Index to The Secret Doctrine — prepared by John P. Van Mater

- At-Az -

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Atabulus (Lat) [a hot burning wind (Sirocco)], diabolos, devil, Simoo(m)n II 385

Atabutos. See Atabulus

Atah. See Attah

Atala (Skt)

Atlantis, White Island & II 322, 403, 408
one of seven dvipas (islands) II 40
Sankha-dvipa called II 405
Wilford mistaken re II 147, 402-3

At-al-as, divine sun II 361

Atash- [Atas-] Behram, Zoroastrian sacred fire I 338n


law of I 261
man's stature & II 749

Athamas (Thomas) II 135

Athamaz (Tamaz), Adam Kadmon same as II 44

Athanor, astral fluid of alchemists I 81


adbhutam [Rig-Veda] II 621
Agni & Kamadeva II 57
Kama born first II 176
Kasyapa sprang fr time II 382n
three rajamsi [Rig-Veda] II 622n
time II 611-12
watchers & guardians or lipikas I 104n

Atheism I 7 &n, 266

anthropomorphism & II 555
created by religion I 183
idiotic, based on materialism II 158
nihilism & II 651
Secret Doctrine teaches no I 279

Atheist(s) I 644; II 653

Advaitee occultists not I 6
ancient, believed in gods I 611
believers in karma not II 305
Svabhavikas called I 3

Athena, Athene (Gk). See also Pallas

Apollo &, change into birds II 771
Gladstone on II 77
Prometheus &, create new race II 519

Athenaeum, The I 494; II 314, 647n

Athenaeus, Deipnosophists, on Satan's name II 31n


sacrifice to Boreas, etc I 467
Swanwick re Zeus & II 411-12n
Unknown God of I 327


fossil monkeys found near II 723n
Prometheus Bound & II 413
submerged in ancient times II 270n

Athivahikas I 132. See Adhivahikas

Athotis (Egy), built palace of Memphis II 334

Athtor I 346. See Hathor

Atizoe (Pers stone), magi consulted II 346

Atlantean(s) or Fourth Race. See also Atlantis, Cainite, Daitya, Giants, Root-Race — Fourth, Ruta

Andaman Islanders, Australians, Tasmanians fr Lemuro- II 195-6, 721
anthropoids in, explained II 185, 193, 201n, 286, 679, 689
apex of physical development I 609; II 319
Aryan Asiatics saw last of II 433
Aryan wars confused w, wars II 776
astronomical records kept by II 353
Asuramaya an II 47, 50, 67-8, 70
bred w descendants of mindless II 286
built great images II 331
Cainites, sons of Ham II 146
called the Great Dragons II 756
cities of II 20-1
civilization of, & Egypt II 426, 429-31
civilized & savage II 723
colors of II 178, 227, 249, 433n
completely human species II 227n, 266, 715n
continent in Eocene, Miocene II 693
Cro-Magnon, Guanches, Basques, & II 678n, 740, 791
Cyclopes belong to II 293
Deluge not Chaldean or biblical II 4
destruction of II 147n, 178, 350, 424-8, 494, 533-4, 693, 742n
devs (Persian) were II 394
"divined the coming of floods" II 429
dragon of Revelation &, magic II 356
Druid priests descendants of II 756
dwarfs among II 331, 433n
Earth grosser in mid-, race II 250
Easter Islands & II 224, 326
eleven "Buddhas" of II 423n
endured for millions of years II 263
ethereal prototypes of II 9
Europe rising during, peak II 722-3, 740-1
fell into savagery II 743-4
forefathers of apes II 201n
giants II 9, 70, 93-4n, 146, 224, 227n, 232n, 236, 265, 350, 433 &n, 753 &n, 756, 760
gibborim, rakshasas were I 415; II 273-4
gravitated to South Pole II 274
hierophants II 530
highly civilized, intellectual I 189, 191, 192n; II 760
incarnations of lunar devas II 495
inhabited surviving islands II 326
initiates taught Cyclopes I 208n
invasions of Europe II 743-4
Irish circular stones were II 343-4
Isis Unveiled refers to II 496
islanders perished II 395
Jupiter belongs to, cycle II 270
karma "bruised the heel" of II 411
karma of, & 5th race II 302-3
King of Tyre (Ezekiel) & II 492-3
"land of bliss" of II 356
language developed in I 189; II 198-200
last of, mixed w Aryans II 444
Lemurians & I 190; II 319-20, 333-4
libraries destroyed II 692
magic black & white I 192n; II 273
magic lang of, priests I 464
"mash-mak" force known to I 563
mated w animals II 286-7, 331, 689, 775
mid-, twenty-nineth kalpa II 249
Miocene destruction of II 693
moon, sun & I 397
mysteries secret after II 124
Noah was an, (Faber) II 265, 390
no anthropoids in brighter days of II 679
no fresh monads since mid II 303
now viewed as mythical II 761
one-third of, joined fifth race II 350
Paleolithic man was II 740 &n, 790
perished on Ruta & Daitya II 433
Peruvian colony offshoot of II 745
pioneers of fourth race not II 323
pride of II 271, 760
prototypes of Nimrods, Hamites II 272
Puranic accounts of II 140, 146-7 &n, 232n
pyramids, menhirs & II 352
rakshasas & asuras I 415; II 227n, 232n, 276, 323
records on prehistoric skins II 692
religion of II 273-4
rocking stones built by II 343-4, 347
Ruta & Greeks & Romans II 436
Ruta last large island of I 650
sacrificers to god of matter II 273
Sanskrit not spoken by I 23
satyrs among II 775
Senzar of, fr third race I xliii
seven, divisions of Earth II 366
seven sacred islands not II 326
several humanities in II 433n
size of II 331, 760
skeletons may be discovered II 674
sleep never disturbed by dreams II 761
sorcerers, giants, & unholy destroyed I 419; II 93-4n, 350, 495, 636
sorcery of I 397; II 272 &n, 286, 371n, 493, 503, 772
Stone Age man & II 716n, 720-1
submerged in Miocene II 156, 395 &n, 433
superhuman powers II 760, 764
Telchines were Titans II 391
third eye atrophied II 302, 306
Titans, fallen angels, & I 417-19
Titans, Kabiri, & II 265, 390-1
Uranus(os) first king of II 762, 765
used magic against Sun II 762
went fr Sahara to Mexico by land II 424
"White Island," seven kumaras & II 584
writing invented by II 439, 442
zodiacal records II 49

Atlantes (Gk). See also Atlanteans, Atlantis

Diodorus on II 762, 765
Herodotus on II 761-2, 771n
Titans &, (Faber) II 360, 765
Titans called II 360

Atlantic II 405, 408

continent possible (Huxley) II 780-1
great, flood II 353
huge Lemurian islands in II 327, 333
islands & New World flora II 322n, 791-2
Milky Ocean or I 419

Atlantic Islands, The. See Benjamin, S. G. W.

Atlantic Ridge(s) II 792-3

confirms horseshoe land bridge II 333
three long II 782

Atlantides (seven daughters of Atlas)

cursed the Sun II 407
historical II 76
Pleiades or II 768
symbols of subraces, fourth Race II 493

Atlantis. See also Atlanteans, Atlantes, Axis, Deluge, Root-Race — Fourth

adept re, before Plato's II 406
Africa & II 263-4, 314, 740, 761
alchemy born in II 763n
ancient writers describe II 767-8
art of II 426
astronomical allegory (Massey) II 353
astronomical evidence of II 407-8
Asuramaya's birthplace II 50, 67-8
Atlas & II 761, 763, 768
Bailly rejected submersion of II 265
broke into seven pieces (dvipas) II 405
cause of Deluge of II 349-50, 410, 427, 533-4, 636
Ceylon remnant of II 314
continents & kings before II 765
Cyclopean relics of I 208-9n; II 335-47, 742-60
destroyed by water II 316, 762
destruction of II 222-3, 313-14
divine dynasties of II 370-1, 773
Eocene height of II 710, 717
evidence for II 740, 780-2, 790-3
Ezekiel refers to II 494 &n
Faber re II 144, 264-5
Flood nearly wiped out II 309, 406n
flora evidence for II 322n, 727, 739
fourth continent I 369; II 8, 334, 606n
giants of II 275-6, 753, 777n
Hindu Aryans dwelt in II 406
histories of, destroyed II 763n
holy island black w sin II 371-2
Iranian folklore records II 393-4
Isis Unveiled on II 384
islands & continents of II 67, 220-4, 265, 322-3, 350
Latona-Niobe story & II 771-2 &n
lemming migrations & II 782
Lemuria & II 221, 266, 333
Lyell's "explanation" of II 787-8
Maligasima, "Maurigosima" II 365
man on, submerged (Gould) II 218-19
Mayas coeval w Plato's II 35n
moral depravity & sinking of II 786
mountain peaks of II 763
names for II 323-4n
Neptune divided, among sons II 406
Noah & II 222, 265
northern & southern parts of II 371n
Northern Hyperborean II 770n
overlapped Aryan race II 433n
Pengelly re II 726-7
Phlegyae & II 144, 265, 365
Phrygian priests describe II 371
pithecoid skull & II 727
Plato's, coeval w Mayas II 34-5n
Plato's, in Hindu dress II 407-8
Plato's island/continent II 8, 141, 250n, 314, 323, 324n, 352, 370-1, 395, 743n, 761 &n, 767-8
postdiluvian (Bailly) II 265-6
Proclus re II 408-9
pyramids fr Plato's II 429
race of magicians II 222
remnants of II 222-3
"Romakapura" last of II 50, 67-8
Ruta, Daitya & I 650-1; II 314n, 433, 740
sacerdotal language of I xliii, 464
Saka-, Sankha dvipa, & Sankhasura were II 322, 407-8 &n
sank end of Miocene II 8n, 10, 156, 314n, 395n, 433 &n, 693, 710, 740, 778
science denies existence of II 314, 429
secrecy re knowledge of II 763-4
seven islands of II 350, 408-9
sinking of, remnants II 124, 141, 250, 313-14, 332, 352, 395, 433&n
Sons of Light, Darkness in II 772-3
submerged I 439n; II 140-1, 156, 266, 306, 310, 395, 606n, 693, 778, 786
subraces & seven daughters II 768
survivors of, in Gobi II 371-2
Sweden as Plato's, (Rudbeck) II 402
Theophrastus [Theopompus] re II 371, 760
theory of, factual (Seeman) II 781
Thevetata king-demon of II 222
Vaivasvata & II 265, 310
war betw initiates & sorcerers I 419
White Island, Atala & II 67, 322, 403, 408 &n
Wilford's mistakes re II 402-9
Yudhishthira at sinking of I 369
Zarathustra fr early II 322-3

Atlantis: The Antediluvian World. See Donnelly, I.


first settled Egypt II 746
Greeks, Romans, Egyptians fr II 436
kings of Egypt II 750-1
red Adams or II 426

Atlanto-Lemurians. See also Lemuro-Atlanteans

religion of II 272
sires of later anthropoids II 688n
took mindless wives II 283
Veda went forth to II 483

Atlantosaurus immanis II 218

Atlas. See also Niobe

Atlantis named after II 765
myth of II 762-3, 772
Orion or, supports world II 277, 763, 791
Pleiades daughters of II 618, 768
symbol of fourth race II 493-4

Atlas, Mt

Atlantes gave name to II 371, 761
fables of II 493-4
fourth race Mt Meru II 493
island in Lemurian times II 264, 763 &n
not Meru II 401n, 404, 493-4
Sun set at foot of II 407
where "the gods were born" II 765
Wilford mistaken on II 401n, 402n, 404

Atma(n) (Skt). See also Kshetrajna

alone remains I 570-1n
anatman & I 59n
assumes illusive body I 570
Avalokitesvara & I 110 &n, 130n, 471
beyond Isvara I 573-4
breath of life I 226n, 291
buddhi & I xix, 119, 157, 177, 179, 193, 245, 334, 570; II 231n, 580 central & polar suns & II 241
Christos of Gnostics I 132n
connection betw manas & II 579
diagram I 157, 242; II 593, 596, 632
highest, not spirit I 573
neshamah & I 242-5
no body or shape I 245
not in the Tiaou I 227
not of this plane I 244
one w Paramatman I 265
passes into Non-being I 193
Purvaja, protologos, or II 108
ray of the One I 181, 222
relation to human ego II 79, 110
seventh (or fourth) principle I 153n, 158; II 403
spirit or I 153 &n, 213, 242, 571
synthesis of the six principles I 334
thread soul (Vedanta) I 610n
universal spirit in man I 571; II 596
Unmanifested Logos (cosmic) II 596

Atma-bhu (Skt), kama is II 176, 578

Atma-buddhi (Skt)

aupapaduka (anupadaka in tx) & I 52
blind without manas I 242n; II 123n
dhyani has to be I 193
first & second races & II 254n
guru or instructor II 113
human monad I 178-9
manas absorbed by I 220, 237, 243-5
manas follows, to devachan I 334
manas hangs fr I 238
Parabrahman-mulaprakriti I 68-9n
sattva I 68-9n
spirit-soul I 213, 216
Uraeus of flame I 227

Atma-buddhi-manas (Skt)

become one II 57 &n
eternal I 227, 570
spirit, soul, intelligence I 18
symbolized in Zohar I 339
third order of celestial beings I 218
three-tongued flame I 237 &n
triple crocodile (Egy) I 220

Atmamatra, Atmamatrasu (Skt), elements of self I 334

Atmanah or Self I 333

Atma-vidya (Skt) self-knowledge

called Rohanee by Sufis I 199
key to three other vidyas I 168-9


alters matter passing thru I 142
changes in I 554-5, 633-4; II 53, 159-60
in early periods II 159-60
"Father of man" impervious to II 160
laboratory in our I 583, 625
lungs, mouths of every globe I 144
maruts, lower akasa & II 615
of Mercury, Venus, Mars II 707
mighty ones penetrate our I 434
planetary, & fate of atoms I 143
unknown substances in I 595-6

Atmu (Egy), atma or II 632

Atom(s). See also Anu, Elements, Jiva, Life-Atoms

Absolute in every I 58-9; II 588
absolutely spiritual I 543
anu (Sanskrit) or, is Boundless I 148, 357
apperceptive monads inform I 632
birth of I 453-5, 545
born each manvantara I 545
centers of force I 507, 630
change in atmosphere I 142
chemical periodicity of II 627-8
combine differently on each planet I 142-3
Crookes on I 546-54, 582
Democritus, Leucippus re I 2, 64, 117, 343
divisibility of I 519-20
drawn together by karma II 672
electricity & I 111n
elementary germs I 139
eleven-year cycle of I 290
every, a life I 76, 248-9, 258, 454
every, life- & death-giving I 261
evolutionary journey of I 183, 268, 522, 620
fill immensity of space I 633
Fohat hardens I 85
force not in, but betw (Hirn) I 511
force resides in I 511-12
germ exists in center of every I 57
"gods" in shape of I 568
gods, monads & I 610-34
heat internal, external in I 84
inanimate, self-guiding I 569
inseparable fr purusha I 582
instinct w desire for life (Tyndall) I 249
intelligent "noumenoi" of I 553
Leibniz on I 628-31
life-, & sleeping- II 672
mathematical point (Mertz) I 628-9
matter-moving nous in I 51
metaphysical object I 485, 513
metempsychosis of I 568n
mineral monad & I 177
monads, universes I 21, 107; II 672n
mystery of, (Father Felix) I 670
nature never leaves, unused II 170
no, is ever created I 582
not eternal I 545, 552
not inorganic I 454
not uniform I 512-13 &n
not yet individualized I 178
occult order of I 218n
omniscience thrills in every I 277
perpetual exchange of I 142
primordial I 148, 455
progressive development of I 43
sciences differ re I 482-3
self-consciousness of every I 10
self-moving, questioned I 670
seven planes of existence I 150
smallest of the small [Vishnu Purana] II 46-7
soul, genius, angel I 567, 569
"-souls" of, (Haeckel) II 670
sound a disturbance of, (Keely) I 565
spirits of, elementals I 221, 567-9
vacuum or void & I 343
vibration, motion of I 2, 455, 633
volume unalterable I 511
vortical, (Thomson) I 117, 579
whirling souls I 568 &n
will rebecome the All I 268
worlds fr primordial II 731
Wundt on I 513


theory & materialism I 518
theory borrowed fr ancients I 567-8
theory of evolution I 625
vibrations I 455, 562
vortices I 117, 569

Atomic Weight(s)

element of negative I 581, 584
table of, & number seven II 627

Atomists, Greek & Hindu I 569, 579, 613

Atomo-Mechanical Theory I 512-13 &n


Christ victim of II 497
effects of dogma of II 484, 505
goat symbol for II 510
original sin followed by II 699

Atri (Skt)

Brahma's mind-born son II 78
sons of II 89

Attah (Heb) thou I 78

At-tee'kah D'at-tee'keen [`Attiqa' D`Attiqin] (Aram), Ancient of Ancients II 83-4

Atteekah Kaddosha [`Attiqa' Qaddisha'] (Aram), formed things masculine & feminine II 528

Attica, people of II 352

Attila I 563

Attock II 417, 418n


Boehme on I 494
electricity & I 145
gravity & I 490-1, 500-6, 529-30, 604
kundalini-sakti & I 293
Le Couturier on I 492n, 494
planetary motion not explained by I 529
repulsion & I 12n, 102-3, 293, 489, 497, 604
sexual polarization & I 405

Atwater, Caleb, re Aztecs I 322

Atyantika Pralaya (Skt) I 371; II 69n, 309n

Atys (Gk), son, father, husband I 396

Atzilatic World. See Aziluth

Aub, Ob (Heb), serpent in a circle I 364n

Auction II 603. See Lucian

Audhumla (Norse) primeval cow

mother, cosmic soul I 367
nourisher I 427

Audlang [Andlang] (Norse), second heaven II 100

Audubon, John James, "Birds of the South," yellow water lily of, doubted II 440

Augoeides (Gk), in final initiation I 573


more numerous now II 518
serpent & II 209

Augustine, St

angelic virtues of I 123 &n
called Devil "monkey of God" II 476
cosmogonical essays of I 441

——— The City of God
Church rejected Enoch
II 535
Jesus called a fish II 313n
on Venus-Earth relation II 32

——— Sermon 160th
cross & circumcision II 589

Aum, Om (Skt)

fourth world (race) lost II 408
pranava or I 432n

Aupapaduka (Skt, Anupadaka in tx) parentless

buddhas of compassion are all I 109
chhaya-loka first garment of I 119
dhyani-buddhas are I 52, 571
Great Wheel was I 27, 47
Kala-chakra on I 52n
mulaprakriti is I 62
point in circle I 91
Space the eternal I 11

Aur, Aour [Or] (Heb) light

En Soph [Ain-soph] not I 354
first primeval light I 76 &n


dhyani-chohans in world's II 233n
disease &, (Paracelsus) I 538
first race reproduction & II 117
Kabbala re spirits in Earth's I 234n
life copies impressions in I 261
sound, color & I 514n

Aurgelmir. See Orgelmir

Auric Envelope, astral fossils in II 684

Aurnavabha Acharya (Vedic commentator), on Vishnu's three strides I 112

Aurora, The II 634. See Boehme, J.

Aurora Borealis, Australis

interstellar shoals & I 633-4
radiant matter, light & I 621n
safety valves I 205
sons of Fohat, akasa & I 204-5
yellow corn &, (Zunis) II 629

Aurva (Skt), gave agneyastra weapon II 629

Australia II 763

can produce no new forms II 197
Europe &, once one continent II 333, 781
formerly much closer to India II 8n
Gardiner on II 782-3
Lemurian remnant II 7 & 8n, 314, 324, 328, 333, 789
one of oldest lands II 197

"Australia and Europe formerly one Continent." See Seeman, B.

Australian(s) (aborigines) II 168, 318

archaic flora & fauna of II 196
Atlantean offshoots II 721
brain measurement of II 193n, 661, 682n
descend fr late Lemurians II 195-7, 199n, 328, 779
dying out II 162, 195-6, 332, 779-80
last of higher race (Gerland) II 779
lowest race (Broca) II 195-6 &n, 725
not descended fr anthropoids II 193
Paleolithic hatchets II 716
"They were not ready" II 162
Thomas on II 729

Australoids, fr anthropoids (Huxley) II 315n


negroid skulls found in II 739
old skulls in, of very tall men II 278

Auszuge aus dem Buche Sohar. See Biesenthal


pretended, & theosophical books I xix
scientific II 316n

Auto-generation, of the gods I 398

Automata, of Leibniz & Aristotle I 632n

Autumn, & figure six II 583

Auvergnat Man, cranial capacity of II 168n

Avabodha (Skt), knowledge II 528

Avalokitesvara (Skt) I 471-2. See also Bodhisattva, Chenresi, Padmapani

Adi-buddha manifests as I 110
becomes manifest to us I xix
incarnates in Dalai & Tashi Lamas II 178
Kwan-shi-yin, Kwan-yin I 72, 136, 470-1
Kwan-yin female aspect of I 72
Logos(oi) I 71-2 &n, 74n, 108, 130n, 136, 471; II 178, 637
manifests periodically II 178
mind-born sons of I 213
other names for I 110, 428; II 178-9
seven dhyani-buddhas & I 108
seventh principle of man, cosmos I 74n
unborn, eternal energy center I 130n

Avara (Skt), inferior II 163, 183

Avastha(s) (Skt), divine, or Trinity I 18-19

Avat (Pers), upper Earth globes II 759

Avatara(s) (Skt). See also Avalokitesvara, Kalki, Maitreya, Sankaracharya

Boar or Varaha I 368-9 &n; II 53, 321
Buddha, of Vishnu II 578
coming, or tenth II 420
divine-human, of India I 349
divine impersonality of II 478
every, a fallen god II 483-4
Hegel accepted periodical I 52n
Hindu, & unseen principle II 555-6
immaculate conception & I 399
Kalki I 87, 268, 378; II 416n, 420
Krishna as II 48, 225n, 359, 550
Kurma, of Vishnu II 549
Kwan-shi-yin last of I 470
Matsya first, of Vishnu I 263-4, 369, 385; II 69n, 139, 307, 578
minor, & Buddhas of Confession II 423 &n
Nara-Simha an II 225n
spiritual Sun sends forth I 638
successive, of first triad I 668
Tsong Kha-pa, of Amitabha I 108n
of Vishnu I 18, 653; II 33, 408n

Avayakta. See Avyakta

Aveling, Ed. B., translated Haeckel II 87n, 164n

Aves (Lat) birds II 656

Avesa. See Amilakha

Avesta. See Zend Avesta

Avicebron. See Ibn Gebirol

Avidya (Skt) ignorance I 7

Avikara (Skt) immutability II 46

Avogadro, Count Amedeo

atoms not uniform I 512 &n
produced revolution in chemistry I 622

Avyakta (Skt) unmanifest I 521-2; II 46-7

Avyaktanugrahena (unmanifest-creation), Parabrahman-mulaprakriti I 521-2

Avyaya (Skt) imperishable

eternal life, Vishnu I 370; II 69n
Purusha-pradhana & I 582
undecaying I 420

Awasthan [Arvasthan] (Skt), Arabia II 406

Axieros, Aschieros (Gk)

Demeter is, in female aspect II 362
derivation (Mackey) II 362n
one of four Kabiri II 362
Sanat-Kumara II 106

Axiokersa, Achiosersa

derivation (Mackey) II 362n
Persephone II 362
Sananda II 106

Axiokersos, Achiochersus

Pluto, Hades II 362
Sanaka II 106

Axis, Axes. See also Cataclysm

angle of, & seasons II 356
Apollo-Diana, Sun-Moon & II 771
changes of I 369; II 52, 292, 314, 324-5, 771
changes of, in Enoch II 145, 533-4, 726
changes of, in Vendidad II 356
disturbances sank second continent I 369
inclination of Venus's II 32
karmic disturbances of II 274, 329-30
neutral I 148
science & violent changes of II 314, 726
shifting, & deluge II 145, 314, 324-5, 360, 533-4, 771
zodiac & changes in II 431

Ayana (Skt)

Narayana fr Nara-ayana II 591n
spirit moving over waters I 344

Ayanam (Skt) half-year, three roodoo [ritu] make a II 620

Ayin (Heb) nothing I 350

negative, female letter I 114n

Aza (Heb), to illuminate II 114

Azael, Uzza &, twitted God II 491

Azareksh (Zor), fire temple of II 6n

Azazel, Azaziel, Azazyel (Heb)

Hebrew Prometheus II 376
host of, taught fourth race II 376
sacred goat in Bible I 441n; II 389n
scapegoat of Israel II 387, 389n, 409
serpent prototype of II 387
wrongly associated w Satan II 376

Azburj. See Asburj

Azhi-Dahaka (Zend), war betw, & Thraetaona II 390

Aziluth, Atzilatic World [Atsiluth] (Heb), first kabbalistic world II 111, 604

Azoic Age

beginning of life (science) II 711
hostile environment of II 159-60
life in I 258


remnant of Atlantis II 222-3, 791
undersea elevation & II 792-3

Aztalan, country of Aztecs I 322


calendar & pyramids I 322
divine bird of II 141
once a mighty race II 445

Azupiran(u). See Sippara

Azure seats II 424-5

Theosophical University Press Online Edition