Index to The Secret Doctrine — prepared by John P. Van Mater

- Gm-Gz -

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Gnana. See Jnana

Gnana-Devas. See Jnanadevas

Gnatha. See Jnata


earthly, money, wealth I 294n
fire elementals & II 427
influence on some people I 294n
sylphs, etc derided today I 606

Gnosis (Gk) knowledge, wisdom I 72n

echo of archaic doctrine I 449
Gnostic, rested on square II 573
of John & Jesus II 566
Mahat first-born of jnana or I 62
serpent mystery the highest I 405
seventh principle of, hidden I 278

Gnostic(s). See also Aeons, Gnostic Gems, Marcus, Pistis Sophia, Valentinus

Abraxas of II 474, 565
Aeons of, & Anugita II 569n
aim of, schools & Buddhism I 668
Alexandrian, & initiation I 416
Catholic &, astrolatry I 402
Chnouphis is Christos of II 210n
Christian, edited Zohar I 214
Christos of I 132n; II 540
Church mutilated, systems I 350
creators were lower gods II 61, 96
dragon was Son w II 355
five sacred words of II 580
genii of seven planets II 538 &n
gnosis of, rested on square II 573
Horus the, Christ II 587
iconography of, fr India II 565
identified Jehovah w evil I 197
knew mystery language II 574
light-shadow, good-evil II 214
mystery gods of II 539-42
Nazarenes were II 96n
numerical value of Christ I 322
Ophios-Christos as Logos of I 364
Ophites were Egyptian II 386
opinion of Jewish God II 95n, 96, 235
Peratae- II 356, 577-8
philosophy of I 197
phoenix, man-lion of II 564 &n
planetary origin of monad I 577
rounds, races, figures II 618
Satan angel of matter II 235
savior, Agathodaemon II 458
sects founded by initiates II 389
serpent I 73, 404, 410, 472; II 208, 210, 280n, 386-7
seven angels of II 611
seven arts of enchantment II 641
seven heavens II 563
seven vowels of I 73, 410-11; II 280n, 458, 563, 565
Sophia of, Holy Ghost I 72n
tau or procrustean bed of II 573
teachings faithful to Secret Doctrine II 96n
tetrad, etc I 351, 448
various Adams of II 458
Verbum or Son dual II 515
view of God, archangels I 198
wisdom of Hindu origin II 570

Gnostic Gems II 604

allegorical monsters on II 565
Horus depicted on II 474
pre-Christian II 564n
serpent symbol I 472-3; II 210
seven-rayed Iao I 227n; II 541
symbols fr India II 565, 570
symbols of five races II 458

Gnosticism, Sects, Schools

based on correct symbolism II 389
Christian, & Neo-Platonism I xliv
influence of Buddhistic theosophy I 668
Jehovah personated Christ in II 508

Gnostics and Their Remains. See King, C. W.

Gnyana. See Jnana


androgyne, of Mendes I 253
in army of crusaders I 357
Azazel or I 441-2n; II 389n
Capricornus & II 578-9
-men II 54, 63
of Mendes or astral light I 253
sacrificed to Durga Kali II 579
scape-, of Israel II 389n, 510
symbol of, among Gnostics II 386
witches' sabbath, Pan & II 510

Gobelin, De. See Court de Gebelin

Gobi Desert II 324. See also Shamo

deluge changed, into a sea II 5
extension of ancient continent II 327
formed in last glacial period II 502-3
future continents & II 404n
immortal man found refuge in II 372
island in, now an oasis II 220, 503
Kalki avatara & region of II 416n
Sahara & II 405
Sambhala island in II 319
"Sea of Knowledge" once in II 502-3
statues discovered in II 331

God. See also Anthropomorphic, Deity, Personal Gods, Unknowable

Advaitis view of I 636; II 598
altar to the Unknown I 327
anthropomorphic, denied I 499n
anthropomorphic, w four-letter names II 601-2
author of nature I 412
Buddhists have no personal I 635
Buddhist, Vedantin on I 636
came to West fr phallic source I 346-7
cause of mind, spirit, light (Pymander) I 285
Christian & Hindu II 472
Christian, & Sun, Jupiter II 540
Christian, not the Unknowable I 391
collective being II 239
commands another god (Genesis) I 336-7
consuming fire I 121-2; II 114
covenant w Abraham II 508
"created in man's image" rejected I xx
creative, of Jews II 543-4
Devil & I 235-6, 412-18, 421
"dwelleth not in temples" I 327
elohim or I 139; II 488
evolution of the, -idea I 326
extracosmic, & intelligent forces I 529
extracosmic, fatal I 529, 569; II 41
Father in Pymander I 74n
finite, imperfect, rejected I 533
form of, shall not be limited II 279n
geometrizes (Plato) II 39, 41
Gnostic view of, & archangels I 198
God of Jews is not, (Basilides) I 350
good & evil fr I 412
gravity is, matter its prophet I 492
heavenly bodies temples of I 578
fr Hebrew yodh, yod I 347
of human dogma rejected I 9
a hypothesis (Laplace) I 498, 576n
inner II 272
is a circle (Pascal, Cusa) II 545
is light, Satan shadow of II 510
is man in Heaven (Levi) II 584
is number w motion (Balzac) I 67
Israelite's, a tribal god II 507-8
Jesus rebelled against commandments of I 576-7
Jewish-Christian, lunar symbol I 391
Jewish, genius of Moon & Saturn II 540
Jupiter &, hurled thunderbolts I 467
"Lead us not . . ." addressed to I 414
life & motion of universe I 3n
Logos is the, of Genesis II 1-2n
Lord, agent provocateur II 387
Lord, of Genesis 2 is elohim II 1-2n
manifested, in nature I 292
man is, on Earth (Levi) II 584
Maqom rabbinical symbol of II 612
of Moses a temporary substitute I 374
-names key to Bible II 536-45
names of, & Michael II 480
names of, in India II 114
in nature acceptable I xx
never used for first Principle II 555
Newton's I 492, 498
no being, no thing I 352
not fr word good I 347
one w nature I 412
orthodox, shaped by man I 9
passive, becomes active I 281n
predestination of, (Calvinism) II 304n
St Michael & II 478-9
Satan &, anthropomorphized I 412; II 507
Satan, Devil, son of, [Job] I 412, 414; II 376, 378, 477, 489
Satan, in manifested world II 235, 515
Satan scapegoat for Christian I 412
Semite, tempts, curses man I 383
seven-lettered, & Jehovah I 410
shadow of man's imagination I 635
should not be given form (Levi) II 536
in space, Christ, Logos II 483
spirit of, aspired II 576
"such is the will of" II 304
Sun the highest II 361
two hypotheses re, of Bible II 472-3
of the Unknown Darkness I 425
weaving garment of, (Goethe) I 83
who curses not infinite II 384n
Zeus a jealous II 419-20

God and His Book. See Ross, W. S.

Goddess(es). See also Mother, Virgins

connected w "M" & water II 65
demiurgical I 399
Diana-Luna I 395
lunar gods & I 387-8, 396, 399-400, 403; II 23, 31-2
Moon & I 228-9 &nn, 264; II 76
nemesis made into a II 305n
of the seven stars II 547

Godefroy, N. P.

——— La Cosmogonie de la revelation
prefers Kabbala over science I 506
rotation & centrifugal force I 499

Godh (Sax), Gott, & God I 347


Central Sun & the II 240n
union of three persons in I 381, 668-9


cannot be divorced fr evil I 413
evolution of I 326-7

God in History. See Bunsen, C. C. J.

God of Wine II 363

Gods. See also Angels, Chohans, Deities, Devas, Dhyani-Chohans, Divine Kings, Fall, Kumaras, Pantheism, Polytheism, Rectors, Suras, War in Heaven

addressed in own language I 464
agents of universal harmony II 99
ancient, fr Lemuria II 769
ancients called planets I 2n
Aristotle rejected I 493
arupa II 318n
asuras opposing II 78
autogeneration of I 398
avataras are fallen II 483-4
become no-gods or asuras II 237, 248
believers & non-believers in I 611
beneficent, maleficent II 477
bodies of I 489
bore, nursed, instructed man II 358
Brahma radiates I 447
bright shadow of, (third race) II 268
circle of necessity of II 303
confusion in genealogies of II 42
conscious spiritual egos I 632
cosmic, cannot reach Alaya I 48
cosmic, fr four higher principles I 292
"created the Heavens & the Earth" I 374
created, would be unjust I 221-2
creative, often degraded II 471-2
creators were the lowest II 96
defeat daityas by ruse I 422-3
defeated by daityas I 419
demigods, mortals & II 368
departed (became invisible) II 273
descend, ascend (zodiac) II 357
die — hence mayavic I 54n
disappear in maha-pralaya I 373n
dragons or II 355
dynasties of, recorded II 367-72
on Earth I 369
elements, elementals, & I 461; II 273
enlighten third race adepts II 211
evolved protoplasmic human forms I 282
fall into generation II 231n, 232
fire II 34, 381, 578
first, androgynous II 130
Fohat objectivized thought of I 111
forsake Earth II 358, 785-6
four-armed Hindu II 294-5
four classes of II 240-1
"fr, to men, fr worlds to atoms" I 604
genii &, within the Plenum I 569
genii fulfill will of I 294-5
God vs, discussed I 492-3n
Hebrew tribal, worship of II 274
Hermetic, genii, daimones, theoi I 288n
heroes &, of antiquity II 172
human once I 106; II 322
husbands of their mothers I 91 &n
incarnated in early men II 373n, 483
incarnate in new manvantara II 232
incarnation of solar I 656
inmetalization & I 188
intelligent architects I 632
interference of I 498
jealousy of II 283
Lords (pl) in Genesis II 81
lotus symbol & Egyptian solar I 385
male, became Sun-gods II 43
"man has become as one of us" I 493n
manifested theogony starts w I 434
man-like, of Hindus II 377
man will be freed fr false II 420
many, (St Chrysostom) I 465n
many, (St Paul) I 465
men &, fr one source II 24
minor, & God-principle I 465n
minor, carry symbols of higher II 545-6
minor, regents of zodiacal signs II 358
-monads-atoms discussed I 610-34
names of, change each age II 90
national, tribal I 421-2
no speculation beyond manifested II 42
noumena of phenomena II 517-18
numbers & II 575 &n
orders of I 438-9, 672
of our fathers, our devils II 32n
patriarchs & I 349
perish not, but are reabsorbed I 36n
planetary, source & head of II 608
plurality of worlds & many II 538
prayer to, re elements I 465-6
primitive names connected w fire- II 114
principles of, are monads & atoms I 633
proceed fr First Cause II 108
produced in Primary Creation I 446-7
reborn in various kalpas II 248
refused to create I 192; II 92-3
regents of worlds, rishis or I 99
river-, sons of the ocean I 345n
sacrificing to, (Exodus) I 402n
Satan eldest of II 234
secondary, are nature forces II 78-9n
septiform pantheon of II 765
seven Babylonian II 5
seven, descend each new cycle I 434-5
seven great, of Egypt I 127
seven great, or Dioscuri II 361
seven, of Chaldean Genesis II 2, 35, 61-2
seven primeval II 514
sidereal, & initiates I 653
solar & lunar II 427
strife betw, & the Raumas II 182
Sun-, discussed II 379, 381-3
Syrian, fourteen classes of I 435-6
temples of God I 578
theogony of creative I 363, 424-45
theos, theoi or, (Plato) I 2n; II 545
"Thou shalt not revile the" I 492-3n; II 477
330 million, in India I 71n; II 90
three classes of, & fourth II 241
Titans &, rebelled against Zeus II 776
twelve great, Apostles, zodiac I 400
walked the Earth II 273
war betw asuras & II 63, 384n
were once men II 255 &n
"ye shall be as" II 279

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von

archetype of, discussed II 737
believed many worlds inhabited II 706

——— Faust
weaving the garment of God I 83

Gogard (Avestan Tree of Life) II 97

Goladhyaya of the Siddhanta-siromani, dvipas, lokas, etc II 321

Golcar, rocking stones of II 344

Gold I 364, 409; II 271, 520

Golden Age. See also Satya-Yuga

Astraea descends to renew II 785
dawn of new root-race II 785
early man started in a II 722
every race, sub-race has II 198
first root-race & II 121, 270, 271
Plato's II 264, 372-3
of Saturn (Kronos) II 372-3, 421, 777
of sixth sub-race II 147n
of third race II 520n
when gods walked the Earth II 273
Yggdrasil lasts till end of II 520

Golden Apples, Apollodorus on legend of II 770n

Golden Calf

higher classes worship I 578
of our age I 675

Golden Cow (India). See Cow

Golden Egg(s). See also Brahma, Eggs, Hiranyagarbha, Mundane Egg

Absolute All could not evolve I 8
Aryan birds that lay II 122
Kalahansa or Brahm lays I 359
seed becomes I 333, 350
surrounded by elements I 65-6
symbol of manifest kosmos I 556

Golden-Winged Cup (the Sun), Phoibos-Apollo arises out of II 383

Goldstucker, Theodor, Sanskrit Dictionary, on arani II 524 &n

Golgotha, of life I 268

Goliath [I Samuel 17:4] II 336

Gonpa (Tib) [lamasery], cave libraries in I xxiv

Good, J. M., on monad I 570

Good, the Supreme, (Plato) II 554. See also Agathon

Good & Evil I 343; II 25-6, 60, 303. See also Evil

Adam, Eve ignorant of II 95n
in all manifested worlds II 214
aspects of the same Unity I 235-6
cannot exist alone I 73, 413-14; II 96, 162, 214, 477
Christ & Satan as forces of II 497
Church's extreme views of I 235-6
discussed I 413-14; II 162, 303-5, 488
Divine contains both I 411-12
karma & II 477, 510n
knowledge of II 81, 124, 210, 214-15, 279, 292-3
light & darkness as I 412
man is both II 515
mankind determines, (karma) II 512
no such thing as, per se II 162
one completes the other II 214
origins of concept of II 412
Ramayana struggle betw II 495
seven gradations of II 212
Tree of Knowledge of I 247; II 4, 124, 214-15, 293, 626n
twin brothers I 412; II 96

Goose. See also Duck, Kalahansa, Swan

Egyptian sacred bird I 353
lays golden eggs II 122
symbol of I 79-81, 355, 357-8

Gordon-Cumming, accused of lying II 440

[Gore, Nilakantha], Rational Refutation . . . , on akasa I 296n

Gorgon, sparks on head of I 338n

Gorilla. See also Anthropoid, Ape

brain capacity of II 682n
Dryopithecus compared w II 733
every bone of, varies fr human II 315n, 681, 687
evolved fr lower anthropoids II 193
fr fourth round man & extinct mammal II 683
man's likeness to II 287, 677-8
not missing link II 676
will become extinct II 263

Gorresio, Abbe G., Pulastya & Cain I 415

Gospels I 570n

borrow fr Book of Enoch II 531
four angels, elements & I 127n; II 114 &n
four, only (Irenaeus) I 42
little ones (initiates) in II 504
meanings perverted in I 226
production of Church II 230

Gosse, P. H., The Romance of Natural History, charges against Madame Merian II 440 &n

Gothic Deities (seven) II 603

Gotras, caste-races of Brahmans II 502

Gott (Ger) God

four-letter German God II 602
fr Hebrew yodh I 347

Gougenot des Mousseaux, H. R.

makes Epaphos into Christ II 414-15

——— Dieu et les Dieux
prophetic or mad stones II 345-6

——— Les Hauts Phenomenes . . .
on Eastern phallicism (IU q) II 85
q Father Felix I 670

Gould, Charles

——— Mythical Monsters
antiquity of civilization II 311-12
Chinese dragon explained II 280n
Croll on geologic eras II 9, 695, 715n
Darwin on Cambrian period II 688n
Darwin on Earth's crust II 10n
dragon & unicorn factual II 217-19
man on submerged Atlantis II 219, 429
men w two faces II 302
monsters & men II 55, 218, 293n
more geologic time needed II 688n
new discoveries suspect II 440-1
period betw Paleo- & Neolithic man II 715n
on Shan-Hai-King II 54n
tropical vegetation in Greenland II 11
Wallace on Lemuria II 7-8

Governors, seven, of Hermetics I 440, 480, 601; II 2n, 97, 103, 236n, 267

Grace, materialization of Divine II 498

Grain(s), brought fr other spheres II 373-4

Gramanis, yakshas or minor gods II 211

Grandezze del Archangelo . . . See Marangoni

Grandidier, Ludwig II 668

Grass, & animals interdependent II 290n, 373


Greeks called, winged serpents II 205
Jews were as, to giants II 336, 340
Moses permitted eating of I 80n

Gratiolet, Pierre

on brain of apes, men II 682
fallacies of, re man & ape II 681

Gravity, Gravitation. See also Attraction

attraction & repulsion I 513, 604
bodies not under, (Airy) I 584n
cause of rotation, revolutions I 501
causes of I 513, 529-30
dual force, cosmic magnetism I 497
as force in open space I 511
hydrodynamical theories of I 486
is God, matter its prophet I 492 Kepler on I 497-9
merely a word (de Maistre) I 604
Newton on I 478-9, 490-1
rotary motion &, theories I 504-6
secondary effect of other causes I 484, 490
tails of comets & I 504

Gray, Dr Asa, on Asian land bridge II 783

Great Age I 36, 63, 372; II 308n. See also Maha-yuga

Great Bear (constellation). See also Ursa Major

called Riksha, Chitra-Sikhandinas I 227n, 453; II 631
circle of, & ankh-cross II 547
Mother of Time (Egyptian) I 227n
seven builders, rishis of I 213 &n, 357n
seven stars of, (Massey) I 227n, 407; II 631
seven stars (rishis) of I 198, 227n, 453; II 89n, 318n, 488-9, 549, 550, 768

Great Beast, & number 666 I 655n

Great Book of the Mysteries, seven lords create seven men II 212

Great Breath I 2, 11, 12n, 147, 496. See also Breath, Divine Breath, Manvantara

aspect of the One Reality I 14
becomes Divine Breath I 43
Christos anointed by II 23
Day of Brahma II 6 &n
differentiates in 1st atom I 455
digs seven holes in laya I 147
eternal ceaseless motion I 2, 43, 282, 455
Father, Mother, Son & I 41
is, yet is not I 43
as the One Life I 226n
outbreathing, inbreathing I 4, 43
precosmic ideation I 15
reentering, is paranirvana I 266
root of individual consciousness I 15
smaller breaths & I 496

Great Britain, will sink II 266

Great Day, end of seventh round II 491

Great Deep. See also Abyss, Chaos, Mother, Waters

Aditi, Chaos, Shekhinah or I 460; II 527
chaos or female power in nature I 431
water is I 460; II 65

Great Dragon or Deluge

respects serpents of wisdom II 351, 355
waters of the flood or I 460

"Greater Gods of Olympos." See Gladstone

Great Extreme (of Confucius)

Boundless Age or I 356
Parabrahman or II 553
short & suggestive cosmogony I 440
symbol used by Taoists, others II 554

Great Four (karmic gods), Four Maharajas or II 427 &n

Great Mother I 43, 81, 291, 434; II 83, 384n, 416, 462, 503

Great Pyramid (Cheops, Gizeh). See also Pyramids

built at beginning of sidereal year I 435
built by Atlanteans II 429
built on decimal system I 362
"coincidences" in I 314-15
date of I 435; II 429, 431-2, 435-6, 750
Holy of Holies & I 264; II 462
initiation & I 314, 317-18n; II 462, 558
measurements of I 115n, 313-15; II 465-6
sarcophagus called corn bin I 317n
sound could raise the I 555

Great Pyramid. See Wake, C. S.

Great Range II 34. See also Himalaya

"Great Sacrifice" I 207-12

Wondrous Being or I 207-8

Great Serpent Mound (Ohio)

not a tomb II 752-3 &n
symbol of eternal time II 756

Great War [Mahabharata]

date of I 369n
historical I 397

Great Year. See Sidereal Year


devas class symb as Prometheus in II95
giants of II 336, 344n
Hyperborean & S Apollo of II 769
Peruvians & Pelasgians of II 745
poetry of, & India II 450
Python, falling demon in II 486


Achaean, & tetrad II 601
adepts preserved Dendera zodiac II 432
Adonis of the II 44, 769n
ancient, fr Atlanto-Aryans II 436, 743
anthropomorphism of I 326
architecture & Vitruvius I 209n
ash tree of II 519-20
Atala, Atlantis & II 408
Atlantean civlization greater than II 429-30
atomic concepts fr Egypt I 117
before becoming Hellenes II 367
butterfly symbol of mind-soul w II 292
canons of proportion I 208n
Christian &, religions (Muller) II 764n
chronology of, fr India II 620
claimed descent fr Saturn II 768
confused Thessaly w Atlantis II 776
could not have devised zodiac I 648
cross described II 547
daimons II 508
divine dynasties of II 316
Eden (hedone) in, is voluptuousness II 203
egg symbol among I 359-60
Egyptian sages gave Solon history of II 743 &n
Enoch called Enoichion by II 529
forefathers of, destroyed II 749
in fourth century BC were moderns II286
gibborim became Titans w II 273-4
greeted morning star II 759
Helios Sun-god of II 540
Hermes of, Egypt & II 137, 367
Hindu zodiac fr, (Weber) I 647-8; II 225, 332
Indian arts & sciences not fr II 225
initiated, view of moon I 396
knew mystery language II 574
knew of polar day & night II 773
knew of second continent II 7, 11-12
Michael same as Mercury of II 481
millennium, length of II 395
myths based on truth II 236, 271, 410, 769
naturalized their gods II 770n
no, ideas came fr Egyptian (Renouf) I 402
northern origin of, gods II 769
number seven of, fr Hindus II 408, 612
"Old Time" of, w scythe I 459
origins in Miocene (Donnelly) II 746n
Poseidon-Neptune of, & dolphin II 577
rites became phallic II 362
sacrifice to the winds I 466
Sanskrit once called, dialect I xxxviii
seven vowels of, & seven races II 458
spirituality & intuition of II 158
system of sacred measures & Jewish I312-13
taught succession of worlds II 756
taught three aspects of universe I 278
tragedy, Aeschylus father of II 419
world destruction & renewal II 784
worshiped stones (Pausanias) II 341
zodiac, age of, (Volney) II 436 &n
zodiac fr India via Chaldea I 658

Greek Church

filioque dogma & II 635
inner meaning of cross in II 562
Latin Church &, idolatrous II 279
powers of darkness & angels in I 295
symbol of marriage ceremony I 614-15
wind translated spirit in John of I 226

"Greek Kabbala," of Valentinus I 310

Greek Lexicon. See Parkhurst, J.

Greek Poet (untraced), seven letters of deity II 603

Greeley, Horace, amiable infidels of society I xxii


coast sinking II 787n
part of horseshoe continent II 326, 402
part of northern continent II 423-4, 775
part of Sveta-dvipa II 327
remnant of second cont II 11-12, 138, 402
subtropical in Miocene II 11-12, 677, 726

Gregor, Dr H., denies giants II 277

Gregorie [John Gregory], Notes and Observations, Adam's body kept above ground II 467

Gregory, Pope II 587

Gregory Nazianzen, Saint, "visible things are but the shadow" II 268

Griechische Gotterlehr. See Welcker, F. G.

Griffin(s) (Persian), same as cherubim I 364n

Grihastha (Skt) householder

laws of, & married life I 210
priest of exoteric ritual II 499
those failing to attend home fires II 77-8
until begetting a son II 411n

Grimm, Jacob, Deutsche Mythologie, Flood, reanimation of race II 270

Grimm's Law, Odin & Buddha I xxix

Grip, Master Mason's, & decad II 581

Gross, J. B., Heathen Religion, preformation of lotus I 57 &n

Grote, George

——— A History of Greece
Atlantis a myth, mirage II 760
Hesiod & Homer illiterate II 440

Grotto of Zarathustra I 464

Grove, Sir William

ideas of, now accepted I 499
put to death the imponderables I 486
truth should be aim of science I 509

——— Address to British Association
solar system gradually changing I 102

——— On the Correlation . . .
ancients saw spirit in phenomena I 465
defines light I 483-4
ether as a fluid criticized by I 491
physical phenomena & motion I 496-7 &n
speaks of nature's forces I 492
storing up light I 508-9
Sun's gaseous matter & heat I 102
ultimate generating power I 469
we are ignorant of causes I 465

Grypes, & Arimaspi fr Aeschylus II 417

Guanches (Canary Islanders)

American tribes & II 740, 792
Atlantean descent of II 791
Cro-Magnon & II 678 &n, 740, 790n, 791

Guardian(s), & spirit(s), angel(s) I 104, 128n, 220, 222n, 288n, 575-6, 644, 663; II 31, 477, 478

Gubernatis, A. de I 304

Guebra, Kabiri, fire worshipers II 363n

Guf [Guph] (Heb), physical body II 633

united w lower nephesh II 457

Guha (Skt) the mysterious one

Karttikeya is the II 549
Kumara, or Karttikeya II 382

Guhya (Skt), parama, sarvatman or I 90

Guhya-Vidya (Skt) [secret knowledge], knowledge of mantras, etc I 169

Guide . . . Musee de Boulaq. See Maspero

Guide for the Perplexed. See Maimonides

Guigniaut, J. D. (transl Creuzer's Symbolik)

——— Religions de l'antiquite . . .
Dionysus Chthonios & oracles I 463
doctrine of the spirits II 369-70
psychic paganism I 461
Rig-Veda the most sublime II 484
theogonies, zodiac I 652
wisdom descends II 367

Guinness, H. Grattan

——— The Approaching End of the Age . . .
q Laycock on periodicity II 622-3n
on sevens & forms, colors, sound II 623-4

Gujerat, flight of Parsis to II 323

Gulf of Mexico, once linked to Sahara II 424

Gulf of Tartary II 327

Gull, Dr, attacks vitality theory I 540

Gultweig [Gullveig] (Norse), thrice purified gold or manas II 520

Guna(m, s) (Skt)

agents of action & I 535
seven, composed of trigunas I 348
three, aspects of prakriti II 635
triple aspect of ahamkara I 335n

Gupta Cave, storehouse of Brahmanical works I xxx

Gupta-Vidya (Skt). See also Secret Doctrine

diagram of planes & worlds of I 200
Tara & initiate's powers of II 498
twentieth-century disciple will prove I xxxviii

Gupta-Vidya Sutra, fructifying of Universal Mother I 356

Guru(s) (Skt) II 32n, 45n, 109, 626n

above sex II 458
atma-buddhi is man's II 113
Brihaspati, of gods II 498-9
of the daityas II 31
Narada surpasses Garga's II 49
teach under banyan tree II 215

Gurudeva(s) (Skt)

Catechism & I 120
dhyanis, angirasas or II 605n

Gyalugpas. See Gelukpas

Gyan, Gnan [Jnana] (Skt), King of the Peris II 394


giant described by Hesiod II 775-6 &n
stands for polar continent II 776

Gyi (knowledge) I 279

Gyu(t) (Tib), division of the Kanjur I 52n

Theosophical University Press Online Edition