Index to The Secret Doctrine — prepared by John P. Van Mater

- Ha-Her -

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Ha (Skt), to abandon II 182n

Habel. See Hebel

Habir-on, or Kabir town II 541

Haches (Fr) rude stone hatchets

Neolithic, Paleolithic II 722
prehistoric, resemble modern II 716-17

Hachoser. See Ha-hozer

H'adam-[h] II 467

Hades II 415, 523. See also Hell, Tartarus

Axiokersos, Pluto or II 362
cave of initiation II 237n
cold realm of shades & II 774
Hyperborean II 138
Jesus guides souls to II 542
limbo, kama-loka or I 244; II 374n
Mercury guides souls to II 364, 542
our globe is, (Hinduism) II 234
Prometheus sent to II 412
Satan angel of, (Havas in tx) II 235
spiritual ego descends into II 558
Zeus wished to send Titans to II 776

Haeckel, Ernst

crass materialism of II 651
father of mythical Sozura II 656, 745n
man-ape of Miocene a dream II 745n
mixes theories w facts II 662-3
monera of, criticized II 151
moneron II 164-5n, 658-9, 685n
occult science & II 348
stupendous pretension of II 649-50
terms coined by, spurious II 663n
theosophists do not respect views of II 651

——— Anthropogenie . . . [Evolution of Man]
fr Amphioxus to man II 663
development of embryo II 659
man fr Catarrhine apes II 665
man's evolution II 190

——— "Cell Souls & Soul Cells." SeePedigree of Man (below)

——— History of Creation [Naturliche . . . ]
ape-like man absolutely unknown II 729
ape-man, gorilla, orang II 317n
development of embryo II 258-9
five divisions of global history II 711
human ancestral races II 656

——— The Pedigree of Man
ape-man or homo primigenius II 193n, 317n
atoms have sensation II 673
atrophied eyes in animals II 296n
Australian aborigines II 328, 779
Bathybius I 542; II 164n, 190, 650, 656, 670 &n, 674
"Cell-Souls & Soul-Cells" II 649, 650, 671n
civilization traced to ants, bees II 650
consciousness molecular II 650
critics of, ignorant men II 664
evolution of the eye II 295, 299n
geology & paleontology not exact sciencesII 656
giant Pacific continent II 328
Lemuria & origin of man II 171, 327-8, 789
limits of knowledge II 673-4
man & ape II 87n, 164-5n, 264, 665, 668, 679-80
man & ape have common ancestor II 189
man fr Catarrhine ape II 264, 327, 663n
moneron II 164-5n, 658-9, 685n
natural forces working blindly II 652
origin of life II 164-5n
prosimiae II 668
q du Bois-Reymond II 656
soul organs & functions II 671n
South Asia not cradle of human race II 789
speech fr animal sounds II 661
vegetable phase of foetus II 685n

——— Perigenesis of the Plastidule
wave motion of particles II 671-2

---- "Present Position of Evolution" II 650, 670

---- "The Proofs of Evolution"
embryo mirrors the race II 187 &n

——— Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science
q Haeckel re monera II 153n

Hagar (Heb), the bond-woman II 76

Haggard, Sir H. Rider, She, quoted II 317n, 319

Ha-Hoser (Heb), reflected lights I 506

Ha Idra Zuta Kadisha. SeeIdra Zuta

Haima (Skt) [golden], Hiranya or, egg (Vishnu Purana) I 360

Hajaschar. See Hayyashar

Ha-Levi, Jehudah [Judah Halevi]

——— [Kitab al-Khazari]
calculation & weighing II 41, 234
Kabbalistic number values II 40

Halevy, Joseph, [Melanges d'epigraphie . . . ], fallacy of Turanian mania II 203

Haliaetus Washingtonii, Audubon's, doubted II 440

Haliburton, Thomas Chandler, on listening to both sides II 794

Hall, A. W., Scientific Arena I 146n

Hall, FitzEdward (editor, Vishnu Purana)

adibhuta in Vishnu Purana I xix
Brahma caused creative potencies I 55
defends Wilson I 453n
heliocentricism in Vishnu Purana II 155
Jagad-Yoni defined by I 46
more able than Wilson II 89
preferred Original Sanskrit Texts (Muir) I 453n
q Vans Kennedy I 419n

——— Rational Refutation . . . (translation)
on akasa I 296n

Hallam, Henry, Introduction. to the Literature of Europe . . . , man image of God & ape II 728

Halley, Dr Edmund, "An Account of several . . . Meteors . . . ," recognized self-luminous matter I 590

Halliwell, James O.

——— [Rambles in Western Cornwall . . . ]
giant bones in Malabar tombs II 347
megalithic remains II 342-3

Hall of Misery (Scand), or human life I 407

Hall of the Ancestors (Totmes [Thutmose] III), fragment (cross) fr II 559

Ham (Heb)

Arkite Titan (Faber) or myth II 343n
Cainites & sons of II 146
chaotic principle II 597n
Jupiter as Adam & II 270
Mizraim &, Kabiri II 393
Nabatheans descend fr II 453
parallels Chaldean story II 283-4n
Roman Church links, w sorcery II 391
seven brazen columns of II 612-13
some Titans descend fr I 417
stole seven books fr ark II 612
symbol of race that sinned II 397
Votan descended fr II 380

Hamilton, Sir William

——— [Lectures on Metaphysics]
definition of Absolute (Cusa) II 158n
on the word "theory" II 665

Hamite(s), Hamitic

African sorcerer called II 343
Atlanteans prototypes of II 272
"family race" II 147n

Hamlet II 306

Hammannunah. See Book of

Hammer of Creation. See also Swastika

continual motion II 99

Hamsa, Hansa (Skt). See also Kalahansa

bird of wisdom II 293
interpretation of I 78-81
Man-Swan, of later third race II 131
mountain range north of Meru I 79
one caste [Dowson] I 79
Swan of Life I 549
term for Brahma I 20

Hamsa-vahana (Skt), Brahma (neuter) or I 20, 78, 80

Hamy, Jules T. E. II 744

Cro-Magnon & Guanches II 678 &n, 790n
flints human handiwork II 752n
man dates fr Miocene II 714n

Handbook of History of Philosophy. See Schwegler, A.

Hanina, Rabbi, thaumaturgist I xliii n

Hanneberg [Haneberg, Dr D. B. von], on Book of Enoch II 532

Hanoch, Hanokh, Henoch II 361, 391n, 529. See also Enoch

exploits of II 366
gave astronomy to Noah II 532
initiator, teacher, Enos II 529n
male, female beings & II 469
son of Seth II 469

Hansa. See Hamsa

Hanuman (Skt)

advisor to Rama I 388
genealogy of I 190
monkey-god of Ramayana II 680
reconnoitered Lanka II 163

Haoma (Avestan). See also Soma

beautiful, golden II 517
church made, forbidden II 98
fruit of Tree of Life II 97
white, or gaokerena II 517

Hapsburgs, Habsburgs, motto of II 458

Hardenberg, F. von. See Novalis

Hardvar II 324, Pass of, or Kapila's Pass II 571-2

Hardy, R. Spence, The Legends and Theories . . . , on Buddhist Canon I xxvii &n

Hare, Robert, phenomena of spiritualism I 520

Hari (Skt)

Adikrit or, sleeps I 371-2
born of Sambhuti II 89
destroyer, flame of time I 370
incidental or ideal cause I 372
male principle II 76n
one of the hypostases I 18, 286
Vishnu or I 286, 421

Harikesa (Skt) one of seven mystic solar rays I 515n

Haris (Skt), class of gods II 90


Agni & Lakshmi II 578
asuras doomed to incarnate II 93
Brahma as a boar II 75
Daksha curses Narada II 82
Kama son of Lakshmi II 176
Kapila as son of Vitatha II 572
maruts II 613, 615
seven sons of Vasishta [II 146n]
Sukra imbibing smoke II 32
untrustworthy French translation of I 457-8n
Virajas & elder agnishvattas II 89


absolute, only karmic decree I 643
contraries produce I 416
evils of life & I 644
gods agents of universal II 99
law of, depends on altruism II 302n
Logos source of I 433
music of the spheres & II 601
in nature & disturbances II 74
Naya or II 528
of numbers in nature II 622
Pan-pipe emblem of septenary II 581
betw two natures of man II 268
union, brotherhood & I 644
universal, & karmic law II 305, 420

Haroiri [Haroeris] (Egy). See Heru-Ur


constellation of, & South Pole II 360n
[Harpe or sickle] of Kronos II 390

Harpasa (Asian city), balancing rock at, (Pliny) II 346-7

Harpocrates (Gk)

god of silence II 396
Isis suckling, (Gnostic) I 410

Harris. See Papyrus Magique Harris

Har-Ru-Bah (Egy), Apophis & II 588

Hartmann, Franz

——— The Life of Paracelsus
all matter living I 281
animal man & elements I 294n
birth of elements I 283-4 &n
liquor vitae, etc I 532, 538-9
Mysteria Specialia I 283 &n
Paracelsus anticipated science I 283
transcendental reality I 281-2
Tritheim on magic, astral light II 512n

——— Magic, White & Black
mistakes made in II 640

Hartmann, Karl Robert Eduard von

"Absoluter Geist" of I 50
agnostic I 19n
evolution guided by the Unconscious I 1n; II 649
evolutionary plan & Unconscious I 1-2n
pessimism of II 156n, 304n
reflects Plato's ideas I 281
Spencer, Schopenhauer & I 19n, 615n
Unconscious of, Western Logos II 670

——— [Philosophie des Unbewussten]
evol guided by the Unconscious II 649
insufficiency of Darwinism II 648
transcendental reality I 282
the Unconscious of, & language II 662

——— Der Spiritismus
immaterial beings of Kant I 133n

Harvey, William

circulation of blood I 559
stood alone for years II 156

Haryasvas (Skt), sons of Daksha II 275n

Hasoth. See Yesodoth

Hatchets (haches, French), of early man II 219, 439, 716-18, 722, 724, 738

Hatha-yoga (i) II 640

acquiring pranayama of II 568
dangerous without higher senses I 95-6
lower form of yoga I 47n; II 568

Hatho, on Ararat fr Arath (Earth) II 596-7

Hathor (Egy)

infernal Isis I 400n
as Moon, suckling Horus I 399-400
Mout (Mut) aspect of II 464
Night or, as primeval substance I 346

Hati (Egy), animal soul II 633

Hatteria Punctata (New Zealand lizard), atrophied third eye of II 296, 298

Haug, Martin

Aitareya Brahmana translated by I 101
conflicting views of Vedic chronicle I xxx
on heliocentrism II 155

Haughton, Professor Samuel

age of Earth II 695
Cambrian age II 11
elevation of Europe II 694-5

Haute Garonne, skeletons at II 739

Hauvah. See Havvah

Havas. See Hades

Havvah (Heb). See also Eve, Hebe

Abel &, feminine serpent II 125n
Adam-Kadmon fecundates I 240
Eve, Eden (Aeden) or II 42n
inquisitive wife of Ad-am II 220
life or, made into Eve II 194n
Mother Earth II 31n
part of name Jehovah II 125, 388n, 467

Havyavahana (Skt), fire of gods I 521

Hawaiians, decimated by Europeans II 780


Egyptian use of I 359, 365, 366n; II 356n, 357, 360n, 558, 634-5
killer of golden, risked death I 362

Hay, Mr, on colors & forms II 622

Hayo Bischat. See Hayyah Bishah

Hayyah (Heb, chaiah, chayah in tx) life

Gnostics got, fr Aziluth II 604
kabbalistic human principle II 633
nephesh-, or living soul I 226n

Hayyah Bishah [Ra`ah?] (Heb) [evil beast], apes descend fr II 262

Hayyashar (Heb), light forces I 506

Hayyim (Heb), elohim identical w I 130

He, Heh (Heb) letter H II 85. See also Hoa, Hu

borrowed fr pagans II 473-4
Eve & I 394
letter for Binah I 438n
symbol of womb I 391; II 460, 473-4
YHVH, Tetragrammaton & I 438n

Hea, Hoa [Ea] (Chald). See also Ea

Chaldean god of wisdom II 26n, 531
Oannes-Dagon or II 5
Silik-Muludag [Merodach] son of II 477
universal soul I 357
would deny man knowledge II 282

Hea-bani (Chald) or Enkidu (Sumerian), raised to heaven by Hea II 531

Head(s) II 282

cosmogonies begin w egg, circle & I 443
multiple, stand for races II 775-6
three, of Kabbala or Trimurti I 381; II 25
white, or fifth race II 706


adept-, (or Idei) by metals II 361
gods are all II 26n
how to become a II 517
Mercury, of the blind II 542
Rudra, & destroyer II 548

Healing, effected by fission, gemmation II 166n


developed at beginning of 5th race I 535n
related to ether, sound II 107

Heart II 282

ancestral, is permanent ego (Egyptian) I 220
concealed Sun is I 290
of dhyani-chohanic body II 91
diamond-, or vajrasattva I 571
great, beats in every atom II 588
human, compared w solar I 541-2
sevenfold human II 92
solar, & sunspots I 541-2

Heart of Africa. See Schweinfurth, G. A.

Heart of the Hydra [Alphard] I 664

Heart of the Lion [Regulus in Leo], solstitial point at beginning of kali-yuga I 663

Heart of the Scorpion [Antares in Scorpio], equinoctial point at beginning of kali-yuga I 663

Heat II 15. See also Fire

affections of matter I 484, 493
fr air, (Upanishads) I 330
aspect of anima mundi II 562
aspect of universal motion I 147
atomic, internal & external I 84-5
breaks up compound elements I 83-4
breath or I 103
called a god esoterically I 672
cold &, explained I 82
conversion of, into mechanical force I522
correlation of electricity I 81-2
creative fire or I 201
fire, motion & I 69, 81-2, 97-8n
fluid theory of I 515-17
Fohat cause of I 139
Hunt on Sun & I 530-1
light &, aspects of fire I 2-3; II 130
light &, compared (Leslie) I 515n
Mercury's, seven times Earth's II 27-8
Metcalfe's calorie & I 524-5
mode of motion I 516, 525
nebular, pure theory (Faye) I 505
not matter (science) I 515
not property of matter I 493
noumenal & phenomenal I 145-6
parasakti, light & I 292
pertains to manifested worlds I 82
de Quatrefages on I 540
springs fr upadhi of ether I 515n
stage in cosmogony I 250
of Sun & ether (science) I 102
Sun not cause of I 580, 591
thru contraction I 84-5
ultimate causes of I 514-17
Venus', twice Earth's II 28
water fr, (Upanishads) I 330

Heathen(s). See also Pagans

do not eat sacred symbols II 210n
Jewish monotheism & II 472 &n
public scoffs at, sources I 279

Heathen Religion, The. See Gross, J. B.

Heaven(s). See also Hell, Lokas, Mt Meru, Wars in Heaven

Chinese I 356
creation of, & flood story II 139
Egyptian I 674
Elijah taken up alive to II 531
elohim shaped the I 239
fiery serpents of I 126
Gnostic angels or I 448; II 563 &n
higher globes or, (Norse) II 100
hosts of, will-less II 484
initiates taught revolution of I 569
man link betw, & Earth II 370
marriage of, & Earth I 417
the "Mountain," North Pole, or II 357
primary, seven-fold II 631
sabbath & I 240
seven I 447-8, 450n; II 403, 563, 612
seven, in Parsi mythology II 607
solid & revolving, (Zend Avesta) II 516
spirit of, & Earth creators II 477
struggle in II 377
superior & inferior hebdomad in I 448
Taka mi onosubi no Kami (Japanese) & I 214
three, are ascending globes I 250n
two, of Jews I 254, 354

Heaven & Earth. See Reynaud, J. E.

Heavenly Bodies

every one the temple of a god I 578
genesis of I 203-4
suggested early geometry I 320

Heavenly Man. See also Macroprosopus

Adam Kadmon I 137; II 596, 704 &n
Ain-soph's chariot I 214
as celestial Logos I 246
creative subordinate powers II 544
dhyani-chohans or II 683
Divine Man & II 194
evolutionary model I 183
first born II 25
Fohi or, (China) II 26
four emanations (Adams) fr II 457
Hermes calls Jupiter the II 270
host of angels II 236
incarnated in man (Prometheus) II 413
Kwan-yin, Verbum, etc & I 137
as light II 37
Logos is II 234, 236 &n
manifested Logos II 626
marriage of, (Pymander) II 231
Microprosopus I 240; II 626
monad & II 186
pi, circle & I 114
Purusha or II 606
in Pymander I 291n; II 97, 103, 267 &n, 493
quaternary symbol of II 595
saktis of I 356
Sephirah wife & mother of I 430
synthesis of sephiroth II 704n
ten sephiroth or I 215, 337
terrestrial man reflection of I 619
Tetragrammaton I 240; II 25, 599, 625n
took form of Crown (Kether) I 433
unmanifested spirit I 215
various names for I 110, 114

Hebdomad(ic) (septenary)

Gnostics had three I 448-9
mysteries of II 590-1
structure of men, gods II 91-2, 590-8
tetrad unfolded becomes II 599
of Valentinus I 446

Hebdomas, name of Iao I 448

Hebe (Gk), Heve or Eve, bride of Heracles II 130

Hebel (Heb). See also Abel, Cain

Abel or, female II 125n, 127, 135, 469
Adam-Rishon & II 315, 397

Hebrew(s). See also Israelites, Jewish, Jews

adopted Phoenician system II 560
alphabet has occult meaning I 94
angelology & Hindu gods I 92
ank taken fr Egyptians II 31
death for betraying, secrets II 396
dragon symbol fr Chaldea II 354
esoteric Genesis taken literally II 95n
followed oriental philosophy I 618
God same as Horus II 474
hated Bal, Bacchus worship II 471
Hecate & jealous God of I 395
Hindu &, language compared I 115n
Holy of Holies of, not original II 468-9
Job oldest in, canon I 647
kabbalists & I 393
language a science I 313-14
language divine (Skinner) I 308-9, 316-17
letters phallic symbols I 114n
Leviticus fr Chaldees II 748
man created in sixth millennium I 340
never had higher keys I 311
no, ideas came fr Egypt (Renouf) I 402
number value of, letters I 78, 90n, 91
phallic worship & sexual theog I 115n
rabbinical value of, letters I 316
secret god of I 391
sexual religions of II 274
temples described by Clement I 462
ten perfect number in II 416n
theogonic key to, symbolism II 595
time regulated by Moon II 75
traditions imply pre-Adamites II 394
twelve hours of kabbalists I 450
used bull & cow for man & woman I 390
week & year of II 395
wisdom of early, initiates I 352
word for week is "seven" II 623-4 &n
worshiped Moon I 390
worship of tribal god II 274

Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon. See Furst, J.

Hebrew & English Lexicon. See Gesenius, H.

Hebrew-Egyptian Mystery. See Skinner, J. R.

Hebrew Lexicon. See Parkhurst, J.

"Hebrew Metrology." See Skinner, J. R.

Hebrews (Paul)

creation of worlds II 704
eternal sabbath I 240
God made worlds by the Son II 703
Melchizedek II 392
"that he should not see death" II 531

Hebron [Hebron] (Heb)

David first ruled at II 541
Hebir-on or Kabeir-town II 541
Smaragdine tablet at II 556

Hecate (Gk)

Diana-, -Luna & Trinity I 387
infernal goddess I 400
triple, & god of the Rabbins I 395
wife, mother, sister explained I 396

Hedone (Gk) [voluptuousness], country of delight & Eden compared II 204-5

Heer, Professor Oswald

——— "Contributions to the Fossil Flora . . ."
European Neolithic plants African II 739
facts of botany suggest Atlantis II 739
Miocene magnolias at seventieth parallel II 726

——— Flora tertiaria Helvetiae
supported Atlantis theory II 783

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm F. I 96n

Absolute Being & Non-being I 16; II 449n
Supreme Spirit of I 50
things exist by their opposites II 490
unconscious & self-conscious I 51, 106

——— The Philosophy of History
accepted periodical avataras I 52n
aim of world history I 640-1
Christ-man, Vedantins, etc I 52n
nature perpetually becoming I 257n; II 449n

Hegemon (Gk) [leader, guide], Metatron II 480n

Heh [Heb letter "H"]. See He

Hekat [Heket], Egyptian frog goddess I 385, 387

Hel (Norse)

Ases no longer bound by II 99
frigid region, kama-loka I 463n
goddess-queen of the dead II 774

Helanos [Helenos], foretold ruin of Troy II 342


Hindu, is Tara II 498
Menelauses &, before fifth race II 276
symbol of fourth principle II 796

Helheim (Norse) II 774

Heliocentric Theory

ancient initiates taught I 117n, 569
Confucius taught I 441
denied by Aristotle II 153
popes burned heretics over I 441
taught in Vishnu Purana II 155
Zohar taught II 28n


came to Egypt fr India II 379
not idolatry I 392
once universal II 378
in Roman Church I 395

Heliopolis I 674

lying priests of II 367
planets, elements, zodiac & I 395
Ra the One God at I 675
schools of I 311

Helios, Helion, Helius (Gk) II 540

Aesculapius was II 106
birth of Apollo as II 383
"Father" became, later II 44
Jehovah appeared as II 509
"Sun in the highest" (Mackey) II 357

Helium (element) I 218n

abundant in Sun I 583
primitive matter & I 596

Hell(s) II 507n. See also Hades, Heaven, Patalas, Pit

angels' fall into II 103, 230, 244
Atala is a II 402n, 405n, 408
Beelzebub monarch of II 389n
cold, or Niflheim (Eddas) II 245
devils of Christian II 507n
Earth is II 98, 234, 246
effects of dogma of II 247, 484, 774
eternal, of Christians I 372n
lokas of Brahmans I 204, 372
or matter II 103-4, 516
patalas or I 372
Pit, South Pole or II 274, 357, 404, 785-6
Satan burning in his own II 244-5
seven II 403

Hellenbach von Paczolay, Lazar B.

——— Individuality . . . [Individualismus]
consciousness & matter II 654

——— Die Magie der Zahlen . . .
number seven & color, sound, elements II627-8

Hellenes, Hellenic. See also Greek(s)

age of, zodiac II 436n
alone had altar to the Unknown God I 327
brought zodiac to Greece I 647
pre-Homeric I 304n
Prometheus older than, (Bunsen) II 413
sensed oneness w nature I 466

Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig F. von

cooling of Earth I 501n; II 154
fr nebula to Sun in twenty million years II 694
tidal retardation II 64

——— Faraday Lecture
electricity as matter I 111n, 508, 580, 584, 671n

Helmont, Jan Baptista van I 611

Archaeus of, not new I 51-2
correlation of sound, color I 514 &n
pupil of Paracelsus I 51

Hemera, aether & I 110

Hemina, L. Cassius, q by Macrobius, on Kabiri II 363

Hemp, bisexuality in II 133

Henoch, or Idris II 366

Hephaestos, Hephaistos (Gk)

Kabir, instructor of metal arts II 390
molded first woman (Pandora) II 519
thunderbolt & II 521
-Vulcan presided over fire I 464

Heptachord, lyre of Apollo I 167

Heptad (seven)

four is the mean betw monad & II 599
number of a virgin II 602
sacred to Mars, Osiris, etc II 602

Heptagon. See also Seven

religious & perfect number II 602
Tetraktys &, explained II 598-605

Heptakis [Heptaktys] (Gk), Iao or, seven-rayed Chaldean I 227n

Hepta me (Gk), & seven sounding letters II 603

Heqet (Egy). See He

Herabkunft des Feuers. See Kuhn, A.

Heraclides or Herakleides (Plato's pupil), taught Earth's rotation I 117 &n

Heraclitus, Herakleitos

condemned Homer's immorality II 764n
fire underlies all nature I 77

Heraclius, could pick out animate stones II 342

Herakles. See Hercules

d'Herbelot de Molainville, B.

——— Bibliotheque Oriental
Fortunate Islands II 398

Huschenk's twelve-legged horse II 397
Legendes Persanes in II 394n
seventy-two Solomons II 396

Herbert, Lord Edward, man's body a miracle II 653

Herculaneum II 793

once thought fanciful II 236, 441

Hercule et Cacus. See Breal, M.

Hercules, Heracles, Herakles

Aesculapius or I 353
carries away golden apples II 770n
descends into Hades II 237n
Geryon or Hillus son of II 278
Hebe wife of II 130
Hiram built temple to, & Venus II 541
not a solar myth II 769n
Palaemonius was the Tyrian II 345n
priests of, or Mel-karth II 202
savior of Prometheus II 413
as Sun-god II 44, 237n
two serpents & I 403
various names for I 353

Hercules furens. See Euripides

Hereditary Transmission I 223 &n

Heredity I 457; II 738

of acquired characteristics I 219; II 711n
of anthropoids II 688n
biogenetic law of II 659
cause of, unknown to science I 223
karma overrides II 178
opposed by German scientists II 711n
servant of karma II 178
transmission of atoms & II 671-2
Weismann's views on I 223n

Hermaphrodite (s, ism) II 125, 172n, 291. See also Androgynes

all species were, once II 119, 299, 657
animals & men were, (Schmidt) II 184
Darwin on II 118-19
divine, in mythologies II 124-30
double, rod I 114
early man was II 2 &n, 118-19, 125
four-armed, w three eyes II 294
intermediate, second & early third races II 167
Jah-Eve as II 126
lotus symbol of divine & human I 379, 392
majority of plants are II 659
Plato's "winged" &, races II 264
in Pymander II 2n
races in Bible I 325
separating, third race II 134
symbol for third race II 30, 104, 132-3
Zeus separates, (Plato) II 134, 177

Hermas, Hermeas, Hermeias, Hermias (Gk), fragment of, on Chaos & Protogonos I70, 343

Hermes. See also Divine Pymander, Hermes Trismegistos, Hermetica, Mercury, Thoth

-Anubis II 28
Books of II 25, 268n, 454, 455
born fr Wondrous Being I 207
Budha, wisdom II 45 &n, 234, 455, 499, 540
caduceus & II 364
Chaldean tablets agree w II 3
civilized Egypt, Greece II 367
cynocephalus glyph of I 388
on daimones I 288n
disciple of Agathodaemon II 366
emblem of the Word II 542
Enoch, Libra same as II 129, 361
-fire I 338n
Freemasonry speaks of II 47
generic name given to great initiates II210n, 267n, 364
Hindu astronomy & I 664-6
Idris or II 361, 366
interpreter, word, Logos II 541
invented initiation of men into magic I473
ithyphallic, of Herodotus II 362
Kadmos, Kadmilos or II 362
kosmocratores & II 23
magic not invented by II 211
Mercury planet of II 542
Michael, -Christos of Gnostics II 481
moist principle of II 542, 591n
nom-de-plume of mystics I 286
on number ten I 90n
Parasara the Aryan I 286
Pesh-Hun compared to II 48
product of Greeks in Egypt II 137
-Sarameyas II 28
secretary, advisor of Isis I 388
on sense & knowledge I 279
serpent & I 73, 472-3; II 26n
Seth Jewish travesty of II 380
seven agents & circles I 436
"sevenfold light" II 540
seven governors, builders I 480, 601
Smaragdine Tablet of II 99, 109, 556
son of Seth (Sabean) II 361-2
symbols along highways II 542
taught occult sciences I 362
Thot-, & fire of gods II 210-11 &n
Thoth or II 267n, 462, 538n
Universal Soul septenary II 562
various names of II 380, 529-30
way to Bible thru II 383

Hermes. See Divine Pymander

Hermes, Tablets of. See Smaragdine

Hermesians (followers of Hermes), four becomes truth as a cube II 600

Hermes Trismegistos. See also Thoth

all matter living, becoming I 281
founder of Mysteries II 267n
on Hermes & initiation into magic I 473
linked to Enoch II 532
Ophites adopted rites fr II 379
says Thoth-Hermes "invented" magic II 210-11

Hermes Trismegistus. See Divine Pymander

Hermetic(a, ism, ists). See also Divine Pymander, Hermes

books agree w esoteric doctrine I 288
elements of I 461
fragment q by Stobaeus II 137-8
monotheism not in Egypt I 674-5
narratives explained II 103
nature [Divine Pymander] I 291n
one of oldest religions I 285
scientists will have to follow I 625
seven zones of postmortem ascent I 411
two secret, operations I 76
Vedanta doctrine in, philosophy I 281n
works disfigured I 285, 674-5

Hermone, L. Cassius. See Hemina

Hermoutis [Hermonthis] (Egy) I 657


dynasties of, universal tradition I 266-7
giants of Egypt II 336, 369
gods &, deified men of third race II 172
gods, demigods & II 367, 369, 372, 436
Hesiod's, of Thebes or Troy II 271
Hindu rishis & I 94, 114-15, 436
listed II 364
male, of fourth race II 135
national, tribal gods & I 655
prehistoric (Creuzer) II 285
reign after "Watchers" I 266
rishis' human doubles or I 442
seven, & primal races II 35 &n

Herod, King

Krishna & the Indian II 48
source of Bible story of II 504n


——— History
on Aeschylus II 419n
Atlantes cursed Sun II 761-2, 771n
Boreas destroys Persian fleet I 467
Cambyses in Kabiri temple II 360, 363
Cyclops & Assyrian Perseus II 345n
divine dynasties II 367, 369
"Eastern Aetheopians" of II 429
Egyptian civilization before Menes II 431-2
Egyptian kings date back 17,000 years II 750
Egyptians record 12,000 years II 334
Egyptians re earth's poles II 332, 431
Egyptians re equator & ecliptic II 534
Egypt once a sea II 368
Euxine II 4-5 &n
giants II 336
Hyperboreans II 769n
Ibis, two types of I 362
Isis Unveiled q on Great Pyramid I 317n
ithyphallic Hermes II 362
Jews & Phoenicians I 313n
Mt Atlas "pillar of heaven" II 763
Mysteries in Egypt II 395-6
Nemesis II 305n
people who sleep six months II 772-3
Rawlinson's notes on Menes II 432
statues of 345 Egyptian rulers II 369
Sun twice rose where it now sets I 435
Ural or golden region II 416-17
Zeus-Belus II 210n

Heroica [Heroicus]. See Philostratus

Hero-Worship II 281

Herschel, Sir F. William

believed in intelligent forces I 499
believed in spiritual world I 589
believed many worlds inhabited II 701, 706
colleagues derided theories of I 590-1
estimated stars in Milky Way I 576n
on Nasmyth's willow leaf theory I 541, 590-1
photosphere like mother of pearl I 530
Uranus discovered by I 99n
vital organisms in Sun I 529, 530-1, 541

——— "Astronomical Observations . . ."
nebular theory of I 590, 595

Herschel, Sir John F. W.

——— Article in Musee des Sciences
disguised causes under a veil I 492n

——— Discours sur l'etude . . .
on gravitation I 604
on light I 580
will to impart or end motion I 503

Heru-amen (Egy). See also Horus

Mout-Isis suckles II 464

Heru-sa-Ast (Egy, Horsusi in tx)

confused w Haroiri I 366n
son of Osiris & Isis I 366n

Heru-Ur (Egy, Haroiri in tx), the older Horus or Khnoum I 366n

Theosophical University Press Online Edition