Index to The Secret Doctrine — prepared by John P. Van Mater

- Ser-Sk -

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Serapeum, Temple of Serapis, Khnoum enshrined in lotus at I 385

Seraph, Seraphim. See Saraph

Serapis (Gk-Egy)

healer, enlightener II 26n
serpent or sarpa II 501
temple of II 396

Sermon 160. See Augustine, St

"Sermon on the Holy Virgin." See Bernard, St

Serpent(s). See also Ananta, Dragons, Kala, Nagas

adored & cursed II 209-10
Apap, Aker are II 213
associated w darkness II 32n
on Babylonian cylinders II 104
Balaam learned fr II 409
"Be ye wise as," Matthew I 74
brazen I 253n, 364 &n, 414, 472-3; II 206n, 208, 364, 387, 473
w camel's neck II 205
Chenresi holds a II 178-9
Christians borrowed I 410, 442n
Christians made devil of I 442n
Church made, into devil I 344; II 98
coiled within Tiphereth II 214
cosmic, born of Kasyapa-Aditya II 382n
cosmic, 370 leaps of II 505
cosmological interpretation of II 386
described II 132, 204-19, 377-90
divine symbol not evil II 505
dragons &, North & South poles II 274
of Eden same as Lord God I 414
egg &, universal symbol I 65, 364n; II 756
emblem of logoi I 363
of eternity, macrocosmic I 344, 411; II 98, 377-8
of evil II 25-6, 213
falling fr on high II 230
fiery I 364, 442; II 206, 212
first light fr the abyss I 407
flying I 364; II 183, 206n
Fohat as a hissing I 76
of Genesis II 234-6, 243, 377-8, 388
giants &, demons (Clement) II 280
glyph of immortal being I 406
Gnostic I 73, 410; II 386-7
Gnostic Logos or I 364
good & evil I 73-4, 404
good & perfect, Messiah II 356
hatched fr egg of incense I 363-4
hawk-headed, explained II 357
Hercules killed, at his birth I 403
hierophant, initiate I 404; II 213
Hindu, & Ophite cherubim I 127
-holes, Adepts came fr II 748
hypnotizes birds I 409
the initiator II 355
of Jesus II 364, 386
Kabbalists' spiritual sun II 214
Kasyapa father of II 253-4, 382n
lion standing on, (Dendera) II 433
magicians called dragons & II 280n
of man, microcosmic, manas II 98
mystery of II 504-5
Nahash symbolized as a II 246n
North Pole in Vendidad II 356
not evil or of the devil II 214
Ophio-Christos or I 364
Ophiomorphos, Jehovah II 243-4, 389
Pulastya father of II 181
redescended, taught fifth race II 355
sarpa & naga, two kinds of II 181-2n
as savior II 214-15
scapegoat for Jehovah II 387
sea-, may exist II 207
seduces woman & man II 104, 364
septenary meaning II 208
Sesha thousand-headed II 49, 98
seven-headed, & races I 407
seven-headed, of space I 342
seven voweled, of GnosticsI 410-11; II 280n
souls of ancestors are I 404
swallowing tail I 253n, 291; II 504-5, 552
symbol of, & Jod of Kabbala II 246n
symbol of eternity, regeneration I 65, 73
symbol of evil (Christian) II 208
symbol of time (kala) I 404; II 756
symbol of wisdom I 65, 73, 363; II 26n, 364, 386
tail of, & Rahu II 381
two, nodes of Moon I 403
various symbols of I 65, 73 &n, 407-11; II 356
Vishnu &, -race I 420
Vishnu rests on I 379; II 98, 505
voice of reason in man II 98
winged, killed by Ibis I 362
woman & matter are II 202
worshipers or Naasenians II 355
Zeus a II 419-20

Serpent(s) of Wisdom. See also Adepts, Initiates, Nagas

Amshaspends, dhyani-chohans or II 328
connected w the Sun II 210n
Danavas, giants or II 381
dragons or II 215
Great Dragon (deluge) respects II 351, 355
Kapila an initiate or II 572
records of, preserved II 352

Serpents of Darkness

reflection of universal Logos I 411
seven heads of, seven logoi I 411

Sertorius, Life of. See Plutarch

Sesha, Sesha-Ananta (Skt). See also Dragon, Serpent

Ananta-, form of Vishnu II 505
Ananta is II 49n, 98
contains germs of universe I 73n
infinite time I 73 &n, 371; II 49 &n
Lord sleeps on, at pralaya I 371
manvantaric cycle II 98
seven patalas, Narada & II 49
thousand-headed, & Vishnu I 407; II 381
vehicle of Krishna I 73

Sesostris, greatest king of Egypt I xxix n

Sesquialtera (ratio 1-1/2 to 1, or 3/2) II 600

Sesquitertia (ratio 1-1/3 to 1, or 4/3) II 600

Set, Seth (Egy). See also Seth

biblical patriarch (Bailly) I 648
called seventh son II 213
degradation of, (Bunsen) II 36n
Edris &, taught astronomy II 366
founder of Sabeanism (Soyuti) II 360-1
God of time II 390n
Hermes or II 380
later became Typhon II 32n, 213, 366, 380, 385
murders Osiris II 385
mutilated by Horus II 283n
once great god, later debased II 32n
planetary god (Sabean) II 361-2
Sat-an or II 530
various names of II 530

Seth (Heb). See also Set

Adam begat, in his likeness II 125
Adam's third son or third race II 469
borrowed & disfigured by Jews I 361
Cain, Chium, Saturn & II 390n
Enos &, new race fr II 127
-Enos, fourth race II 134
Enos son of, first sexual race II 715n
genealogies of Cain & II 391n
Hermes son of, (Sabeans) II 361
Jewish travesty of Hermes II 380
Ka-yin, Habel &, three races II 397
mankind hermaphrodite before II 125
Mercury or, pillars of II 530
Ra'h-mim- II 315
represents later third race II 125-6
Sabean language established by II 366
semi-divine ancestor of Semites II 82n
serpent &, (Wake) II 26n
Set (Egyptian) & II 366, 380, 530
son of Adam exoterically II 127
son of Cain & Abel II 127, 134
two-sexed race II 125
Typhon & II 32n, 82n, 231, 366, 380

Seti I (Egy) renewed as Lunus when a babe I 228

Set-Typhon (Egy)

Apophis or II 380, 385
as seventh son II 213

Sevekt [Sevekh] (Egy), Kronos, seven or I 408

Seven(s). See also Hebdomad, Septenary, Seventh

adopted on this plane II 312n
ages of man II 117, 312n
in Anugita II 637-8
Apollo patron of II 772n
astral phenomena & II 627
became eight (ogdoad) II 358n
Bible, prominent in I 387; II 4
in Book of the Dead (Egy) I 674
born fr upper triangle II 574
bright Sravah or Amshaspends II 516
chemical elements governed by II 627-8
in Christian dogmas I 310-11
churches, Sodalian Mysteries II 633
circles II 80
classes of pitris II 77, 89, 91-2
colors fr one ray II 492
columns, rectores around tree II 293
creations I 21, 217, 445-60; II 53n, 612, 624
cross, circle & oldest symbols II 582
crucifixion, esoteric meanings of II 560-1
dialects of Mystery language I 310
dvipas & planetary chain II 320
earths, heavens, seas I 447-8
elements, cosmic I 137, 140, 347, 460
elements of man (Gnostic) II 604-5, 632
every scripture has, aspects II 496
eyes of the Lord II 22, 626
feminine number of generation II 581-2
-fold division secret I xxxv
forces, powers, planets II 602 &n
forms, colors, sounds, taste & II 622
forty-nine &, fires II 363
forty-nine &, in Sanskrit texts II 611
found in all religions II 34-7
four lower, three higher II 92, 581-2, 598
generative number w Hebrews I 114
Gnostic vowels of St John II 565
governors of dhyani-chohans I 601
Greek, fr Hindus II 408
-headed serpent of space I 342
heart, skin plexuses & II 92
heavens, dhyanis of II 273
heavens, vowels (Gnostic) II 563
Hebrew word for week II 624n
hosts build world II 489
initiators linked w II 529
keys I 310, 318, 325; II 291n, 335, 471, 538, 632-3
keys to meaning of swastika II 99
keys to symbol language II 471, 538, 584, 765
kings, rishis I 376
Laycock on cycles of II 622-3 &n
letters of Jehovah's name I 335
Logos, -voweled sign I 79
magic number II 629-30
manifested universe II 626
master of the Moon II 601
modes of interpretation I 374
not confined to any nation II 603
number of divine mysteries I 36
number of present manvantara II 590
occult virtues of, (Hippocrates) II 312n
pass fr India to Christians II 612
Philo on I 407
planes, keys, sciences II 335
planetary spirits II 318n
point, triangle, quaternary became II 612
powers of, & cycles I 36
powers of nature, angels of II 273
powers of the Logos II 359
primeval gods II 514
principles, states of matter II 29, 92, 491, 631-2
properties of nature (Boehme) II 595
in Puranas, Esoteric Buddhism I 348
Qabbalah (Myer) re various I 347-8
races, continents II 1-12, 77, 91
real scale of natures I 656n
regents of Pymander of elohim II 488
root nature-number present cycle I 460; II 621
sacred in every nation I 114
sacred islands II 326
senses & seven hotris (Anugita) I 87, 96
sins, virtues, sacraments I 310-11
-skinned, space called I 9
son of seventh son II 213
sons of Priyavrata II 320
sound, color & II 627-9
spheres of action II 621n
Spirits of the Presence I 312
spring, summer & II 583
states of consciousness I 96
three, four, ten & II 564
triad emanates the I 427
truths, four only given in fourth round I 42
various, -fold symbols II 529-30, 612-18, 637-41, 771-2n
virgin men (kumara) II 281
vowels & forty-nine powers I 410-11; II 564

Seven Against Thebes. See Aeschylus

Seven Angels of the Face I 352n

Seven Angels of the Presence I 104, 312, 335; II 237

seven manus or II 573-4

Seven Capital Sins (Christian, Gnos)

born fr astral soul I 195
Christian scheme of, & Gnostic II 641

Seven Circles of Fire, higher angels break thru II 80, 275n

Seven Cities, Antilles, Heroes, Caves, stand for zones, races II 35n

Seven Eternities

length of I 144n
periods of manvantara I 36, 53, 62


classification of kosmos II 29n, 92, 574
division of anima mundi II 562
occult forces I xxxv

Sevening I 408

Seven Precious Things (Japan) I 67n

Seven Primeval Gods

builders, rulers of the world II 514
kings, instructors of men II 514

Seven Principles. See also Principles

diagrams of I 153, 157
in nearly every school I 335
Seven Rishis & II 139, 313, 715n
teaching in all religions I 238-9, 241; II 491
three-tongued flame & four wicks I 237 &n
three upadhis & I 158

Seven Rays. See Rays

Seven Rishis. See also Saptarshis

consorts of Krittika (Pleiades) II 551
dhyani-chohans (Gita) II 318n
of Great Bear II 318n, 488-9, 549, 550
kali-yuga when, in Magha II 550
on line w Agni II 550
mark time, events II 549
mysterious constellation of II 549
primal races & II 35, 97, 139, 365
saved in ark II 139, 142, 290-1
seven principles & II 313, 715n
Vaivasvata Manu & II 146, 290-1, 313

Seven Rivers II 603, 605-6, 616

Seven Senses. See Senses

Seven Sons (Hermetic Logoi)

creators of planetary chain I 60
seven laya-centers & I 138

Seven Sons of Fohat, preside over seven cold, hot lokas I 204

Seven Sons of Light I 575

Seven Sons of Sophia, Light of Logos or I 430 &n

"Seven Souls of Man . . ." See Massey, G.

Seventh. See also Seven(s)

Creation I 217, 376, 445-6, 456; II 162-3, 233, 516
day as first day of Creation II 488
eternity, paradox of I 62-3
fourth &, in series important I 586n
sabbath or pralaya, nirvana II 491
son of seventh son II 213
"thousand" various meanings of I 376

Seventy Planets, a blind I 576

Seven Vowels, & Gnostic Ophis I 73n

Sex(es), Sexed. See also Separation of Sexes

ancient veneration for I 209-10, 358
androgyne separated into II 147
a bacterium can be both II 116
Chaldean account of II 104
evolved fr androgyne stock II 119, 132-5, 165-7
first race without II 2
Hebrew & Gnostic views of II 457-8
involution of II 289n
neutralized in animals II 412n
passing phase I 405-6; II 415
procreation by, not sudden II 182
separated before mind awakened II 191, 198
separated 18,618,727 years ago I 150n
separated gradually II 84, 132, 192, 197, 201
separation of, & man's curse II 516
vast problem of, & procreation II 415

Sexless, or Asexual

fr, to bisexual to sexual II 197
race becomes sexual II 2-3, 132, 165 &n

Sextile(s), quartiles &, in astronomy I 320

Sexual, Sexuality

abyss betw Old & New Testament I 382n
action & the spinal cord II 296
Daksha started, intercourse II 182, 375, 658
element in lotus symbol I 381-2
exoteric religion, fr beginning II 657
function as basis for symbol I 210, 381-3
generation & occult knowledge I 228n
intercourse betw man & animal II 192, 200-1, 688-9
man &, procreation II 262, 458
man 18 million years old II 157
procreation disappears sixth root-race I 406
relations & Moon phases I 228-9 &n
separation first in animals II 184, 262, 736n
in symbol spoils moral beauty I 381
true, union (third race) II 167

Sexual Selection

factor in variation II 738
secondary cause only II 648-9

Seyffarth, Gustav

——— Beitrage zur Kenntniss . . .

ancient zodiacal signs II 502n
Cedrenus q on Mars II 143-4n
Moon as cycle of time II 464

Seyn [Sein] & Daseyn [Dasein] (Ger) Fichte on I 281n

Shaddai. See El Shaddai

Shadga [Shadja] (Skt) quality of sound I 534

Shadow(s). See also Astral Body, Chhayas

amanasa (mindless) called II 91
annihilated after death I 227
astral bodies or II 46, 86, 105
astral, or early races II 105, 110, 138, 164
bodhisattvas of dhyani-buddhas I 572
chhayas or II 90, 101-2, 487, 503
deity's, passive II 25
devas cast no II 112
each w own color II 97
everything is, of eternal light II 268, 512
form oozing fr medium II 86-7
four Adams & II 503
lords "threw off," for man II 86, 109, 112
not evil but necessary I 413; II 214, 51
of past & future events II 424
of progenitors, first root-race II 138, 167
real universe, on a screen I 278
Satan or devil, of God I 413; II 510
seven primeval men were, of first hebdomad I 449
of the Silent Watcher I 265
-son or body II 241
spirits of Earth clothe I 225; II 110
third race a bright II 268

Shaitan [Shaitan] (Arab) genii, djin or I 295

Shakespeare, William II 674

Aeschylus & II 419
Moon favorite theme of I 386
some hold name nom de plume II 761

——— [As You Like It]
seven ages of man II 117, 312n

——— [Henry IV]
counterfeit of a man I 191
thought father to the wish I 413

——— [Henry V]
gently to hear, kindly to judge I xvii

——— [Measure for Measure]
the ignorant are most assured II 655

——— [Romeo and Juliet]
shrieking mandrakes II 27n

Shakya Thub-pa. See Buddha, Gautama

Shamael. See Samael

Shamballah. See Sambhala

Shamo (Gobi Desert) II 405. See also Desert, Gobi, Sacred Islands

ancient India extended into II 327
oasis in, Sacred Island relic II 502-3
part of Arghya-Varsha II 416n
sea in Lemurian times II 324
"Sea of Knowledge" in II 502-3

Shanah (Heb) [lunar year], connected w name Jehovah II 561

Shan-Hai-King (Chuang Tzu)

Chuang q fr II 219
information about II 302
men w one head & 2 faces II 302
monsters described II 54n

Shatana [Satan] (Heb) [adversary], origin of name Satan II 387

Shaw, on pyramid sarcophagus I 317n

She. See Haggard, H. Rider

Sheaths (kosas, Skt)

in man I 570-1n
principles & I 157-8

Sheba (Shebu`ah] (Heb), oath in II 603

Sheba Hachaloth [Sheba` Heikhaloth] (Heb) seven zones of our globe II 111

Shekinah, Shekhinah (Heb). See also Mulaprakriti

Adam Kadmon knows only I 432
Ain-soph emanates I 433n
Ancient of Days, Ain-soph & 109
chaos, great deep or I 109; II 527
Devamatri, Aditi & I 53 &n
Divine voice, light II 107
divine wisdom or grace II 293
female Arani, Aditi, or II 527
first Sephirah or I 355, 430
four forms of I 433n
Hokhmah, Binah & I 618
metatron &, become tree II 215-16n
mulaprakriti or I 629
sakti (fem) or I 618
same as Sephirah I 53n
sexless in Chaldean Kabbala I 618
Tiphereth issues fr II 214
veil of Ain-soph II 215n
way to Tree of Life II 216

Shell(s) (astral body)

of early third race II 165
emanated by pitris II 303
empty, devoid of manas II 80
inhabit seven zones of globe II 111
kama-loka abode of I 244
kama-rupa II 111n
man's body a II 255
monads entered, of first race II 303
our Moon as a II 115
prenatal, of third race II 197
senseless, & pitris I 181

Shell(s) (Crustacea) gelatinous, of mid-Atlantis II 250

Shelley, Percy Bysshe

——— [Adonais]
radiance of eternity I 238

——— [Epipsychidion]
describes Moon I 386

Shelley, Mrs (Mary Wollstonecraft), Frankenstein of II 349

Shem (Heb) Noah's son

Arkite Titan (Faber) or myth II 343n
children of, & Kabiri II 393
Sydyc &, (Cumberland) II 393

Shemal, Sabaean alter ego of Samael I 417

Shemesh (Heb) (of Moabites) same as Sun-Jehovah, Baal I 397n

Shemite(s). See Semite(s)


Mercury patron of II 541-2
parable of the good, & Enoch II 482

Shepherd Kings. See Hyksos

Shetland, dolmens found in II 752

Shewbread, twelve cakes of I 649

Shibboleth in Masonry II 575

Shield, of Achilles & Gian-ben-Gian II 394

Shih Huang Ti, Emperor, destroyed countless books II 692

Shiloh, dance of daughters of II 460

Shimon, Rabbi, Nuctemeron [Nuchthemeron] according to the Hebrews, man shaped in second hour I 450

Shimon ben-Yohai

angels in Zohar II 487
Midrash before Kabbala of II 704
mystery of serpent II 504
teachings of, not in Rosenroth I 391
Tetragrammaton II 626

Shinto (Japanese religion) I 241

anthropo- before cosmogenesis I 213-19

Shistas. See Sishtas

Shittim Wood, horns of, & Jewish temples II 418n

Shiva. See Siva

Shlomo del Medigo, Rabbi, Noveloth Hokhmah, Ain-soph's delight in creating II 126

Shoo, Scheo [Shu] (Egy)

appears as great cat II 545
dragon of darkness I 364
god of creation I 75n
Haroiri contemporary w I 366n
personification of Ra II 545
solar force I 312, 360, 364
Tefnut, Keb, devachan & II 374n

Shuckford, Dr, on Kabiri II 264

Shu-king [Ching], Book of I 366n

compiled fr "very old book" I xliii
Earth cut off fr heaven II 280-1
Miaotse (giants) in II 337
religion of Confucius founded on I xxv n

Siam (Thailand) II 327

Buddhism declined in I xxi

Siamek (Pers), son of Kaimurath-Adam murdered by giant brother II 396


distort their ears II 339
egg symbol among I 366
lunar tables predate European I 666-7

Sib. See Keb

Sibac (Quiche), reed or egg II 181n


East & West, & second continent II 402
East, West, & Atlantis II 402
giants' tombs in II 752
stones in, fr vast distance II 343
Sveta-dvipa & II 327

Sibyl (Gk) fire that gives eloquence to I 339

Sibylline Books

death penalty for revealing II 396
inspired Virgil I 658

Sibylline Oracles II 454

Sicanus, deified Aretia (Lat q) II 144


fire (Kabiri) worship in II 363
joined to Africa once II 751

Siddha(s) (Skt) perfected

astronomical meaning of II 401n
great, of fourth race II 636
of janarloka I 372
nirmanakayas or II 636n
sleeping Brahma glorified by I 372
Vidyadharas & I 539n
yogis in heaven, sages on Earth II 549

Siddhanta-Siromani (Skt astron work), Goladhyaya of II 321

Siddhapura (Skt), "White Island" II 408n

Siddha-Sena (Skt), leader of siddhas II 382 &n, 549

Siddhis (Skt) [powers], arhats & laws governing I 97n


birth of, bodies I 147, 158-9, 203-5, 590, 602
bodies, animals of Genesis II 112n
bodies fr cosmic substance I 569
bodies, septenary constitution of I 168
flood, & cosmic II 146
geological &, phenomena II 314
jelly speck II 160
kalpa II 307n
motions regulate events on Earth I 645
phenomena model for Earth II 502
science & proof of giants II 278
sun king of, orbs II 123
world, powers of I 124

Sidereal Light of Paracelsus I 255

Sidereal Virgin, astral light w alchemists II 511

Sidereal Year (precessional cycle)

Berosus, cataclysms & I 649-50
circle of, called serpent II 356
cyclic year or precession I 439n
Earth's climates alter during II 770
ends in 16,000 years II 331
Great Pyramid & I 314-15; II 432-3, 435
human history & II 330-1
initiations & I 314
length of I 314, 439n; II 330, 770
Plutarch on I 650
zodiac & II 332, 357

Siderites, star stones II 341

Si-Dzang [Hsi-Tsang or Tibet] (Chin) mentioned in manuscripts at Fo-Kien I 271n

Siemens, Dr Charles William, "On the Conservation of Solar . . . ," gas absorption & Sun's heat I 102n

Sien-Tchan(g). See Hsien-Chan

Sigalions (images of Harpocrates) fingers to lips (secrecy) II 396

Sige (Gk) Silence

angle of Gnostic square II 573
unknown universal soul II 574

Sigeus (Sigeum, now Yenisehir), giant skeleton at II 278

Sighru [Sighra] (Skt) Moru [Maru] son of I 378 &n


double set of I 533-4
inner II 294n
man's spiritual, blinded II 74
procreation by, will & yoga II 176
related to fire II 107
third eye & II 298-9
in third race II 299
unlimited in some of fourth race II 221

Sigillae, magical symbol of I 306

Sign(s). See also Ideographs, Symbols, Zodiac (signs of)

divine instructors taught in II 391, 439
esoteric cosmogony described in I 272
occult virtue of thing & its I 93-4

Signatura rerum. See Boehme, J.

Signs of Zodiac. See Zodiac, Signs of

Signum Thau (Lat) [mark of Tau], Ezekiel stamped foreheads w II 557

Sigurd, ate dragon's heart I 404


Gnostics on II 569n, 573-4
neither sound nor I 54
reasons for II 451
of sages re higher themes II 589
on secret invisible things I 95
worship in I 280

Silent Watcher I 207-8. See also Watchers

& his shadow I 264-5

Silenus, Midas &, on Atlantis II 760

Silik-Muludag, Akkadian highest God II 477

Silliman's Journal. See Amer. Journal of Sci., Hunt (E. B.)

Siloam, sleep of II 558

Silo River, flows fr Lake of Dragons II 204

Silurian Age II 71-2 &n

astral fossils physicalized w II 712
chronological placement of II 710-11
corals like today's millepores II 257
living matter of, less gross II 256
man in, unknown by geology II 71n
oceans of II 160
pre-, & natural selection II 259-60
races one & two & II 150
seas of II 685

Silver Age. See also Treta-Yuga

every race & subrace has its II 198
Golden &, first & second races II 270-1
of third race II 520n

Silvestre de Sacy, A. I., astronomy of Book of Enoch II 533

Simeon (Son of Jacob) II 211

Levi &, or Gemini I 651

Simeon, Rabbi, explains "Fiat Lux" I 215-16n, 356n

Simeon, Rabbi. See Shimon, Rabbi

Simeon ben Iochai. See Shimon ben-Yohai

Simha (Skt) lion

man-lion, Garuda or II 564-5
Persian Simorgh & II 618
Sinhalese descended fr II 407-8
tail of, & inverted poles II 432-3

Simian(s). See also Apes, Monkeys

characteristics in man II 315n

Simon de Sienne (Simone Martini) painted Petrarch's dragon II 207n

Simon Magus, six radicals of, & aeons II 569n

Simoom (hot desert wind)

Samael, Vritra, devil & II 385

Simorgh, Simurgh (Pers)

numerical mysteries of II 564
symbol of seven Earths, races II 617-18
various names of II 617-18

Simorgh-Anke (Persian Phoenix)

cycles, symbol of II 397, 617
manvantaric cycle II 399
polyglot steed of Tahmurath II 397-9

Simplicius, Scholia in Aristotlelem, antiquity of Egyptian astronomy I 650

Simpson, Sir J.

copied symbol of four quarters II 546
cup-like markings on stones II 346n

Sin (Bab) I 238

Chaldean Moon I 248n, 263, 264
Chaldean worship of I 388
fish, & Soma (Moon) I 238, 263-4
linked w Anu, Jehovah II 62
lunar god (Chaldean) II 23, 139n
male Moon I 395
occult relation to Moon I 248, 396
Sinai, mountain of Moon or II 76-7
Soma &, parents of Earth II 23
son of Mulil II 139n

Sin(s). See also Original Sin

Atlantis called land of II 322
black w II 227n, 319, 408 &n
comes in w manas (Gullveig) II 520
creative powers not gift of II 410
eating the fruit a II 215
fall of spirit into matter I 264
of first parent & the ant I 133
of ignorance & Satan I 198
of the mindless II 180, 185, 191-2, 683, 688-9
physical body does not II 302
redemption of, (Prometheus) II 420-1
Scorpio emblem of, & matter II 129
seven capital I 195, 310-11; II 641

Sinai. See Mt Sinai

Sinaitic Peninsula, influence of Eridu II 226

Sind, Scinde

East Ethiopians, Nile River & II 417
Jews sought refuge in II 200

Sindhu (Hindu) Muslin, known in Chaldea II 226

Sinful Intentions, only sacrificial victims I 280

Singh, Singha. See Simha

Singhalese, Singalese. See Sinhalese

Singing Stones II 341-2


heirs to giants of Lanka II 407-8
regard Veddhas as animals II 286-7

Sinless, of Saka-dvipa were early Atlanteans II 323

Sinnett, Alfred Percy. See also Mahatma Letters

HPB had copies of letters to I 163n
HPB's estimate of I 160-1
Masters not always allowed to answer I 168

——— Esoteric Buddhism I 122, 155, 168, 185, 306; II 8, 325, 598, 672, 756
Alps, elevation of II 751n
Aryan race II 714
astral prototypes II 186 &n
Atlantis I 439 &n; II 156 &n, 433n, 717
Australians Lemurian remnant II 328, 779
Budhism, not Buddhism I xvii-xviii, 539n
Chinese civilization II 280n
cosmology not systematic I 168
critic of, & Isis Unveiled II 496
Day of Judgment II 617
dhyani-buddhas I 108 &n
Egyptians Atlanto-Aryans II 750
on eighth sphere I 156
fifth principle not developed II 318n
figures remain secret II 251
first attempt I 231-2
Greeks, Romans, Atlanto-Aryans II 436
Haggard seems to summarize II 317n
"invented" by HPB I xlv
Lemuria II 313 &n
Lemuria not Atlantis II 334, 779
Lemurian relics II 196n
life-impulses & globes I 176, 177
life-waves on globe A, first round I 175-6
majority of men seventh subrace II 178
man & animal separate kingdoms I 186
man not fr ape I 186-7, 191
re Mars-Mercury I 163-70
Massey's criticism re seven races II 634-5
mistakes in I 151 &n, 152, 153, 163-70, 189-90; II 640
monads on the globes I 170
neither esoteric nor Buddhism I xvii
no European knew secret science I xviii
Nordenskiold's fossil finds II 773n
perplexity re monads I 169
Poseidonis II 265
reluctance re cosmogony I 170
revealed merely esoteric lining I 165
Rhys Davids criticizes I 539n
root-races II 434
rounds defined, explained I 231-2
seven principles II 633
sevens I 348
sinking of Atlantis I 439 &n; II 778
sinking, rising continents II 332-3, 433n
sishtas II 308n
third race drowned II 426
third root-race II 156 &n
traditional methods of teaching I 162, 164

——— The Occult World
communication in color, sound I 514n
giant human & animal bones II 293n
on thought & matter I 124

Sin of the Mindless (in third root-race)

defined II 184-5, 191-2
involved one race II 191
produced semihuman monster II 683
sexes separated before II 191

Siphra' di-Tseni`utha' (Dzeniouta in tx) (Heb) "Book of Concealed Mystery"

Adam Kadmon & II 4
Alhim created six sephiroth I 342
biblical Genesis & II 624
Book of Numbers key to II 626n
compiled fr "very old book" I xliii
destruction, evolution, serpent II 504
disfigured II 624
elohim formed worlds six by six I 239
first race imperfect, destroyed II 2
kings of ancient days dead I 676; II 705
Kings of Edom I 375-6
Microprosopus I 214-15
Myer quotes fr I 374-5
number seven, Sephirothal Tree II 4
oldest Hebrew document I xlii
on opening lines of Genesis I 374-5
serpent of 370 leaps I 339; II 505
sparks fr flint are worlds II 83, 99
spirit breathes over chaos II 505
tree w birds, nests II 292
two creations II 54


Akkad near, on Euphrates River I 319n
Zipporah or, Moses' wife I 319n, 385n

Sippor, Sipur [Sippur] (Heb) II 41

one of three seraphim [sepharim] I 92

Sire, Persian anthropomorphic god II 602

Sirius (Dog Star)

dwarfs our Sun II 708
Mercury, Budha, instructor II 374

Sishta(s) (Skt) [remains]

divine, is Seed-Manu II 164
in Esoteric Buddhism II 308n
incarnate in man I 248
"King," in Puranas II 307n
Noah was a human II 596
prajapati &, seed Earth w life II 150
preserved in the ark II 307n
a sacred land II 6
seed humanity I 182
Sons of Light, 7th race adepts or II 531
"surviving fittest" II 308


every world has its, planet II 33
seven, or Pleiades II 619
six, of Bhumi (our Earth) I 250

Sistrum(a) (musical instrument)

Isis holds, w cat on top I 387
used in religious dancing II 461

Sisumara (Skt) porpoise [constellation]. See also Kurma, Tortoise

avatara of Vishnu, II 549
potent stars in tail of, (Ursa Minor) II 612n

Sisupala (Skt), Ravana reborn as II 225n

Sita (Skt) (Rama's wife) Ravana carries off II 570

Siva (Skt). See also Logos, Rudra, Sankara, Trimurti

Angiras guru of Sankara II 498
Baal, Bel, Saturn & I 459
Brahma, Vishnu & I 437n; II 115
bull of, or man I 390 &n
burned Brahma's fifth head II 578n
destroying, regenerating deity I 358, 459n, 538; II 182, 249, 313, 548
Devi-Durga & I 91
fire principle of II 591
Gauri (Sri) bride of II 76n
god of war born of sweat of II 43n, 124n
hurled asuras to Earth II 246
hurled Brahma into abyss II 515
hurled Mahasura down to Patala II 237n
Ila & II 147-8
Isvara or II 114
kumaras progeny of I 458-9
Mahat & I 75
maruts children of II 613
Meru personated I 341
patron of yogis, adepts II 282
Ptah & I 367n
reborn each kalpa (race) II 282
Rudra becomes II 282, 548-9
-Rudra creates Virabhadra II 182-3
Rudra or I 370; II 502n, 576, 613
Sankara or I 286; II 498
savior of spiritual man I 459n
seed of, generated Mars II 619
Sukra & II 32
supports Brihaspati in war II 498
as Svetalohita II 249
unknown name in Vedas II 548, 613
as Vamadeva II 249
-worship, lingam & yoni of II 588

Siva-Eye, Eye of Siva. See also Third Eye

atrophy of, explained II 302
on brow of Chenresi II 179
burned Brahma's fifth head II 578n
opened eye or I 46 &n
seers w, perceive Puranic history II 284
tri-bochana [trilochana] or II 295

Siva-Gharmaja[la] (Skt) [perspiration], Karttikeya, Earth & II 43n, 124-5n

Siva-Kumara (Skt) represents human races I 324

Siva-Rudra (Skt) I 370

creates Virabhadra II 182
forefather of adepts II 502n
maruts sons of II 615
regenerator I 459n

Sivatherium (of Himalayas) II 218-19

Siwalik (mountain range, India & Nepal), pass of Hardwar near II 571

Six (senary) II 580, 582

derived fr a seventh II 628
directions of space I 118
emblem of physical nature II 591
naros cycle & II 619
no stability in, alone II 628
principles in man II 616
sacred to Venus II 592
666 & Beast I 655n; II 619
symbolizes animating principle II 583
symbolizes Earth II 581
symbolizes swastika II 587
world created according to I 407

Six-pointed Star. See also Double Triangle

dual nature of man, symbol of II 533
first emanated Logos I 215
Fohat center of I 216
six powers, planes, etc I 215
snow crystals & II 594

Six Schools of Indian Philosophy

all teach six principles fr seventh I 278
occult doctrine & I 269

Sixth Round. See Round, Sixth

Sixth Rounder, Buddha a I 161-2

Skanda (Skt) (or Karttikeya)

described II 382
refused to create I 457-8n

Skanda-Purana, no longer procurable I 367n

Skeletons (human)

American, nine-twelve feet fr fifth race II 293
Atlantean, may be discovered II 674
in Cro-Magnon cave II 678
57,000 years old (Dowler) II 352
giant, at Carthage II 278
giant, found by ancients II 753
of Haute Garonne ancient II 739
man's, unchanged II 720, 725, 734
no, before Quaternary II 723
older, larger II 278
pagans spoke of giants' II 336
Paleolithic, superior to present II 257-8
why no giant, in dolmens II 753-4

Skepticism I 479-80, 676; II 74, 443


Earth's, cast off each round II 47
seven layers of II 92

Skinner, James Ralston

acute scholar, mystic II 388
discovered two of the keys I 315
esoteric measurements of II 465
great services of I 308

——— "The Cabbalah"
Ain-soph & great circle I 429
Alhim & sephiroth II 39-40
Alhim, Jehovah, light I 91; II 37-8
Cassell & kabbalistic trinity II 38
our perceptions of light II 41
sephiroth, dbrim [debarim], etc II 37
seventh day, conjunctions, etc II 76-7

——— "Hebrew Metrology"
elohim, dhyani-chohans same number I 90 &n

——— Key to the Hebrew-Egyptian Mystery in the Source of Measures
ansated cross, etc II 36
Ararat & Arath II 597n
candlestick & cross II 581n
confirms Isis Unveiled I 318n
creation basis of Jewish religion II 543
on crucifixion II 36, 542, 558-61, 600
cube unfolded, man I 321
Easter Island, Aztecs, etc I 322
Hermes as a cube II 542
Hindu knowledge concealed II 499n
"I have gotten a man" (Genesis 4:1) II 127
immaculate conception I 59-60
Jehovah derivation II 125
Jehovah male, female II 125, 467
Jehovah's measure II 38
Jod (Yod) & Havah-Eve II 467
King's Chamber, Holy of Holies I 264
language based in number II 560
Mars & conception II 43-4n
Mars, Melchizedek II 392-3
men call themselves Jehovah II 388n
Moses, Jehovah, "I am" II 468
nails of cross II 561
numerical analysis of "raven" I 443-4
origin of measures I 313
pagan basis of Jewish religion II 465
Parker ratio I 313
Parker's key to Kabbala II 544
pi & alhim same numbers I 90-1
sacr, sacrament, sacrifice I 5n; II 467n
tau cross II 543
Tree of Knowledge & cross II 215-16
Tree of Life & ansated cross II 216-17
Vulcain II 392-3n

——— Manuscripts (unpublished)
ancient symbolic language I 308-9
androgynous goddess I 392
bull, cow, Moon etc I 390
cube unfolded I 321
Holy of Holies I 383, 391
IOH, Moon, Jehovah II 464
Jewish & Aryan esotericism I 115n
lotus as symbol of generation I 381-2
Moses & Lord's Glory (Exodus) II 539
Nile River, Isis, etc II 583
Old Testament number values I 444
Parker ratio I 313-14
secret of ancient symbol I 389
solar year & Moon cycles I 392
symbology of the womb I 382

Skrymir (Norse) giant. See also Ymir

sons of gods fought against II 754

Skull(s). See also Neanderthal Man

comparison of II 523, 677-8, 687, 792
enormous, found on Thera II 278-9
judging intellect by, capacity II 168n, 193, 522-3, 686n, 721
old, of Europe like Caribs II 738-9, 790
old, of Negro type II 278
old, of very tall men II 278
prehistoric & modern, compared II 522-3
variety of European, (Littre) II 738-9

Sky, Egyptians divided, into seven parts II 631

Theosophical University Press Online Edition