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Miaotse (Chin)
beguiled by Tchy-Yeoo II 280-1
giants II 337
grottos of, turned into viharas II 339
Michael. See also Archangels, Mikael
angel guardian of Christ II 478
Anubis & II 385-6
Apollo & II 383
archangel I 42; II 229n, 479
called God in Talmud II 478
Christ or I 195n; II 114, 115n
conquered dragon (Satan) II 94n, 378, 382n, 384-5, 479, 505
dared not speak against Satan II 478
denounced fallen angels II 382n
discussed I 458-60; II 478-81
divine rebel II 246
divine Titan (de Mirville) I 418
elohim, one of I 42; II 379
Fall & II 62-3, 238n, 246, 248, 382n, 508
Hermes Christos (Gnostics) II 481
Indra the Hindu II 378, 384, 498, 614
influenced by neshamah II 378
-Jehovah Lord of Hebrews II 538
Karttikeya compared to II 382n, 549
kumara I 458-60; II 549
Ophite lion or I 127n
praying to I 611
presides over Saturn I 459
refused to create I 88, 458-9; II 94n
represents Jehovah II 62-3, 379, 508
Revelation on I 194
St George earthly copy of I 458
Samael, Satan or II 378
Sanaka prototype of I 372 &n
Seraphim (de Mirville) II 479
slayer of Apophis I 459
slayer of dragon's angels II 498
terrestrial wisdom or II 378
unmanifested, free, virginal II 235, 238n
various names for I 459-60; II 379, 480-1
war of, w dragon I 202
watched over promontories I 42; II 505
went before Jews (Exodus) I 437
Michelangelo, Moses statue w horns II 213n
Michelet, Jules, history in twentieth century I 676
Mico, Egyptian egg, supported by tau cross I 364n
bacteria & I 608
evolutionary process & I 636-7 &n
"fiery lives" &, in human body I 262-3n
lowest subdivision of prana I 262-3n
men, animals swarming w I 260-1
some, & bacteria need no air I 249n
Microcosm. See also Macrocosm
ancients applied, to Earth I 283n
birth of spiritual, death of physical II 579
decad applied to, & universe II 573
humanity the, of third group of builders I 128
kabbalists applied, to man I 283n
macrocosm &, man I 177, 181, 274; II 290, 580n
man as, & swastika II 99
manas in, fr Mahat I 334
manas, of buddhi I 101
Paracelsus q on I 532
pentagon within hexagon I 224
represented by human body II 577
septenary, formerly esoteric I 168
solar system is, of macrocosm I 594
Microcosmos (ic)
is man II 98
tree II 97, 98
Microprosopus (Kab) Small Face
brain of, & thirty-two paths II 625
destroyed during pralaya I 215
heavenly man or manifested Logos I 215 &n; II 626
later kabbalists link, w Jehovah I 215n
Macroprosopus & I 60, 78, 239-41, 350
prototype of man I 215
Second Logos or I 240
sevenfold cube II 626
six limbs of I 215-16; II 705
term for firstborn II 43-4
Tetragrammaton or I 240; II 601
totality of four lower planes I 239-40
Midas the Phrygian, dialogue of, w Silenus on Atlantis II 760
Midgard-Snake I 407
Midian (Sinai region)
giant race in II 755-6
Revel [Reuel]-Jethro, priest of II 465n
seven daughters of I 385n
Midrash(ism, im) (Heb scriptures)
Ibn Gebirol used, as source II 461n
oldest, q Book of Enoch II 535
some, no longer extant II 461n
Talmudists &, differ re Enoch II 532
written before Kabbala II 704
——— Bereshith Rabbah
several creations in II 53-4, 704-5
——— Pirke de-Rabbi Eli'ezer
on Hanoch II 532
of European fauna II 793
of lemmings II 782
of Miocene flora II 783, 790
of plants II 727
Migratione Abraham, De. See Philo Judaeus
Mihr. See Mithras
Mikael [Mikhael] (Heb). See also Michael
first of Aeons, the Savior II 381
Jesus Christ, angel-man II 114-15
the Lion II 115n
Michael or, Prince of Water I 459
Sun principle I 242
"who is as God" I 459
Milieux (Fr), environment or, (de Quatrefages) II 736
Milk. See also Churning of Ocean
four streams of, (Norse) I 367
Sea of, or Milky Way II 321
symbol of spirit I 79
Milky Ocean (Atlantic)
belongs to third war I 419 &n
defeated gods retired to I 419
Milky Way
adepts call, serpent II 356
celestial bridge (Japanese) I 217
central body in II 240n
cosmic matter & I 69
ethereal substance (Brahe) I 590
Herschel estimated stars in I 576n
Kircher on I 435-6
Pleiades central group of II 551
Sea of Milk, curds or II 321
tenth world of Syrians I 435-6
world stuff, primordial matter I 67, 69, 217, 435-6
Mill, John Stuart
——— System of Logic
Laplace's theory not hypothetical I 588
limits of man's understanding I 636
Millennium, Millennia
of anthropogenesis I 376
first five, of kali-yuga I xliv
first six words of Genesis cover six I 375
Hindu Jyotisha describe II 624 &n
for hundreds of, sixth race will overlap 5th II 445
hoped-for, of Christians I 612
initiated Greek view of II 395
man created in sixth, explained I 340
betw pre- & post-Christian eras I xl
Pymander describes ten I 417
Millepores, like Silurian corals II 257
Milne-Edwards, Henri
on pigmy bushmen, elephants II 723
on prosimiae II 668
——— Recherches . . .
pygmy hippopotamus II 219
Milton, John
Eastern traditions & II 506
Moon favorite theme of I 386
poetical fictions of, now dogmas II 355
——— "Il Penseroso"
fire, air, water, earth I 252n
——— Paradise Lost
battle of angels II 506
"better to reign in Hell . . ." II 484
"with centric and eccentric . . ." I 645
"Fair foundations laid" I 148
light "Offspring of Heaven" I 481
Lucifer and the Fall II 62
"one first matter, all" I 622
Mimir (Scand), drew his wisdom fr water I 402
Mimra [Meymra'] (Aram), Voice of the Will, the Word I 346, 384
Mina, Meenam (Skt) Pisces
messiah, water, baptism & I 385
Night of Brahma, Sun & I 376; II 579n
Minarets of Islam II 85
Mind (cosmic). See also Mahat, Universal Mind
Abraxas created I 350
Adam-Kadmon is, (Philo) II 490
collective or universal II 487
dhyani-chohans as I 278, 595
Divine, & architects I 632
Divine, does not create II 214
Divine, mirrored in atoms I 623
Eternal, actuates universe II 594n
Fohat link betw, & matter I 16
"is & is not" (Laws of Manu) I 333-4
Kantian, & Mahat I 602
Logos mirrors Divine II 25
manifesting, dual I 604
Manu same as II 88
ordered primordial matter I 595
universal, or Father & Son II 492
Mind (human). See also Intellect, Manas
Anugita on I 94-5
builders & first, -born I 127
chasm betw, & animal II 189
circumference of circle & I 1
defiled by sin & science II 651
developed in fifth round II 162, 167
dhyani-chohans or primordial I 452
dominates after 3-1/2 races II 110
dual nature of II 495-6
dual, under Sun & Moon II 639n
higher, drawn to buddhi I 158; II 495
human soul or I 219
incognizable cause & finite II 487
"is not" I 38
jnanasakti & power of I 292
Lilith had instinct, not II 285
limitations of I xvii, 56
link betw spirit & matter I 182
lower, drawn to desire I 158; II 495-6
manas & I 334
monad, ego & II 110
nous or, (Plato) II 554
portion of a higher being II 81
rests on sensation I 2n
science on matter & I 124 &n
sensations & power of I 292
seven stages of sleep & I 47
-soul is Karshipta, bird god II 292
spiritual, above senses I 96
spiritual, & sixth sense I 95
stones moved by II 342n
sum of thought, will, feeling I 38
tempter & redeemer II 513
third race endowed w II 89
Western, degenerated II 158n
Mind (London), article on Aristotle II 286
Mind-born Sons I 106. See also Agnishvattas, Kumaras, Manasaputras
awakened third race I 180-1, 539n; II 525 &n
become kumaras II 579
born fr parts of Brahma II 625 &n
four & seven I 457; II 140 &n
hurled down to Earth II 93
refuse to create, born as men II 93
rishis, of Brahma II 44, 78, 176n, 284, 624-5
of third race II 156
watch over man & Earth I 213-22
were once men I 107
will be produced in seventh race II 275
Mindless. See also Amanasa
first root-race was II 84, 315
fourth race took wives fr II 271, 283, 286, 689
gods incarnate in, men II 198
humans, origin of II 286
man & anthropoid II 187, 189, 191-3, 195-6 &n
primeval man was II 80, 189
Prometheus drama II 411-12 &n
sin of the II 180, 184-5, 189, 191, 271, 689
Sons of Wisdom informed II 608
symbolized by Ham II 397
Mineral (Kingdom)
apperception latent in I 455
builds upper kingdom bodies II 169-70
"cast-off dust" for lower kingdoms II 169-70
crystallized light II 169
development of, before human II 68n, 149
first line of triangle (Ragon) II 575
has consciousness of its own I 277n
human monad passed through II 185-6
luminous in early stages II 312
mid-journey of atomic soul I 619
-monad is one I 177-8
organic but in coma I 626n
processes precede, kingdom I 176
prototypes of fourth round II 186
received opacity in fourth round II 730
seventh emanation of Mother & I 291
soft, & vegetation II 730
transformation (crystallization) II 255
Tubal-Cain symbolized II 575
Mineral Monad," "About the. See Blavatsky
Mineralogy, Aryans learned, fr Atlanteans II 426
Minerva (Lat)
divine wisdom I 384
heptad sacred to II 602
lunar goddess I 396, 400
more powerful than other gods I 401
sprang fr father's body II 247n
sprang fr Jupiter's brain II 660
temple of, in Sais II 396
Ming Dynasty II 54n
Ming-ti, Emperor, Kasyapa taught Buddhism to I xxviii
Minos (King of Crete) I 105
derivation of name II 774n
Miocene II 745 &n
apes & men in I 184n; II 676
apes fr semihuman mammal of II 683, 689
Atlantis destroyed in II 8n, 314n, 395n, 433, 693, 710, 740, 778
Atlantis in, (Crotch) II 782
civilization in, (Donnelly) II 266n, 786n
Devonshire subtropical in II 726
duration of II 690, 710, 714-15 &n
eternal spring of II 738-9 &n
Europe & America joined in II 781
European man of, Atlantean II 790
few geologists put man in II 155
first anthropoid in II 688n, 690 &n
flora of Europe & America II 727, 790
fourth race submerged in II 156, 314n, 395n, 433 &n
giants of II 340
Greenland subtropical II 11-12, 677, 726
man immigrated to Europe in II 740n
man in mid-, (de Mortillet) II 710-11
man saw the, (de Quatrefages) II 746 &n
man's origin in, (Bourgeois) II 288, 675
man's origin in, (Haeckel) II 680
man taller & stronger in II 749 &n
monkey not before II 749
no mammals of, like today's II 749
origin of culture before II 782n
Sahara sea in, (Crotch) II 781-2
Miolnir. See Mjolnir
esoteric philosophy rejects II 731
by means of Sepher Yetzirah I xliii n
natural to primitive man I 210n
Miriam (Heb) I 384
Mirku, Babylonian god II 5
magic, & Azazel II 376
magic, & sorcery II 179
Sun as a I 290n
Mirror of Futurity (secret book), records all kalpas, cycles II 49
Mirville, J. E. Marquis de
Age of Saturn [II 372-3]
enemy of occultism I 506n
helped by converted rabbi II 476n
de Mousseaux &, fanatics II 414-15
official defender of the Church II 481-2
sought to justify Bible II 342
sought to prove reality of Devil II 341
wrote great truths I 506n
——— Des Esprits . . .
ancients & extinct animals [II 206n]
ante-historical Catholicism I 401
Atlantis legend [II 371]
Azaziel [II 376]
Book of Enoch [II 531, 533-4]
Christian dogma fr heathens I 400-1
Chrysostom on many gods I 465n
Le Couturier, Tardy q [I 502]
devil's power over man II 209
divination by moving stones II 346
divine kings, reality of II 367
dragons II 207 &n
Earth's axis of rotation II 534
elohim & divine names I 442n
Farvarshi or Ferouer II 480
giants II 278-9, 375
god-king (Plato) II 373
Henoch II 366
Hymn to Jupiter II 552
intelligent planetary motions [I 503, 505-6]
Jehovah's names in Bible I 441-2n
Jupiter-lapis II 341
Klee on Earth's axis [II 534]
lightning an evil spirit I 467
lower, higher angels [II 375]
manes [II 222]
many names for creative powers [I 440]
Masoudi on Nabatheans [II 453]
oracular stones II 341-9
Panodorus q II 368-9
Pausanias re altar of Mercury [II 28]
plagiarism by anticipation I 401-2; II 481-2
de Sacy & Danielo q II 533 &n
Sepp on star, nativity [I 654-5 &n]
serpent of Genesis II 208
serpent worship [II 209]
seventy planets, etc [I 654 &n]
sons of God [II 374-5]
spirit kings, manes, ghosts [II 222]
Taurus, symbolism of I 657
Titans, giants, works of II 347
two pillars of Christianity [II 515, 530]
Verbum, Michael, Metatron II 479
Virgin Mary, Magna Mater I 393, 400
wonders of antiquity II 347
zodiacal signs, etc I 651, 652
Zohar on Sun II 553
Miscellaneous Essays. See Colebrooke, H. T.
Mishnah, on 12 hours of day I 450
Misorte, human bones at II 337
Misrasthan, West African Arab land II 406
Missing Link(s)
betw ape & man I 190; II 189
brain size of Dryopithecus & II 676
great number of, needed II 661
located in man's astral body II 720
man not descended fr pithecoid II 717
meaning of term II 184n
Neanderthal man not, (Huxley) II 686n
not found II 87, 189-90, 260, 263, 287, 317n, 660, 674, 678, 727, 744
not on objective plane II 190
prosimiae of Haeckel not II 668
betw reptile & bird II 183
third race man created I 190
useless to search for I 184n
Missionaries. See also Christianity, Church, Roman Catholic
call Nagalism "devil worship" II 182
call swastika devil's sign II 98
confuse Eve w Ivi II 194n
Hindu trad a reflection of Bible I 415
link Pulastya w Cain, etc I 415
misled by Brahmans re Trinity I xxxi &n
slur Brahma-Vach liaison I 431
Mission des Juifs. See St Yves d'Alveydre
Mistakes, in theosophical books I 152, 160; II 640
Mitakshara [by Vijnanesvara], Commentary on Yajnavalkyasmriti I 432n
Mitford, Godolphin (Murad Ali Bey)
extraordinary mystic II 514n
a warning to chelas II 244-5n
——— "The 'Elixir of Life' "
initiate lives in astral body II 499
——— "The War in Heaven"
nature of Satan II 245-6
worship of scattered sects II 514n
Mithra (Pers), mother-wife of Mithras I 340; II 130
Mithraic Mysteries, Sabasia a variant on II 419n
Mithras, Mithra (Pers god). See also Mercury
Abraxas, Iao or II 474
male, mundane fire I 340; II 130
Mercury identical w II 28
Mihr or I 384
rock-born god I 340 &n; II 130
seven fires on altars of II 603
sevenfold mysteries of, (Celsus) I 446
son of Bordj, fire mountain I 341 &n
Sun, Jupiter, Bacchus & II 419
Mitra (Skt)
secrets not to be revealed II 269n
Vaivasvata sacrifices to II 147-8
Mivart, St George J.
staggered by theory of man fr ape II 729
——— On the Genesis of Species
saltations in evolution II 696-7
——— Man & Apes
nothing new in II 680
Mixarchagetas (Gk) [demihero], Castor called, at Argos II 122n
Mizpeh (Heb), land of giants on Mt Hermon in II 409
Mizraim (Heb), & Ham Kabiri II 393
Mjolnir (Norse). See also Thor's Hammer
in Norse prophecy II 100
swastika is II 99
Mlechchhas (Skt) foreigners
even, may know Vasudeva II 48n
in kali-yuga I 377
must wait for revelation I xxx, xxxiv-v
Sankha-dvipa peopled w II 405
Upanishads now accessible to I 270-1
Mnaseas (of Patera) II 362, 393
Moab, Emims (giants) of land of II 336
Nebo adored by II 456
Shemesh of, was Sun-Jehovah I 397n
Mobed (Zend) II 517
——— Theogony
deity born fr mundane egg I 365
visible universe fr ether, air I 461
Mode(s) of Motion
believed & opposed I 668
devas, genii have become I 478
forces are I 604, 671n; II 719
heat became, (science) I 516
matter is, (science) I 147
nature's seven powers & II 273
sound more than a I 565-6
theosophical critique of I 296-9
Moderatus, Pythagorean numbers symbolic I 361
Modern Chemistry. See Cooke, J. P.
Modern Genesis, The. See Slaughter, Wm. B.
Modern Materialism. See Wilkinson, Wm. F.
Modern Science & Modern Thought. See Laing
Modern Thought (magazine). See Blake, C., "The Genesis of Man"
Modern Zoroastrian, A. See Laing, S.
Mogadha. See Magadha
Mohammed, Prophet II 463
coffin of, in midair I 544
paradise of, & Eden II 203
Mohammedan(s). See also Mussulman
brought seclusion of women to Hindus I 382
burned ancient books II 763n
religion perverts old allegories II 232
Moira (Gk), fate, destiny, & II 604-5 &n
Moist Principle. See Moyst Principle
Moisture, light, heat, Deity & I 2-3
Moksha (Skt) I 132. See also Jivanmukta, Jivatman, Mukta, Mukti
kundalini-sakti & I 293
seven paths to I 38-9
various names for I 38n
Molech (Heb). See Malachim
consciousness a, by-product (science) I 327n
life is protoplasmic, action (sci) II 720
vibrations (Keely) I 562
Molecularist(s) I 637n
Molecule(s). See also Atoms, Protyle, Substances
centers of force I 103, 261, 507, 670
compound nature of, (Crookes) I 141n
contraction & heat explained I 84-5
difference in weights I 512 &n
differ on other planes I 150
higher principles of I 218n
informed atoms inform the I 632
life force, "nervous ether" I 531-3
life in every I 225n, 248, 258, 261
motion of, & mind II 650n
produced in Earth's atmosphere I 625
protyle, elements (Crookes) I 621-5
science on I 513-15, 547-8, 583; II 655
thicker than sand in space I 150
Moles, atrophied eyes in, (Haeckel) II 296n
Moleschott, Jacob
nerve fibrils of brain I 297
without phosphorus no thought II 244
thought a movement of matter I 124n
Moloch (Heb). See also Malachim
Baal, Sun-Jehovah or I 397n
Jews immolated children to I 463n
messengers, angels II 514n