Index to The Secret Doctrine — prepared by John P. Van Mater

- Ia-Iz -

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I (letter) I 78, 453. See also Aham, Ego, Self

symbol of body erect II 574

"I," Carlyle on I 211-12

Iacchus (Gk), as Iao or Jehovah II 460

Iah (Heb) II 129, 541

Ialdabaoth (Gnos)

chief of astral gods I 449
child born in egg of chaos I 197 &n, 449
Demiurgos or, filled w rage II 243
described I 197 &n, 198; II 389
described (King) II 243-4
father of Ophiomorphos II 244, 481
first couple & II 215
-Jehovah genius of Saturn I 449n, 577; II 538 &n
produces seven or six stellar spirits I 198, 449
Sophia Achamoth mother of I 197, 449

Iamblichus (often Jamblichus in tx)

on Agathodaemon II 210-11
on Assyrian records I 409, 650
serpent symbol first of gods I 472-3

——— De mysteriis . . .
archangels & archons I 235

"I am I"

Kalaham-sa or I 78
manifest consciousness produces I 15

I-am-ness. See also Ahamkara

egotism or I 197, 452; II 419, 614

"I am that I am" (Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh)

chaotic matter & II 601
explained kabbalistically II 468, 539
Kalahansa & I 78
man as attribute of II 243
Moses, Jehovah numbers are II 539

"I and my Father are One" [John] I 574

Iao (Gnos) II 536

androgyne creator II 388
chief of superior seven heavens I 448
Demiurgos called, (Furst) II 541
distinct fr Jehovah II 474
genius of the Moon I 448, 577; II 538 &n
Iacchus, Jehovah or II 460
Jaho or, mystery name II 541
Moses termed God II 465
serpent (in Genesis) is II 388
seven rays (souls) of I 227n
triune, called four-fold II 603
wrongly confused w Jevo II 541

Iao-Jehovah, Jao-Jehovah II 389

Iao-Sabaoth [Tsebaoth] II 603

Iapetus (os) (Gk) a Titan

Atlas son of, & Clymene II 493
brother of Atlas II 762
one of seven Arkite Titans II 143
Prometheus son of II 525

Ibis (Egy) I 353

air-water symbol I 358
-headed god, Thoth, Mercury II 558
killing of, a crime I 362
kills serpents, destroys eggs I 362
Thot-Lunus crowned w II 464
two kinds of I 362-3

Iblis or Eblis (Moslem), fate's agent, defeats devs II 394

Ibn Gebirol, Solomon I 347, 376

——— [Kether Malkuth]
basis of his sources II 461n
on Jehovah I 393-4
poem on the One I 439-40n
seven heavens, earths of I 450n
voiced esoteric philosophy II 461n

Ibn Wahohijah [Ibn al-Wahshiya], translatedNabathean Agriculture II 455n

Ibrahim, Abraham (Renan) II 454


ether allows water to become I 527
polar II 326, 329

Ice Age II 71, 726, 738n. See also Glacial Epochs

"Ice-Age Climate and Time." See Pengelly

Iceland, part of northern continent II 423-4, 781

I-Ching, Yi King, Y-King

celestial numbers in II 35
discovery of agriculture & II 374
fails to give cosmogony (Edkins) I 440
falling stars, Satan (Ti) in II 486
Great Extreme in I [356], 440
Pyth numerals like those in I 440-1

Ichthyosauri II 258, law of dwarfing & II 733

Ichthys (Gk)

fish, Pisces, as messiah & Vishnu I 653-4
symbol of Bacchus II 313

Iconography I 384

Christian, of catacombs II 586-7
Gnostic II 565
pre-Christian, perverted I 403

Icshu. See Ikshu

Ida (Norse), field of II 99, 100

Ida (Skt). See Ila

Idaean Mysteries of Mighty Mother II 212n

Idam (Skt) [this], six worlds above Earth II 384-5n

Idas (Gk) [son of Aphareus], wounds Castor, killed by Zeus II 122

Idaspati (Skt) [or Vishnu], Hindu Neptune, Poseidon II 765 &n

Idea(s). See also Ideation

Absolute Thought & II 490
active, passive thought & II 492
all that was, is, & will be exists as I 282
divine evolution of I 280
First Cause as eternal I 214
manifests by kriyasakti I 293; II 173
moves the aether (Plato) I 365
older Horus, in demiurgic mind I 348
Plato's innate, (von Hartmann) I 281
Plutarch defines I 622
Propator is abstract I 214
the Word, speech, & names I 93-4
Younger Horus is, in matter I 348


forms & archetypal ideas I 281n
matter built on, forms I 281
noblest, caricatured later I 326
as opposed to real discussed I 55-6, 614
plan held within Parabrahman I 281
Vishnu as the, Cause I 349


in Eastern philosophy I 556n
objective, of esoteric philosophy I 631
occultism vs materialism & I 479
Vedantic, Kantian I 603n


pseudo-, & II 451, 651
Spencer on II 490n

Ideality, plane of II 335

Ideation(s). See also Divine Thought, Mahat, Thought, Universal Mind

akasa is cosmic I 326
astral, reflects terrestrial things II 596
ceases during pralaya I 328-9; II 598
ceases in deep sleep I 38
cosmic, & substance one I 337n
cosmic, or Logos I 329 &n; II 24
cosmic, reflection of Universal Mind I 110
cross & cosmic II 561
dhyani-chohans reflect I 280
divine wisdom in its II 299n
elohim & first divine I 375
Fohat energy of cosmic I 16
lipikas amanuenses of eternal I 104
logoi perceive, & build I 380
lotus symb, passing into form I 380
man created by spiritual II 241-2
mysterious circuit of II 636
precosmic, or Great Breath I 15
reflected thru matter II 299n
spiritual, & first race II 242
spiritual, of divine monad I 266
universal, gives plan to Architect I 279-80
variation (evolution) originates w II 299n
Vedantic view of universe II 596, 597n

Idei or Idaei (Gk). See also Dactyli

Faber relates, to Kabiri II 360
finger or adept-healer II 361

Ideograph(s, ic) II 582, 587

hieroglyphs I xxiii
records of the East II 438
seven keys to symbolical II 584
symbolism & I 303-9
symbols of symbols used in II 547n
writing of early man II 439, 530

Ideos, chaos or, of Paracelsus I 283-4

Idiot II 242

an arrested man, not an ape II 678
congenital I 224

Idol(s) I 397

examples of I 392, 578, 675; II 560n, 586
Jewish worship of II 588
masses worship I 578
of moon & Qu-tamy I 394, 401; II 455
personal god & I 414
satanism of II 341
worship died out in fourth race II 723

Idolatry (ous)

astrolatry, heliolatry & I 392
Church councils re II 279n
Egyptian II 137
exotericism same as II 281
of gentile world (Faber) II 264
Jewish I 649
Mysteries degenerate into II 281
fr "original sin" (Bossuet) II 279
paganism & I 464
prophets sought to stem II 492
rapid progress of, in fifth race II 503

Idolatry [Theologia Gentili]. See Vossius

Idra Rabba Qaddisha (Heb) Greater Holy Assembly

companions or eyes II 626
Macroprosopus & Microprosopus II 625-6
number seven used in II 312n
obscuration of worlds II 705 &n
six & seven lights II 625, 628
tetrad & second, third of sephiroth II 626
White Head [II 705-6]
white hidden fire [I 339]

Idra Zuta Qaddisha (Heb) Lesser Holy Assembly

"all things become one body" I 240
creating the forms of man II 83-4
destruction (obscuration) II 704-5
hammer, sparks, worlds I 246n; II 704
"from Hoa is AB, Ruach . . ." II 83
"I am that I am" I 78
phallic, cruder than Puranas II 625n
three Heads of Kabbala II 25

Idris or Idrus, Hermes, Enoch or II 361, 366-7

"Idyll of The White Lotus" [Mabel Collins] I 574

IEOV [or Jeu] (Gnos), primal or first man I 449

Ierna, sacred isle & worship on II 760

Ieve, Ieva (or Eve), pronounced Ya-va II 129

Ievo or Jevo. See also Jave

genii antagonistic to Abraxas II 541
Philo Biblius spelled, Jehovah II 129, 465

Igaga [Igigi], angels of heaven II 248n

Ignis (Lat) fire

all is II 114
fr Sanskrit Agni II 101

Ignorance I 7, 198, 643

is death II 215
Isvara as personal deity is I 330
superstition & II 797

Iguanodon (giant reptile)

early man & II 676
genesis of, described II 151
now small iguana II 154n, 348

I Hi Wei (fr Tao-teh-ching), means Jehovah (Remusat) I 472

IHS, symbol of savior Bacchus II 313


Ikshu (Skt) [sugar cane], Black Sea, Euxine or (Wilford) II 402n

Ikshvaku (Skt)

Moru [Maru] of the family of I 378
Nimi, Janaka & II 524n

Iku-gai-no-kami (Jap), feminine part of duality I 217

Ila or Ida (Skt)

becomes Sudyumna (male) II 135, 143, 148
daughter, wife of Vaivasvata II 138, 140, 143, 147-8
primeval woman after deluge I 523
same as Rhea, Titea II 144
Vach or I 523; II 143
wife of Budha (Puranas) II 138, 140

Ildabaoth. See Ialdabaoth

Iliad. See Homer

Iliados, chaos of Paracelsus I 283

Ilios. See Schliemann, H.

Illusion(s, ory). See also Mahamaya, Maya, Samvriti

all save Parabrahman is I 522
bhutas, devas are I 295
described I 329-30
earth life desert of I 208
everything, but the Absolute I 295
great, or mahamaya I 278; II 88, 384n
grossest matter acme of I 63
man dominated by I 603n; II 458
maya, maria, maia, Durga I 396
nirmanakayas (maruts) beyond II 615
phenomenal universe an I 145-6, 329
physical nature bundle of II 475
reality & I 295-6
real to egos involved in it I 631
in stanzas I 71
time, of consciousness I 37

Illustrations . . . See Fergusson, J.

Ilmatar, virgin daughter of air II 26

Ilus (of Berosus). See also Ether, FatherMother, Hyle

elements latent in I 140
ether of science I 339
mud, mot or I 58, 340
primordial flame proceeds fr I 88
prolific slime I 82
rests in laya I 140

Ilythia [Ilithyia, Eileithyia] (Gk), Moon-goddess I 395

Image(s). See also Idolatry

astral body, of man (Levi) I 242
cult & adoration of II 279

Imagination. See also Thoughts, Visions

all forms of, fr prototype I 282n
based on reminiscence II 293
cosmos & I 309
materialistic II 451
scientific I 670-1; II 137n

Imat (Pers), "this" or globe D, Earth II 759

Imhot-pou [Imhotep] (Egy), Logos, creator or I 353

Immaculate Conception I 58-60. See also Kriyasakti

church carnalized I 59
disfigured mystery teaching I xliv
Latin Church teaches two I 382n
manifested quaternary & I 88
de Mirville I 393
pagan & Christian, compared I 398-400
root fructified by ray I 65

Immetalization, Immetalized

on globe A II 180
gods pass thru state of I 188
human monads & II 150, 169, 180, 185
minerals are light II 169

Immortal(s), Immortality

amrita or I 69 &n
atman imparts, to ego II 110
bird of II 36
circle symbolized II 552
consciously, & third race II 164
cross in circle & II 556-7
emblem of I 253n
four, or lipikas I 104n
of inner principle I 276
Lucifer & II 388, 511
for man alone I 225
mantras & I 464
plant of II 93
serpent symbol of I 73, 404; II 283
static & spiritual II 243
true meaning of I 36n
water of, stolen, story of II 381

Imperishable Sacred Land II 6. See also Continent, Hyperborean Continent


divine, of avataras & Logos II 478
of omnipresent reality I 273

In (Jap). See also Shinto

Earth or I 241
seven divine spirits born fr I 217-18

Inachos (us) (Gk)

Io daughter of II 414
Phoroneus son of II 519

Inca(s). See also Peru

built like Pelasgians II 745
seven, repeopled Earth II 141

Incantation(s) I 169, 354

mantras or, & sound I 464
stop hailstorm I 469

Incarnate (ion, s). See also Reincarnations

causes of I 193
"curse" of, & the Rebels II 246
cycle of I 17
of the dhyanis II 228
divine, & avataras II 555-6
of Eastern heroes II 225n
of the four & the three I 222
gods must pass thru I 188
of highest seven I 638
immaculate I 399
in inferior & higher intellectual races II 162
karma overrides heredity in II 178
kumara, of Siva II 249
of monad in lower kingdoms II 180, 186
monad's cycle of I 16n, 175, 182-3
never-ceasing cycles of human II 515
of one of the seven II 358-9
personality cannot remember past II 306
premature, of the host II 421
same atoms in every II 671-2
same star for all I 572
777, problem of I 168
successive, & absorption I 636
those who no longer I 86
Varaha or boar avatara I 368


British, & esoteric system I 316
Egyptian cubit & I 313
"Jehovah is Noah" or British II 467-8
Parker ratio origin of British I 313

Inclination of Axis. See Axis


Ain-soph, deity II 472
Brahman is II 108
cause does not put forth evolution II 487
circle &, deity I 113
deity & time & space I 432-3; II 382n
deity, Ea is II 53
exhibits aspects of itself II 487
light, sound & I 432
Principle I 330
veil betw, & Logos I 431

Incorporeal Corporealities I 566, 632

Incorruptible, fr corruptible II 95

Incrusted Age. See Sedimentation

India. See also Bharata-Varsha

Akkad tribes fr I 392; II 202-3
ape sacred in I 190
Babylonia got wisdom fr II 566
cave temples in II 220n
claims descent fr kingdom of Saturn II 768
cradle of humanity II 203
deity is the universe in I 92n
doubly connected w Americas II 327
dragon story in II 384
Egypt &, kindred nations II 417
Egyptian zodiac fr southern II 435
esoteric schools in I xxiii
giants fifty-six feet tall in, (Mandeville) II 755
giants of II 336
invasion of, by twice-born I 270
Jewish measurements fr I 316, 320-1
Jews fr I 313n; II 200, 471n
kali-yuga reigns supreme in I 377
language of mantras in I 464
lotus symbolism of I 379-86; II 472
memory of sorcery in II 503
occultism of, fr Central Asia II 565
occupied by Brahmans after flood II 608
poetry of, & Greece compared II 450
Pythagoras' knowledge fr I 361, 433
rishis, manus no longer in II 178
savages live in trees in II 676
secret manuscripts hidden in I xxxiv
seven seas, rivers, mountains of II 603
small-brained aboriginals of II 686n
southern, part of Lemuria II 324
still has adepts w seven keys I 311
subterranean cities in II 220-1, 397
Sun worship given to Egypt by II 379
taught three aspects of universe I 278
temples of I 209n
war in heaven fr I 418
writing in II 225-6
zodiac of II 50, 432-3

India House, Siva statue at II 591

Indian(s) (American)

languages of II 199
many kinds of, writing II 439
petition to U. S. president II 439
fr red-yellow Atlanteans II 249-50
Retzius links, w Guanches II 740
Zuni, traditions II 628

Indian(s) (Asian)

ate serpents' hearts I 404
British opinion of dark II 287
concealed deity in, theology I 75n
knew of extinct monsters II 713
legends re buried libraries I xxxiv
religion among oldest I 10
schools of philosophy I 269, 278
sevens in, thought II 612-14
of smaller stature II 332

Indian Antiquities. See Maurice, T.

Indian Ocean

islands in, part of Atlantis II 405
Lemuria buried under, (Haeckel) II 327
once reached Central Asia II 609

India: What Can It Teach Us? See Muller

Indische Altherthumskunde. See Lassen, C.

Individual(s, ity)

accidental death of II 303
acquired thru effort I 17
atoms possess no I 630
atyantika pralaya & I 371
condition of man's II 241
constant rebirth of same II 303, 306
cycle of evolution (Kabbala) II 188
distinct, behind every noumenon I 493
each man's true star deals w I 572-3
hierarchies, their units & I 38, 275-6
immortal II 422
impersonal, of celestial yogis II 246
of Kapilas of satya- & kali-yugas II 572
man's higher I 158
memory generates notion of I 292
monads as atomic souls I 619
nirvana & I 266
nonhumans & I 275
personality &, explained II 306
spiritual, of monad I 265

Individuality . . . See Hellenbach, L. B.

Indo-Chinese, stature of II 332

Indo-European, fifth subrace I 319

Indolentia, Epicurean, & nirvana I 577n

Indovansas. See Induvamsas

Indra (Skt)

Apollo & II 383
Asura name applied to II 92, 500
beguiles yogis II 614
called Manojava, third round, race II 615n
as Earth's calf I 398n
Fohat scientific aspect of I 673
god of air I 462
god of visible heaven II 501
guards the East I 128
heaven of, & Eden II 203
kumara in early life II 383
located in tail of Tortoise II 549
loka of, & gandharvas I 523n
Lord of the maruts (Marutvan) II 615n
maruts allies of II 613
Michael & II 378, 384, 498, 549 &n, 614
now degraded in kali-yuga II 614
potency of space I 9-10 &n
punishes those who break laws II 606
Rig-Veda, Puranas re II 378
Sakra or secondary divinity I 376
supports Brihaspati in war II 498
tempts Kandu II 174-6
various names of II 382
Vul (Assyria) same as II 386
War in Heaven & I 202; II 384, 501

Indrani or Aindri (Skt)

personified the senses II 614
Sri, Lakshmi are II 76n

Indriya or Aindriyaka Creation (Skt)

described I 446, 453-4
modified ahamkara in I 453

Indriyatman (Skt) spiritual or intellectual soul II 108

Indu (Skt), physical Moon, not Soma II 45

Indus River

flows fr Lake of Dragons II 204
Nile, Ethiops or II 417-18

Induvamsas (Skt)

lunar kings I 392
war of, w Surya Vansas I 397


blind & intelligent powers I 520
coma of minerals or I 626n
greatest occult force I 511
solar evolution & I 501
spiritual II 62
static, & Brahma resting II 244, 507


HPB claims no personal II 22n
false, & science I 520
no theosophist ought to claim II 640
of pope II 316n
scientific, theological II 349

Infinite (y, ies). See also Boundless

cannot know finiteness I 56
circle symbolizes I 65, 113, 134n
discussed I 8
Eternal Cause I 14-16
existence spreads throughout I 289
finite cannot conceive the I 51, 132
finite into, & physical body I 181
the One I 130
Plato's finite &, re monad, duad I 426
principle cannot create I 7-8
serpent symbolizes I 74, 253n, 371, 379; II 552
two, cannot exist I 7

Infinitude. See also Parabrahman

deific, circle of II 541
within ourselves II 703

Inflectional Speech, discussed II 200


bacteria like elephants to I 225n
classed among algae I 177
in drop of water I 146-7
filamentoid, & giant animals II 151

Ingersoll, Colonel Robert G. II 767

Inhabitants. See also Beings

adepts know only, of our solar system II 700 &n
on other planets I 602
of other spheres I 605-8; II 33 &n

Initiate(s, ed). See also Adepts, Brotherhood, Dragons, Mahatmas, Masters, Seers, Serpents of Wisdom, Twice-Born

Aeschylus an II 419 &n, 524
angirasas instructors of II 605n
ape's origin known to I 190
arhan not highest I 206
Aristotle not an I 493
arts & sciences preserved by II 572
Aryan, built menhirs, zodiacs II 750, 754
Aryan, knew whole cosmogony II 500
ashes of, kept seven lunar years II 588n
Atlantean, taught Cyclopes I 208n
called little ones II 504 &n
cannot divulge all he knows II 760
can trace soul's history I 381 &n
Christian II 60
chronology of Brahmin II 49
-commentator would not explain II 637n
connected w Sun, wisdom II 210n
crucified on Tree of Life II 560
cycles known to II 70
darkness is absolute light to I 41
decipher myths II 138-9, 764-5
descent into Hades, etc II 558
dhyani-chohans more powerful I 234-5
"dragons," "serpents," refer to I 408; II 94n, 203, 210n, 213, 280n, 501, 572
early Greek sages were I 117
Egyptian, went to England by land II 750
Enoch an II 506
Father & Son, knew meaning of II 231n
feud betw, of left- & right-path II 494, 501
few, master all seven keys II 584
five becomes seven at death of II 580
fourth race, in Central Asia II 339
of Garden of Eden II 494
Gnostic sects founded by II 389
great, fr Advaita School I 522
-hermits lived in caves II 501
Hesiod's Theogony history to II 765
highest, known to few adepts I 611-12
history of races known to II 133, 437-8
Hungarian, taught Olcott I xix
idolatry, sought to stem II 492
inflectional speech language of II 200
Jesus an I 577-8, 653; II 504, 566
Julian an II 587n
Kapila, of kali-yuga II 572
knowledge gained by generations of II 700
know racial figures II 312
language of, plain II 786-7
live in every age I xlv
lives in his astral body II 499
magi of Persia, Chaldea were II 395
Marcus an II 563
meaning of Vedas, Puranas, know I 520
Moses an I 73, 314, 316, 352; II 212, 456, 465n, 541n
Mysteries inherited by II 125
nagas or I 408; II 572
names given to II 210n, 215
Nazarenes, among II 96n
not influenced by genii I 295 &n
Paul an I 8-9, 240; II 268, 504, 513n, 704
perfected faultless system II 133
Plato an II 88, 266, 395, 554
popes, some early, were I 311
priest-, knew the noumena II 517-18
priests read Dracontia II 346
produced rarely fr age to age I 211
profane &, will remain I 207
prophets or II 492
Puranas, hold key to I 423
pyramids & II 353, 558
Pythagoreans were II 153
Ragon a European I xxxvi
rakshasas are II 165n
reborn after crucifixion II 560
records of, fr beginning of fourth race I 646
ring pass not & I 131
rising Sun & II 558, 559
ruled early fifth races II 364
rule the gods (devas) II 111
Russian mystics, in Central Asia I xxxvi
Sankaracharya greatest I 271-2
saved w secret teachings II 230
secret records of I xxxiv
see beneath maya I 45
Senzar once known to all I xliii
serpents & II 26n
seven number of II 35
soma given only to II 498
spiritual overcomes physical w II 499
swastika over hearts of II 586
symbolism, knowledge of II 439, 796
taught evolution of atoms I 522
three-day trance of II 580
tomb of an, at Sais II 396
trials of, symbol for II 505
twice-born II 70, 111
veil information re early races II 715n
war betw, & sorcerers I 419
will judge angels II 112
wisdom of early Hebrew I 352
withhold knowledge II 518


Aryan & Jewish II 469-70
astrology one of secrets of II 500n
awakens inner sight II 294n
Book of Enoch record of II 229, 535
Buddha overshadows highest I 109
buddhas meet adepts in I 574
candidate & dragon fight in II 381
Christians eliminated memory of I xl
circle squared at supreme II 450
cycle of, & sidereal year I 314
discussed [Lucifer] II 558-9
Egyptian, & Fall (Lacour) II 215-16n
facing one's Augoeides in final I 573
fourth race temples of II 211
fourth race wisdom only thru II 134
Greek writers gave truths of I 507
Julian re II 35
light of, & Fire Self II 570
manus, sishtas & third degree of II 308
mastery of cycles thru I 642
performed in Great Pyramid I 314, 317-18n; II 461-2, 558
Phenoch or Enoch symbol of II 617
into pre-Adamic Mysteries II 452-3
precede secret teachings I 164
psychic, spiritual elements & I 229
religious history related in I 307
sacred numbers known thru I 66-7
Secret Doctrine taught to Egyptians at II 137
secret II 378-80
secrets of higher II 51
septenary division taught in I 168
serpent & tree symbolize II 354-5
sevenfold mystery of, & lyre II 529
seven forms of, (Anugita) II 638
seven grades of I 206
tau cross, crucifix & II 542-3, 557, 586n
truth preserved thru I xxxvi
Upanishads prepared chelas for I 270
wand of candidate for II 518
water, fire in II 566n


Builders or II 345n
first, into Mysteries II 267n
"Great Sacrifice" called the I 208
Hanoch, Enoch, Enos & II 529n
high, creates bodhisattva I 109
Wondrous Being or I 207-12


apparent, of life II 303-5
humanity & causes of I 644

Inland Sea of Central Asia II 5, 220, 502-3, 637

Inman, Thomas

degrades tau cross I 405

——— Ancient Faiths . . . Ancient Names
derivation of Jehovah II 129
engraving of Mary II 38
symbol of fish II 313

In Matrem (Deorem). See Julian, Emperor

Inmetalization. See Immetalization

Inner Eye. See Eye, Pineal Gland, Senses, Third Eye

Inner God

animal-self vs II 272
man links, w matter II 274

Inner Man, drawn into Parent-Sun I 638-9

Inner Voice, conscience, chiti, or I 288n

Innocents, slaughtered by Herod II 504n


every, particle living I 261
Leibniz endowed, matter w life I 628
nothing in nature is I 280-1, 507, 626n; II 672
occultism does not accept I 248-9, 340

Inquisition II 38

alchemists & II 238


reality of delusions of I 295
soul free of body during I 234


at ancient Troy II 440
cuneiform & other II 4-5
in Egypt & Babylon II 793
on Egyptian tombs I 436-7
of lunar mother goddess I 400
at Sais of Neith I 393
on speaking stone II 342

Insects (sarisripa) II 52, 185

compared to materialists II 370
cycles in life of II 622
eyes of, part of skin II 295
gigantic II 198
man created II 290
fr man's relics third, fourth rounds II 290

Instinct(ual) I 640

animal I 234, 291
animal, & homunculi II 349
of animal monad II 103
of lemmings discussed II 782
monad & I 175
primordial blastema had blind II 120
sexless creative, of early man II 275

Institutes of Justinian, on sorcery, etc I 469

Institutes of Manu. See Laws of Manu

Instructors. See Divine Kings

Intellect (Human). See Manas, Mind (Human)

of Atlanteans I 192n
brain size &, (Davis) II 522-3
can deal only w emanations II 41
development of, in fourth round I 188-9
dhyanis gave, to man II 47n
divine, veiled in man II 74
gauging human II 301
great two-edged weapon II 163
gulf betw, of man & ape II 677n
power of, & saktis I 292-3
soul made room for physical I 225


"breaths" or angels II 318n
capacities different II 103
developed in fourth race II 167
egotism of, vs spiritual insight II 158
evolution goes w physical II 411
faculties develop later II 728
faculties influence evolution II 728
part of triple evolution I 181-91
replaced spiritual in fifth race II 300
rudras, kumaras developed II 585
over spiritual in civilization II 319

Intellectual Development . . . See Draper

Intellectual System. See Cudworth, R.

Intellectual World, second plane I 200

Intelligence. See also Consciousness, Wisdom

absolute, & heat I 85
all beings must acquire human I 277
buddhi & universal I 256
chaos impregnated by I 64
corporeality &, unrelated I 608n
cosmic, active II 596, 597n
esoteric meaning of, (Anugita) II 567
Fohat is guiding I 493
Mahat or, in Puranas I 330
mundane, or nous I 50
one indivisible, in universe I 277
subconscious, pervades matter II 649
time & universal I 62
waters of wisdom flow into I 239


animate centers of being II 34
animate manifestation I 634
behind rotation I 502-3, 505-6, 594
condemned to reincarnate II 248
within the Cosmic Soul I 530
elements ruled by I 146, 535n, 594
evolution guided by, (Wallace) I 107, 339
Fohat guided by universal II 330
formless, inhabit planets I 103
free, rebellious II 79
guiding, generate elementals I 146
invisible I 133
De Maistre on, & forces I 484
not supernatural II 194
primeval, must become human I 106
primordial substance & I 601
rational, of Kepler I 493
senses inseparable fr I 95-6
set laws into motion I 594
stars ruled by II 352

Inter-etheric Force. See Keely, J. W.

Interlaced Triangles

described, explained II 591-2
miscalled Solomon's Seal II 591
seal of Theosophical Society II 591-2

Intermarriage, admixture thru II 222, 331, 444, 779

Interpenetrating Spheres I 605

Interplanetary Space, stuff, substance in I 101n, 527, 587


atoms I 633
ether I 626; II 135

Introduction a l'etude . . . See Quatrefages, J. L. A. de [Histoire Generale . . . ]

"Introduction" Avesta. See Darmesteter, J.

Introduction to the Literature of Europe. See Hallam, H.

Introduction to the . . . Old Testament. See Horne, T.

Introduction to the Science of Religion. See Muller, F. M.

Intuition I 508, 619-20, 627, 629; II 369

divine, needed for deep truth II 516
equilibrates skepticism I 480
fourth dimension & I 251
laborious sense knowledge vs I 279
laya point & I 557
materialism freezes II 520
of orientalists II 565n, 606
pantheistic II 545
science & I 279, 670
soars above thought I 1n
of some scientists I 118
spiritual I 329n, 644
spiritual, & the sexes II 415
spiritual, not clairvoyance I 46n


Aryan II 716n, 741
of Egypt I 311
of India I 270

Invegetalized, human monad II 185

Inversion of Poles. See Poles

Investigations in Currency . . . See Jevons

Invocation(s) I 285-6; II 22, 385. See also Mantras


evolution & I 183; II 294
septenary cycle of II 623n
of sex II 289n
of spirit & inner senses II 294
of spirit into matter I 416
spiritual, illogical to deny II 348

Inzoonization, gods must pass thru I 188

Io (Gk)

"cow-horned" II 418n
descendant of, frees Prometheus II 414
divine androgyne II 416n
moon goddess, Isis, Eve II 416, 418n, 463
mother of God (de Mirville) II 414-15
number ten & II 416n, 463
prophecy of Prometheus to II 416-17
race of, early Ethiopians II 418
symbol of physical man II 416n
wanderings of, explained II 416n

IOH, Mout(h), Jehovah, Moon II 464

Iotef, diadem of Thot-Lunus II 464

Irad or Jared

son of Enoch, grandson of Cain II 391n
symbolizes third race II 597n

Iran II 439-40

angel Gabriel & I 576; II 538
folklore of, records Atlantis II 393-4
Jews sought refuge in II 200
rites of, based on zodiac I 649
Tahmurath St George of II 397


decad brought fr, & Brahmans II 573
Geiger on beliefs of II 758-9
refer to Atlanteans II 772
septenary chain among II 757
war betw, & Aryan Brahmans II 390

Ireland, rocking stones of II 343, 347


——— Against Heresies
Eighth Creation I 448, 449
four elements fr tetrad I 448
Gnostic view of first man II 611
Ialdabaoth & Anthropos I 449
necessity of four Gospels I 42
perfect Aion I 349
Propator & only begotten son I 349
seven figures [omitted in Isis] I 195
seven heavens I 448
spirit female, evil I 194n


circular stones fr Africa II 343
god Aesar (to light a fire) II 114
rumbling stone of the II 342n

Iri-sokhru (Egy), name of Khonsoo II 464

Iron I 493n; II 14, 271

invulnerability to II 371
Kabiri-Titans taught use of II 363, 390

Iron Age II 198. See also Kali-Yuga

fourth race & II 271
Jupiter created II 270
several Aryan races in I 644-5

Irruentes, fallen ones II 279

Isa (Skt), & Isvara II 114

Isaguri or Issachar (now Ashnagor), Afghan tribe II 200n


angel saved Israelites II 480
Assyrian armies called trees II 496
denounces Jewish phallicism II 588
evils come fr north & west I 123
fiery serpents II 206n, 212
Lucifer & morning star I 70; II 501
new moon & feasts II 462
reproofs of, to King Ahaz II 492
seraphim in II 63, 387n, 501

Isanagi, Isanami [Izanagi, Izanami] (Jap), two kinds of ancestors (pitris) I 217, 241

Isarim (an Essenian initiate), found Smaragdine tablet II 556

Iscariotes (Judas), not understood II 389

Ischin [Ishin] (Heb) II 375-6

Isdubar. See Izdubar

Ishtar (Assyrian Venus)

Ashtoreth or II 145
eldest of heaven & Earth II 248n
helped Sin overcome Messengers II 62
identical w Aditi & Vach II 43

Iside, De. See Plutarch

Isidorus (of Seville), on talking stones (Photius) II 342

Isis (Egy) I 388, 399; II 462

Aditi is II 43
ansated cross symbolic aspect of II 31n
cat sacred to I 387
corner of veil of, lifted I 299
crown of, an asp II 26n
daughter, mother of Osiris I 430
daughter, wife, sister of Osiris I 137
Diana &, parents of Earth II 23
egg sacred to I 366 &n
equal to Egyptian male gods I 136n
has horns, hence Vach I 434
Horus born fr Osiris & II 472
ibis sacred to I 362
Io, Eve or II 416, 418n
Kabiri or, taught agriculture II 390
lunar goddess I 228-9, 390, 396; II 23
Mout (Mut) aspect of II 464
Osiris interchangeable w I 72n
revealed mysteries of wheat & corn II 374
Sais inscription about I 393
shown suckling Horus I 400
suckling Harpocrates (Gnos) I 410
symbol of Nile riverbed & lunar year I 390; II 583
Venus &, w horns II 31
Venus or II 30
virgin mother of Horus II 43
wife, mother, sister I 396

Isis and Osiris. See Plutarch

Isis-Latona (Egy)

earth & water I 340; II 130
wives of Osiris I 340

Isis-Osiris (Egy)

ansated cross or II 217
cosmic allegory of II 143
Kabiri or, brought corn II 364
reigned over 75,000 years ago II 374n
taught arts, sciences (Basnage) II 366
Thoth &, man's ancestors II 365

Isis Unveiled. See Blavatsky, H. P.

Islam. See also Koran, Mohammed, Sufis

minarets of II 85
won converts w sword I xli

Island(s). See also Daitya, Dvipas, Rhodes, Ruta, Sacred Island

Atlanteans inhabited surviving II 326
Atlantic, continental remnants II 790
classics on, & continents II 760
dry, of Tahmurath II 398, 399
of good spirits II 371
holy, became black w sin II 67, 372 &n
India, South America joined by II 327
Lemurian II 7, 327
Ma-li-ga-si-ma legendary Chinese II 365
Plato's II 8, 9, 141, 250n, 314, 322, 352, 395, 693, 765
Polynesian, once large continent II 222-4
Puranas use, as symbols II 322
Samothrace II 3, 4-5
seven allegorical, of Puranas II 320-2, 326, 758
seven, belonged to Atlantis II 350
sidereal, Delos or Asteria II 383, 773 &n
twelve, centers & zodiac II 502-3
White II 67, 147, 288, 319, 322, 402-4, 407, 408n, 584

Islanders, South Sea II 168, 421n

Island Life. See Wallace, A. R.

Isle of Mona, moving stone at II 345


effects of, on races II 425
factor in variation II 738
secondary evolutionary cause II 648-9

Ispahan [Isfahan], Persian city built by Huschenk II 397

Israel. See also Jews, Prophets, Semites

children of, & Jehovah II 537-8
David numbers II 387n
goat &, as symbol II 510
God of, lower angel II 61
Jehovah & Michael guide II 480
karma of, glowed over first century I xli
kings of, called cedars II 494
no phallic Jehovah for 1,000 yrs II 469
race of, under Saturn I 576-7
Satan stood up against II 387n
seventy Elders of, & planets I 576
spiritual rock that followed II 341
tribes of I 651; II 130, 200n

Israelite(s). See also Hebrews, Jews

Baal of, is Sun-Jehovah I 397n
beliefs once pure as Aryan II 471
Carlyle on II 470
God of, tribal god II 508
may have worshiped Nebo II 456
mystery gods of II 3
primeval faith of, different I 320 &n
repeated Vaivasvata story (Noah) II 265
sacrificed often to wind, fire I 466
Sadducees refined sect of II 472-3
tribal god of II 420

Issa, woman, Earth, & Israelites II 200n

Issachar (son of Jacob)

Isaguri or II 200n
Taurus or I 651

Istakhr, or Persepolis II 398

Ister. See Ishtar

"Is the Sun Merely . . ." See Blavatsky

Isu [Tse]-no-gai-no-kami (Jap), male portion of duality I 217

Isvara (Eswara, Iswara) (Skt). See also Logos

atma is beyond I 573-4
in Bhagavad-Gita II 114
cannot see Parabrahman I 351n
creative potency or I 296n, 451
daiviprakriti & I 136
Hari or II 76n
ignorance &, as personal deity I 330
Logos or I 130 &n, 137, 434, 573; II 637
Lord or I 428; II 473
Mahat or I 256
male aspect of maya I 332
as manifested deity II 108
mulaprakriti known only to I 349n, 351n
Parabrahman & I 55, 130n, 451
plus maya is manifested world I 7
suddhisattva essence of body of I 132
unchanged in pralaya & manvantara I 573-4
various names for I 110
Wilford "saw Assur in" I 654

Iswur. See Isvara

IT. See also Absolute, All, Parabrahman

Brahman the noumenon I 374
breath of Absoluteness I 290
causeless cause I 258
desire first arose in II 176
invisible Deity I 114
Supreme as cause I 6

I't, King, fr the waves II 406


crosses along highways in II 542
Peruvians built like Pelasgians in II 745
rocking stones in II 342n

Itchasakti [Ichchhasakti] (Skt)

described I 292-3
will power used by yogis I 293; II 173

Iurbo (Gnos), name of Jao-Jehovah II 389

Ivi (Tahitian) bone, woman made fr II 194

Izdubar [Gilgamesh] (Chald) II 336, 531

Izeds or Peris (Pers)

Aryan race II 394
war of, w devs [daevas] II 776

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