Index to The Secret Doctrine — prepared by John P. Van Mater

- Dh- Dz -

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Dhairya (Skt), fortitude II 528

Dhaivata (Skt), quality of sound I 534

Dhammapada (Pali) ["Path of Dharma"] tanha, maker of tabernacle II 110

Dharma (Skt) law, duty, religion. See also Laws of Manu

Kama, son of, & Sraddha II 176
motto of the Theosophical Society & I xli; II 798

Dharma-savarni (Skt), a manu II 309

Dhatu(s) (Skt) [layer, constituent element], seven substances in human body I 290

Dhimat (Skt), all-wise deity II 176n

Dhriti (Skt) patience, mother of fortitude II 528

Dhruva (Skt). See also Pole Star

Enos & I 654
former pole star I 435; II 549
Great Pyramids & I 435
located in tail of Tortoise II 549
nine planets attached to II 488-9n
seven winds connected w II 612
tail of Ursa Minor & II 612n
year of, 9,090 years II 307n, 768

Dhruvatara (Skt), pole stars II 401n

Dhulkarnayn, Persian conqueror II 398

Dhyan, Dan, Janna (Skt, dhyana) secret portions of I xx &n

Dhyan. See Dhyani(s)

Dhyana (Skt)

abstract meditation I 572; II 116
Tibetan yoga II 116

Dhyani-bodhisattva(s) (Skt), dhyani-buddhas create I 109; II 116

Dhyani-buddha(s) (Skt). See also Dhyanichohans, Dhyanis

aggregate of, as Avalokitesvara/Kwan-shi-yin I 471-2
angel of a star I 573
anupadaka [aupapaduka] or I 52, 109, 571
ascent of soul & I 17
bodhisattvas human aspect of I 42
cannot reach Alaya's essence I 48
create w dhyana II 116
dhyani-bodhisattvas fr I 109; II 116
Dzyu collective wisdom of I 108
five, or panchasya I 213
furnished races w divine kings I 267
human monad part of a I 573
informing intelligences II 34
One becomes many or I 113
one for each round I 42
one w Alaya during life-period I 48
pi, circle & I 114
on primordial matter I 69
prototypes of buddhas on Earth I 108
seven I 571-2
seven, five have manifested I 108
sources of revelation I 10
twin-souls & I 574
two higher groups of I 267
various names for I 114, 571

Dhyani-Chenresi, symbolism of II 178-9

Dhyani-chohan(s). See also Angels, Archangels, Architects, Builders, Dhyanibuddhas, Dhyanis, Elohim, Planetary Spirits

Absolute beyond grasp of highest I 51
agents of cosmic law I 274-5
aggregate of, Divine Intelligence I 452, 471-2, 595, 604
Ah-hi (dhyani-buddhic) parinishpanna I 53
Aletae, Lares, Kabiri or II 360-1, 393
Amshaspends II 358, 365-6
angels I 222n, 226, 274, 611
anupadaka [aupapaduka] & I 52
architects of visible world I 16
astral man reflection of II 170
boughs of Hiranyagarbha I 406
builders & watchers I 233
can do better than initiates I 234-5
Chenresi II 178
clothed in souls, atoms I 619
conscious, intelligent powers I 93
cosmic, cause terrestrial phenomena I 604
cosmic, dual host of beings I 604
cosmic mind & law are I 278, 579n, 595
create man & world II 242, 510
Deity's incarnated beams II 584
devas I 288n; II 307
direct causative agents of man I 229-30
do not fully remember former cosmos II 310
do not pass thru lower kingdoms I 188
dual nature of hosts of I 280
elements stand for I 339, 372-3 &n
elohim II 37
endow man w self-consciousness II 232-3n
esoteric hierarchy of II 465
evolved first races II 307, 365-6
failures among I 188; II 232-3n
first group of I 197
forbidden fruit & II 267
form manifested Verbum I 278
four arms of II 179
four classes of II 60, 102
four Maharajas kings of I 122
four primal natures of I 82
four suns of life & II 239
guide elemental forces I 277-8
Hermetic daimones, genii I 288n
hierarchy of, & 31415 I 90, 93
higher creative, or Demiurgos I 110
highest, know solar system II 700n
Host, Elohim, Jehovah or II 510
incarnate in man I 188, 295n; II 92
invisible deity I 114
karmic agents I 274, 278
Keely under class of I 559
Kwan-shi-yin aggregate of I 471
made worlds fr primary stuff I 598n
manifest divine thought & will I 38
manifested theogony I 434
man's seven principles & I 226-7
manus or I 452; II 308-9, 365-6
manvantaric emanations of Logos I 429
man will merge into his I 265
man needs two rounds to become II 257
men fr other manvantaras I 277
minor logoi or elohim II 37
nature's guiding intelligences I 146, 277-8
never-resting breaths I 103
in nirvana during pralaya I 116n
not perfect or to be worshiped I 280
objective universe built on I 375
ophanim ['ophannim] or I 92, 337
pass thru Circle of Necessity II 303
planetary spirits I 635
popular description of II 178-9
populations of, in other worlds I 583n
preside over constellations I 638 primordial mind or I 52
races, rounds, & I 42, 233, 442, 573 &n
reflect universal ideation I 280
refused to create II 246
rupa, arupa I 197; II 318n
septenary groups of I 573-4; II 361
seven primordial sages II 267n
seven rays fr Logos I 130, 573
seven rupa classes of II 318n
sixfold, minus physical I 222n, 235
six hierarchies of, & saktis I 292-3
sources of revelation I 10
substance of I 289-90
three lords or II 212
various names for I 42, 375; II 90, 365-6
wanted man to become a god II 246


buddhi part & parcel of, essence I 265
consciousness & manifested Logos I 573
essence & evolution II 108, 120
evolution guided by, thought II 649 &n
first men projected by seven, centers II 732
heart of the, body II 91
impulse &, Lamarck's law II 738
root of striving for perfection II 736

Dhyanipasa (Skt) "rope of the angels," separates phenomenal fr noumenal I 90

Dhyanis. See also Dhyani-buddhas, Dhyani-chohans, Pitris

angirasas, instructors II 605n
archangels II 22, 242
arhats, sages II 167
arupa, one-third were II 93
became Zoroastrian devs I 577
Chenresi Padmapani or II 178-9
displeased w rupas II 57
doomed to rebirth by karma II 93-4
dragons or adepts disciples of II 210
each kalpa has its own II 179
elohim II 2n
endowed third race w mind I 457 &n; II 47n, 165, 276, 318 &n
evolved bhutas for first race I 183
fire-, are agnishvattas II 91
form nursery for future adepts I 207
give man five inner principles I 227
guide evolution I 181
have to be atma-buddhi I 193
higher, not in physical creation II 80
incarnated at various times II 228
incarnated in empty shadows I 457 &n; II 487
kumaras I 456-7
lower order of, reigned over man I 266
lowest, or spirits of Earth I 224
lunar, first round globe D I 188
manasa-, gave mind to man I 181-2
men become I 276; II 257
men in Mazdean ark are II 291
middle principles of man & I 222
monsters slain by II 115
never travel beyond visible cosmos I 13, 116n
nirmanakayas fr other cycles II 93-4
pass thru human experience II 167
planets & II 29
projected shadows I 225; II 242-3
rays of wisdom II 191n
relation to principles II 29
of seven heavens II 273
seven orders of, & seven elements I 259
six principled I 224
spiritual fire & II 105
spiritual plasm & I 224
various names for I 222n
watch over rounds & races I 42

Diabolos (Gk) slanderer, Devil

Atabutos or II 385
diable, diavolo, Teufel & I 73

Diagrams, Lists, Tables

ankh-tie II 548
Aryan & Semitic symb beings II 128
astronomical I 666-7 &n
caduceus I 550
cosmic cycles, figures II 68-70
cube unfolded II 600n
Earth chain (Mazdean) II 759
Earth chain (Kabbalistic) I 200
elementals (Five Years, Blavatsky) I 177
elements & number seven II 627
elements, three (alchemy) II 113
esoteric geologic figures II 711-15
evolution of races in fourth round II 300
evolution of ungulates II 735, 736
geologic ages, periods II 710
lunar mean motions I 667n
manus & rounds II 309
methods of procreation II 166-7
Moon chain & Earth chain I 172
principles, human, cosmic II 596
principles of man, nature II 593
races II 434, 688
senses of man & elements II 107
septenary division of man I 157
sevenfold man (Kabbalistic) I 242-6; II 633
seven globes & seven principles I 153
seven principles, Egyptian & Hindu II 632
seven principles, Hebrew & Egyptian II 633
six-pointed star (Levi, Isis) II 533
six-pointed star & sephiroth I 375
ten sephiroth II 37
triangle & quaternary II 591
variation of species II 738
vibrations of various types I 562
yugas II 69


androgynous Logos or pi I 91
circle & I 5, 11, 315-16; II 30, 39, 216, 536, 544, 554
circle &, root-race symbol II 30
in circle or Adam Kadmon I 391
of circle or creative power II 536
circumference & II 544
female deity I 5
first symbol in cosmogony II 554-5
gives birth to universe I 398
god-manifested (by its works) is II 553
immaculate mother-nature I 4
Jehovah value is, & phallic I 6n
nature or female principle I 91
only during manvantara I 11
ratio of, w circumference I 308, 313
second-self, manifested, is I 398
value of pi & I 90-2
the Word II 106

Diamond-Holder, -Soul, -Heart, vajra-sattva or dorjesempa I 52, 571

Diana (Gk)

bearded, or Artemis-Soteira I 396
bow & arrow of I 396
daughter of Ceres (Aeschylus) II 419n
destroys Niobe's children II 771-2 &n
hides as cat in Moon I 387-8
Isis &, parents of Earth II 23
lunar goddess I 228-9, 395, 400; II 23, 123, 462
Moon transformed into I 386
presides over childbirth I 387

Diana-Hecate-Luna, diva triformis, three-headed I 387

Dianoia, or Logos II 25

Diapason Harmony (Greek octave), planetary harmonies &, [Oliver] II 601

Diarbek, legendary Persian city II 397

Diastemes (Greek intervals), planets & music I 433

Diatessaron (fourth interval), in Greek music II 600

Dictionnaire des Religions. See Bertrand, Abbe

Dictynna, Cretan Artemis I 395

Diderot, Denis, Encyclopedie . . . , many worlds inhabited II 706

Didumos [Didymos] (Gk) [twin] names Adam &, compared II 135

"Dieu est devenu . . ." (Fr) I 498

Dieu et les Dieux. See Gougenot des Mousseaux

Differentiation(s). See also Specialization, Variations

fr akasa II 511
cosmic & atomic I 152
evolution & I 246-7, 277; II 648-9
first I 1, 4, 138, 177, 327
Fohat causes I 200-1, 205-6n, 328
of monads I 178-9
outside solar system I 673
of primeval matter I 589, 601, 620, 633; II 389
root of evil II 421n, 490, 574
secondary causes of II 648-9, 736
of seven prakritis I 328
of spirit-matter I 258, 277, 327, 421, 543

Digambara (Skt) sky-clad, naked

Mayamoha beguiles daityas as I 422-3
Rudra-Siva called II 502n

Digit. See Number

Dii Magni (Lat), Faber relates, to Kabiri II 360

Diis Syriis, De. See Seldenus

Dii Termini (Lat), cruciform symbol on highways II 542

Dike (Gk), Nemesis daughter of II 305n

Diluvians (Titans) II 143

Dimensions (of Space) I 628

six, of all bodies II 591
will multiply w man's faculties I 251-2

Dinah (daughter of Jacob), Virgo or I 651

Dingir, Akkadian creative god II 365

Dinosaurians II 218

Dinotherium giganteum (tapir family), bones of, found in France II 277

Diocletian (Roman Emperor), burned Egyptian books II 763n

Diodorus Siculus II 768

——— Bibliotheca historica
Atlantides cursed Sun II 407
Atlantides in Atlantis II 761
Basilea or Delos II 773
divine dynasties II 367
Egyptian year of thirty days II 620
giants II 336, 344n, 775
invention of fire II 363
Isis gave man corn, etc II 374
legend of Latona (Leto) II 770
Moses called God Iao II 465
Osiris born fr an egg I 366
reincarnation among Druids II 760
Titea, mother of Titans II 143
Uranus first Atlantean king II 762, 765-6

Diogenes Laertius

——— Lives of the Philosophers
age of Egyptian astronomy I 650
Epicurus on soul, atoms I 568-9
Pythagoras on numbers I 433-4
q Zeno on nature II 159


egg explained in, Mysteries I 359-60
none were licentious I 335

Dionysius. See Dionysos, Dionysus

Dionysius Periegetes (Denis in text), [Oikumenes periegesis], Glacial or Saturnine Sea II 777n

Dionysos, Dionysus II 415-16

first born, fr egg I 360
man-savior, solar Bacchus II 420
Osiris, Krishna, Buddha II 420
protogonon (Gk) first-born [Orphic Hymns] I 335
son, father, husband (Dionysius in tx) I 396

Dionysos-Bacchus, "dark Epaphos" II 415-16

Dionysos-Chthonios, subterranean world & oracles (Dionysius in tx) I 463

Dionysos-Sabazios or Epaphos, son of Zeus & Demeter II 415

Dionysus of Mnaseas, Jupiter, Kabiri & II 393

Diorite, hard stone of statues II 226

Dioscuri (Dioskouroi) (Gk)

Castor & Pollux II 122 &n, 361 &n, 362
"heavenly measure" II 363
Kabiri II 106, 360, 362
the poles & II 362-3
seven great gods, Idei II 361
sparks on hats of I 338n

Dirghotamas [Dirghatamas] (Skt), on pippala, fruit of Tree of Life II 97-8

Dis, "disposer of all things" I 343 &n

Dodonean Jupiter & I 463
Protogonos or I 70

Disc. See Circle


abandons illusive body I 570
accepted, & Eastern texts II 236
assumed master's names II 267n
of Buddha, worshiped by some II 34n
of Jesus had same father, star I 574
lanoo, chela or, & third eye II 295
twentieth-century, will give proofs I xxxviii

Discipline, Mysteries, virtue & I xxxv

Disco Island (near Greenland), Miocene subtropical flora II 726

Discours sur l'etude. See Herschel, J. F. W.


future, of mythical cities II 236
future, re source of light I 621n
impending in science I 620, 623
will prove antiquity of civilization II 334
will prove man not apish II 744


adorning serpent's head II 213
seven-rayed, of Thoth II 529


bacteria & I 225n
cosmic elements & I 347
epidemics & winds I 123
first races never died fr II 609
Keely's etheric force & I 559-60
mediumship & II 370n
Moon & cyclic forms of I 180
overpopulation & II 411 &n
serpent & II 356
sevenfold cyclic nature of II 622-3 &n
too much life force I 538n
unbelief a hereditary II 74

Disk, white I 1, 4

Disraeli, Benjamin, men associates of apes & angels II 744-5

Dissertation on the Mysteries of the Cabiri. See Faber, G. S.

Dissolution(s). See also Night of Brahma, Pralaya

elemental I 11n, 372-3; II 309n
of heaven (2 Peter) II 757
manvantara, pralaya & II 307n, 309-10n
minor, & ephemeral creation II 309-10n
periods of I 12, 456n
planetary I 159
universal I 11n, 552; II 69n, 146, 310n, 579&n

Diti (Skt) limited, bounded

buddhi of akasa II 613-14
frustrated in dvapara-yuga II 614
Indra, birth of maruts & II 613
770 million descendants of II 571

Diva triformis, tergemina triceps, Moon, Diana-Hecate-Luna, or I 387


by birds, egg yolk & white I 362-3
Confucius on I 441
by idol of moon & teraphim II 455
w Nabatheans I 394-5
occult art now degraded I 362-3
by rocking stones II 342n, 346, 347
spirits of elements & I 395
by teraphim (Seldenus) I 394


age, seven manus as yet in II 307
beings become, thru experience I 106
bird (Aztec) precedes boat (ark) II 141
contains good & evil I 411-12
essence unmanifested I 398
eternal, boundless, absolute I 447
grace & Brahmanaspati II 498
incipient, man or element I 567
man in Puranas II 254
mind mirrored in atoms I 623
motionless, cannot be I 2
powers I 21-2; II 318n
Providence I 634
ray falls into generation II 231n
revelation I 304 &n
soul remembers all past II 424
spirit or ark II 313
spirit sustains heavens, Earth II 594n
voice or Kwan-yin I 72
wisdom, ideation & variation II 299n

Divine Breath. See also Manvantara

Braun's, is Fohat II 649n
in cyclic differentiation I 41
Great Breath projected called I 43
issues fr laya I 289
motion, Pleiades & II 551-2
substance informed by I 520

Divine Hermaphrodite

Brahma-Vach-Viraj II 126
Jehovah-Cain-Abel II 126
lotus symbol of I 379

Divine Kings, Dynasties, Instructors II 136, 365-78. See also Root-Race — Third

Agrippa MSS on II 487
Apollo most enlightened of II 774
Atlantean, & Prince of Tyrus II 492-3
Atlantean, fr Osericta, Delos II 773
Bailly on II 368
beings fr higher spheres II 328
Buddhas belonging to II 423n
built early civilizations II 318
Chaldean, 432,000 years of I 655 &n
destroyed red, blue races II 192
dhyani-buddhas & I 267
each adapted to its humanity II 429
Edris-Enoch II 366
Egyptian, Chaldean II 486-7
Eratosthenes on II 367
forsook Atlanteans II 756
guru-devas, angirasas or II 605 &n
Herodotus on II 369
Hindu version of II 369 &n
inhabit Sacred Island II 350
instructed fifth race II 353, 359, 429, 436
Kabiri II 364, 393
Kings of Light II 425
Lemuro-Atlanteans had 1st II 221-2
men will become I 309
Panodorus on II 366, 368-9
Plato describes Atlantean II 370-1
preceded Adami, "red earth" II 453-4
precede human kings I 266; II 316, 369
primitive man lived w II 349
pupils of, & genealogies II 42
rebirth of teachers & II 359
regarded as myths I 266
Rudra-Siva king of II 502n
seven I 651; II 365-6
seven primeval gods were II 514
"the Shadow of the Shadow" II 487
taught arts, sciences I 266-7; II 29, 201, 317
third race & II 135, 194, 328, 429, 435-6
three Virgos refer to II 435-6
Tree of Life, serpent & I 407
twelve, refers to zodiac I 651

Divine Pymander. See also Hermetica

Bohme, Egyptian thought & II 630
cloaks its tenets II 455
creator not good or bad II 25
disfigured I 285; II 3, 114, 115n
echoes esoteric philosophy I 285; II 236
Manu & Thought Divine I 63
monsters generated in II 53
oldest logoi in West I 74
origin of work II 267-8n, 506
phraseology of I 674-5
St John the Baptist & II 115n
seven recurs in II 4, 109
way to Bible is thru II 38
animals, men bisexual II 96
birth of pitris, men II 267
building powers of I 601
double fecundity of God II 134
fallen angels I 417; II 103, 283
God not mind, spirit, light I 285
Heavenly Man II 236, 270, 493
I am Thought, thy God . . . II 107
knowledge differs fr sense I 279
Latin text of Apuleius II 491n
man emanated fr seven angels I 230
marriage of heaven w Earth I 417; II 231
mind, governors, builders I 480; II 236-7n
moyst principle of II 236, 591n
nature descends cyclically I 291n
point & circumference I 426
reality & appearances I 287
rectors, regents, supervisors II 23, 97, 488
serpent, dragon in I 74-5
seven circles of fire II 103, 232, 275n
seven hosts build world I 436; II 489
seven men, opposite sexes II 2n, 267, 491-2
seven primal men II 2n, 97, 213
seven workmen II 97
speaking of God impossible I 286
spirit envelops universe I 286
ten is the mother of the soul I 90n
thought issues as light II 486
Word (Hermes), Word of God II 542

Divine Rebels II 79, 94. See also Rebel

Divine Soul

obligatory pilgrimage of I 17
spark of universal sixth principle I 17

Divine Thought I 39, 44, 325-41. See also Ideation, Mahat, Thought, Universal Mind

akasa upadhi of I 326
army of the Voice I 93
Builders & I 339
called Father by Plato I 348
cannot be defined I 327
creators moved by II 158
described I 1 &n, 61, 325-41
dhyani-chohans & I 110-11; II 649n
Fohat & I 16, 58; II 649n
ideal kosmos & I 3
impregnates chaos, matter I 64, 340
kosmos fr I 339-40
not concerned w creation II 158, 536-7
not divine thinker I 61
plan of future cosmogony in I 1
in Pymander II 488-9
recorded in astral light I 104
universe temporary reflection of I 63

Divine Wisdom. See also Budha, Theosophy, Wisdom

Agathodaemon, endowed w II 210, 377
Christos or I 459; II 231n
Kwan-shai-yin, male aspect of I 473
law of Mazda (Zoroastrian), or II 292
Mercury, Kurios, or I 353
Metis, Minerva, symbol of I 384
Nous is higher I 197n
Shekhinah, grace or II 293
species variation traced to II 299n, 649

Divine Year

mortal year &, explained II 619-21
War in Heaven & I 419 &n

Divisibility, of atom & matter I 519-20, 581, 628

Divo Rajah (Skt) II 622n


abode of, seventh stage II 407n
killed by Krishna II 407
white devil II 403

Dixon, Charles, Evolution Without Natural Selection, evolution & natural selection II 647-8

Djin [Jinn, Jinni] (Arabic)

genii, shaitan or I 295
mech animal informed by II 427 &n

Djooljool [Gulgula(eh)] (Bamian part of), sacked by Genghis Khan II 338

Docta Ignorantia, De. See Cusa, de

Doctor Jekyll & Mr Hyde. See Stevenson


cannot compare w nature II 797
Eastern, kept secret II 236

Doctrine of Descent and Darwinism. See Schmidt, E. O.

Dodecahedron. See also Twelve

concealed in cube (explained) I 450
first-begotten or I 340
perfect number (Philo) I 649
symbol of universe II 36
universe constructed on I 340, 344

Dodecaped, Persian myth animal II 397-9

Dodona, black doves of I 443

Dodonian Jupiter, identified w underworld I 463

Dog(s) II 54

embryo of, & human II 258
Erataoth in alchemy II 115n
Mercury as, (vigilance) II 28
wolf, fox mate w II 287


asuras of theology & II 59
Atlantean origin of II 273
born of phallic worship I 264n
Christian, fr heathen I 400-1
crude, of theology I 613
current religious II 1
curse on man II 410
effect of Christian II 484
of Egyptian clergy I 312, 363
every baby a new soul I 171
exoteric, often altered I 312
fallen angels a Christian II 103
historical facts become II 776
kills primeval truth II 797
Lemurians knew no II 272
Mysteries & II 124
of natural selection II 185
not-to-be-questioned II 383
Plato's paradigms & Christian II 268
Secret Doctrine not imposed as II 261
supernatural belongs to II 194
universal, in nature I 415
Zohar twisted into Christian II 476


assertions of science & theology II 349
true scientists are not I 514

Dogme et Rituel. See Levi, E.

Dog Star (Sirius), Mercury, Budha & II 374

Dolichocephalae (ic)

African races are now II 193n
of America & Guanches II 792


builders of I 209n; II 750, 753-4
Cyclopean origin of I 209n
European, Pelasgic, pre-Inca II 753
not meant for tombs II 752-3
various, described II 752


Hindu sign Makara or II 577-8
Poseidon or Neptune became II 577, 775
Triton both man & II 578

Dolphin, soundings on Atlantic continent II 333, 793


angel given, of outermost sphere II 233 &n
copy of ancient prototypes I 92
rule over sixth world (Syrian) I 435

Dondampai-denpa (Tib), Paramarthasatya or I 48n

Don Juan, Zeus the Greco-Olympian II 420

Donnelly, Ignatius

——— Atlantis: The Antediluvian World
Aryan arts & sciences Atlantean II 266n
Atlantic ridges II 333, 782 &n, 792-3
caveman not a monster II 741n
Challenger, Dolphin chart II 333, 792-3
defends Plato's Atlantis II 761n
future knowledge of Atlantis II 793
giants built Cholula pyramid II 276n
Greek, Roman, & modern institutions originated in
Miocene II 746n
modern civilization Atlantean II 782n
origin of culture in Miocene II 782n
Peru colony of Atlantis II 745
proved sunken civilizations II 786n
publication of II 221n, 791
q Renan on Egypt II 334
"Testimony of the Sea" II 782n

Dordogne, Caves of II 522

Dorjechang (Tib), Vajradhara, First Logos, or I 571

Dorjesempa (Tib)

indestructibility in hereafter I 52n
Vajrasattva or I 52 &n, 571

"Do the Adepts, . . ." See Blavatsky, H. P.

Douay Bible, followed in Secret Doctrine I 128n

Double(s). See also Astral Body, Chhayas, Pitris, Root-Race — First

agnishvattas have no astral II 78
astral, of Aeneas II 771
bhuta or astral II 102n
body &, may be miles apart I 234
dragon or monad II 57
-faced II 294, 575
human, of rishis appear as kings I 442
not devils as Church holds I 235-6
pitris evolve astral I 174-5, 180, 183, 248; II 120

Double Sexed. See Androgyne, Hermaphrodite

Double Triangle. See also Six-pointed Star, Triangle

Fohat central point of I 216
six directions of space or I 118
various equivalents of I 118

d'Ourches. See Ourches


Christian anima mundi I 402-3
fiery serpent, seraph & I 441-2
numerical expression of II 466
sacred to Venus I 402
sent fr Ark II 145
symbol of Holy Ghost, Spirit I 81n, 354, 363, 402-3
two black, fr Egypt to Dodona I 443
water, fire, cross & I 384

Dover, Straits of, once dry land II 324, 326, 746n

Dowler, Dr Bennett, found skeleton 57,000 years old II 352, 753n

Downward Cycle. See Arc, Descending

Dowson, John

——— A Classical Dictionary of Hindu Myth. . . .
Brahma, Hansa Vahana I 80
Budha author of Vedic hymn II 498
date of Parasara I 456n
Hiranyagarbha I 89
Ila, Ida II 147-8
janarloka I 116
Kasyapa II 253
kumaras I 457n
seven worlds discussed I 115-16
Vishnu as Kalki avatara I 87
Visvakarma II 559, 605

Drach [Drack], "Chevalier"

on Hebrew & pagan lightning I 467
rabbi kabbalist, converted to Catholicism II 476n

Draco (constellation)

Lesser Bear or I 411
once the pole star II 31-2n
seven-headed, & serpent I 411
symbol of Naasenian messiah II 356


ancient divining rocks II 346
not works of nature II 347
once covered the globe II 380, 756
plans of, destroyed by bishops II 347
prove ancient doctrines II 756
serpents, builders, architects & II 380

Draco Volans (Lat) flying dragon, based on actual creature II 387

Dragg [Drac], meteoric fires in Languedoc II 206n

Draghedanum [Droghedanum] "Sepulcrum," devil's tomb in England II 206n

Dragon(s) II 201, 209-19, 377-90, 400. See also Adepts, Initiates, Nagas, Serpents

adepts, initiates I 404, 408-9; II 94n, 210, 212, 215, 280n, 353, 355, 501, 504
angels w, bodies II 26
of Apocalypse II 31-2n
Apophis I 459
Assyrian, "scaly one" II 354
Bel &, w Ophites II 379, 503
black storm- II 425
in books of Hermes II 25
born of fire & water I 470
breaking heads of II 505
Central Asia inhabited by II 203
Chaldean, male principle II 104
Chinese I 408; II 26-7, 203, 205-6, 209-10, 280n, 364-5
Clement's cruel definition of II 280n
constellations of the I 408, 657; II 352-3
cosmic, of Kasyapa-Aditya II 382n
cosmological interpretation of II 386
crocodile (Egyptian) I 219
Danavas, Titans, or II 381
of Darkness, Light I 412
of the Deep II 53, 61, 183, 477, 503-5
devil or I 194; II 98, 506
double II 57
evil, doesn't exist II 53, 505
Fall & II 104
fallen angel, now symbol of II 506
fiery, of wisdom II 212
first disciples of dhyanis II 210
flying II 206 &n, 207n, 387, 486, 516
four hidden, of wisdom I 409
four-mouthed II 204
glyph for astral light I 73
of Gnostics, Ophites II 386-7
golden, or Kwan-shi-yin I 452
of good II 25-6
Gould on II 217-18, 280n
Great, (Draco) II 32n, 353, 355
Great or Old, is Deluge II 351-3
guard Trees of Knowledge I 128-9n
highest, lowest meanings of II 355
Hindu-Buddhist I 407
Jehovah as, tempted Eve I 73
Makara, crocodile, or II 354
mid-Atlanteans called II 756
Nidhogg (Norse) I 211
Phaeton awakened polar II 770n
polar I 407; II 274, 770n, 771n, 786
prove antiquity of man II 208
Python is Greek demon II 383, 771n
Raphael or I 127n; II 115n
red II 93-4, 379, 513, 771n
reports of seeing, killing II 207
of Revelation I 194, 407; II 93n, 354-5 &n, 383-5, 484-5, 497, 506, 771n
sacred nature of, (Aelianus) II 355
St John's, & Atlantean magic II 356
St Michael mastered II 94n, 378
secret of, given to initiates II 504
septenary meaning I 407-8; II 208, 355
serpents & II 204-10, 354-6
sidereal, ever divine I 407
Sigurd ate heart of I 404
-slayers II 212, 380, 384-5
stories of II 206-7
symbolic & actual II 217-18
symbol Moon's ascending & descending nodes I 403
symbol of Sun II 380
symbol of wisdom I 657; II 26, 210
Tahmurath kills II 397
tail of, & Rahu II 381
temples sacred to II 380
third race instructors, adepts II 210
Tiamat or II 384, 503
various names for II 354-6, 379-80, 485-6
Virgin or Madonna crushes I 403
waters of flood & Great I 460
winged, of Medea (Levi) I 253n
Yellow II 365

"Dragon de Metz, Du". See Lenoir, M. A.

Dragon(s) of Wisdom II 22, 377

adepts & initiates II 203, 210, 353
blazing, or Logos I 71-2
crocodile is really a I 219
fallen angels are II 230
fiery serpents are not II 212
four hidden, or four quarters I 408-9
is the One, or Eka (Saka) I 73
Kwan-shi-yin or I 470, 472
of Revelation 12 II 384n
Satan has become II 234, 507
Sun-god or II 507

Dragon Seat, Chinese emperor's throne II 364

Dragon's Head, Tail, ascending & descending nodes I 403; II 381

Dracon, Drakon (Gk). See also Draco, Dragons

Greek for dragon II 210
synonym for "evil one" II 206n

Draper, John William

——— History of the Conflict between Religion and Science.
permanent record of events I 104

——— History of the Intellectual Development of Europe
Crusaders led by goose, goat I 357
European man 250,000+ years old II 750n

Dravidians II 768, 790

Dreag, Bretagne, will-o'-the-wisps II 206n


Aeschylus q on II 413
astral light &, (Levi) I 259n
early Atlanteans had no II 761
novelists & occult II 317n
relative reality of I 566
sleep too deep for II 701
soul produces I 631

Dreamless Sleep I 47; II 701

Drogheda, devil's castle, Ireland II 206n

Droles, les (Fr) [ruffians] pagan "plagiarists" called II 482

Drop, assumes spherical shape I 98n

Dropides (Plato's 4x great-grandfather), friend of Solon II 743n

Drought(s), turn prehistoric lands into desert II 503

Drouk (Brittany), devil II 206n


believed in rebirth II 760
believed in succession of worlds II 756
called themselves snakes II 380
circles, dolmens of I 209n
deity of, symbolized by serpent II 756
egg of I 368
fires of II 759
heirs to cyclopean lore II 754
historical men, not Cyclopes II 343
origin of, religion & priests II 756-7
say Neptune greeted Noah I 444n
seven souls, principles of II 632
understood Sun in Taurus, etc II 759

Druidical Temple, hinging stones of Salisbury Plain II 343

Druses, seven mandragoras of II 27

Drushim, Book of. See Luria, Isaac

Dryden, John

——— Cleomenes
on virtue I 644

——— [Religio Laici]
"Some few whose lamps . . ." I 273


ancestor or descendant of man? II 675
brain of, & missing link II 676
gorilla, chimpanzee compared to II 676, 733
Thenay flints made by, (Gaudry) II 748
thinking man not fr II 688n
unchanged since Pliocene II 678

Duad I 355

chaos or I 433
cosmic, androgynous substance I 621n
doubled makes tetrad II 599
imperfect, detached state II 575
Jewish deity manifested II 543
monad &, re finite, infinite I 426
mother & daughter of Logos I 426
mother, evil I 614, 618

Dual (ism, ity)

every element is I 469
life a, force I 604
lotus symbol of I 57-8
manas is I 334
in Mazdean religion II 517
no radical, in Stanzas I 196
origin of I 15-16
poles of nature I 257
in Pythagorean decad I 616
Verbum of pagan Gnostics was II 515

Du Bois-Reymond, Emil Heinrich

an agnostic, not a materialist II 650n
materialism of I 518
opposed Darwinistic heredity II 711n
opposed Haeckel II 650 &n, 651, 656, 664, 673

——— Ueber die Grenzen . . .
Haeckel & Homer's genealogies II 656
Haeckel juggled words II 663n
on the processes of nature I 485n
psyche beyond material causes II 650n
substance eludes the senses I 670

Du Chaillu, Paul B., accused of lying II 440

Duck. See also Goose, Swan

in Kalevala lays golden eggs II 122

Dufferin, Lord, discovered hieroglyphs in Canada II 430

Dugpa(s) (Tib). See also Sorcerers

power of II 221n
swastika on idols of II 586

Dujardin-Beaumetz, G. O., called protoplasm "sarcode" II 153n

Dula (Skt), a Pleiad II 551

Dulaure, J. A., dated zodiacs 6500 BC I 652

Dumas, Jean Baptiste A., q by Winchell on composite nature of elements I 543n

Dumbbell (nebula), resolvable I 598n

Duncan, Dr Peter Martin, "Address of President of Geological Society," gas absorption & Sun's heat I 102n

Dunlap, S. F.

——— Sod, the Mysteries of Adoni
on Aesculapius I 353
defines Sod as Mysteries II 212n

——— Sod, the Son of the Man
Fetahil creates Earth I 194-5 &n
rebellious genii I 195-6
spirit female w Nazarenes I 194n

——— Vestiges of the Spirit-History of Man
older & younger Horus I 348

Duomo of Milan II 85

Dupuis, C. F.

misled by mutilated works II 620

——— L'Origine de tous les cultes . . .
dragon of Apocalypse II 32n
serpents as healers II 26n
on zodiacal signs I 652

Duran, Father Diego, Historia de la Indias . . . , giants built Cholula pyramid II 276n


aspect of the Absolute I 43
conditioned & unconditioned I 62
Kronos as endless I 418
matter, motion, space & I 55
nothing on Earth has real I 37
Osiris king of I 437
time & I 37, 43, 87

Durga (Skt)

Devi-, wife of Siva I 91
maya, illusion or I 396
Virgin-, most ancient deity I 657-8

Durga Kali (Skt), goats sacrificed to II 579


Adam of I 242n, 247; II 81, 86, 112n, 457-8
animals fr cast-off II 180
clay, man's body of I 225; II 37
cosmic I 74, 107, 167, 201, 609
Fohat collects fiery I 144, 201

Duti, Dutica, sacred prostitute I 472


moral religious II 176
of an occultist I 589
royal high road of I 643

Dvadasa-kara (Skt) [twelve-handed, name of Karttikeya], peacock, zodiac, etc II 619

Dvadasaksha (Skt), twelve-eyed II 619

Dvapara Yuga II 308n. See also Yugas

differs for each race II 147n
Diti frustrated in II 614
length of II 69, 147
occurs in Bharata (varsha) II 322
of third root-race II 520n
Vedas divided in every II 146n
Vishnu as Veda-Vyasa in II 483

Dvija (Skt). See also Twice-Born

ancient Brahmin initiates I xxi, 209
cycles known to II 70
descended fr sons of God I 209
inner sense of symbolism & II 469
reborn second time (initiation) II 462

Dvipa(s) (Skt) island, continent

Atala one of II 402, 408
concentric rings of II 758-9
continents or II 155
dissolution of seven I 257, 373
enumerated II 404n
five races, islands & II 322
Jambu-dvipa terrestrial Earth II 326
karshvars & II 758-9
Meru north of all II 401n
rakshasas, daityas on White II 288
seven II 326, 403
seven, of Atlantis II 350, 405-6
seven, or planetary chain II 320
seventh, or Pushkara II 319
six destroyed (Wilford) II 406n, 409
surrounded by wine, curds II 320-1
Sveta-, or Lemuria II 264, 319, 366 &n, 584
two (Saka, Pushkara) to come II 404-5
among Zoroastrians II 758-9

Dwaita (Dvaita) Vedantin sect I 79n, 451

Dwapara Yuga. See Dvapara Yuga

Dwarf(s) II 331, 425, 443

African II 433n
Atlantean II 433n
forge Thor's hammer II 99
giants &, in mythology II 754
incarnation of Vishnu I 112
Moola Koorumba of Nilgiri Hills II 445

Dwergar [Dvargar] (Norse) "dwarfs"

Turanians or, driven north II 754

Dwija. See Dvija

Dwipas. See Dvipas

Dyaus (Skt) sky, heaven

Brahma merges into I 376
Latin Deus fr Aryan I 347
Surya son of, & Aditi I 101

Dynaspheric Force, Keely & I 560-1

Dynasties. See also Divine Kings

Atlantean II 350
of Atlantean spirit-kings II 222
Chinese II 54n, 281, 302, 365, 368
Egyptian II 32n, 431-2, 436
Hindu I 378, 388; II 456
numberless, before Adami II 453-4
Persian II 396-8
solar-lunar, & Budha II 456
three divine, were three races II 369

Dyooknah [Dyoqna] (Aram)

divine phantom II 457
shadow or, (Kabbala) II 268

Dzahhak, Nabatheans & II 453

Dzenodoo [Zen-do] (Japanese), ascetics of Kioto & jewels I 173

Dzungarian, "Mani Kumbum" I 43n

Dzyan. See Book of Dzyan, Stanzas of Dzyan

Dzyu (Tib), becomes Fohat I 107-8

Dzyu-mi (Tib), false appearance I 108

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