

seven cities & II 35
Spanish met white chiefs during II 744

Cicatrization, affected by fission II 166n

Cicero, Marcus Tullius

——— [De Natura Deorum]
time & man's ideas II 451

——— De Senectute
sodalities II 212n

——— Tusculan Disputations
profaning the Mysteries II 419

Cichen-Itza. See Chichen Itza

Cidastes (genus) II 218

Ciel et Terre [Terre et Ciel]. See Reynaud, J. E.

Cifron (Arab), cipher derived fr, (Muller) I 360-1 &n

Cimah [Kimah] (Heb), Pleiades (Job) I 647-8 &n

Cimmerians (Gk)

descend fr Atlantean subrace II 774
long nights & days of II 773

Cipher II 307n

hieroglyphic, the Senzar II 439
Muller on I 360-1
nought or I 94; II 554
Sephrim & I 361n; II 40, 234

Circassia, raised stones in II 346n

Circe, Ulysses & II 769n

Circle(s). See also Center, Diameter, Pi, Point

Aristotle omitted I 615
Boundless I 65, 99, 113-14, 239, 333, 429, 614; II 573, 589
Chinese symbols of II 554
circumference a limited symbol I 1
circumference of, or hidden deity II 536
cosmogonies begin w, or egg I 443
cross & I 5, 19; II 30, 545-53, 582
cross equivalent to, of year II 546
cube, triangle & I 612-16
darkness associated w I 443
David's, -dance around ark II 460-1
diameter of II 536, 553
dimensionless II 553
earliest form of cross & II 549
ever-eternal nature I 4
fiery, Egyptian symbol of kosmos II 357
fire, water, cross & II 550
four, & Fohat's sons I 204
God is a, (de Cusa, Pascal) I 114; II 545
golden egg & I 359, 426; II 553
Hebrew root of I 364n
how, becomes a number I 99
infinite, perfect cube fr II 465
is thought, diameter is Word II 106
nine figures, as I 99
no number I 91; II 574
nought or, symb infinite All II 553, 621
Parker's premises re I 313, 315-16; II 544
Pascal's, symbolical I 65
point, triangle, etc I 320-1, 426
Proclus on invisible II 552
seven II 80-1, 487-8
seven, of fire II 103, 232, 275n
space & eternity in pralaya I 1
spirit of life, immortality II 552
square in, potent magic I 99
squaring the I 315-16; II 450, 544
symbol of universe I 359
symbol of Unknown I 113
triad in, or Tetraktis I 99
uncrossable boundary I 134n
unmanifested I 398
zero &, as infinity I 99, 333

Circle of Necessity. See also Rebirth

Egyptian after-death experiences & II 379
monads & II 303


dance II 460-1
Irish, stones fr Africa II 343
motion I 116-17


between two planes I 148
of blood I 559
nerve-auric II 298n
in universal ether II 74
of vital fluid & cat symbolized II 552-3n
of vital fluid in solar system I 541

Circulo vicioso (Lat) vicious circle I xxii

Circumcision, & the cross II 589


circle & I 11, 90, 426, 616; II 38
of circle or hidden deity II 536
diameter & II 544
digit nine & II 581
relation of point to I 426
symbol limited by human mind I 1

Cis-Himalaya(n) II 34n. See also Trans-Himalayan

adepts, wheat, corn & II 374n
crypts of, initiates II 588n
Narada or Pesh-Hun in, occultism II 48
secret teachings of II 251, 308n, 574, 636
sevening in, occultism II 602
submerged in Lemurian times II 327

City (ies)

absence of remains of II 311-12
Atlantean II 371, 760
built by divine kings II 366
built on former cities II 220-1, 397
Chaldean, of Eridu II 226
Egyptian, before pyramids II 432
first large, on Madagascar II 317
founding of, symbolic (Ragon) II 795-6
of fourth race II 20-1
holy, interpreted II 84
Lemurian, cyclopean II 317-19
"of letters," secret works in II 529
records in older Phoenician II 440 &n
seven, of Cibola II 35 &n
of third race II 198
two extinct Central Asian I xxxiii-iv

City of God. See Augustine, St

Civilization(s). See also Atlantis, Continent, Nations

ancient, preceded by others II 334
antiquity of, (Gould) II 311-12
Atlantean II 263
Atlantean & Egyptian II 429-30
Babylonian, fr India II 203
Central Asian I xxxii-iv
Chaldean, fr India II 226
Christian barbarism & II 430
earliest, date fr Eocene II 744
Egyptian, had no Stone Age II 786n
fate of modern II 331
first, fr divine dynasties II 318, 364
fourth race Chinese highest II 280n
Haeckel traces, to ants, bees II 650
high prehistoric II 432
Lemurian II 317-19
Lemuro-Atlantean I 191; II 433n
lost II 222, 429-34
lost arts of ancient I 208-9 &n; II 430-1
Miocene, (Donnelly) II 266n
most brilliant, in Tertiary II 679
physical, at cost of spiritual II 319 &n
physiological changes before II 317
prehistoric Central Asian I xxxii-iv
primeval, & Darwinists II 786n
puzzle of autochthonous I 652
rises & falls of II 330, 723
savagery &, side by side II 318, 522, 717, 722-5
Secondary Period II 266n
Sons of God founded I 208-9; II 198, 318, 364
submerged II 311-41, 393-402, 426-9
sunken, evidence of II 742-77

Civilization of the Eastern Iranians. See Geiger, W.

Clacha-Brath (Celt), judgment stone of II 342n

Clairaudience I 470, 537

Clairvoyance (t) I 1n, 41, 470, 537; II 206, 370n, 493

adept's spiritual eye not I 46n
aspect of jnanasakti I 292
corroborates tradition I 647
once common to mankind I 537
permeability of matter & I 251

Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology. See Dowson, J.

Classics (Gk & Rom)

giants, gods, continents in II 760-77
hints in, re secret science II 795

Clausius, Rudolf J. E.

gas atoms elastic spheres I 513
theory of I 587n

Clavijero, F. X. S., seven families of II 35

Clef des Grands Mysteres. See Levi, E.

Clement of Alexandria (Clemens Alexandrinus)

esteemed Book of Enoch II 535
ex-initiate I xliv; II 559
held Kabbala & Bible veiled II 536
knew Moon as Jehovah's symbol I 387
serpents, giants are demons II 279-80, 280n
understood cruciform couches II 559

——— Stromata
elements & pagan knowledge I 125 &n
Jewish, Egyptian temples I 462
knew astronomy of Exodus I 125; II 361n
Mysteries not given to all II 447
Phoroneus father of mortals II 519
sacrilege of Aeschylus II 419


make Satan enemy of God II 377
make true saviors evil ones II 411-12

Clerk-Maxwell. See Maxwell, J. Clerk

Climacteric Year I 656 &n


axial changes & II 314, 329-30, 356-7
changes of, & man's stature II 777n
eternal spring of early races II 135, 400, 738 &n
Fohat's four sons & I 204
of Greenland in Miocene II 11, 677, 726
man changes Earth's II 700
moon, sun, planets, etc cause II 699
periodical changes of II 446, 726-7, 736
polar regions once tropical II 329, 770n, 773-4, 777
secondary evolutionary causes II 262-3, 648-9
seventh II 319-20, 403, 407, 616
of third-race II 329
zones & influence II 249

Climate and Time in their Geological Relations. See Croll, J.

Clito, Neptune marries, sires Atlas II 765

Clodd, Edward

——— "Antiquity of Man . . ."
describes Paleolithic man II 686n
European marsupials II 713n
mid-Miocene man II 710-11
no man in Tertiary Europe II 714

——— "Science and the Emotions"
on science & religion I 3n

Clymene (Gk)

Atlas son of II 493
mother of Prometheus II 519

Coach ha-Guf. See Koah Haguph

Coadunation, of chain-globes I 166

Coagula, on Smaragdine Tablet II 99

Coal, formation I 253n; II 155, 695n, 712

Coasts, elevating, sinking II 787n

Coats of Skin, Matter I 189

cycles & I 642-4; II 56, 72
of early man II 154
Java-Aleim made, for Adam II 202
men, animals evolve II 299, 736
nature can produce II 56
not necessarily physical I 607
offering of, (Leviticus) II 748
thickened, & divine man II 281


hatched fr incense egg I 363-4
man's saliva & I 262 &n
nagas or II 209

Coccyx, rudimentary tail & II 328-9

Cochin, China, ears distorted in II 339

Cocker, B. F., Christianity and Greek Philosophy, Plato's "god over all" II 554 &n

Codex Nazaraeus

Adonai, Kadush, El-El I 463
arcane, arka II 463n
capital sins & cardinal virtues I 195-6 &n
Gnostic systems in II 96n
Iurbo, Adonai II 389
seven creations I 217
seven spirits & races I 248 &n
spirit female & evil in I 194n
War in Heaven I 194-6

Coecum, vermiform appendix of II 681

Coelo, De. See Aristotle (De Caelo)

Coelus [or Uranus]

Cyclopes sons of, & Terra II 769
Mercury son of Lux & II 541

Cogito, ergo sum (Descartes) II 242

Cognition, cognized, & cognizer are one I 56


Keely & I 559
Lodge on I 488
occult explanation of I 259 &n, 525
phenomena, noumenal causes I 145-6, 592
ultimate causes of I 514-17

Coincidences, re Great Pyramid I 314

Cold & Heat, progeny of electricity I 81-2

Colebrooke, H. T., Miscellaneous Essays

Greeks learned fr Hindus I 47n
manas is dual I 334
yugas or cycles II 624n

Coleman, held Aryans ignorant of globular Earth II 154-5

Colenso, Bishop John William, Elohistic and Jehovistic Writers, admits to changes in Bible II 473

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor

on chance I 653
Christians & heathens II 474
on personality I 275
time an abstraction of deity I 645

Collect. de Reb. Hibern. See Vallancey, C.

Collectio Nova Patrum. See Montfaucon, B. de


of astrologers, magi II 203
sacerdotal I 168; II 215, 220, 532-3

Collingwood, J. F., editor of Buchner's Force and Matter II 154n, 719n

[Collins, Mabel, Idyll of the White Lotus]. See Subba Row, T.

Cologne, three magi in cathedral of I 654n


akasa, sound, touch & I 205
based on septenary law II 628
commanding forces by, & sound I 514n
cosmic electricity & I 554
of early races II 97, 178, 227, 249-50, 282
four, of sanctum curtain I 462
Keely's occult ideas re I 564-5
related to senses, elements II 107
seven, fr one ray of light II 492
"shadows" (chhayas) of var II 90, 97
unfading, of Luxor II 430

Colorado, monsters of II 218

[Colossians], day of new Moon II 76

Colossus II, 263, 294n, 369. See also Cyclopean

of Rhodes & Bamian statue II 338

Coluber Tortuosus, meaning of, distorted by Church II 230

Columbus, Christopher I 297; II 371, 788

Colure, summer tropical, & Pleiades II 407


accumulate elements by circling I 204
all heavenly bodies become I 204
become stars I 206
collision w Earth theory II 330
curds become I 206, 250
early nebular evolution & I 599
of 1811 & gravity I 504
evolution of solar system & I 599
generated in solar system (Faye) I 500
laya-center becomes I 203-4
life came via a, (Thomson) I 366n
long-haired radicals I 503-4
Master quoted on I 593
matter of, unknown to science I 597
origin of I 500-6
planets were, & suns I 103, 596-7
prophecy by means of I 646
same substance as planets & Sun I 602
settles down as planet, Sun I 203-4
swallowed by suns I 204
tails of, & gravity I 504-5, 606-7
unexplained by science I 593
wanderers or I 201, 206, 250
world germs I 201

Cometary Matter I 504

different fr ordinary matter I 142, 597
planets & Sun evolved fr I 101 &n
stage for all heavenly bodies I 204
visible because luminous I 606-7

"Come To Us," Egyptian Day of I 134-5

Commentaire sur le Yaccna. See Burnouf, E.

Commentarius Apocalypsis. See Cornelius a Lapide

Commentary (ies) (quoted by HPB)

allegory of the eight Adityas I 100
animal-human intercourse II 192, 286
Asvattha Tree I 549
Atlantean man divided II 350
breath of Father-Mother I 144
circle, the One, the ALL II 621-2
Darkness clothed Sons of Light I 103
deity becomes a whirlwind I 116-17
destruction of continents I 439n
Dhruva & destiny of nations II 768
dhyanis, radiations of I 259
divine kings taught man II 201
dragon, Serpents of Wisdom II 351
early races, continents II 400-1
Earth globe in various rounds I 252n, 258-60
Earth in second round I 260
Earth's axis tilted II 329
Earth's geological changes II 312
Earth's rotation & Moon II 324-5
elements & celestial beings I 216
Eternal Bird, nest of II 293
fate of Atlantis II 427-8
fiery Mother-Fish & spawn I 97
fifth race on ascending arc II 300
fourth race black w sin II 408
fruits, grains brought to man II 373
genesis of world & numbers II 160
Heavenly Man goal of all I 183
heavenly rupa creates man II 242
hermaphrodites & Sukra II 30
holy youths refused chhayas I 192
humans are gods to beasts I 605-6
humans covered w hair II 287
humans look on devas as gods I 605-6
humans made complete II 255n
informing intelligences II 33-4
jiva & growth of Earth II 46
Kings of Light leave II 424-5
lives, comets, elements I 249-50
man first & highest mammal II 288
man's stature decreases II 331
Mighty Ones leave monuments I 434-5
mother, breaths, motion I 97
motion thrills sleeping atoms I 116
origin of human principles II 241
pitris & their doubles I 183-4
Poles moved (fourth time) II 350
primary, secondary creation II 113
Seven & Nine II 622
seven Fathers, forty-nine Sons II 564
seven Lhas II 23
sevens & man as saptaparna II 590
spheres, hierarchies II 33-4
spiritual conceptions of doctrine II 81
stone & vegetation II 593-4
Sun is heart & brain I 541
Sun turns w planets I 100 &n
third eye disappears II 294
three fires II 247
time & space II 612
Trees of Knowledge & of Life II 216
white & black magic I 192n
world germs, comets, battles I 201
world of truth I 120

Commentary (ies) (referred to)

compiled by adepts II 23
compiled prior to kali-yuga II 300
as difficult as the Stanzas I 97n
Exodus story in II 426-7
explain glossaries to I 97n; II 33-4, 33n
hierarchy of creative powers I 213
on nephilim & bestiality II 775
new facts to profane Orientalists I xxiii
next to impossible to translate II 192n
rendered into English for first time I 23
some, intentionally veiled I xxv

Commentary. of Proclus on the Timaeus. See Proclus

Commentary on Puranas, re Vishnu, Sesha II 505

Commentary on St Paul's Epistles. See Chrysostom

Communication. See also Language, Sound

between mortals & immortals I 464
between planes II 281n, 370n
between worlds I 133; II 281

Comparative Geology. See Winchell, World Life

Compass I 126n, 128. See also Cardinal Points, Maharajas

Compensation. See also Karma

karmic, in next manvantara I 173
law of, stern & implacable I 639


racial II 178, 227, 249-50
fr strata & climate II 249 &n

Compounds (chem). See also Crookes, W.

which cease to combine I 478

Compte Rendu du Congres int. d'anthropologie. See Bourgeois, Abbe

Comptes Rendus. See Academie des Sciences

Comte, Auguste, pessimism of, re Sun I 528

Theosophical University Press Online Edition