Index to The Secret Doctrine — prepared by John P. Van Mater

- Prj-Qz -

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Prjevalsky (or Przhevalsky), General N., From Kiakhta to the Sources . . . , Tchertchen ruins I xxxiii-iv

Probabilities, Law of I xlvi-vii

Proceedings of Royal Society (London), Reade, T. M., on sedimentary strata II 11

Proceedings of the Royal Institute

Crookes on genesis of elements I 581, 621-6; II 105 &n
Huxley on persistent forms II 256-7


———Commentaries on Euclid's Elements
visible & invisible circles II 552

——— Commentaries on the Timaeus
Arkite Titans II 143
Iamblichus on Assyrians I 409, 650
Marcellus on Atlantis II 408-9
Rhea is monad, duad, heptad I 446
Tetraktys II 603

——— On the Theology of Plato
highest principle I 426
Tetrad II 599

Procreation. See also Oviparous

ancients venerated I 209-10
animal, painless II 262
change in, described II 415
desecrating, caused curse II 410-11 &n
by egg, vapor, vegetation, pores, womb II 183
five evolutionary stages of II 166-7
necessary pangs of incessant II 475
occult evolution of II 657-60
seasons of animal II 412n
sexual, will disappear next root-race I 406
variety of modes of II 168, 172-8, 183
by will I 192; II 183, 766
yod (Hebrew) or ten & II 574

Proctor, Richard A.

"coincidences" of I 314-15, 324
on Great Pyramid & pole star II 432

——— Knowledge (periodical)
date of Egyptian zodiac II 435
date of Great Pyramid II 431
Dragon constellation at pole II 352-3
refutes Smyth pyramid figures I 314

——— Myths and Marvels of Astronomy
accurate astronomy 2400 BC I 650; II 435

"Proem to Genesis." See Gladstone, W. E.

Profugis, De. See Philo Judaeus

Progenitor(s). See also Pitris, Prajapatis

androgynous II 130
are ourselves (first personalities) II 88
became gods before becoming men II 349
created seven races II 77
creators of our bodies II 88, 110
details about, contradictory II 138
divine builder of men II 194
highest, gave man mind II 92
men in Mazdean ark are II 291
merged w own astral bodies II 138
mindless, & primeval man II 80
monad used astral body of II 660 &n
pitris, pitar I 456n; II 58-9, 88, 110
projected shadowy men II 95, 138, 164
prototypes of first root-race I 456n
seven, & seven races II 611
seven degrees of II 712 &n
seven, or pillars II 293
seven, or prajapatis II 611
shadows of, dominate 3-1/2 races II 110

Progress of Religious Ideas. See Childs, L.

Progymnasmata. See Brahe, Astronomiae

Promanthanein (Gk) to learn beforehand, name Prometheus fr II 521

Pro-Mater, divine fire II 114

Promati [probably Pramati] (Skt) son of Fohat II 413-14n

Promenades au Musee . . . See Mortillet, de

Prometheus (Gk) II 411-22, 519-28. See also Lucifer, Pitris (Solar)

agnishvattas became II 79, 411
allegory of, explained II 103
Athena &, create new race II 519
Azazel is the Hebrew II 376
boons of, to mankind II 523
chained on Mt Caucasus II 414
champion of mankind II 411-12n
crucified on Mt Kajbee II 44
crucified Titan explained II 413, 561
derivation of name II 413-14n, 420n, 521
divine soul II 419
evil fire, lightning, etc II 526
Fetahil [Pthahil] of Nazarenes I 195n
fire of, inner not physical II 523-4
forty-nine fires & II 521
found in every theogony II 420-1
gift of, became curse II 420
Jupiter is II 269
Loki same as II 283n
Lucifer another version of II 237n
molded & enlightened man II 519
myth fr Aryavarta II 524
myth misunderstood II 525-7
myth older than Greeks II 413
Norse prophecy & II 100
phallic slant given to II 526
pitris or I 195n
prophecy of, & mysteries II 419
son of Asia, brother of Atlas II 768-9
son of Titan Iapetos II 525
spiritual man & II 95
steals divine fire II 244, 525
Sun-god, hero II 44
symbol of, degraded II 100-1
taught man civilization II 526
thunderbolt &, myth II 522
Titan-, rebelled against Zeus II 280n
Titans-Kabirim symbolized by II 363
transforms perfect animal II 244
Zeus cursed, sent to Hades II 244, 412

Prometheus Bound, Prometheus Vinctus. See Aeschylus

Promised Land, nirvana or I 568 &n


history & tradition are II 336
twentieth-century disciple may give I xxxviii

"Proofs of Evolution." See Haeckel, E.

Propagation. See also Procreation, Reproductive

by will before the Fall I 192

Propator (Gk)" Forefather." See also Bythos, Depth

existed before Bythos I 349
periodical I 214
ray fr Ain-soph I 349
unmanifest Logos I 214

Prophecy (ies)

adepts taught Balaam II 409
alleged, about savior I 653
based on cycles & mathematics I 646; II 621
re chemistry as new alchemy I 622-3
re deathblow to materialism I 612
disciple may be sent I xxxviii
door wider each century I xxxviii n
Dracontia used for II 347
re European nations I 644, 646; II 266, 435
Figaniere, re man's future II 289n
Frankenstein, homunculi are II 349
re future subraces II 444-6
re kali-yuga I 377-8, 644-5
re Kalki avatara II 483
re modern nations II 330-1
re Moru [Maru] & solar dynasty I 378
Norse, of seventh race II 100
re priority of man II 690
prognostication is not I 646
re Prometheus & Sabasian Mysteria II 419
recording, beforehand explained II 621
re vindication of Asiatic philosophy II 334
volumes I & II of, described I xliv
zodiac & I 649, 653

Prophet(s) II 469

Adam, of Moon II 468
adepts of right-hand path II 211
Hecate & jealous God of I 395
initiates or II 492
of Israel & Bath-Kol II 107
leaping, of Baal II 460
persecution of right-path, by left II 503
secret colleges of II 533


laws of, taught at initiations I 208n
lost canon of I 208-9n

Propositions I 272-82

Three Fundamental I 14-18
three new, re mankind II 1

Proselenoi (Gk) [prior to moon], Arcadians called themselves II 352

Proserpine(a) (Lat). See also Persephone

lunar goddess I 396
seven Atlantis islands sacred to II 408

Prosimiae, critique of Haeckel's II 649-50, 668-9

Protagoras. See Plato

Protamoeba, primitive protoplasm II 164n

Protein, protoplasm &, (Huxley) I 637n

Protesilaus, on skeleton at Sigeus II 278

Protestant(s) I 226

faith of I 612
link brazen serpent w Christ I 364 &n
lost sight of Michael II 479
slander Dragon of Wisdom II 377


Hindu, of 1,008 names I 349
hypothetical, of science I 326
light the great I 579
primordial substance I 330
superior wisdom of II 762
Toum [Tum] the Egyptian I 673 &n

Protista (ic) (unicellular organism)

germ of apperception in I 455
Haeckel traces consciousness to II 650
moneron passes fr, to animal II 153 &n
not an animal II 594n

Protogenes, primitive protoplasm II 164n

Protogonos (oi) (Gk) firstborn

called dis by Damascius I 70, 343 &n
firstborn form & idea II 25
firstborn gods II 43, 490n, 703n
firstborn light I 70, 343
manifested Logos II 592
not yet mirrored in chaos II 704 &n
produced fr spirit & chaos I 70
"unknown Light" reflected in II 703n

Protologos (oi) (Orphic) II 107

Brahma same as all I 335
spirit of nature II 108
totality of prajapatis I 356


animals & man once ethereal II 184
of Naudin II 120

Protoplasm II 730

defined by Haeckel II 164n
homogeneous I 46
laya-center & I 204
man's body began as II 255
origin of II 158-60, 164-5n
potentialities of, discussed II 653-4
protein &, Huxley on I 637n
sarcode or II 153 &n
speck of, (moneron) II 151, 189

Prototype(s). See also Adam-Kadmon, Chhayas

astral, become physical II 68n, 660n, 712, 736, 737, 738
astral, of third round II 186, 256-7, 712
Christian angelology fr archaic I 92
each human has spiritual I 235n
mammalia fr, fourth round man shed II 684
of mankind I 224
monad requires a spiritual I 247
present in ideal form I 63
"privations" of Aristotle I 59; II 489
reincarnation & celestial I 639
senses fr astral II 295
Silent Watcher or divine I 265
spiritual beings objectivize I 282
spiritual, in the ether I 282 &n, 332
spiritual, of all things exists I 58
Vaivasvata, of Noah II 306
Venus is Earth's spiritual II 31

Protyle(s) (primordial substance). See also Elements, Ether, Ilus, Pradhana

atoms & I 582
atoms evolve fr laya to I 522
basic line of Pythagorean triangle I 617
cooling of I 625
corresponds to planes of matter II 737
differentiates into elements I 130
elements become, again I 240
ether of science I 339
hydrogen nearly allied to II 105
invisible, of science I 58
is our layam II 105
mediate phase I 328 &n, 598n
next neighbor to mulaprakriti I 582
original primal matter I 581
science returns to I 553
seven, or prakritis I 328
six, basis of objective universe II 737
Subba Row on Crookes' I 620-1
Sun & planets evolved fr I 625
undifferentiated matter I 60, 240
yliaster ancestor of Crookes' I 283

Proverbs [or Proverbs of Solomon]

wisdom & understanding II 134n
wisdom's house w seven pillars I 356; II 641


analogy of ant, sin, & I 133
astral light material of active I 421
chief cause of "ways of" I 643
cruel, degradation of Deity II 305-6n
karma cannot be called I 634
proceeded fr the Word I 350
punishes evil to seventh rebirth expl I 643

Pruner-Bey, Franz, fallacies re man & ape II 681

Prytanea [Prytaneum], & self-moving stones II 345

Psalms [or Psalms of David]

androgynous mankind II 134n
angels made spirits, etc I 92n
breaking heads of dragons II 505
evils come fr north & west I 123
God's ministers, a flaming fire I 107
"He placed his Throne in the Sun" I 493
"I know not Thy numbers" I 115n
Jehovah a god among other gods II 508
Kadush I 463
Kadushu (priests) II 460
Sod II 212n
verses 25:14, 89:7 retranslated II 212n

Psammites. See Archimedes

Psellus, M. C. See Chaldean Oracles

Pseudo Berosus. See Berosus, Antiquitates

Pseudographs, palmed off on credulous II 442

Psyche, Psuche (Gk)

butterfly Greek emblem of I 74
lower anima mundi I 194, 197n
manas or human soul II 275n
nous & II 134n, 377
in quaternary II 599


astral light & the I 196
atman warms inner man on, plane II 110
chief factor in, phenomena II 59n
civilization & the II 319
connects matter & spirit I 197n
craze described II 349
dhyanic group &, man I 559
evolution physical & II 62, 87, 109, 294, 365
faculties & forty-nine fires I 521
force as a weapon II 56n
force (Sergeant Cox) & Archaeus I 338n
form of primitive man II 154
guided by the animal is sin II 413
hallucination, delirium & II 370-1n
higher pitris our, & spiritual parents II 171
influence of Moon on, phenomena I 180
key to symbolism I 363
nature of man, origin of II 275
nature of Moon secret I 156
passions, powers & misuse II 302
power of, over physical II 192
prognostication is not I 646
prototype of, function II 92
struggle between spiritual & II 272
struggle on, plane II 64

"Psychic Force and Etheric Force." See Bloomfield-Moore, C. J.

Psychism, is not psychology II 156n

Psychode of Thury I 338n


Hume regarded as a II 156n
modern, are materialists I 620n
modern, ignores buddhi II 81

Psychology II 107n

Aryan & Egyptian, not understood I 226
deals only w false personality II 254
Eastern I 54
esoteric, septenary II 632-3
fifth element & II 135
"laws of association" I 292
in lunar worship I 398
monism, materialism & negative I 124 &nn
sees man as evolved animal I 636
shifted to crass materialism II 156n
spiritual vs materialistic I 620n


aspect of jnanasakti I 292
physicists & I 201n

Psychopaths, & "spirits" II 370n

Ptah, Phta, Phtah (Egy). See also Asklepios

Ammon & I 675
carries mundane egg I 365
deity concealed by II 553
Egyptian creative intellect I 353
Khonsoo confused w II 464
original god of death like Siva I 367n
Osiris-, creates his limbs I 231
proceeds fr world egg I 367
-Ra aspect of Archaeus I 338n
seventh Kabir II 365n
various names for I 353

Ptahil, Pthahil. See Fetahil


extinct w third race II 206-7
flying dragons & II 387
flying saurian II 205-6
genesis of II 151
man contemporary w II 206, 218-19, 676
paintings of China, Babylon II 205-6

Ptolemy [Claudius Ptolemaeus]

Asuramaya &, Weber on II 49-50, 326
calendars of I 663
calls Arabs noble tribe II 200 &n
Champollion vindicated II 367
geocentric system of II 150n
Hindu epoch & I 658-9
observations of, & Hermes I 664

Ptolemy Philadelphus, had Jewish laws translated into Greek II 200n

Ptomaine(s) I 261-2, 262n

Pueblos, secret meetings of II 181n

Puja (Skt) [worship] to Jesus in woman's clothes I 72n

Pulaha (Skt), mind-born son II 78

Pulastya (Skt)

father of serpents, nagas II 181
mind-born son II 78
missionaries link, w Cain I 415
Parasara & I 456
prajapati II 232n
progenitor of rakshasas I 415; II 232n
Ravana, Dattoli & II 232n

Puloma (Skt) mother of Danavas II 381-2


solar I 541
Stratton on cycles of II 623n
universal I 84, 216

Puma, & lion II 792

Pums (Skt) spirit I 256

Brahma, pradhana & I 445
eternal all-pervading I 373

Punarjanman (Skt) rebirth I 293

Pundarikaksha (Skt) lotus-eyed II 108

Punjab, finest men physically in II 411n

Punjcaure. See Panjkora

Purana(s) II 36-7, 58, 121, 137, 181. See also Vishnu Purana

Agneyastra II 629
allegorical & historical II 323
anticipated modern discoveries I 623
astronomy of, conceals II 253
Asuramaya in II 50
authors of, knew forces of science I 521
bhutas in II 102n
Bible & I xxxi, 316; II 126, 251-2
bipeds before quadrupeds II 163, 183
Brahma as a boar II 75
Budha, wisdom, Mercury II 498
chronology of I 316; II 225
commentary on, re Vishnu, Sesha II 505
compiled fr "very old book" I xliii
confirm old teachings I 307
continents, islands II 263-4, 402-9
days & nights of Brahma I 368-78
dead letter of, a fairy tale II 320
deal w causes II 252
decad, dual system in II 573
deluge (Atlantean) II 140
details of, contradictory II 138
disfigured by translation I 115n
dual creation II 81
dualistic, not evolutionary I 256n
esoteric keys in, for searcher II 585 &n
esoteric works at one time I 423
ether produced sound I 587
exaggerations in II 67, 252, 585
exoteric II 378
exoteric symbols used in II 455
expressed 5,000 years ago II 527
fallen gods II 232, 283
four vidyas in I 168-9
geometrical figures, numbers I 66
giants, Titans, Cyclopes in I 415; II 293
hide esoteric meaning II 148, 175n
history of our monads II 284
incongruities in I 420-1
Indra in, & Rig-Veda II 378
initiates knew meaning of I 423, 520; II 320
Kapilas, several in II 572
kings, rishis II 94
lunar, solar year, day II 621
Mahat inner boundary of universe I 257
Mahat-prakriti I 602
man seventh Creation I 217
many meanings in II 402-3
maruts sons of Diti II 613
material pole of Vedas II 527
more mythical than Stanzas II 23
must not be taken literally I 369; II 585
names allegorical, geographical II 403n
Narada in II 47-9
north polar region II 326
occult secrets in II 571-2
older than Phoenicians II 406
older than Plato's island II 407
orders, classes, animals, plants II 259n
personnel of, pre-human II 284
physical, metaphysical worlds II 402-3
pitris described II 91, 121
pradhana aspect of Parabrahman I 256
pralaya, Parasara's account of II 757
primeval perfect cube I 344
primordial voice, light in II 107
rishi-yogis II 78-9n
rotation, revolution of planets I 442
scientific when read esoterically II 251-3
sea that never freezes II 12
serpent oracles II 381
Sesha I 407; II 505
seven creations I 21
seven human, cosmic principles II 616
seven manus II 3
sevens in II 35, 611, 616
son of Moon legend II 45
spiritual man independent of body II 254
Sveta-Dvipa II 6
Taraka War in all II 497-8
treat the pre-cosmic, pre-genetic II 252
twice-born II 70
two or more creations II 53
undying race II 275 &n
universal myths II 97
universal truths in II 409-10
universe as an egg I 360
Vaivasvata as Noah II 290-1
Vaivasvata Manu, one only in II 251
on various races II 173-7
Venus story II 30
Vishnu First, Brahma Second Logos I 381n
war of asuras II 63
wars in heaven I 202, 418-19
weapons in II 629-30
wisdom in I 336
written emblems I 306-7

"The Puranas on the Dynasties of the Moryas . . ." See Rao, D. B. R. R.

Purgatory, Kabbalistic I 568n

Purohita (Skt) "appointed," chief priest

Brahmanaspati is, to the gods II 45n
Gauramukha, to King of Mathura II 323

Pururavas (Skt), legend of I 523

Purusha (Skt) man, cosmic or ideal Man

atom inseparable fr I 582
blind without prakriti I 247-8; II 123n
born fr Eternal Cause or non-being I 344
Brahma & I 81, 542
divine spirit I 461
Heavenly Man II 703-4 &n
immutable, unconsumable I 582
male astral light I 196
manifested deity II 108
Narayana or I 231
only reality II 598
-pradhana-kala & creation I 451-2n
prakriti & I 16, 81, 284, 542, 582; II 42, 598
prakriti &, aspects of One I 51, 552
on prakriti's shoulders I 248
pure, created waters pure I 458n
sacrificed for production of universe II 606
seven logs, twenty-one layers of fuel & II 606
seven, principles, prakritis I 335
seventh principle II 574
Subba Row on I 428
Supreme Spirit absorbs I 373
various names for II 704n
Viraj born fr, or heavenly man II 606
web of universe & I 83
world soul born of, & matter I 365

Purushasukta (Skt) hymn of Rig-Veda II 606-7

Purushottama (Skt) Supreme Spirit

Achyuta or I 542
infinite spirit, Kapila or II 570

Purvaja (Skt) firstborn, pregenetic

name given Vishnu II 107
spirit of nature, protologos II 108

Purvashadha (Skt) [a constellation] kali-yuga & II 550

Pushkara (Skt) blue lotus flower

America, North & South II 403, 407
described II 404
globe, loka, etc II 320-1
Patala or antipodes of India II 407n
seventh dvipa II 319, 403
yet to come II 404-5

Pushkara Mahatmya (of the Harivamsa), Daksha converts to female II 275-6

Putah (Egy), buddhi corresponds w II 632

P`u-to, Chinese island, temple I 72, 471

Putra (Skt) son, child II 163

ascetic son of Priyavrata II 369n
Daksha creates II 183

Pu-tsi-k'iun-ling [P'u-chi-ch'un-ling], Kwan-shi-yin or I 471


fails to animate his statue II 150
first creators were, of man II 102

Pygmy (ies)

dwarf races of Poles II 331
glacial epoch or age of II 715n
good & bad giants & II 70
hippopotamus, elephant II 219
modern men are II 194

Pymander. See Divine Pymander

Pyramid(s). See also Great Pyramid

adepts dwelt under II 351-2
Alpha Draconis & I 407
antedates Bible I 115n
Atlantean descendants built II 429
Aztec, discussed (Humboldt) I 322
became pillars at Tyre I 347n
of Cheops, initiation in II 462, 558
Cholula, built by giants II 276n
constellations, deluges & II 352
cube &, or matter & form II 599-600
decad found in I 321
derived fr shape of fire II 594
described II 352, 575
each consecrated to a star II 362
embody sacred name I 439
four sides of, four cardinal points I 125-6, 347n
gallery of, & golden cow II 469
"I am that I am" & II 468
indestructible cement of II 430
Kephren builder of second II 226
menhirs & nuraghi copies of II 352
not exclusively Egyptian II 352
perfection of, (Kenealy) I 208-9n
quaternary is, (Ragon) II 575
Seth, Enoch & II 361-2
subterranean passages in II 429
symbol of Mysteries, initiation I 314-15
tabernacle of Moses based on I 347n
third, fourth race initiates & II 353
triangles & I 616-17
units of measurement & II 226

Pyramidalists, figures of, "biased" I 315

Pyramid of Cheops. See Great Pyramid

Pyramids & Temples of Egypt. See Petrie, F.

Pyramis (Gk), Reuchlin on II 599-600, 601

Pyrolithic Age (Laurentian), oceans condensed in II 159

Pyrrha (Gk), escapes deluge in ark II 270

Pythag. See Stanley, T.

Pythagoras. See also Pythagoreans

adept I xxxv; II 530
Aristotle dwarfed ideas of I 615
brought decad fr India II 573, 582
brought symbols fr East I 612, 616
called Venus "Sol alter" II 31
circle of, & golden egg II 553
circular meditation posture II 552
contemporary of Confucius I 440
corpuscular theory of I 484, 507
decimal notation & I 361
duad of I 426, 618-19; II 575
focus of secret wisdom I xlv, 611-13
forces are spiritual entities I 492, 495
"fragments of," (Oliver) II 640-1
harmonic doctrine based on seven II 601
knew secret wisdom II 534
kosmos of II 599
monad & duad of, & Plato I 426
Monad of I 64, 426-7, 433, 440-1, 619; II 575
music of the spheres I 432; II 601-3
Mysteries, discipline, virtue I xxxv
oath of II 603
Plato embraced ideas of I 348
point, line, triangle . . . I 612; II 24
Porphyry on Plato & I 426-7
proceeded fr universals downward II 153
school of I 433-4, 616
seven of II 35, 582
sources of wisdom of II 530-1
studied in India I 433
Sun guardian of Jupiter I 493
taught heliocentric theory I 117 &n
ten perfect number w II 463
Tetrad sacred to II 599
Tetraktys, triad, decad of I 440-1
triad, triangle of I 344
Venus of II 31, 592
vouched for ancient legends II 217
Zeus not highest god I 425-6
zodiac & dodecahedron I 649

Pythagorean(s). See also Tetraktys

abacus I 361
all globes rational intelligences I 493
chaos or soul of world I 338, 343
corpuscular theory I 507
decad I 321, 616-18; II 553, 573
decad or all human knowledge I 36
full numbers known to I 361
hated the binary II 574
initiates & deductive method II 153
key to 365-day year II 583
metempsychoses & human embryo II 188
monad in darkness I 63-4, 427
monad, Logos, or point I 614
musical notation II 600
numbered hierarchies of gods I 433
number four called key-keeper by II 600-1
number symbology I 361; II 573-6, 580-1, 599, 601-3
Plato best of, (Syrianus) II 599
six & one among II 582
Tetraktis, Logos becomes II 24
triangle symbolizes sephiroth II 111 &n
triangle, ten, seven points of I 612-13, 616
zero & one among I 361

Pythagorean Triangle. See Oliver, G.

Pythian Odes. See Pindar

Pythius, name of Apollo II 106


attacks Apollo's mother II 383 &n, 771n
dragon serpent oracle II 381
equivalents of II 379, 516
falling demon of Greece II 486, 516
North Pole or, chasing Lemurians II 771n
red dragon of Revelation II 383 &n, 771n
Sun conqueror of II 208


Qabbalah. See Myer, I.

Qadesh Qedeshim (Heb), holy ones, Holy of Holies II 212n, 460, 463

Qadosh (Heb), Sun, Adonai, El-El or I 463

Qadosho (Heb), holy place (Psalms 24:3) II 460

Qai-yin II 315. See also Cain

Qaniratha. See Hvaniratha

Qedeshoth (Kadeshuth in tx), female, same as Nautchnis II 460, 463

Qedoshim, Qedoshim (Heb, Kadeshim in tx)

far fr holy II 212n
galli or, lived by the temple II 460

Quadrature (of circle)

four-faced Brahma is I 344
Parker on I 315-16

Quadrigemina, Corpora. See Corpora Quadrigemina

Quadrumana (four-handed). See also Anthropoids

descent of man fr, fiction II 193
extinct before seventh race II 263
man fr, (science) II 255, 258, 348, 661

Quadrupeds, Daksha made II 163, 183

Quaestiones et Solutiones. See Philo Judaeus

Quaestiones Graecae. See Plutarch

Quaestiones Naturales. See Seneca

Quaestiones Romanes. See Plutarch

Quain, Jones, Elements of Anatomy, on the pineal gland II 297

Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, Haeckel on monera II 153n

Quarterly Journal of Science Ward on temperature of Sun I 484n

Quartiles (astronomy) I 320

Quaternary I 221, 242n, 436

Brahma & I 213
emanates lower triad II 595
energizing light of Logos makes up I 428
father, mother, son & I 614
fire root of II 114
first solid figure (Ragon) II 575
has to be terrestrial or celestial II 604
Heavenly Man symbolized by II 595
Jehovah & I 618
manifested, fr Mother alone I 88
Marcus on I 351
Noah, three sons & II 597n
noumenal root of all numbers II 582
pyramid or II 575
Pythagorean double II 599
symbol of immortality II 575
Tetragrammaton & I 73n, 438n; II 625
triangle, trinity & II 35, 591, 612
unity & I 59

Quaternary Age (geology) II 710. See also Primordial-, Primary-, Secondary-, & Tertiary Age

antiquity of man & II 288
balmy spring of II 738n
compared w theosophic periods II 715-17
Europe in, described II 740
man before the II 206
man's origins placed in, (science) II 157, 686
no human skeletons found before II 723
rocks of, five hundred feet thick II 709
savages of II 749

Quatrefages de Breau, Jean L. A. de

an agnostic II 645
gave blow to Darwinism II 56n, 681
man-ape likeness exaggerated II 87n
monogenesis of, criticized II 195-6
reservations of, about Darwinism II 662
right in his own way II 426
scientific fallacies I 487
theosophists respect II 651
unbiased, honest, earnest II 645
upsets Darwinism II 654, 711

——— Les cranes des races humaines . . .
Canstadt & Engis men human II 744

——— Histoire generale des races . . .
apes likely descend fr man II 287-8
fallacy of evolutionists II 681
man helpless without mind II 56n
man lived before mammals II 155

——— The Human Species
apes fr man II 682, 687n
Cro-Magnon & Guanches II 678n, 740, 790n
descent of Aryans, Semites II 426
disposes of Haeckel's man-ape II 745n
on Haeckel's prosimiae II 649-50, 668-9
life rules inanimate forces I 540, 603
man in Miocene & earlier II 746
man in Secondary Age II 10, 157, 219, 288, 686, 687n, 714n
milieux or environment II 736
new races come fr crossings II 444
Quaternary man intelligent II 749
q Naudin on first man II 119-20
race extinction II 780
rapid & gradual evolutionists II 646 &n
why man not fr apes II 646 &n, 666-7

Quatremere, Etienne M., Nabathean Agriculture a copy II 453

Queen of Heaven I 400-3

Mary, Moon or I 403
Mout (Mut) called the II 464

Quetzalcoatl (Quetzo-Cohuatl in tx), de Bourbourg on II 380

Quiche (Maya). See also Popol Vuh

Egyptians & I 267n; II 34

Quiche Manuscripts II 96. See also Popol Vuh

Qui circumambulat terram (Lat) [Cf.1 Peter 5:8], human egos & II 485, 515

Quiescence, preceding creation II 488-90

Quinames (Quinametzin, legendary giants) built Cholula pyramid II 276n

Quinary (fivefold)

found in double triangle II 592
man a, when bad II 575

Quinquepartite (fivefold)

division of man (Vedanta) I 226
explains relations of gods, man I 226

Quintessence I 508; II 114-15

universal, or fluid of life II 576

Quinto Libro, Euclid. See Proclus, Commentaries on Euclid . . .

Quintus Curtius, [History of Alexander], speaks of fifteen-day month II 620

Quis ut Deus (Lat) [who is as God], St Michael II 479

Qu-tamy (Babylonian adept scribe) II 453

doctrines of, & early fifth race II 457
a fraud (Renan) II 454
instructed by Moon idol I 394-5
madonna & idol of Moon I 401

Theosophical University Press Online Edition