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Faber, George S.
——— On the Mysteries of the Cabiri
Aletae, Al-ait II 142n, 361
ancient poetry based in truth II 264
[Cumberland q] II 393
Kaempfer q II 365
linked mundane egg w Ark I 360
mistake of II 142-3
Noah, Argha, etc II 141-2, 360n, 364, 390
Phlegyae islands were Atlantis II 144
sinking of Atlantis II 264-5 &n
Telchines, Kabiri, Titans II 360-1, 391
[Vallencey q] I 641-2n
——— The Origin of Pagan Idolatry
all religions fr one center II 760n
Gentiles vs Jews II 472n
Fable(s). See also Allegories, Legends, Myths
allegories foolishly called II 103
Greek, based on facts II 769
Satyr no II 262
Fabre, Abbe, Les origines de la terre et de l'homme, Eocene man does not conflict w Bible II 747
Fabularum Liber. See Hyginus, G. J.
Face I 220; II 479, 539
angels of the I 352n, 434n; II 479
kabbalistic I 197
Lesser, prototype of man I 215, 239-40
Lords of the Dazzling II 427-8
Microprosopus, Macroprosopus I 60, 215, 239-40, 350
seven spirits of the I 128, 198; II 115n
anthropology, geology & II 71-2
cannot be destroyed I xlvi
disfigured & revealed II 515-16
historical, become dogmas II 776
Secret Doctrine gives, & landmarks II 742
theory can never excommunicate II 715n
matter & man's, increase I 252
transmission of acquired I 219
Fafnir (Scandinavian dragon), Sigurd ate heart of I 404
Fa-Hien [hsien] (Chin)
Cheta initiation cave of I xx
——— Fo kuo Chi
re Garden of Wisdom II 204
Fa-hwa-king [Fa-hua-ching] (Chin), on Dragon of Wisdom I 470
Faigi Diwan. See Faizi's Diwan
Fail, Failure(s) II 475
of angels in creation II 239
among dhyani-chohans I 188; II 232-3n
of European language to express Law I 269
karma of I 188
monsters were II 192
of nature to create beings II 312
nature unaided will II 52, 102
of nature vanish II 330, 446
those who, slaves of matter II 272
Fairy Tales, embody history & religious concepts I 425
blind, of theologians I 669
blind, vs adepts' knowledge I 612
blind, vs karma-nemesis II 304-5
Lemurians had not to believe on II 272
without will, is barren II 59n
Faizi's Diwan, q by Max Muller I xli
Falconeri, E., found pigmy hippo II 219
Falconnet, E. M., on talking stones II 341-2
Fall, (the). See also Fallen Angels, Lucifer, Root-Race — Third, Satan, Self-conscious
apple, tree & II 354-5
atonement &, pagan II 505
caused by pride (Kabbalah) II 237
Christian idea of I 127
cross without circle symbolic I 5
described, explained I 192-8; II 62-3, 92-8, 192-3, 227-45, 283-4
desire to learn & know caused I 416-17
dogma of, & Revelation II 484-5
Egyptian initiation &, (Lacour) II 215-16n
first, into matter II 185, 470
fourth Adam after II 503
into generation or matter II 36, 104, 129, 262, 388, 510, 515, 609
in Genesis 4 II 388
gods also undergo II 231n
gods who incarnate in man or II 483
human shape developed after II 227
left no "original sin" II 261
meanings of II 139
no living soul till after II 456
occurred during early Mesozoic II 204
physiological, after Eden II 279
records of II 282-4, 486-7
result of man's knowledge II 513
Samael fell first II 112
Satan's II 484-7
scapegoat symbol of II 510
scientific when understood I 418
Semitic idea of I 383
separation of sexes & II 173, 204
Seth first result of II 126
seven keys to II 62
of spirit, not mortal man I 192-3
third Adam before II 503
third eye disappeared at II 301-2
third round Indra & II 615n
traceable to India I 418
two in theology II 62
various II 483-4
Fallacies of Darwinism, . . . See Bree, C. R.
Fallen Angel(s) II 60, 92-8, 475-505. See also Angels, Fall
abide in ether I 331
Achad or II 508
astral light abode of I 196
asuras same as II 500
became man's self-consciousness II 513
belong to material plane II 61
Burning Valley initiation & II 535
cast down into matter II 103-4
Christians took, fr Book of Enoch II 529
Church made, into Devil II 98
Church twisted meaning of I 331, 457-9; II 60, 94n, 228-32, 513-17
denounced by archangels II 382n
dhyanis became II 228
dogma of II 515
esoteric meanings of II 516-17
Heavenly Man or II 493
fr India via Persia, Chaldea I 198
key to human character II 274
kumaras degraded into I 458-9
man, humanity a I 450; II 274, 390
nephilim are II 61
New Aspects of Life (Pratt) on I 194n
overcome by Michael or Jehovah II 508
pagan in origin I 198
personified by Bel & dragon I xxvii
Prometheus a II 525 &n
rebelled against karmic law II 228
Satan, Old Dragon became II 506, 508
serpents, dragons of wisdom II 230
sons of God I 412; II 61, 229
true meaning of, in Kabbala II 228-9
truth re, cannot be given II 516-17
Fall of the Angels I 193; II 161
allegorized in Pymander I 417
into generation II 231n
incarnation or II 487
Kabbala &, (Ginsburg) II 284
repeated on every plane II 268
thru pride (Christian) II 171
transformed first-born II 283
Zohar on II 491
"False Analogies." See Muller, F. M., Introduction to Science of Religion
Families of Speech. See Farrar, F. W.
Family Race(s)
Dendera zodiac & last three II 433
duration of a II 433, 435
subdivisions of subrace II 198n, 434
subject to cleansing process II 330
Family Resemblances, explained I 261
Fane(s) II 458, 603, 756
of man designed for a god II 302
perfection of ancient I 208-9n
Faraday, Michael
atoms centers of force I 507
on force & matter I 510 &n
Faraday as a Discoverer. See Tyndall, John
Faraday Lectures. See Helmholtz, von
Faraday's Life and Letters. See Jones, H. B.
Farrar, Rev Frederic W., Families of Speech, Basque lang like ancient American II 790
Farses or Parses [Farsis, Parsis] (Pers), Peris remote ancestors of II 398
Farvarshi. See Fravashi
Fasti. See Ovid
Fatalist(s, ism)
believers in karma are not II 305
blind, result of ignorance I 643
karma is not I 639
Fate(s). See also Destiny, Karma, Lipikas
decrees of, in astral light II 236
Iblis agent of II 394
karma, nemesis or I 642-3; II 420-1n, 604-5 &n
karmic, of nations II 644-6, 675-6
lead atoms back I 143-4
(destiny) & Moira, goddess of II 604-5 &n
Norns make known decree of II 520
Zeus cannot escape II 414
Father(s). See also Fathers
cold mist or I 82
Helios, later called II 44
"I and my, are one" I 265, 574
of Jesus & Jehovah II 509
the One II 113
parent dhyani-buddha or I 574, 578
secret meaning of, & the Son II 231n
seven, & forty-nine sons II 564
seven planets or I 575
side of, first creation I 356n, 450
Son &, are "universal mind" II 492
Son &, as Sun & Moon I 229
vital electric principle of Sun II 105
Father-Aether or -Ether [highest principle] Archaeus I 51-2, 460, 465
Father-Mother. See also Hyle, Ilus
breath of I 144
cross in circle I 11
darkness is I 40
dhyani fr the bright II 55
differentiated world-soul I 140
fire & water or I 70
first differentiation of Kosmos I 18; II 236
first emanation of II 43
germ (egg) furnished by II 131
of gods or Oeaohoo I 68
Noun (Egy) or I 312
one during pralaya I 41
one w aether, akasa I 75-6
primordial flame proceeds fr I 88
ray & chaos I 70
spins a web I 83
spirit & substance I 41
svabhavat or I 60, 98n
Yliaster of Paracelsus I 283
Father-Mother-Son. See also Trinity
becomes four I 58-9
Brahma is I 41
Hermes on I 436
kabbalistic I 18
triangle & I 614; II 582
Fathers. See also Father(s), Pitris
could not make thinking man II 102
created bodies II 115
failure of I 194; II 105
human race fashioned by II 605
lunar beings II 88, 115
nature-spirits II 102
pass thru all Earth forms II 115
Pitri-Pati, lord of II 44
progenitors of men II 45
of wisdom called Pitar II 394n
Father Sadik, Noah, Melchizedek & II 391-3
Fathers of Church. See Church Fathers
Father Tree (Koran), phoenix myth & the II 617
appears cyclically II 325n, 733
of Atlantic isles similar II 782, 791-2
Australian II 196-7
changes every round, race, etc I 183-4; II 262
descends fr primordial monsters II 186, 276
of Europe II 714
New & Old World, very similar II 792
West Indian & West African II 782
Faure, electric accumulators of I 580
Faye, Herve Auguste E. A.
astronomers & geologists I 496
heat of nebula I 505
nebular theory of I 588, 599
on sun spots I 541n
——— "Sur l'hypothese de Laplace"
Phobos, Mars' satellite I 165
——— "Sur l'origine du systeme solaire"
comets generated in solar system I 500
Felix, Father, Le Mystere et la Science, science rejects life's mystery I 670
Female(s). See also Male, Vach
Adam male & II 127
Catholic, emblem II 38
Daksha creates II 163, 183
earth, water, passive II 130
form symbolic of esoteric philosophy I 351
generative power (Arg, Arca) II 416n
logoi male & I 246
-male or ansated cross II 217
Moon, generative principle I 228-9 &nn; II 65-6
power in nature, two aspects of I 431
seven, of Anugita discussed II 639
vertical line, male & II 30
Ferguson, James [1710-1776], believed many worlds inhabited II 706
Fergusson, James [1808-1886]
——— A History of Architecture
cyclopean works in Peru, Greece II 745
——— Illustrations of Rock Cut Temples . . .
Hindu Zodiac fr Greeks II 225
Indian architecture, zodiac fr Greece II 225
Indian cave temples after Egyptian II 220n
Ferho, of Nazareans I 195
Feridan [Feridun] (Pers), vanquishes Zohac II 398
fiery lives, microbes, etc I 262-3 &nn
Pasteur, Bernard I 249n
Carboniferous giants II 276
colossal, & mosses of today II 733
forests fr third round II 712
gigantic in Miocene (Pengelly) II 726
pine oldest tree after the II 594
Ferouer. See Fravashi
Ferrel, William II 64
Ferrier, on mind & matter I 124-5n
Fetahil [Pthahil] (Gnos)
begat seven races I 248
creates our planet I 195
identical w pitris, Prometheus I 195n
ordered to create, failed I 194; II 239
Fetichisme II 346. See also de Mirville, Des Esprits
Fetus. See Foetus
Fiat Lux
Adam Kadmon & I 246
angels commanded to create II 239
"Let there be Sons of Light" I 481
Levi on I 259n
Rabbi Simeon explains I 215-16n
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb
Absolute of, & Vedanta I 50
Advaita doctrine of I 79n
on Seyn, Daseyn (German) I 281n
unity of man w god-spirit I 79n
universal consciousness I 51
Ficino, Marcilio (Vicinus in tx), on anthropomorphic gods II 601-2
Fiend(s) I 612
bhutas of Vishnu Purana II 102n, 163
gods became II 237 &n, 274
breaths & sephirothal triad I 213
gold or, masculine principle I 364
nature of first dhyani-chohans I 82
wind, glowing cosmic dust I 107
Fiery Dragons (of Wisdom)
comets or I 203
dhyani-chohans II 280n
not fiery serpents II 212
Fiery Lives
analogy of ascending & descending arcs I 262-3n
builders & destroyers I 262-3n
Commentary on I 249-50
direct the microbes I 262n
globe, first round, built by I 259
independent living beings II 117
Fiery Serpent(s) I 414, 442; II 206, 387n. See also Fiery Dragons, Magic, Serpents
bite of, & brazen serpent I 364
described I 364 &nn
God moving on chaos I 74-5
Levites called, black magic II 212
Fiery Wheels, Four Maharajas or I 126
Fifth Race. See Root-Race — Fifth
Fifth Round. See Round — Fifth
Fifth Rounder(s)
abnormally developed intellects II 167
discussed & explained I 161-2
Figaniere, Visconde de
——— "Esoteric Studies"
on monadic evolution II 289n
new types of man each round II 290
Figuier, Louis
materialist, admits spirits I 620
——— The Day After Death
traditions have scientific weight II 136-7
Figures. See also Numbers
keys to esoteric system I 164
language of the elements I 464
occult, withheld I 170, 206; II 251
zero & I 99, 360-1
Fiji Islands II 788
Filia Vocis. See also Bath-Kol
Vach, Sephirah, Kwan Yin I 431n
Filioque Dogma, separates Roman & Greek churches II 635
Filippi, Filippo de II 646
Fils de Dieu, Les. See Jacolliot
cannot be perfect II 487
cannot conceive the Infinite I 51
infinite &, re monad & duad I 426
infinity cannot know the I 56
Finns, seventh subrace, fourth root-race II 178
Fire (element). See also Agni, Elements, Fires, Heat, Parsis
active, male principle II 130
aether &, atma-buddhi I 216
aether in purest form I 87
Agni (Vedic) II 101, 114, 381, 413-14n
air, water, earth & I 284; II 114, 616
Al-Orit god of II 361
angels (kumaras) II 243
born of water I 379
burns away lower senses II 639
circles of II 103, 232, 275n
cold, luminous I 250
deity presiding over time I 86
destroyed some races II 307n, 309, 725-6
discovered by inventors II 373
dragon of wisdom fr water & I 470
essence of, & flame I 6
ethereal & terrestrial I 469
finds refuge in water I 402
first after the One I 216, 447
first manifest material I 250
flame of, endless I 85n
by friction explained in Vedas I 523
gandharva forces of solar I 523n
genii of, are Kabiri-Titans II 363
giving knowledge of future I 339
God is a living, (Acts) I 121
god of II 236n
gods discussed I 340-1
higher self in Anugita II 638 &n
Holy Ghost as, [Acts] I 402
hydrogen is "fire, air, & water" II 105
initiation trials of II 566n
is all the deities I 101; II 567
Isis & Osiris or water & II 583
kabbalistic works on I 339
Karttikeya born fr water & II 550
least understood of elements I 120-2
life, heart, pulse of universe I 216
light, flame &, in Stanzas I 81-2 &n
living magnetic I 338 &n; II 311n
living spiritual, & man II 79, 102
lotus product of, & water I 57, 379n
male generative principle I 57
marriage of, & water I 341
Melhas or, -gods II 34
Mithra, Mithras, & II 130
never discovered II 523-4
one element or I 101
origin of, (Plato) II 373
origin of, first round I 259
people born of water & I 439n; II 605
pillar of, (Exodus) I 338n, 437
primordial, not physical I 69-70
progeny of electricity I 81-2
Prometheus & II 520, 523-4
pure akasa I 253
pure spirit of, in Sun I 493
purifies manas II 639
pyramid derived fr II 594
related to sight, etc II 107
Rosicrucians defined, correctly I 121
Rudra god of II 280n
sacred II 77, 80, 101n, 171, 363, 759
St Mark, lion &, (table) II 114
science does not explain I 121, 141-2, 521
sevenfold, manifested I 87
solar II 105
sons of, (agni-putra) II 363
spirit of, fructifies I 379
spiritual II 79, 105, 109
suchi or solar II 57n, 102, 105
swallowed by air (pralaya) I 372-3
symbolizes divine spirit II 113
third race could live in II 220
thunder, Jove, Agni or I 462
triple, invisible I 87
triple, of central spiritual sun I 87
universe fr air, water & I 92 &n
Vaisvanara is living magnetic II 311n
various names of II 114
vital II 267
water &, or Mother & Father I 70
water &, produced matter II 65
worshipers II 361
Yazatas II 400n
Fire (of Mind). See also Lucifer, Prometheus
-angels & divine rebels II 243, 246
black, of Zohar (wisdom) II 162
of the celestial gods II 210
creative II 101, 270, 414
first two races had no II 107, 113
higher self or II 109
holy, or Kabiri II 3
of passions II 99, 105
producer II 244
Promethean, became a curse II 412-13
Promethean, not physical II 523-4
-self or light of initiation II 570
seven circles of, (Pymander) II 103, 232, 275n, 448
spiritual, of middle principle II 79
Fire Atoms. See also Life-Atoms
become life-germs I 259
Fire Devas, divine rebels II 246
Fire Dhyanis
essence of man II 90-2
incarnate in third race II 91
Fire Mist. See also Pavaka
arhats of the I 207
ball of, becomes planet II 153
breath of fire I 83
after chaotic stage I 453
"Devourers" & I 259
primitive chaos luminous I 599
primordial, & elements I 201, 543
sons of the I 86, 207, 271n; II 212, 319
various names for I 140
Fires. See also Fire, Flames, Forty-nine Fires
alchemy & secret of II 106
Earth product of three II 247
forty-nine I 291, 439n, 520-1; II 57 &n, 85, 362, 521, 564
Narada one of the II 83
personified in Vayu Purana I 521
represent spirit or male element II 64
sacred, or Kabiri, Kumaras II 106
seven & forty-nine I 291, 411; II 57 &n, 362-3, 564
three, seven, or forty-nine II 247, 363
Titans-Kabiri sacred divine II 363
an ever-living power II 570
one w universal Spirit II 638 &n
First-born I 216, 399, 559
Ahura Mazda as II 488
ancients had no name for I 383
become asuras II 283
begin each manvantara II 80
fr chaos & primordial light I 344
gods, protogonoi II 43, 490n
heaven's II 224
host of builders is I 344
logoi or II 93
number for I 89, 91
Ormazd as the I 113n
primitive or first man I 264
"privations" of Aristotle II 489
refused to create II 82, 239, 489
various names for I 344
First Cause. See also Absolute, Unknowable
Eternal Cause not I 391 &n
gods proceed fr II 108
Logos & I 14-15n, 426
Naudin's theory of II 119-20
not Parabrahman I 14 &n; II 108
Plato's, eternal Idea I 214
point, monad or I 426
Pratt on, & Space I 9n, 342 &n
Space container of unknown I 342
Western speculation on I 327
First Logos. See also Avalokitesvara, Logos, Second Logos, Third Logos, Verbum, Word
Adi-buddhic monad manifests as I 571
Aeon, Aion or I 351
concealed deity & I 437
heavenly man is not II 599
Kwan-shi-yin I 452
Microprosopus is not I 215 &n
names of I 351-2
One, & mulaprakriti I 273-4
Parabrahman unknown to I 429
pasyanti form of Vach I 138, 432
ray of, uses Adam Kadmon I 214
Second &, two Avalokitesvaras I 72n
sexless II 128
sleeps in bosom of Parabrahman I 429
unborn, eternal energy I 130n
unmanifested "First Cause" I 16
Verbum or I 137, 428
Vishnu, Brahma Second Logos I 381n
First Principles. See Spencer, H.
First Race. See Root-Race — First
First Round. See Round — First
Fish, Fishes. See also Dag, Matsya, Oannes, Pisces
amphibians evolved fr II 256-7
androgynous forms found in II 118
atrophied third eye in some II 296
avatara of Vishnu I 263-4, 369, 385; II 69n, 139, 307, 578
Bacchus called the II 313
bisexual before mammals II 594n
Dag-on was a, & messiah I 653
divine meaning of, is savior II 313
dogs w tails of, (Chaldean) II 54
Ea (wisdom) or sublime II 495n
forms of, fr third round II 257, 712
giant II 201
Hea (Chaldean) the intelligent II 26n
human foetus & II 684-5 &nn
"I am the, of the great Horus" I 220
Jesus & followers called II 313 &n
Joshua son of the I 264
man-, (Chaldean) I 264; II 54, 495n
materialists compared to II 370
Meenam (Mina) zodiacal sign I 385
men w, -bodies II 63
Messiah connected w I 385
most, preceded man in fourth round II 594n
Mother-, or fiery, & spawn I 97
septenary cycle among II 622
sin, Moon & I 238, 263-4
Southern, in zodiac I 663
symbol in both Testaments I 264
theological meaning of, phallic II 313
Triton a man- II 578
Vaivasvata &, avatara I 369; II 139
Zohar allegory of I 393-4
Fiske, John
——— [Darwinism, & Other Essays]
defense of Darwinism II 680
——— Myths & Myth-Makers
Lyell differed w, re myths II 787
myths uncivilized, not profound II 786
——— Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy
glacial epoch II 778-9n
Fission, cell division, nucleus splits II 166 &n
Five. See also Pentagon, Quinary
becomes seven (nirvana) II 580
binary & ternary I 384; II 575-6
-fold nature of kumaras II 585
kumaras described II 577-8
Makara & II 576-80
strides of Fohat I 122
symbol explained I 391; II 575-80, 583
symb of life eternal & terrestrial II 579
symbol of womb I 391
three, seven, &, in Masonry I 113n
Five Ministers of Chozzar (Gnos)
androgyne II 577
sixth & seventh kept secret II 578
Five-pointed Star II 464. See also Pentacle
microcosmic, or man I 219; II 576 &n
reversed, symbol of kali-yuga I 5
Five Years of Theosophy I 530n; II 673n
adepts on nebular theory I 590, 593-4
atoms drawn back to us II 672 &n
cometary matter different I 142, 597
consciousness II 598
on constitution of Sun I 528 &n
dual meaning of Vedas I 270n
Egyptians, Atlanteans, etc II 436
"Elixir of Life" & initiates II 499
Greeks vs Atlanteans II 743n
Kalapa I 378n
on kingdoms I 176-7
kriyasakti II 173 &n
land bridges to South America II 327
Makara II 576-80
metempsychosis I 455
prajna I 139
primary prakriti is akasa I 256
septenary man I 157-8
six primary nature forces I 292-3
Sun has all the elements I 583
thread doctrine I 610
Fizeau, estimates Sun's heat I 484n
F. J. B. (in Athenaeum), on meaning of term "species" II 647n
Flagae of Paracelsus, dhyanis or I 222n
agnishvattas or II 79
Ahriman surrounded by II 516
assist Christian creator I 440
battle of the I 202
Book of Concealed Mystery re II 83
born of Universal Mind II 232
on descent becomes whirlwind I 97-8n
divine or Fiery Lions I 213
dropped spark into Australians II 318
fr a fire, endless I 85n
fire reflection of the One I 121
hierarchy of spirits I 86; II 63-4
identical w devas, rishis, etc II 85
incarnate in third race II 247-8
Kali the black I 443
land on Earth II 232
light, fire &, in Stanzas I 81-2, 599n
listed II 247-8
lords of, refused to create II 77
man needs four & three fires II 57 &n
Melha lord of II 63
physical light & I 259n
primordial I 88
progeny of electricity I 81-2
pure, self-conscious angels II 318n
rays of the one dark II 234
root that never dies I 34
solar, are reflections I 530
sons of the II 282
spark is the vehicle of I 265
spark will rebecome the I 265
spirit of I 458n
three-tongued, & four wicks I 237 &n
in Zend Avesta II 516
Flamma [alchemy]
-Durissima, -Virgo (chart) II 114-15
sulphur, spiritus & II 113
Flammarion, Camille
——— La Pluralite des mondes habites
Jupiter not molten II 135-6, 707
life on other worlds I 606n; II 45, 699, 701
many judge other worlds by ours II 702-3
magic properties of II 341
psychic natures enshrined in I 608n, 609
in Miocene II 675, 678, 688n, 723 &n, 738n, 740n, 748n, 755
scientists disagree re II 751-2 &n
Flood(s) I 389, 397n; II 150. See also Cataclysm, Deluge, Noah
Atlanteans divined coming of II 429, 610
Atlantis nearly wiped out by II 309, 350
Babylonian & Mosaic II 222
of Deukalion II 519
first, at end of satya-yuga II 146
first cosmic, was creation II 139
first, in Aryan memory II 332
great, allegorical & cosmic II 146, 307-10
Great, is Old Dragon II 352-3, 786
great, of third race II 331
great sidereal, & Vaivasvata II 310, 313
Jupiter reanimates race after II 270
M'bul or waters of the I 385
Mulil caused waters of, to fall II 139n
of the Nile II 353
no, 3102 BC I 370
Noah's I 370, 444n
Noah's, not Central Asian II 141
occult science survived great I 341
second, of fourth race II 146
Vaivasvata saved race fr II 309-10
various II 141-8, 222, 353
Zoroastrian II 356
Flora, Floral II 741
Australian Oolitic II 196-7
changes periodically II 53
evidence & Atlantis II 726-7, 781, 783, 790
men, animals &, once huge II 276, 733-4
similarity betw Old & New Worlds II 792
Flora Tertiaria Helvetiae. See Heer, O.
Florence, built on Etruscan cities II 221
Florida, built out by corals (Agassiz) II 133
Florilegium. See Stobaeus, G.
Flower, Sir Wm. H. II 196n
——— "Classification of the Various . . ."
three human types today II 471n
——— "The Study & Prog of Anthropology"
monogenistic origin of man II 169
Fludd, Robert, Tractatus apologeticus . . . , Light & Darkness identical I 70
Fohat as universal vital I 493
primitive, of Kant I 623
theory of electricity I 508, 516
theory of heat discussed I 515-17
Flute of Pan, symbology of II 581
camel II 205
dragons II 387, 676
fiery serpents II 206 &n
Fo-ch'ou (Chinese)
teacher, miracle maker II 215 &n
Foetus (Fetus). See also Embryo, Recapitulation of Embryo
changes of, & rounds I 184; II 257, 684-5
conception of, mystery II 174
cycles of human I 389
developed fr what? I 222
digestion in II 131
gill-clefts in human, expl II 684-5
growth of, fr germ to man I 222-4; II 177, 187-8
& oviparous early third root-race II 132
tail in human, described II 685
vegetable phases of II 685n
Fohat ("Turanian compound") II 586
abodes of I 204
androgynous energy I 137
"Ares" of Paracelsus I 284
asleep & awake I 109
Aurora Borealis, Australis & I 205
awakens primordial matter I 82, 110
axial changes guided by II 329-30
breath of I 635
bridge betw spirit & matter I 16
brings ray in union w soul I 119
circular motion & I 201
cosmic electricity I 76, 85, 111-12, 144-5, 493, 554
cosmic energy I 328
described I 16, 76, 109-12, 204-5, 328; II 400n
differentiated light I 216
divine love, Eros or I 119; II 65
double triangle & I 216
emanation of powers behind I 139
evolution guided by II 649n
fiery whirlwind I 108
force accompanying ideation I 110-11
fourth son of, & Crookes I 562
genesis, birth of I 145, 328
guided by universal intelligence I 493; II 330
guides star's death, rebirth I 147
hardens the atoms I 85
hissing, or serpent I 76
impresses thought on substance I 16, 85; II 649n
instrument of Logos I 137n
key to symbols, allegories I 673
life-electricity I 137, 139; II 65
life fr action of I 526n
Light of the Logos I 137, 602 &n; II 400n
lords propelled by II 86
male-female, bipolar I 145
manifested & unmanifested I 109-10
as many as there are worlds I 143n
not a personal god I 139
objectivizes seven centers of energy II 604n
Pramati son of II 413-14n
prana, male, active I 525n
produces seven laya-centers I 147-8
rich w dhyani-chohanic thought II 649n
runs the manus' errands I 63
scientists not asked to accept I 590
separates & places sparks I 116
separates matter into atoms I 76
sets nebulae in motion I 84
sets world germs in motion I 672
sevenfold I 139, 145, 554
seven sons, brothers of I 145, 204-5, 216, 523-4, 554
shapes atoms fr crude material I 112
solar energy I 111
steed, thought the rider I 107-8
swastika emblem of II 587
synthesis of nature's forces I 672
thread of, & the Spark I 238
three & five strides of I 112, 122
Toum &, identic I 674
turns seed, curds opposite direction I 673
vehicle of Primordial Seven I 108
Fohi (Chin) Heavenly Man
biblical patriarch (Bailly) I 648
men of II 26-7
trigrams of II 554
Foh-maeyu [Fo mai-yu] (Chin), temple of Buddha II 215
Foh-tchou. See Fo-ch'ou
Foix, Franccois de
——— Le Pimandre de Mercure . . .
disfigures Pymander II 114, 491 &n
man, animals double-sexed II 96 &n
man's seven principles II 491-2
Fo-kien, sacred library in I 271n
Fo-kone-ky. See Fa-Hien
Folklore(s). See also Allegory, Legends, Myths
based on fact II 393
historical lining to all I 303
similarities among II 393
Fontenelle, B. de I 304
Footprints, fossil II 10, 755
Foraminifera, Paleozoic, same today II 257
Forbes [Cotes, Roger] I 492
Force(s). See also Elementals, Energy, Powers
activities of entities I 146, 293
aether source & cause of I 508
akasa necessary to understand I 587
all bodies connected by universal I 511
atoms & molecules centers of I 507
blind, fallacy of II 298, 475-6, 648-53
breath of life, never-dying II 589
Butlerof on I 517-18
centripetal & centrifugal I 282n, 416, 593, 604; II 24, 170, 261
the coming I 554-66
commanding the I 514n
correlation of I 96, 521, 674 &n
correlations of elements & I 373n
cosmic manifestation & II 24-5
cosmic, seen by seer I 633-4
Crookes q on I 550-1
Cuvier doubted nature of I 490
danger of Keely's I 563-4
defined as body in motion I 502n, 518
design in seemingly blindest I 277
effects of the four elements I 342
electric & magnetic, at poles I 205
equilibrium of, (Grove) I 497 &n
ever-acting cause I 93n
first constructive, or builders I 344
generated by Powers I 520
God of religion abstract I 397
gods, called esoterically I 672
imponderable, intelligent I 587, 671n
incorporeal stuff I 508
independent of matter (Hirn) I 512
intelligence of nature's I 279, 287, 425, 499, 587, 604
intracosmic intelligent, & God I 529
Keely's "New" I 565-6
known, worshiped by ancients I 509
ladder of I 554
latent in laya I 140, 155
laya noumenon of I 148
life rules, (de Quatrefages) I 540
little understood I 424
male & female II 84
manifestation & two contrary I 282
manifested unknown realities I 509
matter & I 111n, 491, 511-12, 518
-matter-chance trinity of science I 505
matter-god of science I 509-10
"modes of motion" I 146-7, 671n
molecular energy or I 670
monadless spiritual I 632
motion &, not separate I 512
motion of I 517-18
motor-, Le Couturier on I 502
moving matter I 554
of nature aspects of univ motion I 147
Newton's doubts re nature of I 490
not a property of matter I 491
occult, of cardinal points I 122-3
ONE, of Genesis I 337
originate in solar vital principle I 591
perceivable states of matter I 143n
phlogiston & substance of I 511-12
physical, vehicles of elements I 469-70
psychic & spiritual, origin of I 515n
pure, nothing in physics I 510
a quality of something I 509
resides in atom I 511-12
sakti as six-fold I 292-3
same, each manvantara I 145
secondary agents (Jaumes) I 506
semi-intelligent I 514n
septenary I 290; II 492, 612, 621n, 631, 732
space, matter &, (Pratt) I 615
spirit, matter & I 341; II 103
spirit or demon behind every I 633
spiritual entities (Pythagoras) I 492-3
spring fr upadhi of ether I 515n
Stallo on mass & I 510-11
Subba Row on I 292-3
substance of some kind I 511, 514
-substance-time a trinity I 582-3
Force and Matter. See Buchner, L.
Forces non definies, Les. See Rochas d'Aiglun
Forest, symbol of man's life II 637
Forethought, fr, Prometheus II 413n, 420n
[Forlong, General J. G. R.], Rivers of Life, degrades tree & serpent worship I 405
Form(s) I 480. See also Ideas, Prototypes, Rupas
adept's power to change his II 705n
all, exist in prototype I 281-2
all primordial, spheroids I 65
change each round, race II 262
drop of water spheroidal I 98n
of early races II 17-18, 102, 109, 121, 164-7
fifth race first symmetrical II 294
Heavenly Man model for all I 89, 183
human, change least II 256
life precedes & survives I 222
man passes thru all, in first round I 159
no, without astral prototype I 282 &n; II 660
previous human, not lower II 260
record of, in strata meager II 260
rounds, races &, (Figaniere) II 289n
secondary consideration II 262
septenary groups of II 593, 622
spirit evolves, out of aether I 332
thrown off fr man during third, fourth rounds I 683, 685
universal deity & I 492-3n
Fortnightly Review, Grant Allen on Neanderthal skull II 687
Fortunate Islands, origin of life on II 398
Forty-nine Fires, Globes, Races, Stages
Commentary on I 290-1
every one of, a distinct function I 521
explained I 520-1; II 57 &n, 564
in Leviticus II 618, 747-8
seven &, in India I 411; II 611
seven &, worshiped II 362
Forty-nine Stations, for Earth monad each manvantara I 238
Fossil(s). See also Giants, Mammals, Reptiles
absence of transitional, (Mivart) II 697
ancients knew of early race II 285
astral, fr third round II 68n, 684
Atlantean II 740, 753, 791-2
earliest known II 254
of Eocene man predicted II 690
European, cannot prove man's antiquity II 725
few, fr earlier rounds II 730
first two races left no II 289
of flying camel or pterodactyl II 205-6
geologic displacement of, (Winchell) II 325n
geologic, record imperfect II 260
of giants II 277, 285
of man & ape II 675-80
of monkeys in Miocene II 723n
no, missing links II 260, 660-1, 674, 681 &n
Oolitic (Jurassic), & Australia II 196-7
of Paleolithic man II 686n
Swiss cattle fr, -oxen II 287
why no giant human, in dolmens II 753
Foster, Sir Michael, Textbook of Physiology, development of embryo II 131-2
Foucault, J. B. L. on heat I 502
Fou-kone-ki. See Fa-hien
Fountain of Life
Earth's, described II 400n
in Fortunate Islands II 398
Four. See also Cardinal Points, Maharajas, Quaternary, Yugas
becomes symbol of truth as cube II 600
Chinese dragons, genii I 408
female or matter I 36; II 592
forms of Vach I 138, 432
grades of initiation I 206
holy, sacred I 92, 98, 99, 442
Key-Keeper of nature II 600-1
kumaras sacrificed themselves II 281-2
lords full of passion II 212
lower principles or soulless animal II 604
Maharajas I 122-8, 408
man's elements & II 604
mean betw monad & heptad II 599
-mouthed Dragon-lake II 204
planes of manifestation I 200
rivers of Eden I 367
sons of God (Egyptian) II 213
soul contains number II 575
streams of milk, etc I 367
symbol of chaotic matter II 600n
Tetraktys, sacred square or I 89n
three &, male, female I 321
three & three &, or ten II 564
truths of seven given so far I 42
united w three became perfect II 601
Four, the Sacred
allegorized in Linga Purana II 282
four-lettered ineffable name II 282n
remain to serve mankind II 281-2
Tetraktys, Self-Existent One or I 88
Four Circles
equator, ecliptic, two tropics I 204
Fohat's four sons placed in I 204-5
Fourmont, Etienne, Reflexions . . . , Genesis 4 not understood II 375
Four Quarters
each of, w seven parts I 408
four Maharajas preside over I 122
lipikas guardians of I 103-4 &n
Fourteen Precious Things I 67 &n
of any series unique I 182-3, 586n
dimension of space discussed I 251-2 &n
number the turning point I 586n
Fourth Gospel. See John, Gospel of
Fourth Race. See Root-Race — Fourth
Fourth Round. See Round — Fourth
Four Truths
nidanas based on the I 39
teachings on the, secret I 45
Four Winds, carry out karma I 123
Fox, can mate w dog II 287
Fradadhafshu (Avestic, Tradadhafshu in tx), globe C of Earth chain II 759
Fragment K 3454 (British Museum), on Chaldean god Zu II 283-4n
Fragments. See Cory, I. P., Ancient Fragments . . .
Fragments d'une histoire de la terre . . . See Rougemont, F. de
field of giants in II 277
land connection w Britain II 750
nearing a catastrophe I 646
once joined w Newfoundland II 791
Paleolithic man in II 523, 686
rocking stones in II 342n
Franck, Adolphe D.
——— La Kabbale
Ayin, Ain-soph, No-Thing I 350
Dabar or Word I 350
modern Kabbala fragmentary II 461
"narratives of the Doctrine" II 447
race that was destroyed II 2
two thaumaturgists I xliii n
Francoeur, L. B.
——— Philosophie naturelle
attraction alone not enough I 529
——— Uranographie
combining attraction, repulsion I 529
Franccois de Tours. See Foix, Franccois de
Frankenstein I 594
mechanical animal of sorcerers II 427n
without mind man less than II 56
Mrs Shelley's, explained II 349
physical-chemical evolution a II 652
Fravashi (Avestan, Farvarshi in tx)
divine impersonality of II 478
ferouer or II 478-9
immortal man, higher ego II 480n
privations, ideal types II 489
"soul" of all creations II 480
instinct in all creatures II 484
intellectual, & sons of Mahat II 103
Freemasonry. See Masonry
Free-Will I 639; II 304n, 412
Prometheus preferred II 420-1
French Encyclopaedia. See Encyclopedie
[Freret, Nicolas], on Chinese year II 621
Fresnel, Augustin-Jean
held ether to be discontinuous I 482
phenomena of polarization I 486
Freund, Dr Wilhelm, Latin Lexicon [Worterbuch . . . ], Sodales, priest colleges II 212n
Friday, Venus day I 652
air-water symbol I 358
church lamps shaped like I 386
Egyptian symbol I 385-6
in the Moon creative god symbol I 355
Frost Giants. See Hrimthurses
Fruit (of Tree of Knowledge)
Adam, Eve warned against II 267
church fathers made, forbidden II 98
eating, brought on struggle II 272
eating, man becomes like elohim I 276
soma is the II 499n
of tree (various) II 97-8
Fruits, brought fr higher spheres II 373-4
"Fuel of the Sun." See Williams, M. M.
Fuerst. See Furst, J.
Fuga et Inventione, De. See Philo Judaeus
Fundamental Conceptions. See Strachoff, N.
Fundamental Propositions, Three I 14-20
Fundamento Sapientiae, De. See Paracelsus
Funerary Ritual of the Egyptians. See Rouge
Furst, Julius
——— Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon
Cain, Vulcain II 392-3n
crucifixion & nailing II 558
Yaho, IAO II 541
Fusaiolos (terra-cotta discs), swastika on, at Troy II 101
adept may read I 631
giants read, in stars (Creuzer) II 285
of individuals & magic mirror II 179
past &, alive in present I 105
past, present & I 37, 43-4; II 446
predicted on math principles I 646
Fylfot (Norse swastika), four-footed cross, II 546