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En, Ain, Aior (Heb), only self-existent I 214
Enchainements du Monde . . . See Gaudry, A.
Gyan's shield destroyed II 394
Hekat (Hecate) goddess of I 387
seven arts of II 641
Encyclopaedia Britannica
antiquity of man II 70-1, 687
article on astronomy II 330n
prehistoric ages II 67
solidification of Earth II 698
Encyclopaedia Londiniensis, word "aspiration" in, (Mackey) II 362n
Encyclopedie, origin of rotary motion I 499
"Endexoteric" II 74
Energy (ies). See also Force(s)
activities of entities I 145-6
adepts know other forms of I 582n
androgynous & intellectual I 137 &n
cosmic life force I 11-12 &n
extrinsic, of nature I 463
Ganot on I 670
inherent in matter I 280-2
issues fr universal light I 337
kinetic, potential, & atoms II 672
known by its effects I 669
matter & I 111n
monadic essence as evolving I 176, 620
One Supreme I 22
sakti or, & trinity I 136
spiritual & astral, more productive I 644
-substance-time a trinity I 582-3
Vibhutayah or potencies of Vishnu II 611n
Enfield, William, earth cubical, fire pyramidal II 594
Engelhardt, M. II 752n
Engis Skull II 744
fair development of II 687
England I 510. See also British Isles
cup-like markings on stones in II 346n
on eve of catastrophe I 646
King Arthur part of history of II 393
Wilford, White Island & II 402-4 &n
Enki (Sumerian). See Ea
Enkidu (Sumerian). See Hea-bani
Ennis, Jacob, Origin of the Stars . . . , origin of rotation I 500 &n
Ennoia (Gk)
of Bythos is mind II 490
divine mind II 214
image of Supreme Being II 244
Tree of Life II 214-15
Enoch(s) II 222. See also Book of Enoch
accuses fallen angels II 382n
attained nirvana II 532
born fr Wondrous Being I 207
concealed books II 530
described II 267-8n, 532-5
died in his personality II 532
Edris-, & divine dynasties II 366
elect of fourth race II 597n
fr enoichion, inner eye II 211
"first man" of Genesis II 715n
Freemasonry speaks of II 47
gandharva prototype of, angels I 523n
generic name II 211, 230, 267n, 361, 532
Hermes, Libra or II 129
initiator, teacher, Enos II 529n
invented writing, arts II 529
Le Plongeon on II 229-30, 506
lived 365 years (Genesis 5:23) II 531
phoenix & II 617
pyramids & II 361-2
seers of mankind II 134
Seth, Cain have son named II 361, 391n
stands between fourth & fifth races II 533
symbol of dual man II 533
symbology of name II 391n, 617
taken to heaven like Xisuthrus II 141
various spellings of II 391n, 529n
walked w God (Genesis) II 532
Enoch, son of Jarad II 391n
Enoichion (Gk)
confined to temples, colleges II 532-3
generic name of seers II 211, 361, 529
initiator & instructor II 530
"inner spiritual eye" II 211
Enoichion (Book of the Seer), kept at Kirjath-Sepher II 529
Enos, Enosh (son of Seth). See also Enoch, Henoch
first two-sexed race II 125, 127, 129, 469 &n, 715n
Seth-, fourth race II 134
son of man II 126, 129, 529n, 533
stands between fourth & fifth races II 533
various names for II 361, 391n, 529, 533
Ens, absolute abstract deity I xx
En Soph. See Ain-soph
Entelechies, Leibniz called monads I 632n
Entity (ies). See also Beings
bond connecting, w non-entity II 176, 578-9
elementals are conscious I 221
energies are I 145
every, must win divinity I 106
globes are I 154
guiding intelligences I 146
man's spiritual, drawn to parent-sun I 639
names define I 93
number is an, (Balzac) I 66
spiritual, incarnating in man I 233-4
[Entropy] I 148-51
adaptation to II 738
hostile in early period II 159-60
modifies urge to perfection II 736
plants, animals adapted to II 159-60
Eocene II 717
anthropoid fossils absent in II 679, 690n
Atlantis at height in II 433n, 710
Atlantis began to sink in I 439n; II 433n, 693
Australian race, flora of II 779
civilization fr earliest II 744
Croll's figures for II 9, 695, 715n
giants of II 340
Lemuria perished before II 313
man in II 155, 157, 675-6, 690
man's advent in, (Allen, Seeman) II 288
submerged continents & II 778-9
ungulate mammals of II 735-6
Eon. See Aeon
Eozoon Canadense, earliest fossil skull II 254, 712
Catholics make, into Christ II 414-15
Dark, Dionysos-Sabazios II 415-16
Egyptians descended fr Dark II 418
Ephesians (Paul)
prince of powers of air II 485, 515
spiritual wickedness I 331n
Ephesus, Heraclitus of. See Heraclitus
Orion (giant) son of II 278
Orphic Titan II 70
Ephod (Heb) [high priest's robe], twelve precious stones around I 649
Ephraim, elect of Jacob, & Pisces I 653
animated atoms of I 568-9
atomic theory of I 2, 579
believed in gods I 518, 611
gravitation & I 491
Indolentia of I 577n
material atoms of I 629
skeptical but factual II 285-6
soul of atom I 568-9
Epicycle, & cycle (Milton) I 645
Epidemics, come fr north & west (winds) I 123
Epigenes, on Chaldean astronomy II 620
Epimetheus (Gk)
Jupiter's "fatal gift" to II 270
Prometheus has now become II 422
takes counsel after event II 521
Epiphanius, [Panarion] Adv. Haeres.
copied Aeons incorrectly II 569n
Ophites honored serpent I 404
Valentinian table of Aeons II 458
Epiphysis, & third eye II 296
Epistles. See Seneca
Epistles, of Paul II 81. See also Paul
astronomical definition of I 658-9
Hindu I 659-68
of 3102 BC I 661-2, 665, 667
Epoch of the Mammoth. See Southall
(H)epta me (Gk), & seven sounding letters II 603
"E pur se muove" (Galileo) II 451
changes of II 331, 356
Cor Leonis on the II 407
ecliptic once at right angle to II 534
Fohat & I 204
retrograde motion of II 785
lands & polar regions II 324-5
lands of Lemuria-Atlantis II 371n
Equatorial Sun
cements buddhi to atma, manas II 241
third group of gods II 241
cosmic, must be preserved I 416
betw matter & spirit I 106
of polar forces II 84
points I 663; II 330n, 331, 785
shadow & elevation of pole II 401n
Equinox(es) II 533, 546. See also Precession, Solstices
Chinese divided year by II 621
spring, & Hindu zodiac II 435-6
symbols of living verity I 639
vernal, & first point of zodiac I 665
vernal, & origin of Greek zodiac II 436n
vernal, Taurus & Eridu II 693
Volney on vernal I 658
Erard-Mollien, "Recherches . . . ," antiquity of Indian zodiac I 657-8
Erataoth (Gnos), dog symbol II 115n
Eratosthenes, on divine dynasties II 367
Erdmann [edition of Leibniz] I 630n
`Ereb (Heb) [evening twilight], sandhya in Sanskrit II 252n
Erebos (Gk), & Nux (Nyx) give birth to light I 110
Erech, Chaldean necropolis II 463
Erh ya, Er Yah (Rh Ya in tx), man w two faces II 302
Ericsson, estimates Sun's heat I 484n
Eridan[us] River
Ardan, Iardan, or Jordan I 392; II 583
Ardhanari-Isvara or I 392
Phaeton hurled into II 770n
same as Nile (Skinner) II 583
Eridu (Bab)
civilization of II 226
culture fr India II 203
seat of Sun-god worship II 139n
six thousand years old (Sayce) II 693
Eros (Gk)
desire to manifest II 65, 176, 234
Fohat & I 109, 119; II 65
later sexual Cupid I 109; II 176, 234
third person in Greek Trinity I 109
Eros-Phanes (Orphic), evolves fr divine egg I 365, 461
Error, runs downhill I xvii
Ertosi, Egyptian name of Mars II 143-4n
Eruptions (volcanic) II 356, 523, 699
Erythraean Sea II 202
Esar, four-letter Turkish god II 602
Jacob &, same as Abel & Cain II 135
sons of, Kings of Edom II 705
symbolizes race betw fourth & fifth II 705
Eschylus. See Aeschylus
Esculapius. See Asklepios
Esdras, fourth book of II 454
Esikekar [Istakhr] or Persepolis, built by Giamschid II 398
carve & sketch II 718
dying out II 780
seventh subrace, fourth root-race II 178
Esneh (Egypt), stones at I 311
Esoteric. See also Occultism, Secrecy, Secret Doctrine
architectural measurements were II 465
Catechism on secrecy I 299
chronology II 9, 307n
cosmogony I 116-17
dogmas never altered I 312
exoteric, & endexoteric II 74
exoteric falsified copy of I 578
fr exoteric we turn to I 443; II 497
five, axioms re evolution II 697-8
history buried in symbols I 307
knowledge corroborates tradition I 647
learning of Aryans II 34-5n
meaning & Sanskritists II 451
meanings of symbols I 443
mysteries of Samothrace II 4
order of deities II 108
religion of Moses crushed several times I 320n
scientific vs, evolution II 711-15
Soma parent of, wisdom II 500
teaching allegorical II 81
teachings, corroboration of II 796-7
Venus & Earth, connection II 32
Esoteric Buddhism. See Sinnett, A. P.
Esoteric Budhism (Secret Wisdom) I xvii-xxii; II 100
Esoteric Doctrine. See also Occult, Occultism, Secret Doctrine
based on Stanzas I xxxvii
comets & solar evolution I 599
direct, inferential proof of II 410
Non-being is Absolute in I 54n
reconciles all religions & philosophies I 77, 610
reincarnation an II 552
taught that everything is alive I 49
teaches rise & fall of civilization II 723
thread doctrine or I 610
Esotericism, Esoteric Teaching, Wisdom. See also Occult, Occultism
alpha & omega of Eastern II 449
Aryan & Hebrew I 115n
belongs to all races I 113
differs fr Vedantin doctrines I 62
doctrine of numbers chief in I 433
Eastern, never degraded I 445
of Egypt & India identical I 672
ignorance of methods of II 225
ignores both sexes I 136n
of India & SD II 88
of Manu & Genesis I 9n
opposes Darwinian evolution II 653
originated in third, fourth races I 113
trans-Himalayan I 110; II 22n
Vach goddess of I 95
Esoteric Philosophy. See also Occultism
acceptance of I 298
admits neither good nor evil II 162
admits no special creation II 731
admits no special gifts in man I 17
blinds conceal mysteries of II 310
of Buddhism, Brahmanism one II 637
on consciousness of first beings I 277
fills scientific gaps II 196
first lesson of II 487
heart & soul of Buddhism II 156n
materialism & I xx
on maya I 11n
physical man image of deity I 445
previous mahapralaya & I 369
reconciles all systems I xx, 55; II 3
rejects inorganic atom I 454
symbolized by female form I 351
teaches modified polygenesis II 249
teaches objective idealism I 631
teaches spontaneous generation II 150-2, 286
teaches that all is conscious I 49
three aspects of universe I 278
Esoteric School(s). See also Adepts, Initiates, Masters
in China, India, Japan, etc I xxiii
have total of sacred MSS I xxiii
reject idea of "unconscious" I 453
taught seven human principles II 603-4
two parts of, discussed I 122
"Esoteric Studies." See Figaniere, V. de
Esoteric Treatise on the Doctrine of Gilgul. See Valentinus
Esprits, Des. See Mirville, de
Esprits tombes des paiens. See Mirville, de
Esquimaux. See Eskimos
Essais orientaux. See Darmesteter, J.
Essays. See Montaigne, M. E.
Essays on Physiology. See Spencer, H., Principles of Biology
Esse (Lat)
absolute essence & I 273
genesis, logos, & II 24n, 25
manifested Logos sacrifices II 592
satya or I 48n
absolute divine mover I 56, 624, 629
degrees of monadic I 176
dhyan chohanic II 108
life-, of solar system I 541
radiant, spreads thru space I 67
spiritual, of matter I 35
svabhavat & cosmic I 3-4, 61
Essenes, believed in reincarnation II 111 &n
Estufas. See Artufas
Esur, God in India II 114
Eswara. See Isvara
Eternal, the One, drops its reflection I 231
Eternity (ies)
amrita & I 348
egg symbol of I 65
ideas, ideal forms in I 282
Kalahansa swan in II 465
living consciously in I 459n
meaning of, in Puranas I 336n
nirvana limited in I 266
no word in Hebrew for I 336 &n, 354n
past, future & I 37
poem (last stanza) re, [John Gay] I 26
serpent symbol of I 65; II 214, 505
seven I 35-6, 53, 144 &n, 206
seventh, paradox of I 62-3
third eye embraces II 299n
time &, as Kala I 427
of universe I 16; II 490n
"White radiance of," [Shelley] I 238
Ether (element) I 527 &nn. See also Aether, Astral Light
aether & I 330-2, 460, 508
agent of transmission II 105
ahamkara surrounds II 616
air is differentiated I 534
akasa & I 61, 76n, 255, 296n, 326, 331, 515, 526n; II 511n
akasa spirit soul of I 18
all things come fr I 462
anthropomorphized & deity I 332
astral light & I 74n, 197, 326, 331n, 343, 524n
Bain on I 325-6
binds particles of matter I 526
breath of Universal Soul I 102
"caloric" agency of Metcalfe I 524 &n, 525, 526
Church made, abode of Satan I 331
continuous material medium I 487
cosmic substance I 111n, 326, 339
denizens of I 297, 331n
earth, water, fire, air & II 616
evolution of concept I 491-2
Father-, or Archaeus I 51
fifth race element II 135
fifth round & I 12, 140, 257-8
Fohat son of, or akasa II 400n
gross body of akasa I 13n, 257
interstellar I 626; II 135
in Kalevala II 122
Levi's astral light lowest I 254-5
light transmitted by I 486, 595
lining of akasa I 97
Lodge on I 488-9
materialists rebel against I 587 &n
Moschus on I 461
Narayana present in I 231
Newton on I 13, 490-5
no resistance to bodies in, (Stallo) I 486
not fully manifested yet I 460
passive female principle I 57
physically unknown to us I 669
plenum, vacuum & I 495
prototypes in, (Anaxagoras) I 332
reflection of chaos I 338
resisting I 501
Richardson's nervous I 531-2, 537; II 298n
science & I 102, 296n, 297, 339, 485, 487; II 511n
seven rays bases of I 515n
seven subdivisions of I 330-2
soul of matter I 57
sound, hearing & I 255, 296n, 536, 587; II 107
spirit directs elements in I 343
Stallo on I 482, 486-7
svabhavat noumenon of I 671
synthesis of four elements I 97, 342, 447
vibratory, of Keely I 555-6
we will transmit, to 6th race I 342
Ethereal, Ethereality
bodies of early man II 55, 86, 149, 150, 157, 732
fluid of Leibniz I 623
nature of first dhyani-chohans I 82
races evolve fr, to materiality I 188; II 68n, 298-9 &nn; 697
Aryan codes of II 253
Buddha taught II 423
karma & universal I 637-9
national II 469
religious, of first races II 272-3
Ethiopians. See also Aethiopians
Eastern II 417, 429
Ethiopic MS, in Bodleian Library
Book of Enoch translated fr II 482
Ethiops River, Indus River &, explained II 417-18
Ethnology (ical) I xxxiii, 318; II 334, 443, 535
esoteric II 166, 710, 789-93
rebels against Bible chronology II 195
requires several Adams I 323-4
science confirms esoteric II 166
significance of Dattoli II 232n
silent re Australians II 196
of Vishnu Purana II 320
"yellow hued" descendants II 425
Etruria, trilithic stones in II 346n
Florence built on, cities II 221
Tuscan sages & eight ages (Sulla) I 650
word lares fr II 361
Etudes egyptologiques. See Pierret, P.
Etudes sur le rituel . . . See Rouge, de
Etym. M. II 519. See also Photius
Etz (Heb, Otz in text)
Holy of Holies I 114n
nine & seven numbers of I 114; II 217
Tree in Garden of Eden I 114
Euclid II 522
Eudaimonia (Gk) II 371
Eudoxus of Cnidus, made Egyptian year one month I 650
Eue (Eve) or Eua (Eva), Chaldaic verb "to be" II 129
Eugenius Philalethes. See Vaughan, Thomas
Eugibinus, on composite Adam II 134 &n
Euhemerization II 148, 271, 543, 658
Euler, L., gravity due to spirit I 491
Euphrates River, Gan-Eden watered by II 202, 203
——— Hercules furens
immorality of poets II 764
——— Hippolytus
Kalliste I 395
——— Orestes
Castor & Pollux II 123 &n
——— Troades (Trojan Women)
three-eyed Zeus II 294n
Africa appeared before II 368
Africans crossed into II 740-1
America older than II 407n
Australia &, one continent (Seeman) II 333
cyclopean towns in I 209n
Egypt older than present II 746
elevation of, & Asia II 694-5
on eve of cataclysm I 644-6
fifth continent II 8, 606n
geometric pyramids not in II 352
ice-age immigration into II 738n
Incas & Pelasgians of II 745-6
last Atlantis island preceded II 405
Mergiana & new continent of II 398
Miocene plants of, & America II 727, 781, 790
Mongolian type skulls found in II 744
Negro types found in II 744
no man in, during Tertiary (sci) II 714
north of, still rising II 787n
Paleolithic man of II 739-41
rising during Atlantean peak II 722-3
sunken during Lemurian era II 324, 327
Tertiary, Quaternary II 738-40 &n
will one day sink II 266
age of, family [national] race II 435
ancient history of, nations II 439
Blavatsky taught two, in 1880 I xviii
Buddhist tracts hidden fr, "pundits" I xxx
early, sought refuge in Asia II 743
fifth or, subrace II 445
fossils & proof of man's antiquity II 725
fossils linked w South America II 791
lethal influence of II 411n
Neolithic, plants African II 739
no, artifacts before late Eocene II 723
no more, in sixth race II 446
northern stocks of, originate II 743
part of Aryan race II 106, 323-4n
punishment of, nations I 644
third Aryan subrace became II 753
two, taught in 1870s I xviii-ix
Eurydice (wife of Orpheus), bitten by polar serpent II 785
Eurymedon, children of, & fourth race II 766
Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea
disfigured Berosus I xxvi; II 53
disfigured Manetho I xxvi; II 368, 392, 692-3
disfigured Sanchoniathon II 392, 692-3
Smith proves forgeries of I xxvi n
Tertullian known only in II 278n
——— Chronicon
mutilates Chaldean records I xxxi
——— Praeparatio Evangelica
animated stones II 342
on Egyptian zodiac II 357
Elyon II 380
Hermes emblem of the Word II 542
Kabiri sons of Sydic II 392
mundane egg I 360
Phoenician cosmogony I 340
Sun shown in a ship (Egy) I 409
Eusebius (the physician), carried talking stones (de Mirville) II 342
Eustathius, Archbishop, Io signifies the Moon II 416n, 463
Euterpe II 334. See also Herodotus
Euthanasia, adepts & esoteric meaning of II 531
Samothrace overflowed by II 4-5
search for cradle of humanity in II 203
White Island in, (Wilford) II 402n
Eva. See Eue
Evangel (Christian doctrine), ancients plagiarized by anticipation II 481-2
Evangelists, symbology of four I 127n, 441-2
Evans, Sir John
——— The Ancient Stone Implements . . .
Neolithic, Paleolithic man II 722
no writing in Stone Age II 442
Eve, Eva. See also Adam, Havvah
Adam &, Fall of II 62, 95n
ansated cross symbolizes II 31n
Belita or Damti became II 463
bore Cain because of apple II 166
disobedience of, not evil II 95n
dragon that tempted I 73
fr Ha-va (chavah), life II 42n, 194n
first natural woman II 388
gave birth to Cain-Jehovah II 469
Genesis 3, third race & II 410
Hebel or II 135
Houah or, (Skinner) II 467
identical w Aditi II 43
identical w Vach II 128
Isis, Io or II 416
Jehovah male portion of II 269n
Juno a form of I 129n
made fr Adam's rib I 456n; II 193
means "to be" II 129
missionaries confuse, w Ivi II 194 &n
Norse Lifthrasir compared w II 100
not begotten but extracted II 661
placental before mammals II 166
seduced by flying camel II 205
Sephirah-, or Aditi-Vach I 355-6
serpent &, like Mayamoha-Daityas I 422
terrestrial, is Earth I 60, 240
Vach compared w, & Adam I 137
warned not to eat forbidden fruit II 267
womb, Sarah or II 472
Zuni Priestess-Mother & II 629
Evening Telegraph, on The Secret Doctrine II 441n
Even Numbers, terrestrial, devilish (Pythagoras) II 574-5
becoming I 250, 268, 570; II 446, 449 &n
existing I 278; II 545
Present, abstract motion & I 3
Unknowable I 280
Evestrum, or Ka II 633
internal, not safe beacon I xxx
of past overwhelming II 742
past, required I xlv
of sunken continents II 788
"Evidence of Man's Place . . ." See Huxley
"Evidences of the Ice Age." See Woodward
Evil. See also Devil, Good &, Knowledge, Satan, Shadow
ancient view of I 343
antagonizing blind force I 413
belief in personal devil & II 377
Christians personify II 390, 478
dominates humanity (Bible) II 515
easy spread of II 212
even numbers II 574-5
fallen angels key to II 274
God cannot be divorced fr I 413
good &, are twins I 412-13; II 96
keys to solution of II 303, 476, 515
Laing on nature of II 510n
matter or, evolution of I 73
much of world's, could vanish I 643
necessary in manifestation II 389
neither, nor good per se II 96, 162
no, dragon II 53
no, outside mankind II 389, 512
not an independent power I 73
not eternal to Zoroastrians II 488
One II 70
origin of II 25, 274, 373, 490, 520
polarity of spirit, matter I 416
Prometheus & physical II 420
punishment &, serve the good II 477
Puranas on I 415-16
realm of, & sublunary regions II 74
root of, (Hindu) II 421n
Satan personifies abstract II 478
serpent of II 25-6
symbols of II 386
union & harmony palliative to I 644
wars w powers of II 104
Evil Eye(d)
Saturn the II 29
of sorcerers II 427
Evil Spirits
Christians have dogmatized II 386
originally emblems of chaos II 386
seven, of Chaldea II 97
Evolution. See also Darwinism, Environment, Heredity, Natural Selection, Specialization
fr amoeba to man theory II 259
analogy, law of, & II 66
ancients knew physical & spiritual I 332
ascending & descending arcs of II 180-1
ascending arc of, we are now on I 641
astral merges into physical II 257, 736
of atoms I 522
begun by intellectual Logos I 137n
Berosus on teaching of II 190
of body terrestrial I 175
changes on globe D, fourth round I 176-7
criticism of scientific II 164-5n, 185
cyclic I 416, 634-47; II 298, 420, 443, 732-3
Darwinian, & reversion to type II 293n
Darwinian, in cosmos I 202
Darwinism not supported by occultism I 186-7, 191, 211; II 653
Darwinism only part of I 600; II 153, 649
definition of I 620; II 653
different rates of II 256
divine, of ideas I 280
double, of man II 87, 167
embryo epitomizes racial II 187, 659
endless adaptations of I 277
eternal cycle of becoming II 170
of eyes II 299 &n, 302
fallen angels & human II 274
five esoteric axioms re II 697-8
Fohat & cosmic I 110
gigantic flora, fauna, men II 276
fr gigantic to small II 153-4
gradual, works by uniform laws II 731
guided by intelligence (Wallace) I 107
guided by unseen hands I 278
Haeckel defines II 164-5n
higher beings used in II 87-8
human-spiritual to divine-spiritual I 224
human, traced on walls & in heaven II 352
& Idealists (Spencer) II 490n
of individualization I 178-9
infinitesimal chance variations II 697
inherent law of development II 260
intellectual, w physical II 411
intelligence cause of II 649 &n
intelligent beings adjust, control I 22
internal laws in, (Mivart) II 697
involution & I 416; II 294
Isis Unveiled q on I 332; II xvi
Kabbala, only hinted at in II 241
kosmic, in geometric figures I 321
of man & ape discussed II 675-85
man masterpiece of II 475, 728
man's, difficult to trace II 152
monad & personal self compel II 109-10
natural forces working blindly (Darwin) I 139; II 652
nature's progress to higher life I 277
never-ceasing ever becoming II 545
no, for the perfect II 243
not all due to natural selection II 728
not applied to primary "Creation" I 446
not creation, by means of WORDS II 42
occult doctrine of II 241, 261-3, 731-4
paganism taught dual I 464
pain & suffering necessary to II 475
of perception fr apperception I 175, 179
physical evolves fr spiritual I 219
planetary life-impulses & II 697
pre-human monsters, etc & II 634-5
primary, secondary causes in II 648-9
proceeded unaided (Temple) II 645
proceeds on many levels II 87
of progenitors as gods, then men II 349
Puranas on I 451-60; II 253
of races, series of rises & falls II 721
repetitive I 232; II 256
saltations in II 696-7
scientific II 189, 347-8
second round, different I 159-60
senses, of outer vs inner I 446-7; II 294
septenary, discussed I 267-8; II 622-3n
sexual, gradual II 84
fr simple to complex II 299, 731
simultaneous, of seven groups II 1-2
soul's influence on, (Rolleston) II 728
specialization II 720
of spirit into matter II 273
spiritual & physical I 641; II 348, 421
spiritual, of inner, real man I 175, 634; II 728
stages in, of man II 132-3, 173-4
Stanzas as formula of I 20-1
swastika symbolizes II 98
of third eye II 302
three propositions re II 1, 168
triple scheme of I 181, 341; II 109
Uranos, Kronos, Jupiter & II 268-71
young subject (Wilson) II 152
impulse & cyclic law II 298
journey of the Pilgrim I 268
seven Stanzas deal w seven, stages I 21
Evolution of Christianity. See Gill, C.
"Evolution of Man." See Wilson, A.
Evolution without Natural Selection. See Dixon
Ewald, G. H. von, on Chwolson II 454
Examen des Principes . . . See Leibniz, G.
Exertion, personal, & higher self II 95
active & passive I 281n
can cease & still Be I 54-5
causes of I 44-5
duality of I 15-17, 326
how personal, is transcended I 54
initial, & forty-nine fires I 290-1
matter is totality of kosmic I 514
nirvana is absolute I 266
struggle for I 277; II 648
true, only in duration I 37
astronomy of 25th chapter II 361n
burning bush in I 121
chapter 33:18-23 interpreted II 538-40
"He that sacrificeth to any God . . ." I 492n
on Hor-eb II 541
Jehovah a character of I 422
Jews marked doorposts w tau II 557
Moses hidden by the river I 319n
Moses of, an Atlantean story II 426-9
pillar of fire I 338n, 437
refabricated by Ezra I 319-20
Shaddai II 509
on Tabernacle I 125
Tetragrammaton in II 626 &n
"Thou shalt not revile the gods" I 492n; II 477
Zipporah, the well & Moses I 385 &n; II 465n
Ex Oriente Lux ("Light from the East") II 42
Exoteric(ism). See also Esoteric(ism)
blinds in, works II 308n
esoteric, & endexoteric II 74
of Greek writers & occultism I 507
religion & left-path II 503
religion anthropomorphic, phallic II 657-8
religion falsified copies I 578
religion, gradual spread of II 527
root ideas in, religion I 443
view of demons, angels II 93
Expansion, Contraction
change of condition, not size I 63
"from within without" explained I 62
periodical II 42-3
Exposition du systeme . . . See Laplace
"Extinct Lake of Bovey Tracey." See Pengelly
Eye(s, d). See also Pineal Gland, Siva-Eye, Third Eye
cat's, symbol of I 305, 387-8; II 552-3n
central, of Siva II 578n
cyclopean II 293, 299
of Dangma I 27, 45-6
Deva-, or third II 295
development of human II 295-9, 769
inner spiritual I 230; II 211
mirror of the soul II 298
Moon as cat, of Sun I 305; II 552-3n
one of seven senses I 534-5
one, or Loka Chakshuh II 22
of Osiris, cat termed II 552n
seven, of the Lord II 22
statue w three, in Argos II 294n
Sun, of Osiris II 25
three, & four-armed man II 294, 744
two, evolved fr one II 299
two, of Ammon II 213
two, perfected beginning fourth race II 769
two, see neither past nor future II 298-9n
wisdom, of Cyclopes II 769
Eye of Taurus the Bull [Aldebaran], equinoctial point beginning kali-yuga I 663, 665; II 785
Ezekiel, Book of Ezekiel
calls King of Tyre a cherub II 501
chapter 1 & Chinese devas I 126
fate of Atlanteans in II 493-4
four animals of I 127, 363; II 533
God's glory fr East I 123
great prophet & seer I 230
"I will bring forth a fire" II 494
reports Jews worshiping Sun I 397n
reproves King of Tyre II 492-4
souls of heavenly bodies II 552
stamped foreheads w tau II 557
vision of early man II 134n
Wheel of I 127; II 128, 552-3
Ezour Veda, Voltaire, Muller on II 442
adept in phallic worship I 320
creation story fr Chaldeans II 3-4
disfigured Mosaic books I 335-6
Exodus refabricated by I 319-20
ignorant of Hindu cosmogony I 655
Moses & II 453
remodeled Pentateuch I 319; II 4, 143, 461n, 658