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Ka (Egy), astral body corresponds to nephesh (Heb) II 633
Kabala. See Levi, E.
Kabbala, Kabala, Cabala, Qabbalah
referred to:
adjusted for Christian tenets II 37-8, 128, 457, 476
fr Aryan Secret Doctrine I 376; II 239
Chaldean, & ancient wisdom I 200, 241, 439; II 461-2
Cis-Himalayan teachings & II 308n
deity is the universe I 92n
early, metaphysical II 457
edited & re-edited II 469, 536
esoteric & exoteric II 41
Jews got, fr Chaldea & Egypt II 240
key to Bible I 336, 344; II 624, 625n, 691
key to, Parker on II 544
Masonry, Bible & II 39
Midrash before, of ben-Iochai II 704
modern, but fragments (Franck) II 461
modern, disfigured I 241, 391; II 461
monotheists & I 129, 391
phallic element taints II 457-8, 469, 544, 625n
reveals occult facts of Bible I 336, 344, 443-4
seven meanings in II 538
synonyms of Hindu gods in I 92
Temurah I 90n
Vatican Manuscript of II 239
veiled, secret, now re-edited II 536
Adam Kadmon I 99n, 433n; II 37, 467
on Blessed Ones & matter I 224
central Sun (Pratt) II 240
creations, more than one II 54, 704
curse on man came w woman II 216
death for giving secrets of II 396
deity, one & triple I 59
diagram of seven principles II 633
early races II 315
esoteric meaning of Genesis II 37
Fall caused by pride II 237
fallen angels II 228-9, 487
five Adams & five races II 503-4
four & monad & heptad II 599-600
four-lettered Ineffable Name II 282n
four worlds of II 111
Genesis 1:1 & 2 reversed II 128
Immaculate Conception & I 59
is esoteric vidya I 241
Jehovah & Moses interpreted II 465-8
Jehovah replaces Adam Kadmon I 433n
King Hiram of II 113
light in, (Zohar) I 357; II 37-8, 39
light, sound, number, creation I 432; II 41
Lucifer, Venus, Sun's third palace II 31
Moon linked w Jehovah II 62
numerical values II 37-40
only true etymology of Jehovah II 129
relation betw elohim & men I 230
Satan is adversary II 235
seven creations I 447
seven kings (races) II 2-3
seven number of divine mysteries I 36
seven preeminent I 241
seventh, all things depend on II 312n
Shekinah, Bath-Kol II 107
sparks are worlds I 199
system of weeks fr India II 623-4
ten sephiroth I 432; II 37
tetrad esteemed II 599
Tetragrammaton I 99n; II 624-5
Trinity II 38
two creations II 54
Western, ignores circle w point I 19
worlds, destruction of II 704-5
Kabbala denudata. See Knorr von Rosenroth
Kabbalah, The. See Ginsberg, C. D.
Kabbalah [Qabbalah]. See Myer, I.
Kabbalah Unveiled. See Mathers, S. L. M.
Kabbale, La. See Franck, Adolph
Adam's earth of I 543n
Bible popular blind to II 473
ceremonial magic & I 234n
Christian, gross explanations of II 247
Christian, interpret Genesis II 234
cross, circle & modern II 543
deity is one & triple I 59
dodecahedron in cube I 450
earth, water make living being II 188
embryonic stages known to II 259
esotericism unknown to modern II 603
evil force essential to good I 413
evolution of embryo discussed II 188-9
expound ancient traditions I 287
Father-Mother & ether one I 75-6
fiery serpents II 212
four distinct Adams, taught II 457
Genesis, shifted order of II 127-8
gnostic I 351-2
grasp wisdom of Bible I 316
Hecate predecessor of God I 395
immutable deity of I 374
individual cycles of II 188
interprets man & God I 444-5
Jewish, dwarf cosmic cycles II 564
Levi & I 243, 245, 259n
Levites &, Holy of Holies II 459
made 2 lives of body & soul I 234
"MAN becomes stone, plant . . ." II 186
medieval, man microcosm in I 283 &n
name of Jehovah screen among I 438
number basis of biblical names II 467
"Pymander" remodeled by II 267n
on ruach & nephesh I 193; II 633 &n
sectarian, distort Zohar II 476 &n
serpent spiritual sun of II 214
Son or cosmic electricity I 75-6
Space unknowable & living I 615
Tetraktys became Tetragrammaton II 463n
theists I 317
thought orig metaphysical I 619n
Tritheim greatest, of his day II 512n
Western I 255; II 86
axiom stone, plant, beast . . . I 107, 197, 246; II 186, 258
elemental spirits I 234n
esoteric &, pneumatics compared I 243-5
esotericism, curse in II 411
faces in IU I 197
Garden of Eden II 204
Hindu &, systems compared I 355-6
Jehovah &, deity compared I 355-6
a modern, manuscript on ansated cross II 31n
numerals based on seven & three I 239
planes & worlds I 199-200
system does not contain all I 318
terms discussed I 114
Trinity discussed I 337
view of astral light I 195-6
Kabir(i, im), Kabeiri(m). See also Dhyanichohans, Divine Kings, Fires, Kumaras, Manus, Rudras, Titans
appear at beginning of cycles I 435n, 641
archetypal man II 3
build everlasting monuments I 434-5 &n
cherubs of Jews & II 115n
derivation of word II 362n, 363
described II 362-4
dhyani-chohans II 360, 390-3
divine Titans or II 141
ethereal fire emanation of I 469
generic name II 363
gibborim in fifth race II 273-4
incarnated in third, fourth races II 360
instructors in agriculture I 642n; II 364-5, 390
kumaras, rudras II 106
Manes also called II 143, 360
mysterious ancient gods II 264
Noah & family II 360n, 390-3
occult powers of nature II 106
pi, circle, & I 114
regents of seasons, cycles I 641, 642
seventh II 365n
sons of Sydic or Zedek II 392
Telchines or II 391
temples of, at Thebes, Memphis II 363
theology links, w devil II 354
three, four, & seven II 106, 115n, 142, 143, 362
Titans &, same as seven rishis II 142
two races of, (Cumberland) II 393
various named I 114; II 360, 362, 365-6 &n, 393
Vulcan greatest II 390n
Kabiri-Titans II 360-1, 363-4
Kabolitae, Kabul tribes, Ptolemy on II 200n
Kabul, Arabs fr II 200
Kadesh-Kadeshim. See Qadesh Qedeshim
Kadeshuth. See Qedeshoth
Kadim [Qadim] (Heb) I 466
Kadmos, Kadmilos. See Cadmus
Kadra, Kadru (Skt)
Kapila son of II 572
Kasyapa's wife II 132
Kadushu. See Qadesh Qedeshim
Kaempfer, E., History of Japan & Siam, Chinese Atlantis, Noah II 365
Kaf, Koh-Kaf, Kaph Mountains
or Caucasus, continent beyond II 399
described II 362, 398
devs (giants) dwelt in II 397
gallery of statues in, (Herbelot) II 396
Kaffirs II 725
Kai-caus, fights the white devil II 403
Kaikobad (Pers), starts new dynasty II 398
Kailas Range I xxviii n
Indus River springs fr II 417-18
part of Arghya Varsha II 416n
real war in Himalayan II 500
Kaimurath (Pers)
Siamek son of II 396
Simorgh (Phoenix) older than II 397
tenth Persian king II 394
Kain. See also Cain, Ka-yin, Kin
fr Kanithi, "I have gotten" II 127
Kaio (Gk) "to burn," Kabeiron (Kabiri) fr II 363
Kakodaimon (Gk) evil spirit
Agathodaemon &, same roots I 412
bad Logos, serpent I 344, 410
Kala (Skt) time
Brahma emanation of I 427
circle of boundless time II 142n, 233, 549, 756
evolution of I 407
fire deity presides over I 86
Khandakala & I 62
Kronos-Saturn or I 72n, 452n
purusha-pradhana-, & creation I 451-2n
St Michael, son of time or I 459
"Sarvaga" & I 582
serpent deity II 756
Vishnu is I 427; II 549, 564
Kala-bagh (Kalabagh), Indus River called Nil (blue) near II 417-18
Kalabhana (Skt). See Kalanabha
Kala-chakra, on anupadaka [aupapaduka] I 52n
Kalagni (Skt), consumes Earth I 370
Kal-aham-sa (Skt), "I am I" I 78
Kalahansa [-Hamsa] (Skt). See also Hamsa, Man-Swan, Swan
Brahma(n) or I 20, 79-80
described, explained I 77-81
Kwan-shi-yin floating on I 471
lays golden egg I 359
"Swan in Eternity" I 359, 362; II 122, 465
Kalaka (Skt), wife of Kasyapa II 381-2
Kalanabha (Skt), name of Taraka II 382n
Kalapa (village of) Devapi, Moru [Maru] reside at I 378 &n
Kalapani (Skt) black waters
early Arabs did not cross II 406
few sacred books crossed I xxx
Kalevala (Finnish epic)
dragon, serpent in II 26
duck lays golden eggs in II 14, 122
Kali (Skt) black
seventh tongue of Agni I 443
Siva's consort & cord symbol II 548
waters of, agitated II 406
Kali-Hansa (Skt). See Hamsa, Kalahansa
Kali-Karaka (Skt) [strife-maker] Narada called II 48
Kaliya (Skt) [serpent slain by Krishna], various equivalents of II 379
Kali-Yuga (Skt), dark, iron age II 308n. See also Dvapara-, Satya-, & Treta-Yuga, Yugas
age "black w horrors" I 645
began 5,000 years ago I 650; II 147, 300
began 3102 BC I 662, 663; II 435
began w death of Krishna I xliii; II 140, 527, 550
calculations re I 662, 664-5
calendar of II 50-1 &n, 69-70
discussed in Vishnu Purana I 377-8
5,000 years of, ended I xliii-iv, 612
Indra degraded in II 614
Kalki avatara ends I 378; II 483
Kapila great sage of II 572
length of I 369; II 69, 147
lunar eclipse & II 435
no world savior in our I 470
now reigns in India I 377
occurs in Bharata (Varsha) II 322
our Aryan race now in II 147n
reversed seven-pointed star I 5
St Yves d'Alveydre on II 549 &n
seven rishis in Magha began II 550
some West Aryans now in I 645
war in Mahabharata preceded II 395
Yudhishthira at opening of I 369
Kalki [white horse] Avatara (Skt)
expected fr Arghya Varsha II 416n
Io symbolizes race of II 416n
last messiah of great cycle I 384
Maitreya or fifth buddha & I 384
paranirvana, second Advent & I 268
Sosiosh or II 420
Vishnu will return as I 87; II 483
will close kali-yuga I 378; II 483
Kalliste (Gk) [most beautiful], name given Luna-Artemis I 395
Kalpa(s) (Skt) II 147. See also Age, Cycle, Day/Life of Brahma, Rounds
applied variously II 307n, 320
bearing on human life I 637-47
catastrophes at close of II 325
changes during II 312, 325
Chenresi, Padmapani & II 179
Daksha lives in all I 430
defined I 368; II 307n
dhyanis live as long as Brahma I 442, 457
each, has its dhyani II 179
eternity & I 336n
former, & Daksha II 176-7
fourteen manus for every II 307
gods, demigods reborn in II 248
infinite in number I 368; II 179
karma unites creative forces I 635, 637
law of sevens & II 611, 616
of life I 116
local, or round II 46
maha I 36, 206; II 70
major & minor I 369
"Mirror of Futurity" records all II 49
motion of bodies varies w I 530
Narada regulates II 48, 82-3
Pesh-Hun guides II 48-9
previous, & nirvanis II 232
seven creations in each II 53n
seven in present manvantara II 711
several distinct I 454
sons of Brahma reborn in every II 82-3, 90, 232, 247n
table of manvantaras in II 68-70
twenty-ninth (mid-Atlantean) II 249
various colors of Siva in I 324; II 249
Vishnu relates story of seven II 611
Kalpic Masks, temporary appearance of elements I 673
Kama (Skt) desire II 161. See also Desire, Kosa
Aja or the unborn II 176, 578
animal soul II 671
cosmic aspect of II 175-6
first god of Vedas II 579
god in oldest Purana, not Indra II 174n
intensity of, varies in animals II 255
kumaras sprang fr II 579
later became sexual II 176
Makara-ketu or II 578
manas &, completes man II 79
manas, & root-races II 254n
manas drawn down by I 244-5; II 254n, 614
Prometheus left, unchanged II 412-13
wedded to manas (Zeus) II 419-20
Kamadeva (Skt)
Makara on banner of, explained II 578
not Indra sends Pramlocha II 175-6
Kama-loka (Skt)
Aanru is Egyptian I 674n
early races had no, or ego II 610
Hades or I 244
limbus on Earth I 334, 463
no worse abode than I 463 &n
region of the Manes or II 374n
shells disintegrate in I 122n
Kama-rupa(s) (Skt) II 105. See also Rupas
animal-human soul II 241, 596, 632
correspondence w globes & I 153
disintegrates in kama-loka I 122n
dregs of manas remain w I 334
Earth in its, state I 260
first race had no II 116
grossest principle in man I 260
kabbalists call, shells II 111n
kabbalists' confusion re II 633n, 634
Karabtanos & I 195 &n
seat of false personality II 241
Sons of Wisdom intensify II 161
suns are, of akasa I 527n
third race first to have II 116
vehicle of desire I 153n; II 105, 593
vehicle of manas II 241
part of second race continent II 402
six-month year of aborigines of II 621
Kamsa (Skt)
killed Devaki's sons II 504n, 604n
Narada & II 48
Kamu-mi-musubi-no-kami (Jap), one of the arupa triad I 214
Kanada (Hindu atomist) I 579
believed in gods I 518
gods of, & Pythagoras I 495
Kandu (Skt) holy sage
age of ethereal man II 411
Marisha daughter of II 177
Merlin & Vivien parallel II 175 &n
Pharaoh & Sarah parallel II 174
Pramlocha & II 171n, 174-6
stands for first race II 175
Kanithi (Heb), Kain (Cain) fr II 127
Kanjur, The (Tib Buddhist canon)
Gyu(t) division of I 52n
108 volumes of I xxvii
Kansa. See Kamsa
Kant, Immanuel I 79n, 103
believed in spiritual worlds I 589
believed many worlds inhabited II 706
on inhabitants of other planets I 602
primeval matter of, or akasa I 598n, 601-2
primitive fluid of I 623
——— [Allgemeine Naturgeschichte . . . ]
nebular theory I 149-50n, 597, 601-2
——— Critique de la raison pure
hidden & revealed Logos, monad I 614
——— Traume eines Geistersehers
immaterial natures I 133n
Kanya (Skt) Virgo, Virgin
Anaitia, Devi-durga or I 91-2
represents sakti or mahamaya I 292
Kanya-durga (Skt) virgin goddess, Hindu zodiac I 657
Kaph. See Kaf
Kapila (Skt) I 207, 284 &n; II 522
Bhagavata-Purana re II 571
chides Brahman yogis I 426n
conscious guiding power II 652
esoteric name of a kumara I 457 &n
founded Sankhya philos II 42, 571-2
Keely's force & Eye of I 563
Manu & I 585n, 600
reduces 60,000 to ashes I 563; II 570-1
rishi, born fr Wondrous Being I 207
of satya- & kali-yugas II 572
taught evolution I 186; II 259
Vishnu as, imparts wisdom II 483, 572
Kapilaksha (Skt) [Kapila's Eye], destroyed 60,000 men I 563
Kapilasthan (Skt), where Kapila meditated II 571
Kapilavastu, Prince of (Gautama) I 271
Kapivaktra (Skt) [monkey-faced], Narada called II 48
Kara(m) (Skt) hand, & pentagon II 576-8
Kara-bhara (Skt), load of taxes I 377
Karabtanos (Gnos)
begets seven races I 248
kama-rupa minus mind I 195n
seven spirits born fr I 217
united w spirit creates planets I 195
Karakorum (mountains, northwest Tibet)
ancient civilization fr, to Khuan-Khe I xxxii
collapse of mountains near II 356
hidden libraries in I xxiv &n
Karamania [Karaman, Turkey], mandrakes in II 27n
Karana (Skt) cause II 46. See also Cause, Upadana
"alone" during pralaya I 41
eternal, of ceaseless motion I 93n
ideal spirit of Cause I 46
shrine of incognizable, in heart I 280
Karana Sarira (Skt) causal body
ego image of Logos in II 592-3n
human ego, & sutratman II 79
Karanopadhi (Skt). See also Upadhis
spiritual soul or I 157
Karens of India II 632
Karika. See Sankhya-Karika
Karli (in India), labyrinth, passages of II 221
Karma(n) (Skt). See also Destiny, Fate, Lipikas, Providence
absolute harmony only decree of I 643
for abuse of creative power II 410-11
adjusts effects of man's plans II 305
of ape egos II 262-3
apparent injustices & II 303-4
Atlantean II 302-3, 740-1
Book of Life belongs to I 535n
both action & effect II 302n
cannot be called Providence I 634
creates & designs nothing II 305
cycles & I 641
defined & discussed I 643-7; II 302-6
dhyani-chohanic failures & I 188
divine souls checked by I 17
does not reward & punish I 643
dying out of races & II 779-80
Earth's changes & II 372
Europe's racial, & catastrophe I 646
evil & punishment agents of II 477
extinction of races & II 780
fate, nemesis I 639; II 420-1n, 604-5n
forced gods to incarnate in man II 373n
four Maharajahs & I 123-4, 126, 294n
fundamental universal law II 510n
genii fulfill will of I 294
God & II 554-5n
"the great ADJUSTER" II 329
heredity servant of II 178
Iblis agent of II 394
individual liberty & II 305
inner god cannot arrest II 554-5n
Israel's, glowed over first century I xli
Jewish religion & Christianity I 10-11
law of ethical causation II 302n
law of retardation & II 260
limited number of monads & I 171, 182
lipikas record I 104-5, 128
man & angel alike under I 194
man weaves, thread by thread I 639
moral effects of I 634
muktas not subject to I 132
Narada executor of universal II 48
nations cannot escape I 675
Nemesis &, compared II 305-6n
nidanas & I 39
no creature exempt fr I 221, 636
no respecter of persons II 679
numberless entities guide I 111n
Orlog (Norse) or II 520
peregrination of life-atoms & II 671-2
physical & moral effects I 280
fr previous worlds II 249n
reincarnation interwoven w II 303, 306
of retarded monads I 173, 175
Satan magistrate of II 234, 478
savage races & II 317-18
sexual relation as II 458
silent influence of unerring II 475
sin & II 302n, 412-13
sixth race & II 445-6
sons of wisdom & II 185, 191-2, 228
svabhavat & I 635
term God used for II 492
third eye & II 302
triform fates & II 414
Vishnu Purana on I 456n
Karma-Nemesis. See also Providence
adjusts everything harmoniously II 304-5
blind faith vs II 304-5
creator of nations & mortals I 642
Deity is I 645
described I 642-4
is eternity, action itself II 304-5
axial changes by, law II 329-30
law "great ADJUSTER" II 329
law preordains spiritual cycles I 642
mysterious workings of, will II 232
national & tribal cycles are I 642
Karna [Kirana(?)] (Skt) [ray or beam of light], origin of Greek Karneios II 44n
Karnak II 70
Egyptian, & Carnac of Bretagne II 380
other ruins & II 430
statue of Hathor, Isis fr I 400
Karneios (Gk) [Sun-born], Apollo or, fr Karna [Kirana(?)] II 44n
Karshipta (Pers), human mind-soul II 292
Karshvar(es). See Keshvars
Karttikeya (Skt). See also Mars, Michael
Apollo & II 383
born of sweat & earth II 43n, 124-5n
born to kill Taraka II 383
born without woman II 43n, 125n, 550, 619
described & explained II 381-2, 549-50, 619
head of rudras II 106
a kumara II 383, 549, 619
Mars identical w II 43n, 124n, 382, 549, 619
Michael &, compared II 382n, 549
Pleiades nurses of II 549, 551, 619
six-faced Mars II 382
six heads of II 551
war god II 124n
Kashmir, Kasmira I 377
Apollonius meets Nagas in II 211
cradle of mankind & II 203
extension of ancient continent & II 327
Kashyapa. See Kasyapa
Kasi-Khanda (part of Skanda-Purana), describes decapitation of Daksha II 182
Kasmera. See Kashmir
Kasyapa (Skt)
cycle of time II 253-4
described II 132, 253-4, 382 &n
Diti's offspring & II 613
father of danavas (giants) II 381, 382 &n
father of Kapila II 572
father of Narada II 47-8
father of reptiles & demons II 259n
grandsire of birds & Garuda II 181
Indra son of II 382
star in Ursa Minor & II 612n
symb of animal evolution II 253-4
taught Buddhism to Ming-ti I xxviii
Ursa Minor & II 612n
Vinata wife of I 366
Kasyapa-Aditya (Skt) Agni, Apollo, etc & II 382-3 &n
Katakopanishad, Kathaka Upanishad. See Katha Upanishad
Katapa orKalapa, village in Tibet (R. R. Rao) I 378n
Katha Upanishad [also Kathopanishad, Kathaka Upanishad]
Prajapati-Vach produces I 431
sattva called buddhi in I 68n
soul born fr spirit & matter I 365, 461
"Katie King," physicalization of II 737
Kaumara[i] (Skt) or Sena, female aspect of Karttikeya II 619
Kauravya (Skt) king of Nagas in Patala II 214
Kavkaz or Caucasus II 399 &n
Kavya(s) (Skt), identified w cyclic years II 89n
Kavyavahana (Skt) [oblation-vehicle], fire of the pitris, fathers I 521; II 102
Ka-yin [Qayin] II 397. See also Cain