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Keb [or Qeb] (Egy, Seb in tx)
carries goose on his head I 357
deceased as egg or I 365
god of time I 357, 359
inhabits devachan II 374n
kama corresponds w II 632
king of Egypt II 368
lays egg or universe I 359
Osiris elder son of I 437
soul that procreates (Massey) II 632
Kebar-Zivo of Nazarenes I 195-6
Kedara, Pulastya dwelt in, (Gorresio) I 415
Keely, John Ernst Worrell
causes behind phenomena of I 566
danger of discovery of I 563-4
discovered cosmic force I xxxv, 253-4n, 563
etheric force of I 555-66
motor of I 148n, 555, 558n, 561-2
natural born magician I 558
on neutral center I 557
only one able to use force I 253-4n, 558-9, 561-2
on subdivisions of matter I 564-5
table of vibrations I 562
termed laya "etheric centers" I 148n
unconscious occultist I 557, 565
under class of dhyanis I 559
"Keely's Secrets." See Bloomfield-Moore
Kelvin, Lord. See Thomson, Wm.
Kem-our [Kemur, Qem-ur] (Egy). See also Khem
Horus of II 577.
Kenealy, Dr Edward
——— Book of God: Apocalypse of Adam-Oannes
Agnus Dei & Agni II 383
cow, bull & Holy Spirit II 418n
cycles fr Chaldea II 565-6
dissolution of world II 757
Eustathius on Io II 463
Karttikeya symbol of naros II 619
Narada II 48
navis fructified by male god II 463 &n
perfection of ancient building I 208-9n
q Vallancey on Morning Star II 759n
rabbins on cycles II 397n
on the serpent I 364n
Simorgh, cycles & II 617-18
various names of God & fire II 114
wall [well] of Syene I 209n
——— Enoch: [The Second Messenger of God]
antiquity of Book of Enoch II 506
Kenite. See Cainite
Kennedy, Colonel Vans
——— Researches into . . . Ancient & Hindu Myth.
Babylon seat of Brahman learning I xxxi
Chaldea borrowed fr India II 226
unity in diversity II 310
——— ["On Professor Wilson's Theory . . ."]
refutes Wilson re Buddhism in Puranas I 419n
Kent's Cavern
flints in, & Bushman's flints II 522
Neolithic & Paleolithic finds in II 724
Kep, Kepti (Egy), septenary kronotype (Massey) I 408
Kephas, symbol of Peter II 341n
Kephren or Chephren (Egy), builder of second pyramid II 226
Kepler, Johannes I 103
angelus rector of I 479
believed in spiritual world I 589
climacteric year of I 656 &n
Hindus borrowed fr Christians I 655n
hypothesized Sun as magnet I 497
importance of conjunctions I 656
lunar tables of I 667n
mystical astronomy of I 653
occult ideas of I 498-9
on planets conjunct at Jesus' birth I 654
on ring around Moon I 590
solar magnetism of I 498
solar vortex & vortices of I 623
truths of, alloyed I 622
——— De motibus . . .
species immateriata I 479
spirit of fire in Sun I 493
——— De stella nova . . .
"new" stars of I 590; II 486n
Kerkes, Turkish Phoenix II 617
Kerya [Keriya oasis], tradition of buried cities at I xxxiv
Kesari (Skt), father of Hanuman I 190
Keshvar(s) (Pers) [Karshvar, Avestan]
diagram of II 759
parts of Earth II 758-9
seven, spheres of Earth chain II 384-5 &n, 607 &nn, 757-9
Kesil (Heb) [constellation Orion], mentioned in Job I 647-8
Kesim [Kesin] (Skt), monster Krishna slays II 48
Kether (Heb)
brow of Macroprosopus I 239
Chochmah, Binah &, triad I 99n
Crown of Sephirothal Tree II 595
Crown or I 177, 239, 352, 354, 355, 433
female of Adam-Kadmon I 215n
head of upper triad I 90, 438
numbered as one I 352
seven splendid lights fr I 433
yod (10) symbolic letter of I 394, 438n
Kether Malkhuth. See Ibn Gebirol
Ketu (Skt), descending node II 381
allegories & symbols have seven II 291n
geometry the fifth II 471
Hebrew physiological I 311
human, one of seven II 291n
IU gave, one turn I xxxviii
Massey used two or three II 632
Mysteries unlocked by seven II 632
new, needed for mysteries II 795
occult science a I 341
Rabbis lost II 537
Ragon on the, to symbols I 363
required for old theogony II 248
seven, must not be mixed II 517
seven, open past & future I 325
seven, taught in occultism I 155n; II 523
seven, to man's genesis I 323
seven, to meaning of swastika II 99
seven, to universal symbology I xxxviii, 310-11, 363
in Skinner's Source of Measures I 318 &n
to theogonies & Secret Doctrine II 23, 767
three of seven, only given II 517
three or four used in Secret Doctrine II 797
of wisdom found in nature II 797
to Zohar & Bible II 536-45, 590-8
Key-keeper of Nature, Pythagoreans called "four" II 600-1
Keynotes, seven in nature II 492, 601
Key of Urania. See Mackey, S. A.
Key to the Hebrew . . . See Skinner, J. R.
Kha (Egy). See Khat
Kha (Skt) ether, akasa I 372
Khaba (Egy), the shade, astral body II 632
Khado (Tib) female demons
Lilith, Dakini or II 285
w little minds II 271
offspring of third & fourth races II 271
Khaibit (Egy) [spiritual soul], Chayah [Hayyah] in Kabbala II 633
Khaldii I 396. See Chaldeans
Khamism, or old Coptic I 115n
Khan, or Yang, phallic symbol [Jennings] I 471
Khanda(s) (Skt) I 367n
Khandakala (Skt), conditioned time I 62-3
Khandogya Upanishad. See Chhandogya Upanishad.
Khanoch. See Hanoch
Khanoom (Iranian city), ten kings of II 394
Khara Bhara. See Kara-bhara
Khat, Kha (Egy) body
guf (Heb) or II 633
soul of blood, the formative II 632
al-Khazari, Book of. See Ha-Levi
Khem (Egy) or Horus
abode of (Sekhem), is devachan I 220
defunct "Osirified" becomes I 220-1
Khepera or Khepri (Egy) scarabaeus or, & rebirth I 365; II 552
Khih Yu or Chih Yu (Chin), beguiled Mao-tse II 280-1
Khiyun (Egy), time, Cain, Saturn & II 390n
Khnoom, Khnoum, Khnumu (Egy). See also Asklepios, Kneph
Batoo &, Pandora story II 270n
confused w Ammon I 366-7
Haroiri is I 366n
healer, enlightener II 26n
moist power I 385
mundane egg placed in I 365
Sati, Anouki & I 367 &n
Khnum. See Khnoom
Khoda (Pers), God I 347
Khojar Tartars, sons of Manasseh among II 200n
Khonsoo [Khons(u)] (Egy) Thot-Lunus, Ptah & II 464
Khonsoo Iri-sokru (Egy) who executes destiny II 464
Khoorassan [Khurasan], tribe fr Afghanistan I xxxiii
Khopirron, Khopri, Khoprod, Khopron. See Khepera
Khu (Egy) [divine spirit], Jeshida [Yehidah] in Kabbala II 633
Khuan-khe [Huang-ho River], ancient civilization fr, to Karakorum I xxxii
Khunrath, Henry I 611; II 120
Khurassan. See Khoorassan
Kiddusheem [Qedoshim]. See Talmud
Kimah (Cimah in tx, Heb) Pleiades I 647-8 &n
Kimmerian Bosporus, Io journeys past II 416
Kimnaras (Skt)
four Maharajas & I 126
inhabit astral plane II 90
men w heads of horses II 65n
Kimpurushas (Skt)
divine dynasties & II 369
spirits of heaven (Puranas) II 369 &n
Kin (Cain), son of Eve by Samael II 388
Kinaras. See Kimnaras
Kinetic & Potential Energy, life atoms, sleeping atoms & II 672, 673n
King, Charles W.
intuition of II 570
modern Gnostic authority I 577
——— Gnostics and Their Remains
Barbelo II 570n
boundless light & nirvana I 577 &n
cherubim over Ark II 518
Chnumis II 518
fifteen pairs of Aeons II 569n
Gnostic gems pre-Christian II 564n
Gnostic iconography fr India II 565
Ialdabaoth (Demiurge) I 449n; II 243-4
IAO in Ophite gems II 541
IAO same as Mithra II 474
influence of Buddhist theosophy I 668
Jesus' garment of glory II 580
Kabbala fr Aryan sources I 376
lion-headed Gnostic gem II 481
Marcus on seven heavens II 563
Origen's seven Orphic gods II 538n
phallic nature of Ark II 518
Pistis Sophia re man's elements II 604-5
Pythagorean numerals I 361 &n
q Pistis Sophia II 563-4
sarcophagus of Porta Pia I 410
stellar spirits listed I 449
wisdom symbol female form I 351
King Arthur
giants said to live in time of II 754
legends of, based on fact II 393
Morgana fairy-sister of II 398n
King (or Ching) Books, Five, & Confucianism I xxv n
King Chia. See Kung Chia
Kingdom(s). See also Animals, Elementals, Humans, Mineral, Vegetable
all, began as ethereal models II 594
anima mundi & II 562
astral of lower II 68n
bodies of lower, fr human II 169-70
consolidated (second period) II 594
door into human, closed I 173, 182
filmy prototypes in third round II 186-7
lower, & monad's evolution I 178
lower, "created" by man II 290
man a distinct II 56n
man macrocosm for, below him II 169
man passed thru all lower I 159; II 185-7, 254, 260, 635
man worshiped, when gods left II 273
mineral, turning point I 176
seven, ten I 176
sparks animate all I 246
three elemental, preceded man II 312n, 616
three lower, & higher powers II 242
time taken for two lower, to evolve II 308n
transmigrations thru I 159, 173-4, 176-9, 183-4, 267-8
Kingdom of God, enter, as a little child II 504
Kingdom of Heaven
is within man I 280n
taking, by violence II 244, 516n
King I't, brings peace to Sankha-dvipa II 406
King James Bible
cautious translation I 336
only three translators knew Hebrew I 128n
King of Assyria, armies of, called trees II 496
King(s) of Edom. See Edom, Kings of
King of Tyrus (Tyre)
Atlantean sorcerer II 492-3
Ezekiel calls, a cherub II 501
reproofs of Ezekiel to II 492-3
Kings. See also Divine Kings
arupa pitris appear as II 93-4
of divine dynasties II 487
everlasting in Book of Enoch II 483 &n
five fallen, or five races II 618
pre-Adamite II 83-4
ruled by Grace of God II 233n
of seven, five have gone II 565n
seven, or root-races I 241; II 618, 748
taught third race II 194
ten Persian, given by Berosus II 394
of varshas, dvipas II 320-2
1 Kings
Elijah heard small voice II 342n
leaping prophets of Baal II 460
Lord, wind, earthquake I 466
2 Kings
brazen serpent I 364n; II 387 &n
day of new moon II 76
Elijah taken up to heaven II 531
Kadeshim II 460
zodiac worshiped I 649
King's Chamber (Pyramid of Cheops)
circle w diameter used in I 391
Egyptian Holy of Holies II 462, 466n
initiation in II 462, 558
symbol of regeneration II 470
symbology of II 466
King Seang of Wai, Bamboo Books in tomb of II 302
Kingsford, Dr Anna Bonus. See also Divine Pymander
——— The Perfect Way II 229n
Satan [in Appendix xv] II 233-5
——— The Virgin of the World, Definitions of Asklepios
creation of world by Titans I 285
extract fr, on All, God I 286
God fr passive becomes active I 281n
"incorporeal corporealities" I 566
innumerable choirs of genii I 294-5
matter is living, becoming I 281
nothing on Earth is real I 287
orders of the gods I 672
void a fullness of beings I 671
Kings of Light. See also Divine Kings
name for divine dynasties II 424-5
Kin-kwang-ming-King I 470. See Chin kuang ming ching
Kinnaras. See Kimnaras
Kin-yu [K'ung-tzu chia yu — "Discourses of the Confucian School"] I 441
Kioo-tche [Kieou-tche] (Chin) Chinese astronomical measures II 621
Kioto, monks of, & seven jewels I 173
Kippur (Heb), prayers of I 439n
Kircher, Athanasius
——— Oedipus Aegyptiacus
believed in divine dynasties II 371
egg floating above mummy I 365
Mor Isaac on Syrian gods I 435
saw a dragon II 207n
Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert, achievements of, & Bunsen I 528
Kirjath [Kiryath]-Sepher (Heb) [city of letters], Enoichion kept at II 529
Kiu-ti or Khiu-ti [Tib works of which the Book of Dzyan is one], compiled fr "very old book" I xliii
Ki-y. See Chi-Yi
Klaproth, Heinrich Julius, Garden of Wisdom in Himalayas II 203-4
Klee, Frederick, Le deluge, Earth's axial changes II 534
Klippoth [Qelippoth] world of action
contains six other spheres II 111
our world, Earth II 111
shells or, of various colors (Myer) II 504
Kneph (Egy). See also Asklepios, Khnoom
concealed breath of I 353
god hatches fr egg in mouth of I 364
healer, enlightener II 26n
snake-water emblems of I 344, 353
Knight, Richard Payne, degrades tau I 405
Knights of the Round Table II 393
Morgana (of Orient) among II 398n
Knorr von Rosenroth, Christian
——— Kabbala denudata . . .
Latin of, distorted I 391
lights & reflected lights in I 506
Ophanim, Angels of Spheres in I 117
a puzzle, not a guide I 215
——— Liber mysterii
fallacy re Microprosopus I 215
Knoum. See Khnoom
Knouph. See Chnoubis
Knowledge. See also Tree of Knowledge
absolute, only in paranirvana I 48
adepts' I 605; II 216, 716
avabodha or II 528
curiosity &, (Bacon) I 165
fire of I 87; II 567
generations of seers acquired II 700
gives immortality II 215
of good & evil II 4, 81, 124, 214-15, 279, 292-3, 382n
hidden under symbols II 452
innate, of Lemuro-Atlantean II 285
intellectual, of fourth race I 189
pagans had divine I 125
records of occult, preserved I xlv
relativity of human, & time I 44
science offers guesses, not II 316n
serpent symbol of occult II 26n
seven branches of I 168-9
space realm of divine II 502
sword of I 536
of things in themselves I 330
too much, two-edged weapon II 163
Tree of I 128-9n, 375; II 216-17
fr Tree of Good & Evil I 247
unlawful, & Atlanteans II 331
Knowledge (periodical, London), articles:
Burke, E. ["Descent of Man"] II 655
Clodd, F. II 686n, 710-11, 713n, 714
Proctor, R. A. I 314; II 352-3, 431, 435
Williams, W. M. I 102, 585; II 136n
Wilson, A. II 152
"knowledge dwells . . ." [Cowper] I 165
Koah Haguph (Heb), life force II 633
Kobhibaba [Koh-i-Baba], near Bamian II 338
Koeus [Koios] (Gk), Arkite Titan II 143
Koh-kaf, Keph or Kaf, mountains of II 398
Koloe, Artemis-Anaitis inscription at I 395
Kon-ton (Jap), chaos (Shinto) I 214, 241
Koorgan [Kurgan], giant tombs in Russia II 752
Kor, city in Haggard's She II 317n
Koran, Kuran [Qur'an] II 454
Ababel or Father-Tree in II 617
Alm or virgin in II 463
Edris (Enoch, Thoth) in II 529
Kore (Core or Persephone) (Gk)
sanctuary to, (Pausanias) II 363
Koros. See Kurios
Korscheldt, E., on third eye II 299n
Koshas [Kosas] (Skt), sheaths I 610n
man composed of five I 157-8; II 603
Sankaracharya on I 570-1n
Kosmocratores (Gk)
Ases, Pitris, etc, or II 97
assist Christian creator I 440
build solar system II 23
Church made devils of I 331
Damascius on dual seven of I 235
Roman Catholics misjudged I 124
world bearers (Bossuet) I 331
Kosmos (oi). See also Cosmos, Universes
birth of I 43, 64-6, 340
chaos-theos & I 342-9
chaos to sense, to reason I 2
death of, analogous to man's I 173
divine thought becomes I 43
egg of I 65, 359
egg-shaped zero or I 91
elements of, & man's same I 58
emanated fr triple One I 337, 447
emerging in boundless space I 65
endless hierarchies animate I 274-6
eternal collectively I 151
in Eternity I 1
evolution & reinvolution I 148-9
finite, called space I 277
finite in manifestation I 151
Fohat in I 109-12
full of invisible existences I 611
geometry first record of I 321
heptachord of Apollo & I 167
intracosmic soul or ideal I 3
is the Son I 60, 348
Law for everything in, is One I 145
manifest, & golden egg I 556
manifested & ideal I 282, 614
manifested, is Verbum I 138
may refer to our solar system I 199n
nothing inorganic in I 248
noumenal & phenomenal world I 3
pralaya of I 373
pregenetic, symbol of I 19
progressive evolution of I 440
pyramid, pregenesis & genesis of I 616-17
real, casts phenomenal shadows I 278
"rope" of, noumenal & "Pass not" I 90
secret teachings re I 13
seven esoteric kingdoms of I 455
sevenfold I 598
seven planes of I 199-200
seventh principle in man & I 74n; II 616
spirit & matter two states of the One I 258
unity & mutual relations of I 480
Vach or, in four aspects I 138
visible, creatures of karma I 635
visible, the sthula-sarira I 598
giant described by Hesiod II 775-6
stands for polar continent II 776
Kouin-long-sang. See Kunlun Mountains
Kouyunjik, Kuyunjik
Layard's excavations at II 5
Moses story on tablets at I 319-20 &n
Kratidvishas [Kratudvishas] (Skt), enemies of exoteric shams II 501
Kratu (Skt), mind-born son II 78
Krauncha (Skt) (Wilford gives Cracacha), king of Krauncha II 405
Krauncha-dvipa, one of seven II 320-1, 404n
Krause, K. C. F., on inhabited worlds II 706
Krisaswa [Krisasva] (Skt) sons of, & legendary weapons II 629
Krishna (Skt)
allegedly plagiarized fr Bible I xxxi
Bala-Rama elder brother of II 613n
belongs to fifth race II 140
birthplace of, & cross II 588
born without father or mother II 550
Christos & Vishnu II 580
or Christ-state & seven principles II 604n
crucified II 561
embryo of, conveyed to Rohini II 527
identified w Rishi Narayana II 359
incarnation of Vishnu II 225n
kali-yuga began at death of I xliii; II 140, 527, 550
Kansa & II 504n
-karna & Apollo Karneios II 44n
on Kshetrajna in Gita II 638
Logos incarnate II 318n, 527
lower, higher forms of I 535-6
manus, rishis born fr II 140, 318n
Narada lauds II 48
Osiris, Dionysos, Buddha or II 420
part of a part of supreme [Vishnu Purana] II 359
Samba reputed son of II 323
"saves" w the teachings II 230
secret wisdom of I 539n
slays Sankhasura II 405
slays Sisupala II 225n
a solar god II 407
union w I 406
Vallabacharyas distort symbols of I 335
various equivalents of II 379
Krita-Yuga. See Satya-Yuga
Krittikas (Skt) the Pleiades
Agneya synonym of II 550
month of I 664
nurses of Karttikeya II 549, 550, 618-19
Poussiniere, Pillaloo-codi or I 663-4
six, then seven, & seven rishis II 551
Virgo & II 435
when pyramids were built I 435
Kriyasakti (Skt). See also Sons of Will & Yoga
Brahma creates w II 59-60
Brahman zodiac fr those born by II 436n
creation on plane of II 283
described I 293; II 172-3
Divine Ones of third race born by II 636
manushyas created woman by II 140
mind-born sons fruit of I 211
nirmanakayas & II 652
power of sages II 181
regarded as magic II 174
seed of adepts created by II 228
Sons of Will & Yoga fr I 207-9; II 172, 181
yogi's miracles fr I 293
Kroenig, A. K., gas atoms elastic I 513
Kroeus [Kreios] (Gk), an Arkite Titan II 143
Kronan, is probably karma II 269n
Kronid Brothers (Gk), Neptune, Poseidon, Nereus II 766
Kronos (Gk) Saturn. See also Chronos, Saturn, Time
Adam alleged to be I 642n
Agruerus, Saturn or II 142n
confused w Chronos I 418
endless duration I 418
generated god in Orphism I 19
imprisons three polar giants II 775-6
Jubal fashioned harp [harpe] of II 390
Jupiter hurled to Earth by II 483, 515
Jupiter Lapis & II 341n
mutilated Uranus I 418; II 268, 283n, 766
one of seven Arkite Titans II 142-3
Ormazd identical w I 113-14
in Prometheus Bound II 414, 415-16, 420-1
ruled over Lemurians II 765
St Michael son of I 459
serpent swallowing tail I 253n
Sevekh-, (Massey) I 408
symbology of II 268-71, 421-2
Titans sons of, & Rhea II 142, 269
Uranus &, insufficient II 270
Jupiter son of I 72n
personified third race Lemurians II 766
Rudra-Siva or II 502n
sydyk or II 142, 391-2
Kroszharsgrani [Krossharsgrani] (Norse) magician-teacher of Starkad II 346n
Krura-lochana (Skt) [evil-eyed], Saturn called II 29
Kruss, G., elemental bodies of I 547
Kshatriya (Skt) warrior caste
Buddha born a I xxi
kings & Brahmanas I 270
Moru [Maru] will restore I 378 &n
Kshetrajna (Skt)
atma or I 570
embodied soul II 108
as the One Witness I 570-1
presides over pradhana I 284
soul's spiritual sun II 639-40
Supreme SELF (Bhagavad-Gita) II 638 &n
Kshira (Skt), ocean of milk II 403
Kuan-Shih-Yin. See Kwan-shai-yin
Kuan-Yin. See Kwan-Yin
Kuen-lun-shan Mountains. See Kunlun Mountains
Kuhn, Franz F. A.
——— Die Herabkunft des Feuers . . .
derivation of word Prometheus II 413n
gave Prometheus phallic slant II 526
identifies swastika w Arani II 101n
Kuklos (Gk) ring or cycle I 637
Kuklos Anagkes [Ananke] (Gk) "Unavoidable cycle" after death II 379
Kulluka Bhatta
Aryan immigration to Egypt II 746
Hopkins & Commentary of I 334 &n
Nara, Spirit of God II 495n
sons of Marichi, pitris II 89
Kumara(s) (Skt). See also Dhyani-chohans, Pitris
agnishvatta are II 78, 89
aquatic & fiery II 578
Brahma father of I 457; II 106, 249
celibate I 236; II 82, 199n, 249
chaste youths II 78
class of devas II 90
connection w zodiac II 93, 576
degraded into Satan, demons I 458-9
dhyanis or I 456-7
every, has prefix Sana(t) I 459
five, exempt fr passion II 577
fivefold II 578-9
flames or, incarnate in third race II 247-8
fourfold, seven-fold I 89
four mentioned, three secret I 457
four preceding manus & II 318n
four, sacrificed themselves II 281-2
highest dhyani-chohans II 585
incarnate in first two races I 457n; II 165
incarnate in men II 176n, 199n
Indra a, in early life II 383
Kapila one of three secret II 572
Karttikeya a II 106, 619
married Devasena (Vach) II 199n
maruts, rudras & II 613 &n
ma used as anagram of II 577-9
Michael, Karttikeya, Virgin & II 383, 549, 619
Narada virtually a II 82
one of seven divisions of dhyani-chohans I 458
patrons of yogins II 576
rebellious & fallen gods II 232, 246
rebels, called by Hindus II 243
refused to create I 191-2, 236, 457-8; II 243, 584
rudras or II 192n, 576, 613
Sanat Sujata chief of I 459-60
seven names, of II 319
seven, visited White Island I 236; II 584
Siva, as Svetalohita or root- II 249
solar deities, angels I 87-8
tempting demons II 174-5
Vamadeva a I 324
various numbers of, (Puranas) II 577-8
Kumara [Kaumara] Creation (Skt) I 75
both primary & secondary I 456
Ninth or, [Vishnu Purana] II 106
Kumara Guha (Skt), virgin youth II 382
Kumbhakarna (Skt), brother of Ravana II 224
Kumuda-Pati (Skt), Earth's parent II 44
Kundalini-Sakti (Skt) I 293
Kundzobchi-denpa (Tib) illusion-creating appearance I 48n
Kung Chia (Chin) compiled Shan-Hai-King II 54n, 302
Kuni-toko tachi-no-mikoto (Jap) first man (Shinto) I 241
Kunlun Mountains
betw China & Tibet II 215 &n
libraries hidden in I xxiv
Kunte, Prof Mahadeo, defines rishi I 346
Kunti (Skt), called Panavarani II 527
Kun-ttag, Kun-tag (Tib) belief in something not existing I 48
Kuran. See Koran
Kurgan Mounds, in Russia II 752
Kurile (islands) II 327
Kurios, Koros (Gk), Logos, god-mind I 353
Kurma (Skt). See also Sisumara, Tortoise
avatara of Vishnu II 549
Kasyapa & II 253
kumaras exempt fr passion I 458; II 577
lists seven winds or principles II 612
Kuru (Skt), Devapi of race of I 378
Kusa Dvipa (Skt) II 404 &n. See also Dvipas
globe of planetary chain II 320-1
king of, & seven sons II 369n
Kuvera (Skt), guards the North I 128
Kwan-shai-yin [Kuan-shih-yin] (Chin) I 71. See also Kwan-yin
Avalokitesvara or, androgynous I 72 &n, 471
Dalai Lama incarnation of I 471
described I 72 &n, 470-3
"first to appear . . . last to come" I 470
Kwan-yin called the triple of I 136
Logos or Verbum I 431n
male aspect of divine wisdom I 473
phallicism &, (McClatchey) I 471
Primordial Logos, Brahma or I 452
will appear as Maitreya Buddha I 470
Kwan-yin [Kuan-yin] (Chin) divine voice
Chitti or, explained I 288n
female Avalokitesvara I 72
female Padmapani II 179
Hindu Vach similar to I 136n, 137, 431n
informing spirit of water I 471
mother, wife, daughter of Logos I 136
patron deity of Tibet I 72
various equivalents of I 137, 473
Kwan-yin-Tien [Kuan-yin-T'ien] (Chin) abode of Kwan-yin I 136, 137
Kwoh-P'oh or Kuo P'o, comments on monsters II 54n
Kyriel of Gods II 22
Kyrillitza (Russian alphabet) "R" of, is the Latin "P" II 547n