Index to The Secret Doctrine — prepared by John P. Van Mater

- Bp-Bz -

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Brachmans. See Brahman (caste)

Brae, de. See Braye, de

Brahe, Tycho

triple force in stars I 493

——— Astronomiae inst. Progymnasmata
mean motion of Moon I 667n
new star of I 590; II 486n

Brahma (Skt). See also Days, Life, Nights, Years of; Sons of; Trimurti

Abhimanin eldest son of I 521
Adi-Sanat, Ancient of Days I 98
Age of I 8, 206, 289, 368, 552; II 70
agneyastra fiery javelin of II 629
All-Being I 55
androgyne (Vedic) I 427
Anu one name of I 542
aspect of Parabrahman I 451
assumes form of swan I 357
awakens I 337, 447, 454
birth of, (Polier) I 345-6
as boar II 53, 75, 252
Brahma(n) (neuter) & I 17-18, 61, 80
fr brih, "to expand" I 8n, 83
Burnouf on I 380n
Bythos or, periodical I 214
called forth the elements II 574
cause of potencies I 55
changes Io (cow) into deer II 418n
cosmic Logos II 247
created first man I 345
creates four orders of beings I 456n
creates his own limbs I 231
creates planets & zodiacal signs II 625n
creates thru daughter (Vach) I 431
creative activities of I 8, 10, 55, 58-60; II 162-3, 313, 553
the Creator II 313
creatures born fr parts of II 625n
cursed Narada II 47-8, 585
death of I 8, 54n, 373n
differentiated fr Parabrahm I 55-6
Divine Mind, Mahat I 451; II 79
does not create Earth I 380n
Egg of I 8, 80-1, 89, 257, 333, 335, 345, 350, 357, 359-60, 365-7, 373, 377; II 553, 616, 631
emanates spirit (Manu) I 447
evolution out of Vishnu II 31
expands to become universe I 83
Father, Mother, Son I 41
father of gods, asuras I 427
father of kumaras II 106
fifth head of II 502n, 578n
fire-god I 341
five, or Panchasya I 213
forms heaven, Earth I 333
four bodies of I 213; II 58-60
four-faced I 55, 110, 344; II 465
generative power II 43n, 125n
germ of Unknown Darkness I 83
Hari as, sleeps in Space I 371-2
Hiranyagarbha is I 89, 286
hurled to Earth (Fall) II 483, 515
an illusion I 333
instrumental not ideal cause I 55
issues fr lotus I 381n
Jyotis one name of II 766
Kalahansa I 20, 79-80
Kama born fr heart of II 176
Kasyapa son of II 382n
kriyasakti used by II 59
Kwan-shi-yin or I 452
light of the Logos II 233
Logos & I 9, 429; II 247
lotus, enthroned on I 379
the male I 59, 78, 80
male & female, becomes I 7, 9 &n, 41, 61, 81, 89, 137-8, 335, 355n; II 126, 128, 134
male principle I 59, 80, 333
manifested deity I 7; II 108
manus created by II 237
Manu-Svayambhuva II 128
many forms of II 146n
Marichi son of II 89, 132, 253
mind-born sons of I 145, 457 &n; II 44, 78, 86, 140n, 176n, 624-5
monsters created by II 65n
mover on the waters I 345
Narada & II 47, 502
ninth or Kumara Creation II 106, 579
not direct creator of man I 445
not in Vedas I xix, 426, 445
permutation of Narayana I 431
prajapatis are collectively II 60
prajapatis created by II 176n, 573
prakriti & I 542
Protologoi I 335
recoalescence of II 309n
Sanat or I 98, 459
Sarasvati wife of II 76n, 77
Sarpa, Ahi fr hair of II 181-2n
Sephirothal Tree or I 352
seven & four principles of II 58n
Siva hurls, into Abyss II 515
soul of the world I 365
story of Abram based on story of II 77
svar-loka abode of II 404
Theos evolving fr Chaos I 344
as tortoise II 75
universe is, & Brahma I 17-18
Vach & I 137, 430-1; II 107, 126, 128, 147, 418n, 472
Varaha avatara II 53
vehicle of Brahman I 17, 80
Viraja is II 90
Vishnu Purana on I 19, 421n
Vishnu, Siva & I 538; II 115
weaves universe fr own substance I 83
wrathful w Vedhas, Brahma's sons II 78
yoga power used by II 115

Brahma, Age of. See Brahma, Maha-Kalpa

Brahma, Days & Nights of. See Days of Brahma, Nights of Brahma

Brahma, Egg of. See Brahma, Golden Egg, Hiranyagarbha

Brahmachari Bawa (Yogin V. B. Gokhale), "Some Things the Aryans Knew," magic of ancient Aryans II 427n

Brahmacharya [or Brahmacharin] (Skt), pure life of II 458

Brahmadevas (Skt), five kumaras are fifth order of II 578

Brahmadicas (Skt), prajapatis or seven II 142

Brahma-Kalahamsa (Skt) divine swan II 122 &n

Brahma-loka (Skt), denizens of, at pralaya I 372

Brahman, Brahma, Brahm (neuter, Skt)

absorption in I 134n, 636
without attributes I 420
Brahma, Vishnu, Siva energies of II 115
cannot be said to be anywhere I 374
cannot cognize I 6
confused w Brahma (masc) II 465
does not create or evolve I 50n, 451
in every atom I 17
free fr pairs of opposites II 495
incognizable I 50n, 61; II 108
Kalahansa & I 20, 78, 79-80, 359; II 465
Krishna part of supreme II 359
Mysterium Magnum of Paracelsus I 61
names of, in descending order II 108
noumenon or, never rests I 374
potencies of beings in I 450-1
prakriti, spirit, time & I 19, 421
-Pumis [Pums]-Pradhana I 445
radiates the gods, rests I 447
Self or Kshetrajna II 639
That I 451
universe is, & Brahma I 17-18
universe lives in & returns to I 8-9
Vishnu Purana on I 256, 420, 445

Brahman(a, as) (Skt, caste) also spelled Brahman, Brahmin(s), Brachman(s)

Abraham or A-bram & II 139n, 200
abridged Upanishads I 271
advised to read Puranas II 148
Akbar & I xxiii &n
ancient, descend fr Brahmaputras I 209
anthropomorphized truths II 567
Bharata reborn as II 321
Brihaspati (Brahmanaspati) lord of the II 45n
Buddha disciple of initiated I xxi
candidate & Golden Cow II 462
Chaldeans pupils of I 117
chronology of II 49, 66-74
cross known to, before Europeans II 556
describes initiation (Anugita) II 637-8
destroyed Buddhism in India I 368n
distort meanings II 92-3
do not eat eggs I 366
Druids &, affinity between II 756
Egyptian allegories in books of I 365-6
fair-skinned, & dark Dravidians II 768
forbidden to receive money II 323
four- & three-fold upadhis of II 592-3n
gotras or caste races of II 502
greed, ambition of II 60
as grihastha II 77-8, 411n
having son religious duty of I 383
hid truth fr masses II 320
honor Agni w perpetual fire I 341
initiated, know Puranas II 320
initiated, know secret passages II 221
invaded India fr north I 270; II 768
invented Sanskrit (Stewart) II 442
Jews descend fr ex- II 200
labeled asuras demons II 487
life of traditional II 411n
Magas of Atlantis & II 322-3
misled Jones & Wilford I xxx-i &n
misrepresented suras, asuras II 93
occupation of India, effects of II 608
opposed Chandragupta II 550 &n
oppose pantheists, Advaitas I 8
oppose seven-fold division of man II 592-3n
originators of caste system I 270
origin of initiated I 209
pitris of ritual importance to II 91
primeval, initiated in Central Asia II 565
procreation not sinful w I 383
protest Esoteric Buddhism I xviii
proud exclusiveness of II 471
Pythagoras brought dual system of, & Iranians II 573
rabbi &, on linga symbol II 471-2
regard for monkeys explained I 185n
retires to jungle I 383
ritualism of II 567
on senses (Anugita) I 87; II 637-8
seven dvipas II 404 &n
sevenfold classification of II 29n, 641
tampered w Vishnu-Purana I 423
terrestrial bodhisattvas I 572
-theosophist on cosmic pralaya II 69n
Tirvalour, Tiravalore of, & Hindu epoch I 661-2, 666
of Upper India (Marcellinus) II 327
Vedas once sole property of I 271
Voltaire drawn to knowledge of II 742

Brahmana(s) (commentary on the Vedas). See also Aitareya-, Satapatha-, etc

Colonel Wilford & I xxxi
Gathas (Persian), Puranas same origin as II 409-10
occult works I 68, 165
personnel of, prehuman II 284
require a key I xxvii, 68
temple-Brahmans & I 271
Upanishads attached to I 269-70
Vedantin sects & I 451-2

Brahmanaspati (Skt) Jupiter

Brihaspati I 120n; II 45n, 498
materialization of divine grace II 498
symbol of exoteric worship II 45n

Brahmanda Purana

described I 367n
seven dvipas in II 404
Weber on date of I 436

Brahmandika (Skt), solar, lunar pitris I 442


Buddhist &, Logos same II 637
cis-Himalayan secret teachings II 308n
culture in Babylon II 203
figures for rounds, yugas II 68-70
genealogies confusing II 42
sacred books & Upanishads I 270


Buddhism &, compared II 637
kept masses ignorant II 60
slaughtered Indian Buddhism I 368n
Venus origin explained in II 30

Brahma-Prajapati (Skt) I 79-81. See also Prajapati

breath of, creates asuras II 500
creates spiritually II 44
degraded by sexual mysteries II 471
firstborn of II 466
Jehovah-Sephiroth & II 126
male-female I 89
manifested Logos II 624
numerological confirmation of II 466
other names of I 436-7
synthesis of seven builders I 436
Tetragrammaton II 625

Brahma Purana, mind-born sons II 275

Brahmaputra(s) (Skt) II 374

initiated Brahmans descend fr I 209
Narada was a I 413

Brahmarandhra (Skt), jiva goes fr the heart to I 132

Brahmarshi(s) (Brahma-Rishis) II 176n, 502

Brahma-Rudra (Skt) [Siva], kumaras mind-born sons of I 458-9

Brahma Savarna, seed-manu, planet [globe] G, fifth round II 309

Brahma's Night (Pralaya). See Night of Brahma

Brahma-Vach (Skt)

androgyne, Tetragrammaton II 601
bisexual (Manu & Puranas) I 72n
bisexual Jehovah II 125, 128, 601
female half of Brahma I 81, 137
manifest theogony starts w I 434
separation of II 147
Viraj (male symbol) fr II 472

Brahma-Vach-Viraj (Skt)

bisexual creative deity II 125
divine hermaphrodite II 126-7

Brahma Vaivarta Purana, kalpas, life of Brahma I 368; II 307n

Brahma-Viraj (Skt)

Jehovah-Adam & I 355-6; II 126
male half of Brahma I 81; II 128
red II 43n

Brahma-Vishnu (Skt) infinite space I 8n

Brahma-Vishnu-Siva, Trimurti (Skt), Diana-Hecate-Luna & I 387

Brahmin. See Brahman

Brahms & A-brahms II 130


activity electric phenomena I 85
animal, philosophizes (Levi) II 74
ape & human II 193n, 646n, 661, 676, 682
Atlantean, & nervous centers II 761
-change & thought I 124n
Chochmah [Hokhmah] or I 352
dreamless sleep & I 266
eyes grow fr within II 295
gray matter of, & sexual acts II 296
heart &, of sun I 541
human, needed for speech II 661
intellect & II 301
Laing on negro II 677 &n
mammalian II 301
normal & abnormal states of II 296
our, has softened II 250
of Paleolithic man II 686n
particles record thought I 104
physical, forgets II 424
reacts on pineal gland II 296, 301-2
registers memory II 301
size of, & intellect II 168n, 522-3
sound & I 554, 565
-stuff on physical plane I 291

B'raisheeth. See Bereshith

Branchiostoma, materialists & II 370n

B'rash. See Bereshith


feminine principle I 364
symbolized nether world I 364n

Brasseur de Bourbourg, C. E. See alsoPopol Vuh

man present when Andes formed II 745

——— Histoire des Nations . . . Mexique . . .
Nargal, Nagal, & Naga II 213 &n

——— [Lettres pour servir . . . ]
Votan son of the snakes II 379

Braun, on the Divine Breath II 649n

Braye, de, found Neolithic idols II 723

Brazen Serpent I 364 &nn

gross symbol II 473
healer I 414, 472; II 208, 387n
magic agent symbol I 253n
of Moses II 206n, 387n
ram's horns & II 213n

Brazil, fauna of II 792

Breal, Michel, Hercule et Cacus, Kronos fr kar, to create II 269n

Breast-eared, Breast-eyed man II 634

Breath. See also Breaths, Great Breath

of animal life I 242-3; II 56
asura, of God II 59, 500
becomes a stone, plant, animal, etc I 107
cool, is Mother I 12
creative, unrevealed deity I 2
crystallized into Word I 79
of Darkness moves on Waters I 64
"dead," given back I 102
divine I 41, 43, 289, 520; II 95, 551-2, 649n
divine, works thru Pleiades II 551
of elohim I 375
eternal, of the One, All I 11, 43, 54-6, 64, 75, 497n
evolution of man & II 241
Father-Mother-Son & I 41, 75, 83-5
first II 241
formless worlds or I 606
God breathed, of life I 225; II 81
heat or I 103
hot, is Father I 12
human monad or II 105
knows itself not I 56
of Life I 212, 225-6, 242-4, 342, 626 &n; II 23, 81, 162, 175, 456, 589, 604, 632
lower Adam & II 162, 175, 456
motion or I 2, 11-12, 14, 54-6, 97, 143, 497n; II 551
number, deity & I 66-7
one, & countless II 492
pneuma or II 113
prana or expirational I 95
regulation of, injurious I 95-6
returns periodically II 43
spirit is the fiery II 114
Sun & planets, universe & kosmos II 23
synthesis of senses I 96

Breathing of Earth & Universe I 541

Breaths. See also Prana, Winds

asuras highest II 92
blow in every direction I 496
countless, informed by one II 492
dhyan-chohans or I 103
fiery, & sephirothal triad I 213
had life but no understanding II 109
intellectual, or flames II 318n
monads, of the One II 610
rudras the ten vital II 548
seven, of Dragon of Wisdom I 106

Bree, C. R., Exposition of Fallacies . . .

Mivart on saltations II 696
no link betw man & monkey II 729
no missing link in sunken lands II 727-8


inter-, of genus, species II 287
of men & animals II 184-5, 191, 201, 267

Bretange. See Brittany

Brewster, Sir David

other worlds inhabited II 701-2

——— A Treatise on Optics
light is material I 580

Briah [Beri'ah] (Heb), kabbalistic Neshamah fr II 604

Briareus (Gk)

giant described by Hesiod II 775-6
Orion & II 70
stands for polar continent II 776

Briatic World. See also Briah

Metatron angel of II 111


of Christian kabbalists I 216, 240; II 595
Church, of Christ II 377
marriage of lamb w, (Rev) II 231

Brih (Skt), to swell or expand I 8n, 83, 356


Brihaspati father of gods I 120n
Moon is mind, Sun understanding II 639n
rudras, breaths, Siva in II 548

Brihaspati (Skt). See also Jupiter, War in Heaven

Brahmanaspati or I 120n; II 45n, 498
building of Earth & II 23
claims Budha (wisdom) as son II 499
dead-letter worship symb II 499, 500-1
father of gods I 120n
second race under II 29
Tara wife of II 45, 138, 456, 498-9

Brimstone II 513

Brinham [Brimham in Yorkshire], rocking stones at II 347

Britain, legends of giants in II 754

British, regarded Indians as inferior II 287

British Association, anti-Darwinists in II 696

British Association . . . Reports

Flower on man's antiquity II 169
Grove on ether, breath I 102
Thompson on strobic circles II 589

British Columbia, hieroglyphs at Indian village in II 430

British Isles. See also England

Atlantic ridge starts near II 333
Egyptians reached, by land II 750 &n
future sinking of II 266
not white island II 402
part of horseshoe continent II 326, 333
rocking stones in II 342n
submerged four times II 746n, 787n

British Linear Measures

inch of, & esoteric system I 316
Parker ratio base of I 313

British Museum

Assyrian tile in, & Moses II 428
Chaldean fragment in II 283-4n
Coptic manuscripts I 132n
Easter Island statue II 331, 337, 340, 680
hidden Tibetan library too large for I xxiv
Karnac monolith re Hathor I 400
Mexican manuscripts I 36
specimens of dragons II 354-5
wealth of evidence in II 340

Brittany, Bretagne

Carnac stones II 341, 752
"drouk" or the devil in II 206n
Karnak (Egyptian) twin to Carnac II 380
menhirs in, & Atlanteans II 352
rocking stone at Huelgoat II 342n

Broca, Professor Paul

dates man to Miocene II 714n
divides man into two species II 725
on fallacies of evolutionists II 681
Preface to Anthropology by II 249n
supports Atlantis hypothesis II 790

Bronze, Race of, third root-race II 97

Bronze Age II 741. See also Dvapara Yuga

Ash tree & men of II 97, 519-20, 772
every race, subrace has II 198
Jupiter created, of heroes II 270
third race (Hesiod) II 271, 520n, 772

Brotherhood. See also Adepts, Esoteric School, Initiates, Mahatmas, Masters, Teachers

of adepts I 574; II 636-7
concealed books I xxiii-iv
kept third race teachings II 636-7
Nabatheans an occult II 455
pledging oneself to the I 164
of serpents (Gnostics) II 386
union, harmony, & I 644

Brothers of the Sun I 271n

Brown, Robert, The Countries of the World, Peru, Easter Island relics II 317, 336-7

Brown, Robert, Jr, The Unicorn II 218 &n

Bruce, James

accused of lying II 440
discovered Book of Enoch II 531

Brucker, J. J., Historia Critica . . . , seed of Mot created all I 451 &n

Brunck, Richard F. P., Analecta veterum poetarum . . . , Mesomedes hymn Nemesis II 305n

Bryant, Jacob

Christian orientation of II 364

——— A New System . . . Mythology
egg symbol among ancients I 359-60
Mt Ararat II 596-7
Neptune greets Noah I 444n
Sydic or Sadic was Noah II 391-2

Bubaste [Bubastis] (Egy), cat venerated in I 387

Buch, Christian Leopold, Baron von, expedition to Canary Islands II 791

Buchner, Ludwig I 528n

——— Force and Matter
Burmeister, Volger, Czolbe II 154
coal formation II 695n
vs infinite divisibility of matter I 519
past an unfolded present I 639
plant into animal into man II 718
spontaneous generation II 718-19
thought is molecular motion I 134n

Buckle, Henry Thomas

——— History of Civilization in England
martyrs of human thought I 298
q Leslie on light, heat I 515n

Buckwell. See Bakewell, F. C.

Buddha(s) II 222. See also Adi-Buddha, Amitabha, Dhyani-Buddha, Maitreya, Manushis

awaken (cosmic) I 337
Bamian statues & II 224 &n, 337-40
bodha, buddhi & I xix
celestial, prototype of human I 108
of contemplation I 109, 572
earliest, of fifth race II 423
every, meets all great adepts I 574
four only thus far I 42
Kwan-shi-yin will be last of I 470
last initiation of I 574
link betw avataras & I 638
manifests in three worlds I 572
manushi[ya] I 52
Melha appears as a II 63
race of II 415
reincarnation & I 639
seventh race will be of II 483
Supreme, or Vajradhara I 571
thirty-five, of Confession II 423 &n

Buddha, Gautama (Sakyamuni)

Amitabha inner god of I 108
Aryan Hindu, kshatriya I xxi; II 339
austerities in time of I 47n
avatara of Vishnu II 578
Brahmans & I 271
buddhas preceded II 423
connected w Sankaracharya II 637
dying of pork explained I 368-9n
esoteric, exoteric doctrines I xxi
four-leaved lotus flower of II 546
gives his previous births II 359
incarnated as Tsong-Kha-pa I 108 &n
limited his public teaching I xx
Maya mother of I xxxii, 379n
de Nadeylac on II 338 &n
nirvana of, on Earth II 532
Osiris, Dionysos, Krishna or II 420
popularized Upanishads I 270-1
refused to eat eggs I 368-9n
samadhi posture & drooping ears II 339
sixth-rounder explained I 161-2
swastikas on statues of II 586
on tanha in Dhammapada II 110
Tashi Lama incarnation of I 471
taught esoteric doctrine I 46-7; II 27n
twenty-seventh buddha II 423 &n
Yin-Sin, prohibited speculation on I 635

Buddhi (Skt). See also Maha-Buddhi

aggregate of dhyani-buddhas I 472
anandamaya sheath I 570
atma, manas & II 57n
atman & (relation of) I 119, 179, 193, 471-2, 567; II 58n, 580, 605n
bodhi, buddha, bodha I xix
breath first II 241
corresponds to ruach I 242; II 633n
cosmic monad I 177
dhyani-chohanic essence I 265
diagram I 153, 242; II 593, 596, 632
discrete & indiscrete, eternal I 453
Diti the, of akasa II 613-14
divine soul I 17, 101n, 119, 120, 216, 567; II 318n
equatorial sun cements, to atma II 241
human soul & II 81
intuition of, vs senses I 279, 329n
latent consciousness II 275n
made conscious by manas II 318n
Mahat & I 256, 334, 373; II 614
-manas breaks fr atman I 193
manas vehicle of I 101, 242-5, 334
not the human ego II 79
Prometheus & II 419
Putah (Egyptian) II 632
relation of, to atman I 119, 179, 193, 265, 471-2, 567; II 58n, 580, 605n
sattva & I 68-9n
second principle I 291
sixth state of matter II 737
spiritual soul I 119, 153n
Sun is, of akasa I 527n
tree symbol of, (Anugita) II 637
union of, w manas II 230, 231n, 247, 495
universal ideation (cosmic) II 596
vahan (vehicle) II 241


archaic occultism I 668
Brahmanism &, compared II 637
Brahmanism destroyed, in India I 368n
budhism & I xxi
Chinese I xxviii, 126, 408, 440; II 215
deteriorated when transplanted I xxi
emanation of Hinduism I 668
esoteric I xix-xxi, 49 &n, 411; II 570, 585, 632
exoteric, & Roman Church I 539n
Kwan-shi-yin in I 72 &n, 431n
moral code of II 253
in New World discussed II 424n
no esoteric doctrine (Williams) I 47n
no personal god in I 635-6
roots of, & Advaita I 636
sevenfold man in I 157, 539n
76,000 tracts of, lost (Burnouf) I xxviii
upreared on Secret Doctrine I 47

Buddhism. See Rhys Davids, T. W.

Buddhism in Christendom. See Lillie, A.

Buddhism in Tibet. See Schlagintweit, E.

Buddhismus, Der. See Wassilief


Apollonius met, nagas II 211
Bamian statues not of, origin II 337
Brahmanical &, Logos same II 637
canon originally 80,000 tracts I xxvii
Chinese, have no personal god I 440, 635
Chinese, pilgrimage of II 215
cross known to, before Europeans II 556
doctrine kept too secret I xxi
do not eat eggs I 366
dragon temples II 378-9
four truths of I 39, 42
history of, on palm leaves II 423
Japanese, sects I 67n, 213-14
lost literature of I xxvii-viii
metaphysics, "Dan," "Jan-na" I xx
not atheists I 6
reached China 61 AD I xxviii
school of Aryasanga I 49-50 &n
secret books of I xxxiv
seven principles of I 157-8, 539n
Sinhalese, "there is no God" I 636
svabhavat of I 46
Vedanta & I 46-7
Wilson confused Charvakas w I 419n

Buddhist Catechism. See Olcott, H. S.

Budding, procreation by II 132, 658

first race & II 116-17
polyps reproduce by II 177
second race & II 166

Budh (Skt), to know I xviii

made phallic symbol I 472
wisdom or I 473

Budha (Skt) Mercury, Wisdom. See also Thot

author of Vedic hymn II 498
avatara of Vishnu [Buddha] II 578
creator of fourth, fifth races II 456
esoteric wisdom I xviii; II 499
fifth race under II 29
Hermes, Hormig, or II 366, 499
Ida wife of II 138, 140
men of, metaphorically immortal II 44-5
Mercury or I 473; II 27, 366, 374, 455, 456, 499, 540
Nebo (Chaldean) or II 456
not a fiction of Brahmans II 498
son of Soma & Tara I 228n, 392; II 45 &n, 138, 456, 498-9

Budha-Soma, Mercury-Moon, Thoth-Lunus I 396n

Budhism (Wisdom) I 134

Buddhism & I xviii
esoteric I xxi; II 100
Esoteric Buddhism & I xvii-xviii, 539n

Buffon, Comte de II 646

American & African fauna II 792
believed many worlds inhabited II 706
Earth 34 million years old II 698n
on origin of planets I 596-7

Builder, The (illustrated weekly), Easter Island statues in I 322

Builders. See also Architects, Dhyani-chohans, Logos, Masons

amshaspends, pitar or I 127; II 358
architects &, one I 579 &n
B'raisheeth & six sephiroth I 374-5
construct kosmos on ideal plan I 104, 339
creators of universe I 53, 88-9, 265
cyclopean buildings & I 209n
Cyclopes called II 345n
Demiurge composed of I 380n
designers in nature II 732
dhyani-chohans called I 233; II 170, 366
divine, of man II 194
Dracontia or II 380
elohim or I 239
ether of science material of I 339
fiery lives both, & destroyers I 262n
fire, astral light & I 253
Fohat "builder of" I 139n
hosts of, First-Born I 344
initiators II 345n
men in prior cycle I 107, 277
planetary chain architects I 107n, 128
prajapati or seven I 436
reigned over man I 265
science would not accept I 590
seven I 80, 88, 127, 213 &n, 355 &n, 480; II 514
three groups of I 127-8
various names for I 127-8, 355; II 380
Visvakarman or II 559
work in cycles II 732

Bull, Sir R. S. See Ball, Sir R. S.

Bull. See also Cow, Taurus

aleph or II 551, 574
apis (Egyptian) I 135; II 418n
Assyrian II 115n
became phallic symbol II 583
Christian sacred animal I 363
"eye of the" I 663
man or the, (Egyptian, Hebrew) I 390 &n
of Mendes I 385
Ormazd created, Ahriman slew II 93
physical generation symbol I 67, 657
Pleiades seven stars beyond I 648n
sacred I 385; II 408
St Luke, Earth &, (diag) II 114
symbolizes fifth race II 533
Uriel or, of Ophites I 127n; II 115n

Bulwer-Lytton, Sir Edward

——— The Coming Race
vril of I 563

——— Zanoni
Zanoni faces his Augoeides I 573

Bumapa (Tib) School, Aryasangha of, on alaya I 48

Bundahishn (Zoroastrian scripture)

hermaphrodites described II 291n
Karshipta & Mazdean religion II 292
karshvars II 758 &n
races of men II 634

Bunsen, Christian Karl J., Baron von

——— Egypt's Place in Universal History
antiquity of Egypt I 435
Asian flood of, not Noah's II 141
dates Menes II 374n
Eusebius mutilated history I xxvi
Great Pyramid 20,000 years old II 750
original unity of Semites, Aryans I 115n

——— God in History
Prometheus older than Greeks II 413
Seth & Typhon II 32n, 82n

Bunsen, Robert W., achievements I 528

Burgess, Rev E., & Hindu astronomy I 667

Burham-i-Kati [Borhan Quatiu] (Pers), Hormig or Budha in II 366-7

Buri (Norse), had three sons by Bestla I 427


distorting of ears in II 339
fate of Buddhism in I xx-i
nirvana called neibban in I 38n

Burmeister, Hermann C. C.

on age of Earth II 154
Egypt 72,000 years old II 750n
same forces past & present I 639-40

Burnell, A. C. I 334. See also Hopkins

Burnes, Sir A., on Bamian statues II 337

Burning Bush (of Moses)

aspect of Archaeus I 338n
in Exodus I 121

Burning Valley of Fallen Angels II 535

Burnouf, Eugene

war in heaven ends on Earth II 390

——— Commentaire sur le Yaccna
amshaspends are archangels I 437

——— [Introduction a l'histoire . . . ]
Brahma as "Creator" I 380n
Buddhist canon I xxvii

Burns, Robert I 304


arrowheads compared II 522
fast dying out II 162, 421n
intellectuality among II 168 &n, 522
Lemuro-Atlanteans II 195-6n, 721
naturalists' opinion of II 287, 725, 779
not burdened w karma II 168
not descended fr anthropoids II 193 &n
pigmy, & future archaeology II 723

Busrah. See Basra

Buthon (Gnos) I 214, 349. See Bythos

Butler, Charles, Horae biblicae II 200n

Butlerof[v], Prof Aleksandr Mikhaylovich

defended spiritualism I 520
spiritualist I 251n, 581
supports fourth dimension theory I 251 &n
theosophists respect II 651

——— Scientific Letters
divisibility of atom I 51
force, matter, motion I 517-18


Greek symbol of human soul I 74; II 292
humanity like grub becoming I 159

Bybline Heights II 417

[Byron, Lord, q Childe Harold] I xli

Bythos (Gnos)

Aeons emanate fr II 569n
angle of Gnostic square II 573
Brahma is I 214
Ennoia of, is mind II 490
only periodical I 214
perfect Aion existed before I 349
Tiphereth issues fr II 214
unfathomable depth II 214, 569n
unknown universal soul II 574

Byzantine Painting, Bamian frescoes remind one of II 339

Theosophical University Press Online Edition