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Ba (Egy). See also Bai
soul of breath, prana II 632
Baal (Canaanite) Lord
Bel, Siva, Saturn & I 459
Bible on I 649
identical w Sun-Jehovah I 397n
leaping prophets of II 460
Mysteries (Sod) of II 212
other names for I 353; II 540
priests of, jumped over fires II 212n
worship of, Hebrews hated II 471
Baal-Adonis, became Adonai I 463
Babba Battra [Baba' Bathra'] (Heb), on Samael & angel of death II 388
Babbage, Dr Charles [Ninth Bridgewater Treatise], "each particle a register" I 104, 124
Babel, Tower of
builders of, & Atlanteans II 272, 375, 762
legend of, before Moses II 3n
Babian, seven vases in temple near II 603
Baboon. See also Ape
future human evolution & II 263
Haeckel & catarrhine II 663n
in Pliocene II 676
arrowhead inscriptions of II 793
Aryan influence on mythology of II 130
divinities of, & Delphi II 379
history of, lost I xxvi
Huschenk built II 396-7
Moses story fr I 319-20
"mother of harlots" II 748
Nabatheans founded II 453
planetary temple of II 456
seat of Brahman learning I xxxi
vast literature of, saved I xxxiv
Babylonia(n, ns)
antiquity of II 690-3
Aryan (Vedic) influence in I xxxi; II 130, 203, 566
astrological magic of II 566
captivity II 202, 473, 618
Chaldees settled in II 748
creation legends II 2, 5
Dag-On Oannes, man-fish I 653; II 190
Ea taught writing to II 226
flying dragons of II 205-6, 206n
Gan-dunia, Ganduniyas, Gan-Aeden II 42n, 202
gods, names of II 5
gods of, & Stonehenge II 379
Hebrew initiates got wisdom fr I 352
magic in, Talmud I xliii n
Nebo, Budha, Mercury II 456, 477
Nimrod governor of II 453
Nipoor, Eridu in II 139n
Pharisees' tenets fr II 61
religion purposely confused II 691
Sargon & Moses I 319
Saros a god of I 114
serpent II 26n
seven Adams in, tablets II 4
Sin was Moon-god of I 388
sons of serpent, dragon in II 379-80
stone of, statues fr Sinai II 692
War in Heaven II 104, 383-4
were silent on the One I 425
wisdom fr India II 566
wisdom-god in the Sea of Space II 477
Xisuthrus is, Noah II 222, 309
Zu strips creative organ II 283-4n
Babylonian Legend of Creation. See Smith, G., Chaldean Account . . .
Bacchante, serpent in hair of II 209
Bacchic Religious Dance II 460-1
Bacchus (Gk). See also Dionysos
called Fish, Savior II 313
celestial Priapus born of II 458
"God" of Slavonians fr I 347
Hebrews hated worship of II 471
lunar Jehovah I 335
man-savior or solar- II 420
Mysteries of II 212
Semele, Jupiter & I 400; II 362
son, father, husband I 396
Sun, Adonai, Kadush & I 463
Sun, Jupiter, Mithras & II 419
Venus & II 458
Bacon, Francis I 584; II 439
——— Advancement of Learning
certainties & doubts II 443
curiosity in man I 165
——— Essays, "Of Truth"
creations of God I 481
Bacon, Roger I 611
belonged by right to the Brotherhood I 581-2n
protyle of I 553, 582
——— De arte chymiae . . .
transmutation of elements I 581
men, animals swarming w I 260-1, 608
reproduce by spores II 167
some microbes &, need no air I 249n
visitors, disease &, (science) I 225n
Badaoni, Abdul Qadir, Muntakhab ut-tawarikh, Akbar's interest in sects I xxiv &n
Badhas (Skt) afflictions, twenty-eight types of II 162
Baer, Karl Ernst von II 649n
Baetyl, Baetylos. See also Bethel
animated stones II 342-6
Catholics misjudge II 85
lithoi, magic stones II 346n
Baffin Bay, part of second continent II 401-2
Bagavadam. See Bhagavata-Purana
Bagh-bog, Bacchus of Slavonians I 347
Bahak-Zivo [Ziwa] (Gnos)
more philosophical than Adam II 150
ordered to create & fails I 194-5
Bai [Egy Ba?]. See also Ba
corr to neschamah (Lambert) II 633
Baibhar, Mt., Buddhist initiations at I xx
Bailly, Jean Sylvain
believed Hesiod factual II 777
believed many worlds inhabited II 706
did not know Secret Doctrine II 742 &n
on fables about Atlantis II 772
fair to Hindu astronomy I 667-8
Greek, Egyptian, Persian legends compared II 393-4
——— Histoire de l'astronomie ancienne
antiquity of zodiac I 648-9
error re biblical patriarchs I 648
Herodotus on ecliptic, equator II 534
on Sun worship origin in far north II 769n
——— Lettres sur l'Atlantide . . .
believed in prehistoric civilization II 265-6, 742-3
disproved Rudbeck's Atlantis II 402
on 9,000 years of Egyptian priests II 765n
Persian legend re Huschenk II 397-9 &nn
rejected submersion of Atlantis II 265
——— Traite de l'astronomie . . .
antiquity of Hindu astronomy I 658-67
astronomy not carried to India I 667n
divine dynasties II 368, 371
Kioo-tche on measures of time II 621
Libra [Aquarius in Bailly] & 3102 BC I 661, 663
proved Hindu figures II 435
sixty-day cycle among ancients II 620-1
Bain, Prof Alexander
more dangerous than Buchner I 528n
school of II 156n
——— Logic
ether hypothesis I 325-6
fire-lighting a mystery I 121
sees Monism as "guarded materialism" I 124-5n
space & time as generalizations I 251n
Baissac, Jules, Satan ou le Diable
Satan made a real power II 509
Satan or centrifugal energy II 245
Bait-Oxly [Bait-Oualy] (Egy), every type of cross in tomb of II 559
Bakewell, F. C., Electric Science . . . , on Faraday & matter I 510
Bakhan-Alenre (Egy), cross & adoration of, [HPB, Lucifer] II 559
Balaam, & the "birds" II 409
Balarama (Skt) [Krishna's elder brother], divides embryo (Ramayana) II 613 &n
Bal-ilu or Marttanda, our sun I 100
Ball [Bull in tx], Sir R. S., re Moon II 64n
Balthazar (Heb), one of three Magi I 654n
Baltic (Sea)
amber found in II 770n
level of II 751
Baltistan II 204, 416n
Balzac, H. de, [Seraphita], on deity & number I 66-7
Bamboo Books II 302
Bamian [Bamiyan, Bamian], Central Asian town II 338
Bamian Statues II 336-40
record buddhas of former cycles II 224
Bandha (Skt) [bondage], moksha is freedom fr I 132
Banquet or Symposium. See Plato
Banyan. See also Wondrous Being
ever-living human- I 207-12
Tree of Life, Knowledge II 215
Baoth (Heb), chaos or I 197n
Baphomet (Heb)
astral light or, (Levi) I 253 &n
goat-headed Satan II 389n
Baptists' "Waters of Grace" I 458n
connected w messiah, water I 385
Council of Trent & II 209
w water, Holy Ghost, & fire II 566
Baptismal Font, Great Pyramid sarcophagus & I 317n
Baptist, John the. See John the Baptist
Bara (Heb), brought forth II 134
Barahiel, Rabbi, THAT was before all numbers I 618
Barbaradesa (Skt) II 406
Barbaras (Skt), in Puranas II 406
Mediterranean II 753n
mlechchhas I 377; II 48n
overpowered learned cultures II 430, 742 &n
Barbary (North Africa), joined to Spain II 751
Barbelo (Gnos), one of three "invisible" gods II 570 &n
Baresma (Zend), twig fr Ormazd's tree II 385, 517
Bar-Hebraeus [Abu'l-Faraj], said Enoch invented writing II 529
Barhishad(s) (Skt) II 88, 102. See also Ancestors, Progenitors
agnishvattas & II 77-9, 89
became first race II 94-5
devoid of mahat-mic element II 79
identified w the months II 89n
project astral models II 78-9, 89, 94-5
Barkayal, taught astrology (Enoch) II 376
Barnabas, called Zeus II 481
Barrows (Nagpur mounds) II 346n
Barth, Auguste, The Religions of India, poetry of Rig-Veda II 450-1
Barth & Richardson, [Le Correspondant], trilithic stones in Sahara II 346n
Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire, on cradle of humanity II 204
Bartlett, A. D., Land and Water, on septenates in nature II 595
Bashan, tall race of II 755-6
Basht or Pasht. See Bast
Basilea (Gk), "royal" island in far north II 773
Basilides, Basilidian(s). See also Gnostic
Abraxax supreme God I 350
serpent on, stones I 472; II 210
Basle, old map of America at II 327
Basnage de Beauval, J. (Bosuage in tx), [Histoire des Juifs], Isis-Osiris taught mankind II 366
American aborigines linked w II 792
Cro-Magnon, Guanches & II 740-1, 790n
language of, compared II 790
Basra, Nabatheans fr II 455
Bast (Egy), goddess w cat's head I 305; II 552n
Bastian, H. Charlton
——— The Beginnings of Life
Carpenter q re lower forms II 257
on dolmen builders II 753
knowledge of extinct forms II 260
man a modified quadrumane II 258
Bath-Kol [Bath-Qol] (Heb)
Kwan-yin, Verbum, etc I 137
Vach in Hinduism I 431n; II 107
Bathybius Haeckelii I 542; II 164n, 190, 650, 656, 670 &n, 674
Batoo [Baiti, Batu] (Egy), Noum [Khnum] & Pandora story II 270n
Battle(s). See War in Heaven, Wars
Bat-winged Men II 634
Batylos [Baetylos]. See Baetyl
Baudry, M. F.
——— "Les Mythes du feu . . ."
fire by friction (Hindu) II 524
re Prometheus II 526
Baumgartner, Karl H., Anfange zu einer physiologischen . . . , humanity not fr single pair II 718
Beale, Prof Lionel Smith
favored vital principle I 634
on mystery of life I 540
Bear. See also Great Bear, Ursa Minor
Thot-Sabaoth is the II 115n
Typhon the Great II 547, 549
Beast(s). See also Animals
apocalyptic 666 of the great I 655n
artificially made II 427n
have no conscious ego-soul II 196n
have no devachan II 196n
without mind no difference betw man & II 513
mystery of woman &, (Revelation) II 748
Beauce, Lake, Miocene man & II 749 &n
Beaumetz, Prof D., sarcode of II 153n
Beaver, instinct of II 120
Become, Becoming I 282
idea of, & the scarab I 365; II 552
nine the number of II 622
same as "to be born" in Greek I 281n
universe an eternal, (Hegel) II 449n
Bede, the Venerable I 441; II 395n
Bedouins, Sabean, invoke host of heaven II 514n
Haeckel traces civilization to II 650
reproduction among II 133, 659
Beelzebub, Beelzebul [Baal-zebub] (Heb), monarch of hell II 389n
Beer, well of I 364n
Beethoven Sonata, could not play itself II 348
Beetles, Moses permitted eating of I 80n
Beginnings of Life, The. See Bastian H.
Beglor [Beglar], discovered Fa-hien's cave I xx &n
Behemoth (Heb), Job & theology on II 486 &n
Behring Straits. See Bering Straits
Absolute I 16, 51, 54n, 193, 268
Absolute Divine Essence is no I 629
all-powerful, (Newton) I 498
Be-ness rather than I 14
conditioned I 15
conscious & unconscious I 53-4
endless cycle of, in eternity I 221
ladder of II 239
neutral center of II 731
Non-being & I 16, 39, 45, 47, 54, 88, 193, 344
pure, not understood I xx, 496n
-Purusha born fr not-being I 344
subject- & object-side of II 24
Wondrous, or highest hierarchy I 207
all, pass thru human stage I 275; II 322
all, subject to karma I 221-2, 456n
invisible I 89, 478, 608
Kant on immaterial I 133n
millions of, in us, we in them I 604-5
other intellectual, in solar system I 133, 164
on other worlds differ fr us II 700
perceptive & apperceptive I 629
spiritual, incarnated in man I 233
universe real to, in it I 274
Beitrage zur Deszendenzlehre. See Weismann, A.
Beitrage zur Kenntniss. See Seyffarth, G.
Bel [or Marduk] (Bab) I xxvii, 421, 463
Baal, Siva, Saturn & I 459
building of Earth & II 23
Chaldean creator I 357; II 139nn, 144
dragon &, among Ophites II 379
equated w other gods II 379
Gauls used, for Sun II 540
Jupiter or, rules sixth world (Syrian) I 435
-Merodach &, -Belitanus II 210n
Moon eldest son of II 386
Nebo son of, -Merodach II 211
Noah &, preceded Adam Kadmon II 144
not infinite II 384n
primeval II 139n
-Shemesh, Moon called I 397
slays dragon Tiamat II 477, 503
Sun or, overpower messengers II 62
umsimi on the seat of II 283-4n
way to Bible thru, & Homer II 383
Bela (Heb), son of Beor II 706
Belgamer. See Bergelmir
Belgium, early man in II 744
Belita (Chald), Eve, Mary II 463
Bello Judaico. See Josephus, History . . .
Bel Merodach, Bel-Belitanus, patron of Chaldean initiates II 210n, 211
Bel-Shemesh (Heb) [Lord of the Sun], name of Moon among Semites I 397 &n
Belt, Thomas, axial changes & glaciations II 695, 726
Belus (Chald). See also Bel
Berosus priest of I xxvi
formed heaven & Earth II 54
-Nimrod, de Rougemont on II 454
Be-ness. See also Being
Ain or Non-being II 626
"All," & All-Being I 55
fr, into being is genesis II 24n
is "non-Being" (Hegel) I 193; II 449n
not a Being I 59
the One I 7, 14, 143n
Sat or I 119, 143n, 289, 556; II 310
Benfey, Theodore, on Asura- & Ahura-Mazdha II 92
mighty men of, dwarfed II 411n
Sagara or Bay of II 572
Tantrikas of, & Moon I 156
Beni-Elohim. See Bnei Elohim
Beni Shamash. See Bnei-Shamash
Ben-Issrael. See Bnei-Israel
Benjamin (son of Jacob), & Cancer I 651
Benjamin, S. G. W., The Atlantic Islands . . . , link betw Canary Isles & Amer II 790-1
Ben-Manesseh. See Bnei-Menashsheh
Benoo. See Benu
Bentley, John
chronology of II 76n
ignorant of Indian zodiac II 431
not fair to Hindu knowledge I 370, 667
Puranic astronomy a science II 253
——— Historical View of Hindu Astronomy
dates Great War 575 BC I 369n
hidden scientific knowledge II 499-500n
precession of equinoxes II 550
War in Heaven II 63, 76, 499-500 &n
Bentley, R., Newton's Third Letter to I 479, 490-1, 494
Benu (Egy) phoenix I 312
Beor, Bela son of II 706
Bere'shith, B'raisheeth (Heb)
"in the beginning" I 352; Appendix
first emanation of Logos I 375
Genesis 1:1, kabbalistic meaning of I 374, 443-4
Bereshith Rabbah, several creations in II 53-4, 704 &n
Bergelmir (Norse) II 774
Bergerac, Cyrano de II 702
Bering Straits, horseshoe-like continent & II 326, 329
Berkeley, George, A Treatise Concerning . . . Human Knowledge, on motion I 3n
Bernard, Claude, life a process of fermentation I 249n
Bernard, St, Sermon, "Sun-Christ lives in thee . . ." I 401
Bernardin de St Pierre, J. H., many worlds inhabited II 706
Bernouilli, Jacques II 269
many inhabited worlds II 706
Newton's ideas revolted I 491
Berosus, Berossus I xxvii
account of primeval creation I 343, 345; II 269
astronomical records of I xxvi, 655n
Belus formed Earth, heavens II 54
Chaldea had three keys in days of I 311
disfigured by Eusebius I xxvi; II 53
Ea same as Oannes of II 226
Ilus of, or ether I 339
obtained information fr Ea II 115
predicted cataclysms by zodiac I 649-50
de Rougemont on II 454
taught evolution II 190
ten generations of kings II 394
on Thallath I 394; II 61, 65n, 135
on two-, four-faced creatures II 504
watery abyss of II 53, 477, 715n
——— Antiquitates [by "pseudo" Berosus]
Titea-Aretia worship II 143-4
Berthollet, C. L., Comte, men of Canary Islands & America II 790-1
Bertrand, Abbe Franccois-Marie, Dictionnaire [universel historique . . . ], on betyles [baetyls] II 342
Bes (Egy), stands on lotus I 385
Bestiality, & sterility II 192, 195, 689, 730
Bestla (Norse), Odin, Willi, & We born fr I 427
Bethel(s) [Beith-El] (Heb). See also Baetyl
oil-anointed phalli II 473
Bethlehem, Star of II 619
Betyles (Fr). See Baetyl
"Be-with-us," Great Day I 129, 130-1, 134n, 265
all men may know Vasudeva II 48n
Anugita on speech I 94
Brahm enthroned on lotus I 379
explains Mahabharata II 139
four manus & seven rishis II 140 &n, 318n
Isvara in II 114
Kshetrajna in II 638
lower, higher elements in I 535-6
Pistis Sophia in light of II 569
root or sattva is buddhi I 68n
on Tree of Life, asvattha I 406
two paths at death explained I 86
Wilson saw Buddhism in I 419n
Bhagavad Gita Lectures. See Row, T. S.
Bhagavan (Skt) II 406
Bhagavat, Bhagavan (Skt) II 406
the Eternal I 345
hurled Brahma to Earth (Fall) II 483
incarnates II 48
Arjuna married Ulupi in II 214 &n
Chakshusha Manu of sixth period II 615n
cross & circle in II 549-50
curse of Vasishtha II 247
Hamsa caste I 79
Kapila author of Sankhya philosophy II 572
Kapila did not slay 60,000 II 571
mankind produced fr Vach II 418n
Moryas will reign over India I 378n
nitya pralaya I 371
opening of kali-yuga II 550
Panchasikha Kumara I 236
rakshasas, origin of II 165n
Vaisvanara son of Danu II 381 &n
vyakta in I 10n
Bhangulpore [Bhagalpur], round tower of II 85
Bharata, Bharateans (Skt)
India & II 321, 369, 406n
war w rakshasas II 776
Bharata-Varsha (Skt) India
divided into nine portions II 321
division of Jambu-dvipa II 322, 369, 403n
four yugas occur in II 322
Naga-dvipa part of II 132, 182, 501n
Peris counterparts of children of II 394
Sankha-dvipa & II 405, 408
Bhargavas (Skt), race of II 32n
Bhashyacharya, Pandit N., FTS
——— Catechism of Visishtadvaita . . .
evolution of matter I 522
pathway of freed soul I 132
Bhashyas of Sankaracharya, on Upanishads kept secret I 271-2
Bhaskara (Skt), light-maker I 98, 103
Bhaskara Acharya, interprets seven dvipas II 321
Bhautya (Skt), a manu II 309
Bhava (Skt) I 61, 256
Bhavishya Purana, story of Samba & Magas in II 323
Bhons [Bons] (Tib) II 586
Bhoots. See Bhutas
Bhoutya. See Bhautya
Bhrantidarsana[tah] (Skt)
arises in lower fifth principle I 19
material universe as II 108
Bhrigu (Skt)
seven, fourteen manus II 308
Sri daughter of II 76n
Sukra (Venus) is son of II 30, 32n
in Vayu Purana I 436
Bhujam (Skt), side (of triangle) II 576
Bhumi (Skt) Earth
appears w six sisters I 250 &n; II 616
fourth principle of, fourth round I 260
prithivi or I 237
sons of, & devas I 605-6
those who watch over I 213
Bhuranyu (Skt), Phoroneus, Agni (Decharme) II 520
Bhur-loka (Skt), south of equator (sidereal position) II 321
Bhuta(s) (Skt)
defined II 102n
evolved fr dhyanis I 183
first & second races were I 183; II 108
flesh eaters II 163
illusion (Bhoots in tx) I 295
primitive man a II 91, 102 &n, 105, 108
race w no form or mind II 91
second or, creation I 446, 452
Bhutadi (Skt)
devours sound, ether I 372-3
elements sprang fr I 452; II 108
precedes Bhutasarga Creation I 452
Bhutasarga Creation (Skt), second or elemental I 446, 452-3
Bhutatman (Skt), life soul II 108
Bhutesa (Skt), Vishnu lord of elements I 452n
Bhuva[r]-loka (Skt)
middle region at maha-pralaya I 371
north of equator (sidereal position) II 321
Bible (Judeo-Christian) I 212, 214. See also individual books of the Bible
allegories deal w fifth race II 252
angel & human monad in I 574n
angels few in I 632n; II 61
anthropomorphic, phallic I 382; II 472-3, 544-5, 657-8
archaic doctrine in Genesis 1-6 & Job II 537
astronomy & glyphs of I 320
based on universal traditions II 202
blinds in I 128n; II 473
borrowed fr Chaldeans I xxxi; II 3n, 143 &n, 383
cherubim of I 126-7
chronologists & II 690-2
dead letter of I 305, 316, 318, 323n, 336; II 3, 95n
deals briefly w pre-cosmic period II 252
dual light of II 36-7
Eocene man &, (Fabre) II 746-7
Fall, meaning of II 283
first six chapters occult I 336
French translation misleading II 537
giants in II 336, 375
history in, not Jewish II 203
incongruities in Mosaic I 420
Jehovah in II 472-3
Jews, Tyrians kin in I 313n
Kabbala key to I 246, 336, 344
de Mirville sought to justify II 342
needs occult interpretation II 377-8, 747
no first man except in II 270
number seven recurs in II 4, 35
numerical & geometric keys to I 66, 318 &n; II 536
pantheism behind II 472-3
plurality of worlds & I 607 &n
Puranas &, compared II 126, 624
queer chronology of I 655-6; II 395 &n
rounds, races, principles in II 747-8
Sabbath, meaning of I 240; II 747
sacred animals in I 92, 441n, 442 &n
serpents in II 206 &n, 209
six days of creation I 21, 446-7
translators knew little Hebrew I 128n
two theories re God of II 472-3
unclean birds & animals of I 355, 442n
veiled, secret, esoteric I 316, 318, 320; II 202, 228, 279, 473, 536
war betw black & white magic II 211
written in emblem I 306
zodiac in I 649
Bible de Vence (H. Franccois, Abbe de Vence), holy usurpation of elohim I 441-2n
Bible in India. See Jacolliot
Bibles (of humanity), all treat of Earth chain, planets, stars II 703
chronology & Noah, Titans II 390
chronology of Adam II 71n
esotericism II 252-3
genealogies confusing II 42
names numerically based II 467
Bibliotheca Historica. See Diodorus
Bibliotheca Indica, lokas in II 321
Bibliotheque Orientale. See d'Herbelot, B.
[Biesenthal, Joachim Heinrich], Auszuge aus dem Buche Sohar . . . , "Let there be light" I 215-16n, 356n, 450
Bimater [Bimatris] (Lat), Bacchus II 362
Binah (Heb)
Chochmah [Hokhmah] & I 98n, 99n, 239, 352, 355, 618; II 84, 134n, 528
Elohim, Tiamat, Thalatth or I 394
female consciousness or intellect II 528
female of sephiroth I 230
female potency & male Jehovah I 99n, 355
heart, intelligence or I 352
Heh letter of I 438n
Jehovah (Demiurge) I 6n, 230, 392, 394; II 134n, 384n
left side or I 239; II 269n
Mother, Sea, Mare, Mary I 392
Mother, understanding II 85
Sephirah, Hokhmah &, triad I 98n
third of sephiroth I 6n, 215n; II 384n
Binary(ies) I 237n, 239; II 592
Pythagoreans & Gnostics re II 574-5
symbol of sexes separated I 384
ternary & I 384; II 575-6
Yin the II 554
Biogenetic Law, embryo epitome of race II 187-9, 257, 659-60, 672
"Biographical & Critical Essay." See Waite
admits separation of sexes II 184
denies a vital principle I 603
Biot, Edouard C., Malabar tombs II 347
Bipeds II 183
man or, before quadrupeds II 163
Bird(s). See also Garuda, Hawk, Kalahansa, Leda, Phoenix, Swans
black, symbol of primeval wisdom I 443
created before Adam (Genesis) II 181
divination by I 362-3
divine, in Ash tree II 520
enemies of reptiles II 254
First Cause symbolized by I 359
forms fr third round II 684
Hansa, of wisdom II 293
Hebrew symbol for angel, spirit II 292
Karshipta Mazdean, god II 292
Karttikeya peacock II 619
Kasyapa grandsire of II 181, 253-4
Mexican symbol of atman II 36
oviparous II 166
preceded mammals I 404
fr reptiles II 55, 183, 254, 734
reptiles preceded I 404
Simorgh II 617-18
steed of Tahmurath II 397-8
symbol of aquatic I 80n, 358
symbol of higher divinities II 771
that lay golden eggs II 122
use man's third, fourth round relics II 290
various sacred I 362-3
vermilion, of Chinese I 408
Zoroaster forbade killing I 362
Bird's Nest (Zohar) II 292-3
"Birds of the South." See Audubon, J.
Birth(s) II 622. See also Second Birth
astral precedes physical II 1
Egyptian initiation as new II 258-9
immaculate I 398
karma of II 161, 303
Mars lord of II 392
miraculous II 550
second, for Osirified dead I 365
Bischof, Karl-Gustav Christoph
cooling of Earth I 501n; II 694
duration of coal formation II 695n
stability of atmosphere II 159
Bisexual. See also Androgyne, Hermaphrodite, Root-Races — Second, Root-Race — Third
all higher gods are I 72n
animals, before mammals II 594n
creative deities are II 125, 130
early humanity was II 130, 132-5
Jehovah II 460
mythological figures II 124, 134-5
plants & animals II 133
root-types of II 736
sexless man became II 2-3, 132-4, 197
Bishop of Ayre. See Foix, F. de
Bishop of Caesarea. See Eusebius
Bishop of St Gildas II 342
Bishops of Middle Ages, destroyed plans of Dracontia II 347
Biurasp, delegate of Dzahhak II 453