Index to The Secret Doctrine — prepared by John P. Van Mater

- Mon-Mz -

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Mon (Egy), Ammon I 366

Monad(s) I 170-86, 384. See also Leibniz

all-potent on arupa plane II 110
angel-, & human- I 574n
animal, lives animal life II 525n
animal, reincarnated in higher species II 196n
apex of manifest triangle I 614
aroma of manas I 238
atma-buddhi I 178
atma, buddhi, higher manas I 570
breath of Absolute I 247
cannot be described by chemical symbol I 177
circling globes, planets I 171-8, 577
cosmic, manus & creation II 311
cosmic, or buddhi I 177
cycles of, in matter, spirit I 175
descent & reascent of I 668
divine regardless of kingdom I 175; II 185-6
divine, transform animal man II 377
does not progress or develop I 174n
door to human kingdom closed to I 173
duad &, re finite & infinite I 426
dual I 69n
during first three rounds I 174, 184
each, a world to itself I 630
elementals or I 632
elementary germs I 139
entered first race shells II 303
every cell is a I 630n
evolves triad & retires (Pythagorean) I 427
finite number of I 171
force & matter I 623
four the mean betw heptad & II 599
free of matter end of seventh round II 180-1
Gnostics on planetary origin of I 577
gods-, -atoms I 610-34
gods-, -atoms compound unit I 613
gradual individualization of I 178-9
gradual return of, to source I 171
Haeckel on human II 673
highest human, hypostasized II 275
homogeneous spark I 571
how, attains paranirvana I 135
human & animal II 81, 102-3, 185-6
humanity's, & planetary rectors I 575
human, never becomes animal I 185n
human, passed thru kingdoms I 174, 246-7, 267; II 42, 150, 180, 185-6, 256-7
impersonal god II 123n
individual dhyani-chohan I 265
indivisible (Good) I 570
indivisible mathematical points I 631
infinitude of I 632
intelligent noumenoi of I 553
jivatmas or I 132
laggard I 175
Leibniz', & Cauchy's points I 489
Leibniz', & early atomists I 579, 629-31 &nn
looking glass that can speak I 631
lunar I 179-80
may refer to atom, solar system I 21
mineral, I 176-9
needs manas for devachan II 57n
newly arrived human, fate of II 168
no new human, since mid-Atlantis I 182; II 303
not discrete principles II 167
number of human, limited I 182-3; II 303
pass thru Circle of Necessity II 303
past karma of II 318n
personal self &, urge evolution II 109-10
pilgrim I 16-17n
point or I 426
Porphyry on I 618
preexistent in world of emanations II 111
progression of, & forms II 289n
Pythagorean I 64, 426-7, 433, 440-1, 619; II 575
rays fr absolute II 167
ray united w soul is I 119
rebirth of, on globe A I 173
reemergence of, (Stanza 3) I 21
reflection of seven lights I 120
remain on higher plane I 174-5n; II 199
same, emerge after paranirvana I 266
second, of Greeks androgyne I 427
semi-conscious in animals I 267
seven classes of I 171
slumber betw manvantaras II 57 &n
spiritual I 177; II 79, 242
spontaneously self-active I 631
three hosts of I 174-5, 632-3
unconscious on this plane I 247; II 123n
universal, & first triad II 80
universal mirrors I 632
universal, or Logos II 311
universe in itself I 107
used progenitors' astral body II 660
waiting human, & nirmanakayas II 94
will enter human kingdom I 173
zodiacal signs linked w I 668


essence I 176, 178-9, 619
host I 174-5, 632-3
no, inflow till next manvantara I 187
part of triple evolution I 181

Monadless, explained I 632

Monadologie. See Leibniz, G. W.

Monas (Gk)

conscious, thinking unit II 91
of Peripatetics signifies unity I 177-8, 614, 619
Pythagorean monad I 619
& Sanskrit man, to think II 91

Mona Stone II 345

Moneron (a). See also Protoplasm

defined by Haeckel II 165n
"discovered" by Huxley II 164-5n
evolution of, to man II 189
genesis unknown II 99
Haeckel's, critique of II 151, 185, 713n
man once like II 154
Newton, Shakespeare & II 674
no jiva in II 185
not homogeneous matter II 653
origin of, discussed II 158-60
protistic I 455 &n; II 153n
reproduced by division II 166, 658
sarcode of Haeckel's I 542
spiritual man existed before II 160

Mongolia(ns, n)

Amilakha of II 34n
Aryans, Negroes &, have same ancestors II 607n
denominated Scyths II 203
distorted Buddhist schools I xxi-ii
distort their ears II 339
forefathers of, led to Central Asia II 425
legends re, buried libraries I xxxiii
one of three fifth-race types II 471n
fr red-yellow Atlanteans II 250, 425
sea in Lemurian times II 323-4
seventh subrace, fourth root-race II 178
swastikas on hearts of buddhas in II 586
type skulls found in Europe II 744
"wan" (swastika) of II 556

Mongolo-Turanian (Fourth Race), commingled w Indo-European I 319

Monier-Williams, Sir Monier

contempt for "Esoteric Buddhists" II 570

——— Indian Wisdom
Lakshmi, verses on I 380

——— "Mystical Buddhism . . ."
no Buddhist esoteric doctrine I 47n

Monism I 581

double-faced Pecksniff I 528n
materialism &, negative I 124 &n
pretended, of psychologists I 620n

Monkey(s). See also Anthropoid, Ape, Dryopithecus

Brahmin's regard for I 185n
came ages after man II 749
developed fr third-race man II 729n
earliest, & modern pithecoid II 717
evolution & II 258
man common origin w, (science) II 686
no link betw man & II 729
of Ramayana (Figaniere) II 289n
skeletons in Miocene strata II 723-4n

Monkey God. See Hanuman

"Monkey of God," Devil called II 476

Monochord, made by Tetraktys II 600

Monogenesis II 195-6

polygenesis & II 169, 610
will have to be abandoned II 118

Monogenes Theou (Gk), one Mother of God I 400

Monoliths, forests of immense II 343

Monosyllabic Speech

developed at close of third race II 198
languages of yellow races II 199

Monotheism (ists)

astrolatry & II 41
blasphemies of, upon God II 304, 305
creator of, clashes w logic II 158
deity of, called architect II 101n
God of, & karma II 304-5
"Jehovah is Elohim" led to I 112-13
Jewish & Christian II 41, 459, 588
of Jews II 252, 471-2
mistakenly apply One to Jehovah I 129-30
not in Egy Hermetic works I 674-5
Plato not a II 554
polytheism vs I 466, 492-3n, 499n, 575
purely geographical in Egypt I 675
seven gods & II 607n
some, hate Buddhism I xix-xx

Monsoon, a few drops . . . do not make I 161-2


ancestors of anthropoids II 201
ancients knew of extinct II 206, 713
Atlantean records on skins of II 692
Australians begotten of II 197
Chaldean II 54, 65n
destruction of last of II 316
evolutionary possibility II 55
Frankenstein- II 349
giant men coexisted w II 218-19
giants &, biblical II 194-5
Gould re II 217-19
half-human, -animal II 52, 55-6, 192
fr human-animal parents today II 689
Lemuro-Atlanteans bred II 285, 679
mindless men bred II 286-7
pre-human II 115, 634-5
second race gigantic semihuman II 138
slain by dhyanis II 115
fr tampered third race eggs II 192
Titans fought Mesozoic II 293

Montaigne, Michel E. de

——— Essays
folly of measuring truth II 340
"nosegay of culled flowers" I xlvi

Montanists, Bossuet links, w Revelation II 485

Montenegrin Giant, Danilo II 277

Montesquieu, Baron de, Lettres Persanes, asylums for supposed madmen I 676

Montfaucon, Bernard de

——— L'Antiquite expliquee . . .
cruciform symbol of Hermes II 542 &n
on Greek inscription I 400

——— Collectio nova Patrum . . .
on Indicopleustes II 399


ancient lunar, solar II 620-1
each day of lunar, influential I 409
lunar, & number seven I 387
lunar, & yugas II 624
synodic, & saroses I 655n
year &, of Chinese, Arabs II 621

Montlosier, F. D. de Reynaud, Comte de, Des Mysteres de la vie humaine, grand divinity of Plato II 554-5n

Montmorency, Henri II, Duc de (Comte de Damville), Memoires . . . , on Persian traditions II 394n


Dracontian, grandeur of II 380
mighty ones leave lasting I 434-5

Monumental Christianity. See Lundy, J. P.

Monuments Celtiques. See Cambry, J.

Moola Koorumba [Mula Kurumba], once great race, now dying II 445

Moon (Earth's). See also Artemis, Diana, Io, Juno, Lunar, Satellite, Soma

Adam prophet of II 466-7
argha or II 462, 468
Ark, woman, navel II 461
Ashtoreth, Jehovah & II 462
-beams dancing on water I 237
Budha son of II 45, 138, 456
calculating mean revolution of I 392
catastrophes caused by planets & II 699
cat Egyptian symbol of I 304-5; II 552n
conception & I 179-80, 228-9n, 264, 395; II 76-7, 105
conjunction of, & Sun II 76, 435
connected w Earth's mysteries I 305
creation of, (Chaldean) II 145
crescent, female & male II 463
daily motion of, (Hindu) I 664-5
dead yet living I 149n, 156
Diana or I 228, 386-7; II 23, 123, 462
dissolves before seventh round I 155n
dragon eternal enemy of I 403
Earth satellite of, explained I 180
Earth's parent I 155-6; II 44, 64, 115, 474
eclipse of, at beginning of kali-yuga I 663
eclipses of, & allegories II 380
eldest son of Bel (Assyria) II 386
eye of Horus, Osiris I 388
eye of Odin I 402
eye of the Sun I 304-5
feminine I 228-9, 396; II 123
forces represented by many images I 396
formed & peopled Earth I 180
fourth globe of Moon chain I 172
fourth race, globe under II 29
gave Earth all but her corpse I 155n
generation, Jehovah & II 464, 466
giver of life & death I 386-7
-goddess I 228-9, 386-403; II 418n
-god worshiped at Ur II 139n
guides occult side of nature II 595
Hindu 1/2-month cycle of II 620
Iao genius of I 448, 577; II 538
inferior to Earth, planets II 45
influence of, on Earth I 156, 180; II 325
"insane mother, sidereal lunatic" I 149n
Jehovah linked w I 198n; II 62, 77, 139n, 462, 464
Jupiter, Saturn &, higher triad II 462
Kepler's rings around I 590
keys to, symbol I 390-1
king & queen I 386
Kumuda-Pati II 44
Lakshmi-Venus, Sri & II 77
linked w Anu, Jehovah II 62, 139n
Lord of Sri II 76n
luminous ring around I 590
masc & fem I 396-7; II 65-6, 139 &n
Massey on I 393
mean motion of, (tables) I 667n
Melita [Mylitta] queen of II 135
menstruation governed by I 389
mind or II 639n
more evil than good I 396
Moses' face in the II 468
"Mother" containing life-germs II 139
mother of physical man II 105, 109
mother of pneuma, human soul II 113
Mother or Isis II 462
Nebo son of II 456
Night Sun, path of (Tiaou) & I 227
node of, & Hindu epoch I 663
not Earth's calf I 398
Osiris inhabits I 228
phantom of II 115
physically semi-paralyzed I 149n
Queen of Heaven, Mary I 403
Rahu & legend of II 381
regent of secret planet I 394
secular motion of I 660
Semites called, Lord of Sun I 397
septenary influence of I 389; II 595
seven phases of I 396-7
seventh day & the new II 76
shell of former world II 115
sorcerers calling down the II 762
sorcerer's friend, foe of unwary I 156
substitute for sacred planet I 575; II 23
Sun &, affect man's body I 229
Sun &, cycles discussed II 620-1
Sun &, Father & Son I 229
Sun &, saluted by Gnostics II 474
sushumna ray lights I 515n, 516, 537
sweat-born egg & II 131
symbol of divine soul II 113
symbol of reincarnations I 228
Thoth-Hermes has retreat in I 403
thrown off fr Earth I 154-5 &nn; II 64
twofold, threefold I 393
various cycles of, (Hindu) I 666-7
womb, ark & II 139

Moon(s) (of other planets). See also Satellites

Mars' two satellites I 165
mystery of planets having many I 155-6n
of Venus & Mercury, dissolved I 155n, 165

Moon Chain, Lunar Chain

formed Earth chain I 155-6 &n, 171-3
inferior to Earth chain I 179

Moon-colored II 178, 227, 249, 351, 425. See also Root-Race — First

Moon-God(s), -Goddess(es). See also Lunar, Moon

conception, childbirth & I 264
cursed by Christians II 507

Moons, beyond our solar system I 497n

Moor, Edward

——— Hindoo Pantheon
Man crucified in Space II 561
nail mark in Wittoba's foot II 560n
Siva's pasa II 548 &n

Mor, Isaac, q on Syrians I 435

Moral, Morality. See also Ethics

effects subserve karma I 280
faculties influence evolution II 728
far-reaching, effects of karma I 634
pagan & Christian I 468

Morals. See Plutarch, Moralia, De fraterno amore

Morbihan (Brittany). See also Carnac

initiates traveled to II 750
menhirs in II 352, 752

Moreh Nevochim. See Maimonides

Morgana, Mergain, Mergiana, fairy sister of King Arthur II 398 &n

Mori, Rajput tribe I 378n

Morning Star I 400, 604, 632n; II 45n, 61, 238n, 540, 759 &n. See also Lucifer-Venus

Morocco, ancient battles south of II 405

Morse Code, Ahgam writing & II 346n

Mortillet, Gabriel de

man orig in mid-Miocene II 686, 714n
Miocene flints splintered by fire II 678

——— Materiaux pour l'histoire . . .
man in mid-Miocene II 710-11 &n

——— La Prehistorique
allows man 230,000 years II 710n
prehistory a new science II 721

——— Promenades au Musee . . .
flints of Thenay made by man II 748n

Morya, Mauryas, [Maru] II 550n

will restore kshatriya race I 378 &n

"Moryas and Koothoomi, The." See Rao, D. B. R. R.

Mosaic Books. See also Genesis, Pentateuch

Ezra debased, disfigured I 319, 335-6; II 143, 658
first, & archaic records II 426
full of occult knowledge I 336
"Genesis of Enoch" anterior to II 267-8n
Skinner's theory re I 313
spurned by Sadducees I 320-1n

Mosasaurus II 205

Moschus. See Mochus

Moses II 222. See also Mosaic Books, Pentateuch

ansated cross introduced by II 31
ark of rushes & I 319-20n
asks Lord to show his glory II 538-40
author of Genesis II 453
brazen serpent I 364n; II 206n, 208, 387
burning bush (Exodus) I 121, 338n
called God Iao II 465
chief of Sodales, hierophant II 212
creation story of, fr Egypt II 3-4
w Deity on Sinai I 374
did not write Exodus I 320
died on mount sacred to Nebo II 456
drawn fr water & so named I 385
earth & water & living soul I 254, 345, 354; II 43n, 124n, 188
Egyptian II 465n
esoteric religion of, crushed I 320-1n
exodus of, Atlantean story II 426-9
face of, in the Moon II 468
& fire (true gnosis) on Mt Sinai II 566
forbids eating of pelican I 80n
God of, temporary I 374
Holy of Holies, & elements I 462
initiated I 73, 312, 314, 316, 352; II 212, 456, 465n, 541
Jehovah, Shaddai, Helion & II 509
Jews distorted Egy wisdom of I 312
Job prior to I 647
learned in Egy wisdom I 115n, 352; II 560
life of, that of Sargon I 319; II 428, 691
Masoudi [Mas'udi] agrees w II 453
mentions Noah's fifteen grandsons II 141
modern Jews not fr, but fr David II 473
never married II 465n
numbers of II 539
ram's horns on II 213n
Sadducees guardians of law of II 61
speaks of giant King Og II 336
story of, fr Chaldea II 428
tabernacle of, & Egyptians I 125, 314, 347n
tables of stone of, & pillars II 530
& tau cross on Jews' lintels II 557
Zipporah wife of I 319n, 385n

Moses de Leon [Moses ben Shemtov de Leon]

Christian Gnostics influence I 214; II 461n
re-edited Zohar in thirteenth century I 214; II 28n
Talmudic Christian sectarian II 461n
Zohar much older than II 461n

Mosses, spore reproduction of II 167

Most High II 537, 538, 541n

Mot, Mut (ilus, mud). See also Mahat

Mahat & I 451
sprang fr chaos & wind I 340

Mother. See also Father-Mother, Virgin Mother

akasa, pradhana I 256, 332
in all religions I 215-16
ansated cross & II 31n
awakened hyle called I 82
breathes out protean products I 143
chaos or I 70
expands into objectivity I 62
Father &, or fire & water I 70
-Father, space called I 9, 18
fifth principle I 293
goddesses I 91n; II 43, 464
gods are born in I 674
Great I 43, 81, 291, 434; II 83, 384n, 416, 462, 503
immaculate I 59, 88, 91, 256
Kwan-yin, daiviprakriti or I 136-7
man breathes refuse of I 144
mulaprakriti or I 136
number ten & I 94
Occult Catechism on I 11-12, 625
overshadowed by universal mystery I 88
pi & I 434 &n
prima materia I 291-2, 625
side of, is second Creation I 450
-space or Aditi I 99, 625
spawn of, & kosmos I 199
universal, or Nuah, Ashtoreth II 462-3
various names for I 136-7, 384-5, 434, 460
water & I 70, 384-5, 460, 625-6

Mother-Nature, diameter in circle symbol of I 4

Mother of God

now idolatrous in Latin Church I 382n
sitting on a lion I 400

Mother-Substance I 289-92

Motibus planetarum harmonicis, De. See Kepler

Motion. See also Breath, Perpetual Motion, Rotary Motion

absolute, immovable I 56
abstract I 3 &n, 14
alchemical solvent of life I 258
all, is perpetual (Grove) I 497
aspect of absolute I 43
becomes circular in kalpas I 116-17
begets the Logos I 67n
of bodies alters each minor age I 530
breath or I 14, 55-6; II 551
cosmic, finite, periodical I 3, 97n
divine breath or, & Pleiades II 551
duration, matter, space & I 55
"esse" of, unknown I 518
eternal, ceaseless I 2, 3, 43
eternal, cyclic, & spiral II 80
eternal even in pralaya I 497n
external, produced fr within I 274
Fohat & circular I 201
force & I 509, 512, 517-18
Hammer of Creation is continuous II 99
heat, attraction, repulsion & I 103
idol of science I 509n
intelligence needed to sustain I 502
jivatman, Nous or I 50
laws of manvantaric I 529-30
Law stops, to make 7 laya holes I 147
fr laya into vortex of I 258
matter &, (Spencer) I 12n
modes of I 604; II 273, 719
nature of, unexplained I 498
never ceases in nature I 97
not property of passive matter I 502
periodical in manifestation I 97n
perpetual, of great breath I 2-4, 43, 55-6, 93n, 147-8, 455
perpetual, of sat & asat II 450
perpetual, or the ever-becoming II 545
physical phenomena & I 496
primordial, not physical I 69-70
real, in space, vacuum I 496n
regulated by cosmic movers I 530
senseless (science) I 139
Spencer's great breath & I 496
spiral, of cycles & ogdoad II 580
thrills thru every sleeping atom I 116
unconditioned consciousness or I 14
vortical, in phenomenal world I 118n
will to impart & to restrain, (Herschel) I 503

Motionless, nothing is I 2

Motto of Theosophical Society I xli


menhirs, dolmens & II 752-4
in Norway & USA II 424n
tall skeletons in American II 293


Atlanteans fled to high II 724
chains of, uplifted II 330
of the gods II 493
heaven or, described II 357
holy, of many nations II 494
Sinai or, of Moon II 234
Tree of Life hidden among three II 216

Mt Aetna, "celestial pillar" (Pindar) II 763

Mt Armon (Hermon) II 409

angels descend upon, (Enoch) II 376

Mt Atlas. See Atlas, Mount

Mt Caucasus. See Caucasus

Mt Kajbee, Prometheus crucified on II 44

Mt Lebanon, Nabatheans of II 455n

Mt Meru

Airyana-vaego or II 204
called Mountain of God II 493
celestial pole or II 785
described I 126-7; II 401 &n, 404
Eden & I 127
guarded by serpent I 129n
Indra's heaven on II 203
lotus symbolized I 379
middle of Jambu-dvipa II 403-4
milks the Earth I 398n
North pole I 204; II 326, 357, 401n, 403
Olympus, Kaph, or II 362
Patala & II 357
roots of, in Earth's navel II 401n
seventh division, atma or II 403
Siva personates I 341
Sveta-dvipa or II 6, 366n
symbolism of II 546-7
various equivalents of II 767

Mt Pelion, Xerxes' fleet wrecked at I 467

Mt Riphaeus II 7

Mt Sinai II 494

Deity descended on I 444
Moses & fire (gnosis) on II 566
Moses' vigil on I 374
mountain of the Moon II 76-7, 234
numerology of word II 466
quarries at, Egyptian & Babylonian II 692
symbol of nineteen tropical years II 76
word fr Babylonian Sin (Moon-god) II 692

Mousseau. See Gougenot des Mousseau

Mout, Mouth I 91n, 384; II 464. See also Mut

Mouth, globe's higher atmosphere I 144

Movers, Dr F. K.

——— Die Phonizier
Assyrian priest bore name of his god II 380
Deity born fr mundane egg I 365
demiurgic & manifested Idea I 366
Horus, Logos I 348
visible universe fr ether & air I 461
Votan son of the snakes II 379

Moving Stones II 342n. See also Stones

Moyst (Moist) Principle, in alchemy, hermetica II 236, 542, 591 &n

Mozart's Requiem, blind forces, organ & II 348

M'rira [Mrida, form of Rudra] (Skt) King I't a subordinate incarnation of, (Wilford) II 406

"Mr. Sinnett's Esoteric Buddhism" [Some Inquiries suggested by] II 436n. See also Blavatsky, H. P. "Reply to an English FTS"

Mudge (Marsh in tx), Professor B. F. II 218

Muir, John (1810-1882)

Hall prefers, to Wilson I 453n

——— Original Sanskrit Texts
Atharva-Veda on time II 611-12
Varuna II 268-9n
Vishnu I 349

——— "Verses . . ."
translated fr Vedas I 422-3

Mukhya (Skt) Primary Creation

evolution of vegetable kingdom I 454
fourth, or inanimate bodies I 446
betw three lower, higher kingdoms I 455

Mukta (Skt) freed. See also Jivatman, Moksha

may choose to return to world I 132
unconditioned, or Parabrahman I 7

Mukti (Skt) liberation, nirvana

Enoch, Elijah attained II 532
freedom fr maya I xix

Mulaprakriti (Skt). See also Pradhana, Prakriti, Primordial Matter, Svabhavat

Aditi or I 430
akasa radiates fr I 35
asat or II 597n
chaos primary aspect of I 536
conceals absolute point I 346
described I 10n, 75, 428-32
duad, veil, mother, daughter I 426
eternal root of That, All I 10, 147, 340
inert without force II 24-5
Isvara or Logos & I 351n
Kwan-yin, daiviprakriti or I 136
Light of the Logos & I 430
manifestation of II 24-5
one Logos appears as I 273-4
Parabrahman & I 46, 273, 337n, 346, 629
potentialities within I 137n
precosmic root-substance I 15, 35, 62, 147; II 24-5
protyle next neighbor of I 582
root of prakriti I 62; II 65
root principle I 256, 522
seven kingdoms & I 176
Shekinah or I 629
soul of one infinite spirit I 35
super astral light 1st radiation fr I 75
svabhavat & I 61
three principles born fr I 620-1
unevolved prakriti I 19
veil of Parabrahman I 10n, 130n, 179, 274, 428-9


sterile, fr horse & ass II 287
Uriel or Thartharaoth II 115n

Mulil, Mul-lil

Akkadian creative god II 365
caused the flood II 139n

Muller, Friedrich Max II 73

cited I xxv, xxvii-ix, xxx-xxxi, xxxvii-viii, xli, xlvi
darsanas show Greek infl I 47n
Dayanand Sarasvati I xxx
Dayanand Sarasvati's polemics w I 360
derivation of Mars, Ares II 392n
devotion of Hindus I 212n
Hindu mind most spiritual II 521
Indian arts, science fr Greeks II 225
Massey on solar myths I 303-5
missed meaning of Narada II 567
on phonetic laws I xxxi-ii
placed opinions before facts I xxix-xxx
War of Giants II 754
writing unknown in early India II 225
wrong about Aryan origins II 425

——— Chips from a German Workshop
Arab figures fr Hindustan I 360-1
Greek & Christian religions II 764n
Jones, Wilford &, forged manuscripts I xxx-i &n
Remusat on Jehovah I 472
review of Popol Vuh II 97 &n
Tahitian traditions II 193-4
Vedas, Avesta, etc I xxxviii
Vedas, Hesiod, etc II 450

——— A History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature
gives Morya for Moru [Maru] I 378n
q Rig-Veda I 26

——— India: What can it teach us
attacks Darwinism II 721-2

——— Introduction to the Science of Religion
Badaoni I xxiv n
Confucian, Taoist compared I xxv &n
Confucius I xxxvii n
Egyptian religion not understood I xxviii-ix
missionaries confuse Eve w I vi II 194n
Mother, Maya, Mary I xxxii n
Odin came before Homer, Vedas I xxix
only one true religion I xli
Remusat on I Hi Wei I 472
Saddharmalankara I xxvii
vanity of religious doctrines I xli
Wilford misled by forgery I xxx-i &n

——— Lectures on Mr. Darwin's Philosophy of Language.
Darwinian theory vulnerable II 662
speech needs human brain II 661

——— Lectures on the Science of Language
D. Stewart on Sanskrit, etc II 442

——— The Science of Thought
thought & language II 199n

Muller, Karl Otfried, A History of the Literature of Ancient Greece, "Spirit of God" I 365, 461

Muluk-Taoos (Yezidi) [lord peacock], emblem of initiation II 514n

Mummy (ies)

w crocodile head I 220 &n; II 577
egg floating above, (Kircher) I 365
frog goddesses found on I 386
god II 464, 577
marks on, tell sex of I xxix n
Ptah unveils face of I 353
of Sesostris at Cairo I xxix n
tall male, at Tchertchen I xxxiii
tau cross placed on II 557
wheat placed w II 374 &n

Munchhausen, Baron [K. F. H. von] II 441

Mundaka Upanishad

lower & higher Krishna I 535
Parabrahman I 6
universe as spider & web I 83

Mundane Egg. See also Egg, Golden Egg

carried in Ptah's hand I 365
Christians adopted I 367-8
described I 65-6, 88-9, 359-68
Dionysius [Dionysos] sprang fr I 360
germ in the I 57
Keely near secret of I 556
Khnoum fashioned man fr I 366
arayana penetrates I 80-1
point in, becomes universe I 1
Scandinavian I 367
swan symbol & I 357

Mundane Tree. See also Tree of Life, Yggdrasil

Nidhogg gnawed roots of I 211
Son of Kriyasakti compared to I 211
tree of evolution II 259n

Mundi Domini (Lat) [world dominators] Church made devils of I 331

Mundi Tenentes (Lat) [world holders], Church made devils of I 331

Mundo, De. See Aristotle

Muni(s), Munin (Skt) sage(s) II 175

fathers of various beings II 259n
great, or first man I 345
fr previous manvantara I 207
rebellious & fallen gods II 232
ten prajapatis create seven II 573-4

Munk, Salomon, [Palestine], Gnostic influence on Zohar II 461n

Muntakhab-ut-Tawarikh. See Badaoni

Murad Ali Bey. See Mitford, G.

Murray, A. S., Manual of Mythology, prowess of Atlanteans II 753n

Murtimat (Skt), embodied I 372

Musee des Sciences

disguised causes (Herschel) I 492n
gravitation (Herschel) I 604
Le Couturier & motor force I 502

Mushrooms, cobra venom & I 262


division of mathematics (Pythag) I 433
Mantrika-sakti, speech & I 293
Osiris-Isis invented, (Basnage) II 366
Thoth inventor of II 529
world called out of chaos by I 433


notation & Greek diatessaron II 600
scale & sacred planets II 602
scale & septenary laws II 628

Music of the Spheres

Celsus on I 445-6
Censorinus on I 433
chords of universal consciousness I 167
Pythagorean II 602
Vach or Pythagorean I 432

Muslin, fr India known in Chaldea II 226

Muspell (Norse), war of sons (flames) of I 202

Mussulman (men). See also Mohammedans

crescent & II 31-2n
lethal influence of II 411n

Mut (Egy)

daughter, wife, mother of Ammon I 91n, 384, 430
Isis, Hathor or I 91n; II 464
mother, Moon, etc II 464

Mut (Phoen), Mahat (Skt) & I 451

Mut(h)-Isis (Egy), suckling Hor-Ammon II 464

Mycenae, cyclopean structures at II 345n

Myer, Isaac

antiquity of Zohar II 461 &n
studied Kabbala well I 374

——— Qabbalah
Adamic race II 315
Ain-Soph creates in delight II 126
allegory of man w heavy load I 393-4
all things made male & female II 528
astral first race (Zohar) II 137
B'raisheeth bara elohim I 352
continued creation II 457
Earth chain II 503-4
four Adams II 457
God lowest designation I 619
Jews used Adonai, not YHVH II 452
Kabbala fr Aryan sources I 376
Logos brother of Satan II 162
Moses & Lord's glory (Exodus) II 538-9
mystical interpretation of Genesis I 374-5
One Cause, Primal Cause I 618
Pre-Adamite Kings II 83-4
on rebuking Satan II 478
rotation of Earth II 28n
seven Earths, seas, days I 347-8, 447-8
six-month night, day (Zohar) II 773
spirit, chaos, universe II 84-5
Superior emanates into all beings II 116
two creations in Zohar II 54
various worlds, shells, etc II 111, 504
wisdom-religion in Central Asia I 376
YHVH, Tetragrammaton I 438 &n
Zohar on bird of wisdom II 292-3

Mylitta (Babylonian Moon-goddess)

identical w Aditi II 43
same as Thalatth, Omoroca II 135
wife, mother, sister I 396

Myorica, swans of II 772n

Myrrha (Gk) I 384

Mysore, Sringa-giri mathams near I 272

Mystere et la science, Le. See Felix, Father

Mysteres de la vie humaine. See Montlosier

Mysteres de l'horoscope. See Star, E.

Mysteria Specialia of Paracelsus, seeds fr which all develops I 283 &n

Mysteries, The (Mystery Schools). See also Initiations, Mystery

Aeschylus initiated into II 419
Alexandrian, texts destroyed I xxiii-iv
astrology secret of II 500n
blinds conceal real II 310
Book of Enoch & II 229, 535
bull, dragon (Latin saying) fr II 133
church fathers initiated in I xxxix, xliv, 311
circle-dance prescribed for II 460
compilers of Christian II 561
crucifixion & II 560-2
custodians of II 281-2
desecration of II 503
Dionysiac, & egg I 359-60
a discipline & stimulus to virtue I xxxv
Egyptian I 312
founders of II 267n
gave rise to religions I xxxvi
geography part of II 9
great, & candidate's death II 462
Greek sages initiated in I 117
Hermes in Samothracian II 362
Herodotus on II 395-6
ideal & practical I 363
ineffable name & I 346
initiation into I xxxvi; II 795-6
lunar, & occult knowledge I 228n
Masonry once based on II 795-6
medieval, seven natural properties in II 630
of Mithras I 446; II 419n
Nazarene II 96n
origin of II 281, 560
philosophers initiated into I 326-7
pre-Adamic, (Chwolsohn) II 452-3
psychic & spiritual element belong to I 229
pyramids symbolize I 314-15, 317-18n
reestablished in fifth race II 124
rounds & races taught in II 435
Sabazian II 415-16, 419
at Sais II 396
Samothracian, & Deluge II 4
secrecy re II 124-5, 451, 518, 535
Secert Doctrine vol III records downfall of I xxxix-xl
secret of the fires in II 106
serpent taught men, (Gnostic) I 404
Sods, Sodalian I 463; II 212n, 633
unlocked w seven keys II 632
War in Heaven taught in II 386

Mysteries of Adonis. See Dunlap, S. F.

Mysteries of Magic. See Levi, E.

"Mysteries of Ro-stan" I 237

Mysteriis, De. See Iamblichus

Mysterium Magnum of Paracelsus

astral light of Alchemists II 511
Brahma (neuter) or I 61
chaos or I 283
elements born fr I 284
homogeneous matter I 584

Mystery (ies). See also Mysteries, The

cosmic, & Narada II 83
fatality of science I 670
geometrical figures &, of being I 430 &n
initiation & I 229
male figure symbol of unveiled I 351
"negation of common sense" I 669
of postmortem separation II 496
psychological, key to II 225n
seventh, of creation II 516-17
universal, & Mother I 88
veil of, over zodiacal signs II 580

"Mystery about Buddha, A" I 118

Mystery God, or seventh planet (Uranus) I 99-100

Mystery-Gods (Planetary Regents)

chief of, is Sun II 22-3
seven, of ancients II 22
various, given II 3

Mystery Language

described I 308-25; II 574-89
every theology sprang fr I 310
Hebrew scrolls read numerically in II 208
imparted by advanced beings I 309
now called symbolism I 309
numerical & geometrical keys to I 318
pictorial & symbolical II 574
seven dialects of, & nature I 310
seven keys of I 310-11

Mystery of the Ages [by Marie, Countess of Caithness] II 229n

Mystery Schools. See Mysteries

Mystery-Tongue, of initiates II 200


planetary conjunction important to I 656
Russian, traveled to Tibet I xxxvi


Hindu I 212n
persecuted by Roman Church I xliv

Myth(s), Mythology (ies). See also Allegories, Legends

antiquity of, (Gould) II 219
Aryan influence on Babylonian II 130
astronomy & astrology part of I 389n
of Atlas II 762-5
based on ancient history II 235-6, 754-5, 769, 777
based on facts in nature II 197n, 293, 443
came fr the north II 774n
cosmos fr Divine Thought in I 339-40
crude, coarse, dangerous II 764-5 &n
described I 425
double-sexed creatures in II 130
evolution & Hindu I 22
of fallen angel II 475-505
four races in Greek II 270-1
giants important in ancient II 754-5
gods of I 668
historical lining to all I 303, 304n, 339
intelligent nature-forces basis of I 424
kernel of tradition in II 235
keys to II 517
Massey on value of I 303-5
meanings of persons in II 775
monsters of, actuality II 217-19, 293, 443
moon goddesses in I 264
Norse II 97, 100, 283n, 535, 754
oldest Greek, echoes primeval teaching I 109-10
origin of Satanic II 378-90
orthodox symbolism of modern II 335
Pococke on I 339
primitive disease (Renouf) I 303-4, 398
sevenfold interpretation of II 517, 765
Sun II 381-3, 386
various classical, interpreted II 769-77
of Vedic Aryans II 498, 520
wars in I 202
zodiac basis of I 652, 667-8

"Mythes du feu . . ." See Baudry, F.

Mythical, ancient texts not purely II 335

Mythical Monsters. See Gould, Charles

Mythological Geography [Mythische Geographie . . . ]. See Volcker, Karl H. W.

Mythologie de la Grece antique. See Decharme

Mythologie des Indous, La. See Polier, de

Mythology. See Murray, A. S.

Mythopoeic Age, not a fairy tale I 266-7

Myths and Marvels of Astronomy. See Proctor

Myths and Myth-Makers. See Fiske, John

Theosophical University Press Online Edition